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...:.---- 1 ,,
- - = - t - - - J ~ :
6 Cor*lntt
Opwilllnga...:t ..apout of Coo.ihlo 7-11
Controls 7-8
Instruments 8
Hand control s, dampw,
absorter adjuet
ment 10- 11
hlore riding tha II\8ChiM f2-14
Starting tilt engine, moving away
from a standatlli. gear shift, partclpg
motor cycle on atand 12-14

Fuel -
Spark plugs $7
Breal<er gap, lilnition timing $7-38
Cylinder hMd nuta 39
Valve cleanencee 39
Clutch, w!IMI lpOk-. rima 40
Trial ruJI. final Inspection 40
Rout.ine tightening of nuts and -
tightening torquea 41
Lubrication points 42-43
W!Wiotlel ...
Removing and lnetalling front
wheel 44-<15
and inatallfng wheel 46
Fuel , engine engine oltrfl 15 Changing tlrM 47
Driving style, lmportent &afMy '\.. Bulbs, flasher unit, ru-, headlight
notes. preparing tor a journey 16-"' beam setting 46 48
faults end ramodiea 50-51
RoLtlae 18..... '
... in wlnllr? 52
Maintananca 19-41
Maintenance ec:hedule Technicll" deacr'lptlon .,.
on change 21-24
Play In steering and wheel bearings 25 Engine. system
Swinging arm pivot beatings 28 Cutawaiar..oltVot motot and
Throttle rwiat grip. brake and clutch geartox '
\ lever pivots 'E1 Carburetors
' Battery, intake air cleaner 28 Clutch
lkakes, brake fluid 2SH!2 Geertox
c:..t>uretora :D-aa Frame. rear wheel drive
Talaeeoplc front forks, rear au ..
.-.;on .,
Steering damper, dual M&l, wllaala
Brakaa, eleotrlcal ayatam 5-70
Acceleration through geere
Transmisai on
Exhaust ayatem. fuel and l ubri-
CMb n-n
Brake flui d, di mensions and weighta 78
Road ope...:t - engine speed 81
Elec1rical system. ciroult diagram 82--86
llervlclng 86-80
Warrantr 81
Flor-eeMclng 12
Why genul no BMW parts? 94
Alii eel- WI
Operation and Layout
of Controls 1. Clutch lever
2. Ignition/light switch
3. lna1ruments with separate speedo-
meter and revoluUon counter, mil ..
- recorder, trip recorder and tell-
tale llghta for brake ll)'slem, neutral
Indicator, batt..y charge, oil pree-
sure and tum Indicators
5.. Main light control switch. headlight
- ~ l m m e r switch, hom button
Controlt 7
6. Adjuater ior hydraulic steering dam-
7. Steering lock - key also lod<a dual
8. Fuel filler cap
9. Olrec1lonal s.tltch, .lllll button
10. Tension screw for throltte twist grip
11. Throttle twist grip
Fig. 1
8 Controls
12 Fuel tap
13, Cold stan (choke) lever
Gear shitt pedal
15. Center stand - side
18. Foot brake (real' whoet)
17 Loltrng
18. Ouol seat lock
19. Dual seat release button
20, Rear spring - &hod< nb9orber ad
justong lever
21 Foldong, adjustable peesanger foot-
22. Hook ror helmet
Flga. 2-4
.... wtlltl
1. wt1h miiMQI lnd trlp
2. Brake t.41181e IIQhl. red
3. -lllndiCIIOr, grMn
4. a.u.y 11411111 light. red
S. Oil P*turl 114HIM light. Ortngt
a. Tum lndlcelo< 11111111 IIQhl.
7. HM<IIIghl 111011 bMm 11111811 light.
a. flelloj llllon CCKI01Ier
0. Cloc* (only on A 10 8, II A lOll -
A 00.1 opllonll ..w.)
10. Vollll_. (only on R to a. " ..,.
- R oo.'l optlonal-.j
"" s

Combined Ignition/light twttdl 0

1: Po- dlacon.-ted, U, be ,.
2: Ptrl<lng Ught U, ctn be rtmowd
3: Ignition end 111..-rk: clrculte
curn!fll, Cl'tii'QI lnd oU Mil-
lilt ligh18 lllould .....,. on

10 H8nd CQntrola
Main light control owttclt, headlight dim-
mer owllch, horn button
Position 1: Light switched off
PoeitlOn 2: Parking light
Position 3: All lights on
Position 4: High beam
Poei1ion 5: low beam
Position 8: High beam ftasher - switch
returns automatically to po-
altlon 5
Figure 7: Hom button
f'19. 7
Dl..ctlonal swllcll, kll buiiDn, mrter
Position 1: Left tum Indicated
Position 2: Right turn Indicated
Figure 3: In an emergency, you will be
able to atop engine by moving
awttch to either one of the
"OFF" positions.
Figure 4: Depress to operate starter.
Fig. I

