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For each test item there may be (and generally will be) more than one correct answer. Check all that apply. These test items refer to typical personal computer systems.
#1: A computer __ a) is a machine that runs programs; __ b) is made up of separate components much like a stereo system; __ c) does nothing unless there is a program in control of it; __ d) is a machine that is used to processes data. #2: "Windows" is a program that __ a) serves as an operating system; __ b) has word processing as one of its features; __ c) comes with all computers; __ d) must be installed like any other program; __ e) stays in memory the entire time our computer is on; __ f) can't work by itself (without the involvement of other programs). #3: The difference between "installing" and "loading" a program is __ a) you install a program once and load it many times; __ b) you load a program once and install it many times; __ c) you install and load a program many times; __ d) you install and load a program once; __ e) installing a program usually copies the program to a hard disk; __ f) installing a program puts the program in memory; __ g) loading a program puts the program on a disk; __ h) loading a program puts the program in memory; __ i) there is no difference between "installing" and "loading." #4: What happens when the "A" key is pressed on the keyboard? __ a) It depends on the program; __ b) An "A" (or "a") is displayed on the monitor; __ c) An "A" is stored on a disk; __ d) An "A" is stored in memory; __ e) The computer saves data. #5: When a computer is turned off __ a) everything in memory is lost; __ b) nothing is lost on the hard disk; __ c) nothing in memory is lost; __ d) everything on the hard disk is lost __ e) data is saved; __ f) programs are uninstalled. #6: An operating system __ a) is a program that must be installed; __ b) is a program that every personal computer must have to work properly; __ c) is added to a computer as part of the manufacturing process; __ d) can be used to organize files; __ e) absolutely must come with every computer sold; __ f) is the only program we must have (for the computer to work); __ g) is only needed on big computers. #7: When we install a new program __ a) we must learn new mouse and keyboard procedures to work with it; __ b) it becomes an "icon"; __ c) it lives as a file on a disk; __ d) it takes control of our computer; __ e) we must use it on a regular basis for it to keep working properly. #8: Word processing __ a) involves turning a computer into an electronic typewriter; __ b) requires a specific program; __ c) is something all modern personal computers do; __ d) is a feature of "Windows"; __ e) is essential to all computers; __ f) requires a solid understanding of how computers work. #9: If we write a letter and save it with a word processing program __ a) the letter does not vanish for good when the computer is shut off; __ b) the letter is sent out to a separate "peripheral device;" __ c) it is stored as a "file" on a disk; __ d) no one else can ever find it and read it; __ e) it cannot be erased; __ f) we can make changes to it at a later time; __ g) it must be stored on the hard disk; __ h) it must be copied into memory if we want to view it or make any changes; __ i) it is saved in the word processing program; __ j) it has no connection to the word processing program. #10: A spreadsheet program __ a) helps us work with numbers; __ b) must be used if we want to add a column of numbers; __ c) can be used to calculate a square root; __ d) cannot be used to work with string (character/text) data; __ e) cannot be learned without extensive computer knowledge; __ f) must be the Microsoft "Excel" brand if we use "Windows;" __ g) is stored as a file on a disk. #11: "Quicken," a checkbook register program __ a) is an example of a database management program; __ b) is stored as a file on a disk; __ c) stores all of our checkbook information in a file that represents a database; __ d) has no physical connection to the list of checks; __ e) must be used to make changes to our list of checks; __ f) must be used to extract information from the list of checks. #12: An inventory program would be a specific example of __ a) a database management program; __ b) a spreadsheet program; __ c) a special kind of word processing program; __ d) a financial program. #13: To send and receive e-mail we must have __ a) an e-mail program; __ b) a connection to a computer network (such as the Internet); __ c) a very fast computer; __ d) a computer that is compatible with the other computers we exchange e-mail with. #14: BASIC, COBOL, Fortran and C++ are all examples of __ a) special computer systems; __ b) programs that can be used to create programs; __ c) programming "languages;" __ d) obsolete operating systems; __ e) computer system brand names. #15: "Exiting" a program __ a) removes the program from memory; __ b) removes the program from a disk; __ c) removes the program from the monitor; __ d) puts the program to "sleep";

