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Professional Development CIED 7601- Digital Citizenship Instructional Technology Spring 2012

Instructor Information
Instructor: Alexis S. Williams Email: Yahoo Messenger: Telephone: 678-621-9876 Virtual Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 2:00pm-8:00pm Fridays and Tuesdays are by appointment only. I will be available for live chat on yahoo messenger and on Wimba Chat during 2:00pm-8:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Course Description This is a 7-week introductory course designed for professionals with little to no knowledge of digital citizenship or bases of Internet safety and censorship. This course is designed to help professionals develop proper internet skills and how to effectively and correctly incorporate technology in the classroom.

Course Learning Objectives When completing this course students will: y y y y Have a general understand of digital citizenship and its important when using the internet or incorporating internet effectively in the classroom. Be able to have an understanding and be able to identify the nine elements of digital citizenship. Be able to spread the knowledge of digital citizenship to other professionals throughout the work place. Be able to conduct or set up a small lesson on Digital Citizenship for other professionals in the work place.

Course Resources Required Material Ribble, M & Bailey, G. (2007). Digital Citizenship in Schools. Washington, DC: ISTE. ISBN: 978-1-56484-232-9 Additional Resources

y y

Required Technology: y Valid Email account y Microsoft Office y Internet Connection Course Expectations This course is a fast moving course that is not as long as full semesters of course work but you need to make sure that assignments and interactions with the other students are being met. Each of the nine principals of digital citizenship will be covered in its entirety over the six weeks. The weekly Assignments will be due on Mondays by 11:59 pm. The responses to the weekly assignments that other team members have posted are due on Wednesdays by 11:59 pm. y Weekly Scenarios: Students will receive a scenario dealing with one or two of the principals of digital citizenship that we are discussing during that week. Weekly Discussions: In addition to the weekly scenarios students will have to participate in weekly discussions. These weekly discussion will be in the form of a question about a particular subject area and ask for an opinion from the students. Students are to respond to the question no Later than Mondays by 11:59 pm. After the students have responded to the question they are to then participate by responding to two other students about their response to the same question. The responses are due on Wednesdays by 11:59 pm. Digital Citizenship Presentation: Students will pick one of the digital citizenships and create a 30 min presentation of an area of topic under this principal that the professional deems important. It should teach other professionals in the class how to integrate this in with other work professionals in the workplace. The presentations will start on Monday February 20th and will end Friday February 24th.

Course Assignments Outline Weeks Week 1 Topics Class Introductions and Intro to Digital Citizenship Assignments and Readings y Scenario 1 y Discussion One y Individual Introduction y Read chapter 1 of Digital Citizenship in Schools. y Scenario 2 y Discussion Two y Read Chapter 2 and 3 Make sure to sign up for you Digital Citizenship Presentation Time!!!

Ends 1/15 Week 2 Digital Access and Digital Commerce

Ends 1/22

Week 3 Ends 1/29 Week 4

Digital Communication and Digital Literacy

y y y y

NO Scenario this week Discussion Three Read Chapter 4 and 5 Scenario 3 and 4 (this scenario for this week is two different ones. One on cyber bullying and one on digital etiquette) Discussion Four Read Chapter 6 and 7 Scenario 5 Discussion Five: In this discussion you are to include a copy outline of your Digital Citizenship Presentation No Scenario This week No discussions Presentations start this week!!! Monday-Wednesday @6:30pm-8: 30pm No Scenario this week No discussion Presentations from finish this week Monday-Thursday @6:30pm-8: 30pm

Digital Etiquette

Ends 2/5 Week 5

Digital Law and Digital Rights and Responsibilities

y y y y

Ends 2/12 Week 6

Digital Health and Wellness and Digital Security

y y y

Ends 2/19 Week 7

Final Week

y y y

Ends 2/24 Grading Assignments Online Discussion (4 total)20pts each x 4 Scenarios (5total)15pts each x 5 Digital Citizenship Presentation- 30pts Total: 200 pts.

GRADING SCALE A 180-200pts B 160-179pts C 140-159pts D 120-139pts F Below 120 pts. Assignment Late Policy: It is necessary that all work be turned in on time. Each day the assignment is late the student will receive 10% off of the assignment. Academic Integrity

Any plagiarism of any kind is not tolerated under any circumstances. If a student is caught then the student will be pulled out of the class and is not allowed to take the class at a later time. Disability Access Statement The teacher of this course will provide special accommodations for all students with disabilities. Any student with disabilities who need special accommodations please contact the teacher at the beginning.

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