Tenolon acr- lor lh--grip
The carburetor throttle closes automati-
cally when the twist grip Is released;
by turning the tension scr- 5 to the
right, the closing speed can be conti n-
uously varied until the throttle remains
Hydraulic: IIMrlng damJMr
Position 0: Disconnocted - for town
Position 1: For high spoed highways
end good road aurfaces
Position 2: For winding roads and poor
Flg. 9
Fuel Uip
Position 1: Fuel tap open
PosHion 2: Fuel tap closed
Steering damper, fuel te,p, shock absorber adjustment 11
Rear auapenalon unit edjuotlng levers
Position 1: For solo riding
Position 3: Fuel tap set to "'Reserve"
Position 2: For very heavy solo riders
with baggage
Fig. 10
Position 3: For 2-up riding
Fig. 11
12 Starting the engine
Before you ride the machine
Before the mochl no lootutod ltobould be positioned upright wltll tile fuel taps open and the goer ohllt In neulrlll : the kill button
mull bo In pa.ltlon RUN" .
Starting o cold engine
Pull out the choke ful ly, switch on tile ignition - the red, green end orange tellllle lights ahouid come on.
Keep the lllrottlo 1w1tt grip cla.od and pren tha etartar button. II necsary, open tllethrottie slightly when the engine begins to
fl ...
When tho ongino haa lllrlod, pu.h bock tho choke as far as lho warm-up position when the engine beglno to Nn unevenly.
When drtvlng With cokl motor tompetature. bring choke to middle poeltlon (cli ck stop).
Startlns a wann o"911M
Do not -Nte tt.. c:lhol<a. 6wllch on the lgnHion ond press tt.. starter button. Open tile throttle twlat grip slightly (max. '/ open).
A ctutdl operated awltdl prevents acci-
dental starti ng of the engine with a gear
engaged. In this case, the starter can
only be operated if the clutch lever is
pulled to di sengage the clutch.
Always avoid re-starting the engine be-
fore it has stopped completely, or else
the flywheel gear ring or starter pinion
teeth may be damaged.
When the engine hea alarted and i s
running at a fast idl e speed, the oil
pr8$Sure (orange) and dlarge (red) tell
tale lights in the combined instrument
should go out. If the oil pressure tell-
tale light comes on while the madline Is
being ridden, de-clutdl Immediately and
switdl off the Ignition. Checl< engine oil
level: If the engine contains sufficient
oil. consult your nearest BMW deal er.
If the battery dlarge telltale light re-
mains on when the madline is being
ridden. consult your BMW dealer as
soon as convenient, or else the battery
may go flat.
Letting a warm engine Idle for extended
periods In neutral Ia harmful, since the
engine is normally cooled by air flow
ing past the cylinders.
Starting the engine, moving away, gear shift f>J
To move away from a standstiiJ, de-
cl utch by squeezing the clutch lever,
press down the gear shift lever with the
left foot (the green neutral i ndicator
light will go out), slowly release the
clutdl and at the same time slightly
open the throttle. Careful treatment of
the cl utdl will increase its operating life,
so try to avoid sudden engagement at
high engine speeds.
To shift up from 1st into 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and 5th gears, de-clutch again, at the
same time closing the throttle. Pull the
gear lever up once with the toe of the
left shoe for each upward shift, then let
In the clutch again and open the thrott-
le as needed.
To shift down from 5th to 4th, 3rd, 2nd
and 1st gears, de-cl utch and press the
pedal down once per gear, then let i n
the clutdl again smoothly.
To oelect neutral with the motor cycle
standing still: Oe-clutdl and shift to 1st
gear from 5th, 4th, 3rd or 2nd gear by
pressing down the pedal the correct
number of tlmes. After this, lift the pedal
slightly (the green neutral indicator light
will come on).
A useful hi nt : letti ng the clutch drag
slightly by partly releasing the lever will
simplify down shifts when the motor
cycle Is standing sti ll.
Fig. 12
To lilt lilt motorcycle on lhe C410'1ter
Oland, puah down on the ac-b.-et
wM your right loot. AW'J your entire
weight with your right toot on lila pad
plate ollhe center al&nd and pull tll9 mo-
tor cycle upwards end to lilt rur by
mHnt of lhe gf11b handle. To lcMp the
machine belanced and guide It on to lhe
atand, hold lhe hAindleber wtlll the lett
Break-in Instructions
e .. n the rnoet carefully mactllned rota!
lng end alldlng of lhe mo-
tor cycle can only -lop their final
ultr .... moolh flnlah durtng the Initial
b<Mk-in peo1od. It Ia largely up to you
II* breek.fn periocl Ia uaec1 to
lncreeM the operating lite of your ma-
ctllnt, by cereful and expert
The beet Way to ectl'-lllle objiCtlw It
10 v1ry engi ne spudl and loede In lhe
varlou1 wlltloutexcaedlng the ma
ximum apeclfied si)Mdt. Winding roec1a
In hilly country ue partlc:ularty IUltable
tor brMkingin the mactllne. On atralght,
ftat roada. lt it bMt to run the mactllne
-t up to lhe maxi mum permitted
brtakln apaacl. Ill"' 8110w lhe mactll ne
lo cover llle next 81ctlon ol road wllll
tht angina olf load.
The epecllled mulmum engine -de
ot - ....,,.,In up to 1000 km (liDO ml-
"'1. - - ....,,,.. up to _, kin
121110 _, elloulcl ftOibe axcntll f ...
A llnal word regarding lhe brakat: until
al letat 500 km (300 mUM) have been
covered, avoid repeated violent brake
appllc1tlons, eapeolally from high
aj)Md, and do not subject lhe breket to
contlnuoue high loa.dlnga. or alee lhe
brake Unlnga will lal&r fall to adlltYa
1haU r-t -.and trlctlon -
engine oil 15
Every day use
Fuel: For correct operation. the engines
used in models R eo/6, R 7S/6, R 11018
and R 90 S muat aupplled with pre-
mium commercial gasoline with
a minimum octaM rati ng ot 98 by the
Reoeerdl method. tt you are forced to
run the MAI:hine on fuel with a lower
octane rating and therefore with redue
ad knock '"istanee. you can a110ld pre-
Ignition and detonation In the engine to
a large extent by keeping engi ne speed
above 2500 ,../ min., alliltlng down In
good lime and opening the throttle
alowty and carefully.
hal lulorlcatiool: We recommend
chec::l<ing engine oil """'' regular1y. Dur-
ing the break-ln period, check oil level
every 500 km (300 miles) and add more
oil If na-ry ot the same grade. All
only to the upper mark on the oil dip-
stick. Adding too much oil Ia polnU.a
and may even CIWM damage. The
apace between the two marka on the oil
dipstiCk repmenla 1 liter (1.78 Imp.
pts., 2.1 US pia.) of oil. Never allow the
oil level to drop below the lower mark
on the dlpetlek. DO not remove the fl ller
cap when the engine Is running. To
meuure Oil level correctly, pustl the
dipstiCk baCk Into ItS hole eltar cleani ng
but do not screw It ln.
Fig. 1S
Cllllnge to another grade of olt only on
the occatlon ot complete engine on
change, Including oil tiller.
Our angl ,_ are dMigned to operate
with any modem high-gr..,_ brand na-
me lubricating oil. and require no oil
addlll,_ This alao appllea to the gear-
box, final drlw and dri ve lhaft housing.
For recommended oll gradee, - ape.
Operattat ec:o- of your motor cycle
Is greetly lnlfuenoed by your atyle of rid-
Ing. Just aa the luteet aorta of public
transport cell for payment of a auppl e
mentary lee, so high apeeda, violent ac-
celerallon and audden heevy braking
not only lncra ... and oil conaump-
tllon but aM reault In mora rapid - r
on llrea. brakee and all tranamisaion
18 Ewry dey use
Driving style
The illustration on page 16 shows the
rider in what we consider to be the ideal
seated posit ion.
The knees are against the tank, the up-
per part of the body leans slightly for-
ward and the arms are slightly bent.
This riding position ensures maximum
safety and freedom from fatigue even
on lengthy journeys.
When climbing a long uphill gradient.
do not allow the engine speed to drop
too low. It is better to shift down to t he
next tower gear in good ti me.
On severe downhill gradients the brak-
ing eflect of the eng-ine can be Increased
by shifting down to the next lower gear.
but the maximum permitted engine
speed must not be exceeded. Never
coast downhills with the clutch disen-
gaged, the gearbox in neutral or - still
more dangerous - with the ignition
switched off. For all normal braking, try
to use both front and rear brakes to an
equal extent and apply the brakes
smoothly. Increase the pull on the lever
or pressure on the pedal slowly and
avoid locking the wheels.
Note thet If tho front disc brake Is not
used for a lengthy period In heavy rai n,
the braking eHect may be Initially a
little less than normal. For thls reason,
make a practice of applying the front
brake lever gently at Intervals.
After stopping, always select neutral
and do not ride the clutch for long pe-
riods. Keeping the clutch disengaged or
allowing it to slip can cause local over-
heating and unnec-Qssary wear.
Always stop the engine by switching off
the ignition. When parking the machi ne.
remember to close the fuel taps.
Important safety notes
For your own safetiness we advise you
Ia switch on the headlight even during
the daytime so that other drivers can
see you in time.
It Is also important to wear bright, flashy
motorcycl" clothing - especially as con-
cerns the color of your helmet.
In addition to regul ar maintenance of
your motorcycle, pay special attention to
the condition of the tires (use only BMW-
approved makes, minimum thread depth
0,12" recommended by BMW) and ob-
serve Tire Pressure Specifications (see
last page of Owner's Manual), as these
items affect the roadabil ity consi der-
Driving style, i mportant safety notes 17
If you Intend to Install accessories on
your motorcycle (your BMW dealer will
advise you). please note the followi ng:
First of all use a tank luggage bag. Tight-
en oaddlebage fi rmly (maxi mum load
per saddlebag 11 lb, maximum total
weight of one saddlebag 15,4 lb). Stow
only light luggage on the l uggage car-
rier behind the bench seat - no t runks
or heavy obj eciS.
Do not exceed maximum permissi ble
gross weight (877 lb) and maximum rear
axle load (595 lb).
Install only BMW-approved tairingo.
18 Prepertna lor a journey. general care of the motor cycle
Preparing lor a tourney
For long journeys, In parlicular abroad,
we recommend taking the following
spare parts with you:
1 air cl eaner element. 1 oil llHer. 1 set
spark plugs and light bul bs, 1 cylinder
head 1 cylinder base gasket, a
number of screws and 2 nuts of sizes
M 6 and M 8 mm, spring washers, wire
lor temporary repalra. rubber bands (ap
prox. 0.2 ln. wide. lor Instance sectlons
cut out ol old motor cycle or car Inner
tubes) and 1 new Inner tube: replace
patmed inner tubea before startlng a
l ong journey.
II your motor cycle has already covered
a considerable mileage. we suggest In
forming your BMW dealer of the Intend
ad journey and allowing him to meek
over your maml ne thoroughly. Correct
operation and good condition of the
lighting and Ignition systems. cylinder
head, cylinders. plttons. ctutm. brakes,
control cables, car'Durelors. wheels end
tires should be mo$1 carefully checked
and these items replaced if necessary.
II you plan a trip lasting several months
through countries where riding condi
lions are difficult. we recommend add
i ng tho followi ng spare parts to those
al ready mentioned: 1 set breaker points,
1 centrifugal spark advance memanism
and 1 set control cables: these cables
can be attached parallel to the cables in
use on the motor cycle Dy means of
adhesive tape.
Many foreign countries still t he
i nternational ldentlftcation plate of the
licensing country to be attached at the
rear of the motor cycle, but aome cou,..
trias have addi tional regulations which
should be studied before the joumey is
undertaken. You can obtain the neces
sary Information from automobile clubs.
consulates etc.
General care of the
motor cycle
Cleani ng
The engi ne-transmi ssion block and
the final drive housi ng are bast cleaned
with a special cold cleaner liquid. All
other painted or Chromium plated parts
have to be cleaned by water and a
branded car shampoo.
Carburetors, mutfler ends. instruments.
clutch and brake lever have to be COY.
ered Dy plastic loll.
Road dirt and dust contain a number
of chemical elements which can damage
the paint fi nish il not removed promptly.
For thi s reason, your motor cycle should
be washed as often as possible. espe-
cially when the paint is stilt new.
Tar stains, dead insects or minor paint
dam"lje caused by flyi ng stones should
be removed or rectified as soon as pos
slble, in order to prevent paint discolor
ation and areas of ruat.
Tar otalns should not be removed wi th
e sharp tool sum as a knife blade. but
treated with a commerci al grade of tar
remover. Rubber components should be
cleaned only wi th water. and may also
be given a protective coating of glyce
Maintenance work should be carried out
by an authorized BMW service agent.
because good mechanical knowledge.
BMW special tools and a repair manual
are essential to perform this kind of
Standard tool kit:
Fig. 14
Mlntennce schedul e
Change engine oil [21 I
Renew oil filter element (21 1
Check gearbox oil level (22]
Change gearbox oil (221
Check oil level i n drive shaft housing [22]
Change oil in drive shalt hOusing (23]
Check oil level In linal drive [23]
Change oil in finaJ drive (23]
Change oil in telescopic fork (24]
Grease rear swinging arm bearing.
check play and adjust, if necessary [26]
Grease brake and clutCh pivots and
throttle twist grip [27)
Check battery acid level [28]
Chedc battery terminals, clean and grease,
if necessary [28]
Clean Intake air cleaner (28)
Renew Intake air cleaner [28]
Ched< steering play, adjust, If necessary (251
Check wheel bearing play, adjust, if necessary (25)
Adjust clutch [40]
AdJust free travel of front and rear wheel
brake (29, 32]
Check brake fluid level (R 75/6 - R 90 S) (31 )
Maintenance schedule 19
Minor service
(every 7500 km
- 5000 miles)
Major service
(every 15000 km
- 10000 miles)
c,_ drum- diM: b,..-opeoating
Cbeclcbraie- tw -IMka ( R 75Je - R m 8) 1301
AdjYit Cl ..... ', II nee Ill ary
Check deuance of c:ei>IM. edJuel,
II -'Y 133-311
Qleen fuel 1apt [381
Clla gap and l gnlllon tlmlng.
lldjuet, W ,,.. l'f 311)
a.._ plvo1 pin lor c:enlrifugal act.anc:e unit 1371
cr-llghWolng beed - PI!
. - -
A .. ,ror ser..tee
(""elY 7500 )(Ill
- 5000 mile&)