__ e) does not remove a program from anywhere; __ f) permanently removes a program that is no longer wanted. #16: If we write a letter with a word processing program, then exit the program __ a) the letter is removed from memory; __ b) the letter will be lost if it was not saved; __ c) the letter can never be completely lost; __ d) the letter is automatically saved; __ e) the letter is automatically deleted; __ f) the program may refuse to go. #17: All the letters we write and save with our word processing program __ a) have no physical connection to the word processing program; __ b) always stay in the computer's memory unless we delete them; __ c) cannot be read while they are on disks only; __ d) cannot be copied into the computer's memory unless the right program is first copied into memory; __ e) can only be read if they are in memory. #18: Which of the following cannot be examples of standard computer data? __ a) an address; __ b) the sound of a dog barking; __ c) a glass of water; __ d) a picture of a car; __ e) a tree; __ f) a wedding video. #19: All computer data is (are) __ a) represented by numbers; __ b) stored in programs; __ c) digital in nature; __ d) binary in nature. #20: Which of the following are not examples of computer hardware? __ a) a monitor (CRT); __ b) a calculator; __ c) a file; __ d) a CD; __ e) RAM; __ f) a hard disk; __ g) a floppy disk; __ h) a spreadsheet; __ i) a song. #21: Which of the following are not examples of computer software? __ a) "Windows"; __ b) a letter; __ c) a picture; __ d) a floppy disk; __ e) a hard disk; __ f) the Internet; __ g) a web browser; __ h) a game; __ i) e-mail message. #22: A CD-ROM drive __ a) works like a CD player on a stereo system; __ b) is a specific kind of disk drive; __ c) gives us access to files on a CD; __ d) must come with all computers; __ e) can be used to listen to music CDs; __ f) does not work unless we have speakers. #23: The ASCII code __ a) only applies to string (or character/text) data; __ b) is a world-wide standard for string data that can be used by any program on any computer; __ c) is a way to represent characters as code numbers; __ d) is only for mainframe computer systems; __ e) is a standard that makes computers compatible; __ f) must be used by all computers. #24: In a physical sense, what is on a CD-ROM or DVD? __ a) code numbers; __ b) music; __ c) information in binary form; __ d) files; __ e) programs; __ f) phone numbers. #25: Saving means __ a) copying data from memory to disk; __ b) copying data from disk to memory; __ c) preserving a program; __ d) storing data in a program. #26: Adding more memory (RAM) to a computer system __ a) allows more programs to be installed; __ b) will make the computer work faster; __ c) allows more programs to be loaded; __ d) makes the computer smarter; __ e) helps to protect data; __ f) gives us more room for files. #27: Opening (or retrieving) means __ a) copying a program or data from disk to memory; __ b) copying a program or data from memory to disk; __ c) displaying something on the monitor; __ d) protecting a letter or other information; __ e) finding information; __ f) installing a program or data. #28: Digitizing means __ a) representing anything as code numbers in binary form; __ b) using a computer to create something; __ c) working with the ASCII code; __ d) transferring data; __ e) performing calculations. #29: The ASCII code __ a) applies only to string (character/text) data; __ b) is built into the hardware of all personal computers; __ c) represents characters as numbers; __ d) is used to save all data; __ e) is used to encrypt data so it can't be intercepted and decoded. #30: If we are writing a letter with a word processing program and the power suddenly goes out __ a) we will lose everything in memory; __ b) we may lose our letter without hope of recovering it; __ c) we will definitely not lose our letter; __ d) we may lose our word processing program without hope of recovering it; __ e) we will be able to recover any part of the letter that has been saved;

__ f) memory may be damaged; __ g) information may become hopelessly scrambled. #31: MgHz (megahertz) and GHz (gigahertz) __ a) determine how fast a computer can work, in general; __ b) are measures of the processing speed of a CPU; __ c) determine which programs you can use; __ d) increase when we add more memory; __ e) determine the size of the computer monitor's screen. #32: "MIPS" stands for __ a) Millions of Instructions per Second; __ b) Memory Insertion Point Sequencing; __ c) Multiple Input Processing Standard; __ d) Musical Instrument Port Slot. #33: Two computers are compatible if they __ a) can use the same programs; __ b) can use the same data; __ c) have the same keyboard and monitor; __ d) have the same speed (megahertz or gigahertz); __ e) cost about the same; __ f) are about the same size. #34: If we have two incompatible computers __ a) they cannot use each other's programs; __ b) data created on one cannot used on the other; __ c) we can send e-mail from one to the other (provided they both have a connection to a computer network such as the Internet); __ d) they must be in different rooms; __ e) we must get rid of one. #35: Data is sent from one computer to another over a phone line. To view the data, the person on the receiving computer must __ a) have a compatible computer; __ b) have a large hard disk drive; __ c) have the same size monitor; __ d) have a program that can work with the data; __ e) copy the data into memory; __ f) be sure both computers are on. #36: Booting means __ a) turning the computer on; __ b) loading the operating system program; __ c) installing the operating system program; __ e) opening any application; __ f) preserving special files. #37: Loading means __ a) copying a program from disk to memory (where it takes control of the CPU); __ b) installing a new program; __ c) copying data into memory so we can work with it; __ d) filling up the hard disk; __ e) filling up memory. #38: A file __ a) is an icon displayed on the monitor; __ b) is a sequence of "bits" recorded on a disk, tape CD, DVD, flash drive or memory card; __ c) may be lost when we turn the computer off; __ d) is recorded on a hard disk like a song is recorded on tape; __ e) is a way of storing programs and data; __ f) is what results from saving; __ g) can be saved to memory; __ h) can be viewed directly from a disk; __ i) must be copied into memory before it can be viewed. #39: What we see on our computer monitor __ a) is whatever the current program in RAM wants to display; __ b) is an accurate description of what is in memory; __ c) must also be on a disk; __ d) has to be saved at some point; __ e) is made up of "pixels." #40: Memory (RAM) __ a) temporarily stores programs and data; __ b) loses all programs and data when the computer is turned off; __ c) holds all of our programs and data; __ d) can usually be increased; __ e) is a factor that determines the speed of a computer; __ f) is where any data must be before we can view it; __ g) capacity is measured in bytes. #41: CD-ROMs or DVDs __ a) are used to store files; __ b) contain "pits" and "lands"; __ c) contain bits and bytes; __ d) contain directions on how to use them. #42: Bits and bytes are a measures of __ a) how much memory we have; __ b) the capacity of a hard disk; __ c) how much space we have on a CD; __ d) how much information we can send over a phone or cable line in a given amount of time; __ e) the speed of the computer; __ f) the size of a file; __ g) how much storage is required by a program on a disk; __ h) how much storage is required by a program in memory. #43: A hard or floppy disk drive functions most like a __ a) tape recorder; __ b) record player; __ c) wastepaper basket; __ d) water bucket. #44: Each song on a standard music CD __ a) is stored as a data file; __ b) cannot be erased; __ c) cannot be played without a program; __ d) is measured in size in bytes. #45: "Uninstalling" a program __ a) removes the program from memory; __ b) removes the program from a disk; __ c) removes the program from the monitor; __ d) puts the program to "sleep"; __ e) does not remove a program from anywhere; __ f) permanently removes a program that is no longer wanted.

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