Major servoee
(I!Ye<Y 15000 . ....
- 10000 mnas)
..... .
.A'"'' c ....
ll!llUIII. P8l
CMck ""IIIIPOQe. tlgllten, . 1181:1 y r-1 I '
- I 9 -,
(Jj .AL!_
Tighten nuls _s -----""---
Trial Nn ano final inapochon [40J x
ll ""'*'botont<- ,...,o-w..._,_ ...........
Chaoect sop&ratt .,
A' Ml'l 1WefY I mO!Nht if rnotor cyctt Is radden only IOf at1ort .... or ill ou11 o ._.
P*t'A"Wilt betO'Irl 0 C Q:1' Fi- c:han_oe C)jl 3 OK'fttfts or ihtr A rruudMum 01 "8) miiH
' lellll occe a rur
_. AlleMi OtlCe a moath.
Change engine oil and renew filter ele-
Change engine oil only when the engi ne
is at normal operating temperature. Oil
changes are needed every 7500 km
(5000 miles), or not later than every 6
months. If the machine is ridden only
tor short distances, or at outside tem-
peratures below 0 C (32 F). change the
oil every 3 months or after a maximum
of 3000 km (2000 miles).
Remove the drai n plug (8 mm i nternal
hexagon), allow the old oil to drain out
and replace the drain plug tightly. Check
that the gasket Is in good condition. If
the oil filter is to be renewed duri ng the
oil change, remove the filter before
draining the oil. Fig. 15
Total oil capaclty: 2.0 liters (4.2 US pts.)
+ 0.25 liters (0.53 US pl.) if the oil filter
is changed.
011 level up to the upper mark on the
dipstick, but never higher than this. See
fig. 13
011 grade: See speci fi cations
Filler element:
Renew the element every 7500 km (5000
miles) duri ng an engine oil change. Take
out the 3 10 mm hexagon screws and
remove the end cover. Remove the 17
mm hexagon screw and lay asidetogeth.
er with the filter cover and 0 ring. Pull
out the fitter element using a thin wire
hook and insert the new element, mak
ing sure that the gaskets are i n good
condition. Fig. 16
Oil change 21
011 pan:
After the first 1000 km (600 miles), re-
move the 10 mm hexagon screws and
take off the oil pan. Clean the oil pan
thoroughly together with the oil mesh
strainer and check condition of gasket
before re-attaching to the engine block.
Fig. 17
22 on cnange
GNrbolt oil c:henge end o1 1ew11
~ oil 1ew11 """<'! 71500 km (5000 mi-
l ). " n_,.'lJ"I, add a b ~ e m e on
of the same gr11de a orlgonally Ulld
until the 1.,..1 readl the lowat IUm
of the thread In the filler opening; flret
remove tha fUier plug (8 mm wrendl)
wi th an Al len lc.e'f and l'lll ghlen ftrmly
alter adding the oil.
Fig. 11

Change gMitloll 011 only when the mo-
tor eyelets at normal operating temper ..
ture and at l eeat e-...y 15 000 km (10 000
mileel or once a yeer. Remow the oil
drain pl ug (19> mm wrendl) followed by
the oil filler plug (8 mm wrendl). After
the old oil hat drained out, replace the
droln plug and lighten nmfly. Add ,_
oil .;, the ftl ler plug.
flo. It
0t1 c..,.olly: approx. 0.8 Iller (1.7 us
01 1ew11 up to loweat threed In IUer
011 grade: See tpeclficationt.
RNr -1 drfM ollleNI and oil ..,.., ..
Chad< oM 1ew11 with the madline on Its
lland, ....,., 7500 km (15000 mllee). To
dlec:k leYII, lnaert a eultable rod -.
~ into the filler .,.,.nlng and al low II
to reel on the clutdl houelng. The oil
level should be 2 mm (0.08 lndl) up the
measuring rod. If ne.ausery, add a
brand._ all of lila " me gr11da
that prevloualy uaad, and ra1lghten the
filler plug (17 mm wrench) tlrmly.
Fig. 211
ollll ............... ,,,.
on., ""- I I I>Of'lftel operetlng
ture, evwy 1& 000 km (10 000 mi._) or et
!Mat onoe YM '*no .. the oil dnoltt
plug by the oil 1111 plug (both
17 """ wrendl).. Aller the old oil 11M
drained ,_ ... chin plug end
retighten firmly. Add new oil hough the
filler opening.
01 -'"' epprox. 0.15 lltet (0.32 us
011 ....,, 2 mm (0.01 Inch) above clutdl
llouaing wllh the rnechlne on 118 IIMcl.
011.,..: See apeclbllone.

ANI*Ioeoa'....,_.,. ... ,,,
a... ........ IWty 7500 krn (5000 ml-
> ...., II r.t1118rf ldd 1
oil of the .. ,. gflde UMd
unUI Ihe...., rMchle N lol tts.-
in the I Her opening. RMtgm.n the llllt
plug (8 nom) w'otls an Alllll qy.

011 chenge 23
Mt ,. ... II In the llnel drt.. only
wt.. 11 normll
-rr 15 000 kin (10 000 mi._) or 11 ...;
once yeer. RWISO' .. the oil drain plug
(18 mm w-) lolto .. d by the oil I l-
ler plug r """ "'"" leer). Alt lllowlng
the old oa to ...,.. ,.,.,oe the drain
plugtlglstty. FlU wills ,_oil
01 ClpiD .. : Appfox 0.21! liter (0_53 US
011 ...,.., up to ro-t ll'lrMd In filler
01 e: See epec:Hieadone.
U Oil chenQe
Telaacoplc - - oil - - oil
a.ct o11 - by plecl llQ the madllne
on ha eantllr lltllnd and allowing the
lo<k 10 extend tully. RtoiiiOW lila upper
end eapa. Will> lila aiel of a piaea ol
s nvn (o.2 lndl) dlam- weldiniJ rod
t m ( 40 lndl) lollQ. CflaCk tllat the oil
~ Ia not mora than <137 mm (17.2
lndl) below the ftat lace ol the hexegon
on the upper epriflg mounting.
01 ......,,. fN8I'/ 15 000 km (10 000 ml-
lea), or atleell onea a year.
To dlange the oiL allow lila teleecoplc:
IOflt 1o axtand lui!J wf!Ha the mactllna 1e
on Ita atand. Ramo .. t he rubber eape
from lila bottom pluga of the wbular
fork alldet11 and unscrew the heXagon
nuta (13 mm Wl'lndl) while holding the
Internal hexagon (4 mm key) on the
damper tuba enda to prewnt turning.
Fit 24
Unaeraw cape at lOP ol lo<k- with
a pin wrandl (from 11001 kit) to -.t the
Pull both olldara down and al low the
oH to aacapa. Screw the bottom p i ~
bad< in and odd fnllh oiL
T.... p I c!lr of Mdl fork leg 280 em'
(lpj)rolt. 1.5 ft. oz.)
l'elll CIJIAJ pat fork lag, - dllllg-
lng on: 265 em (approx. 9ft. OL)
01 gr-: Saa Spacllk:allono
suring and Whlll bMrlnt play
Chad< ,._, after the flrat 1000
km (1100 miiM), 11*1 -v 7500 km
(5000 mil ). Put the motor c:yc:le on Ita
center stand and pu&ll and pull the fori<
lege ..tgorou.ty. TMA alloold be no play
- if play to clet.cted, readj ust the -
lng heed boerlng&
Adj ul1 the steeri ng head bearings by
removing the domed head screw on the
star handle and lifting oil the handle.
Loosen the <4 hou11on null of the han-
dlebar clamps so fer (13 mm wrendl) that
the ring wrendl (Included In tlle1001 kH)
can be fitted onto the centering nut.
Locoon the ceniOrtng nut - edju.t
the bearing at 1110 atotted nut until no
play Is detected. then preload by IIPPf'OX.
to tum (u.e the nook apan- troon the
.... 21
Re.....,.,.. In reverae order. Ptownt
the llolled nut from moving when tight
enlng the centering nut to opprox. 12
mkp (117 lllb.).
Cfleck play 11111n; when property adjust
ad, the fork shOuld loll to the lett or
right lull loGtc position by Its own weight
damper diMngoged).
The pracloo .. ,.. ol .... rtng blwlng
pnloed cen only be edl .. led by M
1111111orlzed BMW deolor, ullng friction
-ICirlng II8UIO
Steering and wheel bearing play 25
CMc* nut booflllg ,._, alter tho fi rst
1000 km (eOO miiM), than eYery 15 000
la'n (10 000 miles) by putting the modllne
on ito center atond wl1!l tho wheel oft
the ground - pulling - puthlng the
whllle vlgoroully In a lldeWaya direc:
lion. No play should be nollcaobla.
Wl111 bef'li'9 lltlould be ....... d....,
., ... -ad-..... .
Every 30 000 km (20 000 miles), died<
greaee content ot wheel hub bear1ngo
and rap- with gra- II necaasary. FO<
datalla of lila proper groeee, - opeclfl.
cations. Thla work ahould 1110 be per
formed only by an authOrized BMW
26 Swtnglngarm pivot ------------------ -
,._, .... , ......... .......
atd tor 1t111ae of ,._, at the ,...,
wttaol IWinglng Alll'l bearing _.,
15 ooo km (10 ooo mi ... ) t>r pumng and
PQ8hlng lhe COf!IClllte ewtng1ng .,...
while hokllng !he lnedllne lrm 81 !he
Mnclgrip on lhe main frame.
.... a
11 nec-.y, rMdjiiAI. Tw Off the
tic looun 1M loct nut wttll lhe
ring wrendl lnc:klcled In lhe motor cyele
1001 ld1. pre la.d bottl bearing pr. tiD
a torque Of 2 + Cl.2 mlq) (1 U + 1.4
IUb.) whll 1 IIUI111b11 Allen iwy and
....... egelft. finely, to 1 + 02
mkp (12 + U lllb.) and rMighten lhe
1oc1t nut (approx. 10 mkp/72 lllb.) .
l.ubrlc:ale lhe _, Wheel twinging arm
beetlnga with the a..u. gun. uolng a
taper nozzle.
.... .,
Throttle twist grip, brake and clutd\ le-
ver pivots
Check the throttle twlet grip every 7500
km (5000 miles) lor lree movement; II
necessary, push back the waterproof
cap. unscfew and remove the cover,
IOOMn tension screw and pull off the
grip. Lubricate the inner gtip, gear
drive and chain. Note when reassem
bllng that the slotted end " a" In the
twist grip should be In line with the end
Of cutout "b" In lhe housi ng. Put the
lower wire cable lnlc the double nipple
and Insert cam and chain in thai way
that tho matk "c" en the toothed end of
the grip is in one fine with the mark " d"
en the cam.
Unleas this precaution Is taken, move
Throttle twist grip, brake and clutch lever pivots 27
mont of the throttle cables wil l be re-
stricted. Place the upper throttle cable
Into the double nipple, mounl the cover
and at the same time pull back the Ui>"
per outer cable until the end sleeve on
the outer cable can engage In the cut
out on the cover. Tighten the cover and
push on the waterproof cap.
Fig. 32
Greaaa the plvota on the loot brake (item
5) and the clutch lever (Item 16) every
7500 km (5000 miles), using a grease
gun (see pages 42:, 43). Grease the pivot
poi nts lor the clutch and front wheel
brake cable nipples every 7500 km (5000
miles). Disconnect the clutch cable at
the clutch throwoul arm and loosen the
brake adjusting screw (at R 60/6 on the
lronl brake, at R 7516 - R 90 S on the
master brake cylinder). Loosen the lock
nuts on the clutch and brake lever pi
vot &halts, unscrew the shafts and pull
the levers out of the pivot blocks. Dla-
ccnnecl the wire cables, allow a few
drops of lubricating oil to penetrate the
outer cables and grease the nipple re-
telnlng cutouts. Reassemble in reverse
order. Make sure that the wire cables
are not bent sharply. Fig. 33
Malter brake cylinder operating lever
Remove the brake pressure pin and
grease lightly at both ends with Moly
kote BR 2. 0 11 the lever pivot slightly
every 7500 km (5000 miles).
Warning: No grease or oil must pene-
trate the master brake cylinder.
Fig. 34
Intake air cleane_r ______________ _
Check the battetY acid level evetY 7500
l<m (5000 mllea), at least one. a monti'L
Take off the 8 plugs. The acid level
should be approx 5 mm (0.2 Inch.) above
the top of the platos In each cell. II acid
level is too low, top up with diatllled wa-
ter (not acid). Keep the top of the bat
tery clean and dry. Protect the terminal
posts and clips against corrosion by
applying a thin coat of apeclel acid re-
sistent grease.
Warning: Never ' 'l'ttow battery acid or
lead oxide from tho tormlnala to get on
to your clothing. Do not Inspect bat-
tery acid tevol with a naked flame, or a
dangerous oxptoalon may result.
II the motor cycle Ia out ol Mrvlce for a
lengthy per1Cid, raohargalha battery once
a month In order to p.......,t sulphate
formation on the plataL For battery ca-
pacity, - apacollcatlona.
Warning : BaJora racharglrlg the battery.
always awftch off the angi na and dl$-
eonnect the termlnals. or else peak vol-
tages prOduced In the charger may de-
stroy the Ignition ayatam diodes.
lntalte air cleaner
Remove the alf Hhar .,...,_ every 7500
lan (5000 mllea) - mora often if the air
contains a hlgh propartlon of dust Care-
tully knock the element to remove loose
dust. and blow thrOIJgh from the
side with a compraua<f ai r jet
ing no oil.
If the olr eleanor element Ia severely
contaminated, and In any case a.fler
every 16 000 km (10 000 miles), renew
the element.
Running the onglne with o blocked ai r
cleaner elomont will lncroaso luol con
sumptlon and wi ll reduce onglne power.
To remove air filter element. take off the
left hand air Intake tuba and remove
housing allen hoad screw (do not deteOh
choke control). Pull . housing outward
and turn aldawaya Remove element
When the aor element
place it over the 3 plna In the rear half
ol the housing, 11*1 place the left filter
housing hall &gall\lt the lower and side
gearbox housing jolnta and push in-
to posluon. the cylinder head
screw with the left hand to SJmplofy
Fljj. 35
-Ched< the elflclency tnd leer tmrel ol
the br8k Ill lntenela. or et
- ._., 7100 1cm (11000 mllft). 8ratc.
lining - r cen be cllec:tced visually u

OndNm br8kM.IIOUIIh
on t.11 aida of hub: on d!K br8k" by
lOOking dOwn on to Inner brake pad.
To pteftri cllt'MIIIIt WOI"'I br.U lhl
eftCI pecf mu11t .... ,. M -d In
good lima (min. lnlng ltlldul- 1,5-
Adj uellng front lltMie:
I ---81--II-greet, tum
knurled ec:rew 1 .ner toouning took nut
8- 15mm
2 un111 ,_ - et lhe .... r IS
&-15 mm (V.-'h lncll).
L- lode nut 2 (IS mm _ , on
adjuedng cam 1, turn 1111 lntemal heXa-
gon tully 10 - left wllll ., Allen ...,.
'*' 1um II bed! until h - lwMa
- ha 4 mm (O.IS lncfl) ot ,_ ,...,..
menl meaeuned at tha front of lhe cable
p1w1 pin 3. In IIIIa poehlon. took the ad-
J<.-dng AdJUII tree mo .. ,.,, at
lhe UCIPI' brake 1- to approa. 4 mm
(O.IS lnctl) by turning adju.Ung screw
4 (10 mm wr.ncll) on 1111 end of the loW-
e< call. w11111 nokllng 111e ...... with
a pair of noM ptlera 10 pr ... nl 11
lfom Wmlng.
.... 17
8ralcel . 29
Adjual .. froM briM:
" 7S/I, flltJI, "
II cable atrelcll hal led 10 uQiolalwe
llancii><Ue 1- _, the -
must be ed)ueted. Thll can only be eet-
rled out 81 111e b<atc. cytlnder at-
* lheluellllnlt .... - ,_...,
Teke oil the duet cep and dledl pl8y
with e IMler toolkll).
AdJull by '-"lng the ldJuellng ec:rew
lock nut l """l ng the teeter geuge and
turning the adjuatlng acr.,.IO the right M
more pley hi ,.quined 0< 10 1M left to
reduce play. At the oorract aelllng the
IMler gauge et>ould Jull be capable of
,_ alter thll. tighten the
lOCk nut and Install the dual cap.
30 Brakes
Renewing brake p-. adjusting brake
The brake mu$1 b9 removed to
re.- tile bmko pods. Toke otlthe end
cap on tile eantr.c pin and ""tract tile
pin W1th a long 8 mm eorew (to be scre-
wed In by oeveral complete turns). see
Fig. 39 Next. pull tho brake caliper to
the rear. remove tht lnnor pad rotaining
spring and take both broke pads out of
the caliper.
Before Inserting new pads. push the pis
ton back Into the wheel brake cylinder
with a acrew clamp. lightly grease the
guido pin for tho outer brake pacl (with
' Moiykota BR 2'), then the 0 -ring
and the outer pad Secure the inner bra-
ke pad wttll tho relalnlng spnng. lhe
angled eno ol whooh mu$1 face down
(Flg. 398). instelf tho brake caliper grea
se and Inset\ the eccentric pin.
To adJUst tile brake pads, tum the pin
wth a untu the inner pad s
parallel to the In- lace of the brake
dose (pu;l the brake eahper slillhlly cut-
Apply one or two heavy marks wolh a
rotttlppod pen 10 tho IO$ldo of the broke
disc, working from tho lnsldo to tho out-
side edge. Turn the front wheel and
pull the brake eallpar outwards. Exa-
mine tho Ink marka to ensure that the full
aroa of the Inner brake pad Is louchlng
the disc
The outer pod Is opuroled by the bral<e
cylinder pla\on and Is aligned automall
Grease tho spring, replace tne end cap
and llghlen 10 6 + 0.5 mkp (43 + 3.6
It lb.)
Flga.: 39 and 39a

When the front wheel Ia remoed the
handbrake lever must not be operated,
or else the brake piston wiU be pressed
out and brake nuld wlff cape.
II presauro .. erted at the hlndbrake le-
ver 11 too low, lhe JIem must
be bled and chedcad for leakage.
It brake nuld level drope an atee1rlc
warning cllw1ce in lhe brake tlul d reeer
voir cau- lhe tel- light In ltle com-
bined lnlltr\lment to come on.
&ldden violent braking may aH.ct nutd
level lind cau11 lhe noat to move up lind
down, 10 ltlat lhe telltlte light ftiC*ere.
II the brake ftuld telltale light remain.
on. mora braka fluid should be eddad.
Remove the fuel lri and un_ ... the
braka reservoir cap. FIJI aa far aa
the upper " max." martdng. Do not _.
111. or elaa lhe may overflow wllan
lhe ftoatlllnearted and damaQa lhe ,_.
tor cycle'a palntwo11L
Brllce Ia hygowoopic. lind Ia thus
.,_a,le o1 mcQ!ura from lhe
atrnolphara o- a conalderabla period
of l i ma. To enaure that ltle brake I)'"
stem remalna fully rellabll, lhe lwalcl
luld - be anca a rear "'
an alllllo<bld BMW wor-p.
tile bf ... .,. ....
If the action ol lhe braka lever fills
''lOft". lhe brake lyallm ano..ld be bled.
Firat remove the t8nlc. thin add ftllld to
lhe correct IIWII In the lwaka fluid ,...
IIM>Ir. Alter ltlla, l'ltn()W lhe cap pro-
tecting the bllld .amor. mount the
bleed hoee and lmmerM It In a ,.,.1
conlalning brake fluid. Apply lhe hand-
brake leYir a number ol tlm11 Willi
braking praaaure Ia dltec:lld. Hold the
,._ applied -ualnat thla sx-ra end
open lhe IMald acmor, t.1 the oa....ane

pulling firmly on lhe -r. Do not ,...
1- the leller until the bleed haa bien

lhla proceu until breka fluid
from the hole into lhe >lUll
entirely free from air bubblll. Tighten
IMald ICtiW.
W..,lftt: Do not pump tl'le brlke fluid
reeervolr dry, or .... air will again pen ..
Irate the brake eyatem.
Flgo.: 40 and 41
.... , ...... ..,.u
Ad)uet the IMC- by turning the wing
11111 on the end oC the pul rocl until lha
,.., wttul l>nlu Just begins to 11M.
Than tum the wing nut badt by 3 to 4
Wer.lrlg: II Illata Ia too Ntlle 1,_ mo-
1t1e btW IIIY 10c1t while the _.
chine Ia being rklden.

CMclk an bnlklng COfiiiiOMnle eotel'l'
15000 .... (10000 ...... ) ;
c ... n bnlu drume and -shoes; gtMM
bRice .,_ (at R 60 e front end ,.., ; 81
R 75/ll - R 00 S rear).
Do not aend eway the ahlny surtac. Of
the brake pada olf the adgaa.
Chedt movablan '"' ol brake aaddla
and c:ondlllon Of (R 75/ll - R 00 S).
-' on lha br.U ,, ..... ahould be
canted out oaJr by IIMW MM<:a
The C81tlur.Wr ctaenlng lhould be car
rled out by an eUlhorlad 8tiNI work
shop, If poeeible.
In an -vancy. the carburetors UMd
on II rnodall can be reniO'Ied and Ill
luet and air paiNQel 11011
- 5, ,.n ill 4 - Idle jet
3 blOwn lflrough with OOmpt uud air.
Clean lha noat et the 111111
lima, making aura that lhl throttle elida
or thronla atop acrow 1 Ia not dlaturbecl.
Aller reoeeembllng tile carburetor,
screw In the Idle llr or Idle miXture re-
gulating acrew 2 ae tar u poaalble, than
un.craw ae foi.IOWI 10 the bulc
Mtllng for the artoua 1Ypel o1
" to 1 '"
'" 10 1
tuma (R eo/&) .... a
tum (R 751&) .... 44
111m (R 801&) .... 44
lllml (R 110 Sl .... 46

247 73 50
:W Carburetors
IMert Ill 1two111e lllcll (RI0/'1 In a dry
condition, and tighten the co- screw
flrmly by hand (without uelng pllel'l).
Make sure that the locating lug on tiM
cover Is correctly engaged In tho houa-
i ng.
11111 lllrOCIIe llllcll (fl to I ) and cover
(right and left) must not lnterd\ang-
ed, or else tile predetermined quantity
of fuel Injected within tiM cerburetor
may bl altered.
Tile vacu- plelon (R 7511, R 1011) with
diaphragm and jet needla lhould be In
serted dry, with the locating IU{I on the
Pfl8eed Into the cutout In
tile tilling groow on the upper pert ol
tile elltluretor. Tbls will -ure lhel
prassure equalizing passogos In the va-
coum poston are on the throttle blrtter-
lly do Mount the vacuum houslng co-
ver ana sooure with the 4 screws,
lightened In a croaswisa pattern, ensur-
Ing thot the throtlle cablo odlusling
scraW11 ero on the same sldo as tho cold
start mechanism and throttlo bunerny
le""r It correctly installed, the vncuum
pson should move by ots o .. n ..,e,ght to
both llmot posotions i n the guldo pas-
Connect t ile throt!le cebt and c:IIICk
free movement with the rwlet grip fUlly
cfoled (0.6 to 1 mm/0.02 to O.o-4 Inch).
If neceaMry, loosen lod< nut 1 (9 mm
wrench) .,d turn the throttle cable ad-
juallng aerew to the right to lncr-
,_ play or to tiM left to reduce
This baalc setting of tiM throttle cable
muat In all cuee bl Identical on till
left and right aides of the engi ne.
Adjot engine .... epud wllen the In-
gino Ia at Ita normal operetlng tempera-
lure and with the twiet grip fully closed.
lnoart an adaptor (Beru EP 1 euppree-
sor unit) Into the spark plug cap and
connte1 to the Ignition lead. Thi s will
prevent the waterproof cap f rom burn-
Ing out wt>en the epettc plug lead 11 test-
ed by al loWing aparka to Jump from tiM
cap to tiiM cylinder.
Correct Idle speed is between 800 and
800 rev/ min. If the engine Idles 111 this
speed, cheek by removi ng each pl ug cap
In turn and consulting the revolution
counter to ensure that both cylinders
are working uniformly.
If the cyllnde,. ere not --
ly or the Idle epud II hlgiW or lo-
!Mn 1119 apeclled ... ed)uM 1119 car
bo.raton folowa:
T'ppea II ..... II. I
Ad)usllll9 running ep 11 d o1 the cylinder
whldl clevialal moet from the
idle speed until It matd>aa the othe< cy-
linder. Tllll 11 dona by rumlng the thrott
le elida 110p ecrew 2 to the right (to
speed up tha anglne) or to the left (to
slow clown the engine). In order to ob-
tain the moet favorable mixture eettlng
turn the idle air ad)uetlng eorew (on lhe
A 90 s. the Idle mixture edjuatlng ecrew)

1 carwflll ly In either direction and c:heclt
that angi na spud ri - atlghlly. When
!he canhal 101111ng 11M t>Mn lound, the
mixture Is OOtNC1I'f adj u&IICI. Rapeat
this po....-ra on the aec:ond cattlolre-
If engine apead II now outalde the per
milled l imit o1 eoo 10 eoo ...,/ min, tum
both throttle IIOP IC,_. 2 t'O the left
by an equal emount to raduca engine
speed or to the right It engine apeed
naedl to be lncr111ad. Repeat the final
adjullmlnt at the Idle air regulating
ecraw (on the R 90 S. Idle mlxlu,. regu
lating ecraw).
ar uretor 36
Two- 1171/e. II 1111
Adjust the calllll of lhe oold etart de-
.;ce undl *'-lon Ia untfonn (play In
cable Q.5 to 1 mm/0.02 to 0.04 lftdl).
Unscrew !he cable edjultlng acraws on
both c:art>uraton QOmllllllly, "" the! the
throtlle bullltf1y - ... not 8UtiP""'
ded on the throttle calllll.
Move the klla mixture regulating ecrew
1 and throttle bo.ltal'fly atop acraw 2 on
both carburatora to their baelo eettinge:
in the caaa of the Idle mixture regula
ling eorew, tighten fully and unacraw by
1 turn. Tighten tha throttle etop acrew
until It juet toucttee the etop on the
throttle levef, tMn eorew In by 1 further
tum. Run 1119 angi na undl warm, ope<a
ting 1119 cttoke It nacrv when etart
ing. Tum 1119 Idle mtarura regulating
,..,._ on bolll carburatots 10 the left
and right urlll tha moll aultable mix
lure lling Ia obtained (lndlcalld by
engine speed raadllng Ita maximum .,..
Continua carbo.retor adjustment altef
nataly on the left end right cartluretOtL
tha thro"l llop ecrew slap by
slap, and locate the ball -"lng of the
i dle mixture raguladng acraw again alter
eam movamanL Rapaat this entire pro
cedure until the cylinder being adjulled
ceasee to lire otter a few lurno of the
engine when working alone (spark plug
cap on oppoelll cylinder removed).
To ..- D*-' troM tc1e II tGI
part !oM, open the twlt l grip slightly to
that engine Idle epaed le lncreMad.
Remove the _,k plug C8PS In tum to
tt.- that botll cyllftdera are
e...nly. II necenery. lldiwt tile lhrotlle
cable of tile cyllnclw which plcb up
oloww 10 that .... f- ...,_,t II
preaenL This ie done by turning the ad
julllng screw to the left and locking wllh
the hex. nut (9 mm wrench).
We ..... : Donot-llleentl.,.llkle
....... _.. ... ,, t211
Every 15000 km (10000 miiH), remove
the ,_,. -., lllor In the fuel tap for
1. CloM the lUll tap.
2. URICIIW the collar nut (17 mm
3. Take olf hoee union and ocnaen, and
clean the tcreen In gasoline.
4. Do not re-uee guket II
Reatlmble ecreen.
Rtaa.,...,a.oz r'tte,_...,
1. Drain the fuel tank.
2. The quldc-lodcing nut (2-4 mm wrench)
has a normal rlght41and thrllld on the
fuel tank llde and a lefthand thnead on
the fuel tap tldl. Hold the full tap and
turn the nut lo the left. then nemo .. fuel
tap and nUL
3. Wblft -tumbling. do not r-
ga.ut Wl.... In pertect -.clition. The
wider lnd of nut fecee
both thneadl on nut wtlh the lhrllldl on
the fuel tank and fuel tap elmullanaoualy.
Spark pluga
Check the apark plug electrode gap with
a leeler gauge every 7500 km (5000 mi-
les) and also when installing new spark
plugs. If necessary, bend the side
(ground) elect rode to the specified gap
of a = 0.6 + 0. I mm (0.024 + 0.004
Fig. 50
Clean spark plugs by dippi ng in gaso-
line and brushing, but do not use a metal
brush. Before screwing lhe plug into the
cyl inder, apply graphite grease to the
Replace spar1< plugs after every 15 000
km (10 000 miles).
247 73 56
Spark plugs, breaker points gap, ignition timing 37
Breaker points gap, breaker lubricating
felt, lgnlllon timing
Check breaker gap every 7500 km (5000
miles): dlsconnecl the battery, remove
the 3 Allen screws (5 mm wrench) and
lake off the generalor cover. If no dwell
angle meier Is available, unscrew the
spark plugs and tum the engine clock-
wise .. looking lrom the front, by means ol
the Allen screw (6 mm wrench) holding
the distri butor rotor. Cont inue to turn un-
til the breaker arm lifts off fully. Replace
burnt breaker poi nts. Measure breaker
points gap with a feeler gauge (0.35 to
0.40 mm/0.014 to O.ot6 Inch). To adj ust
the breaker poinls gap: loosen the set
screw slightly, insert a screwdriver blade
between the 2 small pins and into the
slot on the breaker pl ate and turn the
screwdriver slightly until a gap of 0.35
to 0.40 mm (0.014 to O.o16 inch) is ob-
tained. Tighten the set screw and dleck ;
that the gap has not altered. >- ~
Fig. 51 1 . ~
Rub a small quantity of Bosch Ft 1 v 4 ~
grease i nto the lubricating felt every
15 000 km (10 000 miles), and check that
the felt is resting correctly on the cam.
Every 12 000 km (8000 miles). loosen the
hexagon nut (10 mm wrench) and
off the centrifugal advance unit. Grease
the pivot pi n for the centrifugal ad.vance
unit lightly with Bosch Ft 1 v 26 grease.
Check for proper spri ng action.
Check Ignition timing every 7500 km
(5000 miles) or whenever the breaker
points gap is reset.
a) Connect one terminal of a teat lamp
to the condenser. the other to ground
with the ignition switched on.
Fig. 52
The test lamp must light up when the
" S" mark on the flywheel Is In line
with the mark In the i nspecti on hole as
the engine is turned clockwise (normal
direction of engi ne rotation). The cen-
trifugal advance weights must not be set
in motion.
Fig. 53
31 Ignition liminG
lgnitloo .liMed 10 piece 81 "' t..
""'- TOC. TM Olflerenc. MtweWI 1M
firq poUa ol 1M left and "CCht cylln-
001 --t 3"(11018-
CNer end undar s;
lt) CowcC Aata 11 14 lgW
- 8PUk 1'1118 up end 1M plug
and dlr.c;l lilt llgllt on 10 lilt llywtteal
rim thfO\Igh 1111 INI*)tlon hole while
the engine Ia rvMing.
N. engine Idle apud (800-100 r8Y/ min)
the a IIVWI*I mark (Ignition ralard
eel) lhould 1.1 1 bright line In
the Jnepec:tlon hOle. If lhl Una Ia above
- IM lgntiOII 11 too far advanced:
If below center, till 19nlllon 11 too far
ra11rded. 1\a engiM aplld lncrauea the
" S" ....,k will - IIP"M'Oe out of 1M

l._alon hOle , _, alerts Ill
15150 ,...., .,.,). II englneapud Ia
inctMIId lilY 111r111. 1111 " F'" tly61lul
mu1t (lgnltlotl .ctYIIIC*f) will IlPPI'' Ill
the - ol 1M IMI*)tlon hole, 8lld
alloukl rMdl 1111 fMr1l in 1M lnapec-
llon 11011 e1 an eng! neap a ad o1 3000 rwf
min (lull _,ltllugal ec!YaiMll).
R-Ille 1111 ...... , l.oosln the two
scr8W8 1 on 1M contiCI br'Mk.,. ball
plate. Tumlng the baM pilta In thlaame
direction 11 engine rotation wm ,.
lard the lgnlllon, and luming II agalnal
the direction ol engi ne rotation wtll ad
vance the l9nltion (lhl angina crank
a/loft and camallall rotata In tile same
dlr.cllon). Reelghtan the 2 acre- firm
s !{ # I
1y - lhl .ctJu- h been com-
p ... lld.
- ched<lng lgnlllon dming Wl 'lb
- IMip. "m 1111 enolne lllrough 46"
Ill a' lit 1111 nonMl dl..cUon ol rolldloa
(1111 - w!M oo out). This wll en-
.... tha1 - tile engi ne Ia turned in
ila IIOf'IMI dllllollon ol rotallon. -
poaaitlle loot mollon wtll be ellmlnaled.
Ignition timing with 1M test
Timing 1M Ignition with 1M atrobe light:
If Ignition adYance II Incorrect. clleck
runout on the drive a/1111 (max .. 0.02 mml
0.0008 InCh) and ' '" movement of 1M
centrllugol a.dvance cam on the ohal t.
Fig. 54
Cylinder hed nute, v11ve clearance
Evert 7500 km (5000 mil") ched< the
tightening torqu" of the nuts on the
through bolts and the 2 cylinder IMed
retai ning nuta. Remove the rod<er COYer
by loosening the cap nut ( t3 mm wrench)
and the 2 s>da nuts (10 mm wrench).
__________ nuts, valva clearances 39
If necessary. tighten the nuts with a
torque wrench In accordance with the
lightening aequenee ahown hare (3.5 +
o mkp/25 + 2 a tUb ).
Flg. 58

Check valve claaranceo - this work has
to be carried out each time the cylinder
"UhroUQh bolt or cylinder hNd nuta are
retf{lhtened - with the engine stopt>ed
and cold, uotng a teeler gauge Inserted
belwean the valva stem and the rOCker.
Unoerew 1he apark ptugo and tum the
engJne with an Allen key (6 mm) el the
alternator rotor attachment screw until
the cylinder on which velva clearance is
being adjusted 11 at top dead center on
the compression alroke. Both valveo wi ll
then be closed. If naea ... ry. adjull val-
ve Of)erating clearanceo by loosening
the lOCk nut (1 2 mm wrench) and turning
the adjusting ecrew (12 mm wrench).
Afterwards, tighten the lock nut firmly
and recheck valve opef8Ung clearance.
40 Cluldl, wheel epokee. rime
The cltllltl II correctly edjueled when
there 11 approx. 2 mm (0.08 lndl) Of play
at the cluldl throwout !eYer 3. P I ~ cen
be increaeed by ecrewlng In 11M !mulled
cable edj- on lhe eluldl opeoalirlg
leYer mounting. Of decreMed by un-
ae.-lng the edjueter. II the nenge o1 ed-
jua1ment provided 11 lnautnclant. play
can be decreeMd by looaenlng lock nut
1 (13 mm wrendl) and tightening edjuet-
ing - 2 (10 mm wrench) 11 the
throwout ~ e Y e r . Looeenlng the acrew
provldel lncreued plly. After adjuet-
ment tighten the loacnut on the eel

Every 15000 lun (10000 mllee) dledc the
wheel apo- lor uniform '-ion. Strike
them with 1 ecrewdrfver one after the
other - 1 high or low note wiH lndlclle
exceMive or lniUI!Iclent epo1<e t-lon.
II apokee are _.onod, always remo-
ve the tire, tube end rim tape and lile
away any epol<e endl protnudlng Into the
rim well to prevent damege to the tube
and thus rllk of aooldent.
II lateral or vertical rim runout Is detec-
ted, have the wheel centered and reba-
Tl'llll run, IIMI iNpeclllft
cany out a trill run after eedl lnspe<>
lion to dleck lhl Nf.ty ol the motor-
cycle. Pay opeclal attention to .tftclency
of bnlkn, geerehlft, cluldl and lnetru-
menta. and f- mov..- of ltMring.
During ftnal l nepecflon. dleck lire con-
dillon and preuuree, lighting, hom, tell-
tale lampe, and ,..,. vi- mirrora.
Tightening nuts and bolts tightening torques 41
Ttghtenlng n u ~ and bolla
Check that the followi ng nuts and bolts are firmly tightened every 7500 km
(5000 miles):
l oc1tlon Wrench olz
1 Front and roar axle nuts 22mm
2 Front and rear angina mounting acrews 19mm
3. Hexagon acrews securing center etand to tramo 17 mm
4. Carburetor hose clamps
5. Val.,. rocker cover attachment
1 cap nut 13mm
2 hexagon nuta 10mm
6. Rear shock absorber mounting (upper and lower) 11mm
Check at Initi al Service only:
7 Timing chain cover to engine
e allen head screws
3 Internal hexagon nuts 5mm
Tightening T orqu"
Not e:
To convert to 'mkp', the 'Nm' values
listed below should be devided by 10.
fl. lb. Nm
Cylinder head
nuts 25 + 3 (S!i + 4)
Fi nned ex-
hauot pipe nut 118 + 14 (180 + 2.0)
Cantering nut,
fork 87 + 1:2 (12.0 + 10)
Hex. nut lor
oil drain,
fork 18.8 + 2 (23 + 3)
Axle nuts, .
front and rear 32.5 + 2 (45 + 3)
Clamp screw
tor wheel
axle. front 10.8 + 1.5 (t5 + 2)
Clamp screw
tor wheel axl e.
rear 101 + 3 (14 + 4)
Swong arm
bearong pin 7.2 + 1.5 (10 2)
Nuts 72.0 (tOO)
All other nuta, acrewa 1nd bolta ere lo
be t ightened according to BMW eland-
ard apecil lcallon 800 02.0 (aee BMW
repair manual).
42 Lubrication chart
Lubrication chart
1 2 3 4 5 7
1. Filler plug for hnal d r ~ v e
2. Drain plug tor t1nal drive
3. Filler plug for dnve halt housing
4. Drain plug tor drlvo shall housing
5. Grease nipple tor toolbrake linkage
6. Grease nipple tor swinging arm
7. Fullllow oillillor
8. 011 drain plug tor telescopic lork
9. Throttle cable moch3nlsm
10. Brake lever pivot
11. Engi ne oil dipstick
12. Engi ne oil drain plug
13. Gearbox oil drain plug
14. Gearbox oil filler plug
15. Grease nipple for clutch throwout
16. Clutch lever pivot
17. Telescopic fork filler plug
Lubrication chart 43
17 16

8 11 12 13 l4 15 6
4ol Removal and Installation of front wheel

I ______ ...

U247 7566
What to do if ..
R-vel - IMiallallon of fr- wllael
(R 10/1)
1. Put the motor cycle on Ita center
2. R<OOVG the axle nut 7 (22 mm
wrench) with washer.
3. Remove ltla upper atop nut 6 lor the
brake reaction arm 3 (13 mm wrench),
holding the Allan ecrew 1 (6 mrn Al-
len kay) to prevent It from turni ng ..
Dieconnect the brake reacUon arm 3.
4. LOOMfl axle clamp ecrewa 2 wlltl a
8 mm Allan kay and pull out the
wheel axle with mandral 5.
5. Pull the wheal torwatd allghtly, lift
brake back pl ata 4 out of the wh .. l
hub and remove the wheel forwards.
e. Before reassembli ng, clean and fighl
ly grease the axle. Before Ughtenlng
axle clamp screws 2, Install the brake
reaction arm 3, tighten axle nut 7 and
compress the telescopi c forks firmly
several times to prevent distorhon of
the fork legs. Note correct tightening
Aemovat and lnlt811don of front ..,11t
(R 75/1, R toll, R to I )
1. P\ace the motor eyet. on Ita centM
2. Remove axle nut 1 (22 mm wrench)
with washer.
3. Loosen axle clamp acrowt 2 with a
6 mm Allen key. Remove wheel ula 3
with mandrel and take out the apao-
ing aleeve.
4. Pull the wheel out forwards.
5. Before reauembllng, clean and light-
ly greau the wheel axle. In order to
a110ld resetting the aell-ellgnlng ca
llper, enaure lhet on the R 110 S (with
twin disc brake) the dl,.ctlon or ro-
tallon or the wheel 11 the ume
when remov.d. Do not tighten axle
clamp IC,.W11 2 until axle nut 1 has
been tightened o.nd the lalescoplc
fork compreaaed llrmly severo! times:
IIIIa will avoid distortion ol the fork
lege. Note correct tightening torques.
Removal and lnllallatlon of front wheel 4S
U24775 88
-- encl IIINI .. Il9n of ,_ ......
1. Place IN motor cycle on ila center
stand and rnowo IN rar auapenaion
ad)u.tlng '-< to lhe 2-up riding po-
2. Unocrtw ule nut 2 (22 mm wrendl)
and put ulde together will> Ill
waaher. Looun IN clamp acrtw (13
mm wrench), rotate wtl eel aale 1 will>
mandrel until It paeoee OYer the elop-
Ing surface and draw out the ule.
3. Pull the whul ofl -atda the left
swinging arm. than remow to the
4. Aauaamble In the ,...,.. ordef.
CINn and lightly g.- the IIIII,
and rotate while lnMrtlng Into 1t1a
Wheel hub. Tlghtan the clamp -
IU1 of all. The hole through the and
ol the ule lhould ageln face to the
rear. Move the suspension adjuatlng
leYar back to the desired -lng.
Note correc1 tightening torqua
U247 il4 70
'"'-.... To ..,._ a lira. clellate completooly and
prau dlt ti re aw8)1 from tho rim all
round on one aide. Unscrew the valve
nut and pr ... tho valve Into die ti re.
Puall the tire bead intc die rim well on
die side opposi te the safety noldlea,
and lilt over lhe edge of the rim on the
oppoelle oldo, uolng 2 tire levers. Re-
move the Inner tube and lilt the second
bead eway from t he rim In die oame
manner. Check condition of rim tape
and ,.new If neoes.ury.
Fig. 65
When tiling a now - ... - tllllo
and rfln tape ahould be ,. .... tel. We
rec:omm..,cl to u .. - anclt...,_ ol lho
ume manufac:twer.
247 73 71
To - the tire, prees the tire bead
Into the rim well on the aJde oppoeite
the safety no4ct>es; die red point on lhe
lire ahould be tclj acent to tho valve.
we die tire 0- die tclge ol die rim
on both sides with tire ,..,.,., maki ng
auns not to exert axcMalve Ioree.
To simplify mounting ol the Ure use a
commercial stkling component.
Insert the Inner tube and eecure die
valve with valve nut (acrew on by only
approx. 5 tuma). Inflate the tube alight
Now push the second bead of die t ire
inlo the rim weU on the aide oppoeita
lhe aalety nolcheo; whi le doingao, push
l he valve back u let ao Ita nut wilt al
low. Stoorting next to tho valve, , .. die
247 73 72
Tire changing 47
second tire bead over the rim lhoulder
wid\ tire levers.
Infl ate die llns end check that die mold
ed line on the tlno wall ts die aame dta-
W.C:. from die rim all round. Have the
whMI balanced.
48 Bulbe, ftMher u n l ~ fu-
a..,.,,. .......... unit .... "--
When cNinQing bulbe or petformk>g
other work on the electrical system, al-
waya a\IOid ahor1 clrculta by IM.Vlng the
Item of equipment concerned switched
oil or by dlaconnecllng the g"""nd IMd
from lha negative pole on the battery.
Do not hendle ,_ bulbe with tha fln
gere but aJwaya uae a clean cloth,
pap8r handkerChief or aJmilar.
Lever the llneM rtrn off with a ac,_
d ~ - replacing lha bull or tlead-
lig 111 unit.
Datadl the multJ.i>in plug and hinge
back tha aprlng wi re cllp to remove the
H 4 ~ ,.._ ...... nha.
To replace the pMd.,. liglll - pull
the holder out of Ita aocket. Preaa the
bulb In and turn to the left to remow
from lha bulb holder.
Oetectt the lutler ..a from ita mount
lng and puU off the multi-pin plug.
llle two Mea (8 Anlp) ere located on
the contact plate l naJde the headlight
A blown fuM can be ....,ogniMd by the
melted melel atrlp. Pull the blown "-
out of the !lpl'lng cllpa and - new
fuse of aultable rallng. Never attempt to
repair blOwn fu- with wire or any
other almller material (risk ol wiring
overheating and ftre). If a fuM biOwa
repeatedly, the fault ahould be traced
and repai red by a competent -rkahop.
Wilen rMaaembling the llnlflt R,
11 ahould be attaChed to the rim of the
heedllght housing at the top and prs.
ad In at lha bollom afttr the locating
clip haa been lneer1ad Into Ita alot. Make
aura that the retaining aprlnga have en-
Tellele llgltta end "'*-llgllllrog
To dto n 11 .,..., remove lha combined
instrument u follows: unscr- the
speedometer and revolution counter
drive ahaffa and loooen the 3 hexagon
retaining acrewa. Lift the lnatrument
allghtly, remove the Phllllpa acrew hold
lng tile multlpln plug, pull out the plug
and lift awll)' the lllatrument. After
moving the outer COW<' and end cap, all
the plr>obue bulbi can be r-..1 from
their aocUta.
R-owllll tum lndlcetOr 1M ,_ light
The bulbs lor the front and rear turn
lndlcato,.. and the rear light (twin-fila-
ment bulb) can btl removed from their
holdere by preealng In and turning to
the left after the lenae has been detach
ed (2 Phillip& head screws).
When Installing the lense glassos, make
sure that the Top' marking on the turn
indicator lenses Is aa the lop and the
transparent window for license plate
lighting on the rear light glaM Ia el the
bottom .

24775 75

HI I rNa"lt bent &ellli'l
Check lire pruaures and corr.ct If ,_
ceaaary. Set the rear suspension to the
position for HIP ridi ng. Place the motor
cycle on a nat surface, 6 m (18'/J It)
from a llghlcolored wall. The rider
should alt on the machine which ehould
not btl on Its stand. Measure the dl
tance from the floor to the center line
of the headl ight glass and mark the
Bulbs, hMdllght beam telling 49
- height on the wall with a cross .
Mark another cross 5 em (2 Inch) below
the n,..t one. Switch on the low beam
and align the headlight ao that the light
dark boundary p- from the left
through the center of the lower croos
and rlaea to the right aa far aa the cen-
ter of the upper croea before falling
Engine dele eta .net euggeeled remedies
1. EfttiM .. ftOt --e1 ... Of .. clllflcollllo -
c ....
Fuel tank empty
Fuel tap cloeed
Twlet grip opened too far when engine It cold
Air c-bloc:ked
Fuel line leaking or blodted
Defective IUel feed valve In floal hOusing
Idle jet blocked
B......, polnta dirty
Looee or defective Ignition leada
Spark pluge - - water conden .. te or exceeelve fuel
BrMbr points ;.., or spark plug gepa 1oo large
Valve allddng open
oe.d bmlery
2. I!I\QIM-. but kllee IIMIflly
carburetor eettinge too rldl or too lean
Velva ciHrances too small
Leek betwMn cyllnd!lr and cylinder hMd gukel or car-
Low compr-ion
3. Engllle lcllea unewaniJ whon --. ull-esokaa
Fuel feed valve leeklng, Idle mixture selling too rich
4. Engl11e ,_ -anlf, ocullonelly -
Sperl< plug gaps too large
Sperl< pluga oiled up or eooted
Add fuel to tank
Open fuel lap
Cleen or replace air cleaner element
Seal or blow through fuel tine
Aepelr ...,.,.
Clean Idle Jet
Clean pointe
Check ..-. replace H n8CM8*Y
Dly tpll1l peuge
Adjuat to correct gap
Have belllfY rwcharged in workahOp.
W...,.ng: recllarga beHary only with both + and - -
Adjuet carburetor aettlngt
Adj Ue1 velw clearencea
Haw valvea reground
Ch- tor '-Ill e1 cylinder and carburetor jolnta
~ piston r1nQ1 or ,...bore cyllndenl
Repair valve: reedjuat i dle mixture aettlnge
Ad)UIIIplrk plug gape
CleM or r ~ ~ > l e c e apatll pluge
Ignition leads - or defective
Spark plug cap short-circuiting (recognizable by sooted
bum marks)
Faull In Ignition eyatem
Blocked carburetor jets
Blod<ed fuel line
Water cond<!nsate In float bowl
5. Ellfllne -Nio, .,.,. on when Ignition Is switched off
Fuel mixture too lean
Ignition timing Incorrect
Breaker points gap incorrect
Engine cylinder cooling fins blod<ed with dirt
Thermal rating of spark plugs too low
6. ll!nglne.,.. lgn.1ea Ullderloed
Fuel octane rating too low
Heavy oil carbon residues In combustion chambers
Ignition advanced too far
7. Slerter - not work when button Ia prasaecl
Fault in starter button, or starter relay
Dead battery
..... """
. . . .. ~
,. '
Dry or replace leeds
Dry or replace spark plug eps
Replace defective parte
Clean jets
Clean fuallina
Clean float bowl
Engine faults and remedlea ~ 1
Check and adjust carburetor settings, check that the correct
jets are installed
Check and adjust liming
Adjust breaker points gap, check ignition and retime W neces-
Clean cooling flns
Use spark plugs according to specification
Use only branG-name fuel of tile correct quality
(see specifications)
R8fl108 cylinder heads and clean pistons
Correct Ignition Umlng
Replace defective parta
Recharge battery, H necessary correct acid level
52 . . . and In Winter?
and In Winter?
If the motor cycle Ia atored for tfle win-
ter period or e-. longer, the following
atopa will protect It agalnat oorroelon
and harmful climatic etlecb:
1. Drai n oil When engine 11 hot, clean
oil ,_h strainer and ollaump.
2. Add corrosion Inhibiting oil up to the
lo-r mark on the dipstick 1
tlterl 1.761mp. ptaf2.1 US pta),llhen run
the engine offload tor aboU11 mlnUle.
Remove the oil filter and repte.,. the
cap on lt1e filter chamber.
If the motor cycle Ia oU1 of service for
more than 6 months (up to a maxi-
mum of 3 years), drain the oil from
the gearbox, drive shall houelng end
final drive and add 0.4 liter Imp.
pt/0.8 US pt) of corrosion Inhibiting
oil to the gearbox. 0.0!5 liter (0.09 Imp.
pt/0.1 US pt) to the drive lhalt houalng
and 0.1 liter (0.18 Imp. pt/0.21 US pt)
to the final drive. Place the machine
on ita stand, engage 2nd gear and
run the engine at a feat Idle spud for
several oecol\ds.
3. Stop the engine, unocrew the -rk
pl ugs and pour 15-20 em of upper
cylinder lubricant Into
lt1e aperk plug hole of aech cylinder.
Tum the engine over with the starter
and move the plstone to top dead
center. Screw the spark plugs back in.
4. Clean the carburetor and ciON the
fuel taps.
5. Remove the banery and arrange with
your dealer for It to be aervloecl end
6. Wuh end dry the motor cycle tho-
roughly. Spray the brake and clutch
lewr pivots and the center stand
baerlnga with 'Caremba' or a almllar
7. Coat all polllhed and chromium pla-
ted ateel parte with an acid-free
grease, and spray the complete mo-
tor cycle with protectlw oil.
8. Place the motor cycle on Its center
stand In a dry place (a room with
acid-laden air Is not sultallle). SUp-
port both fork ends and the rear
wheal swinging arm with wooden
blocka until the wheals are off the
For detelle of corroelon Inhibiting oil,
upper cylinder lubricant pr ... rvoU...,
acid-tree """" and protOCU... aaa
Raatorlnglha mo4or cycle to_._
1. Drain on the corrosion Inhibiting oil
and add new oil In accordance with
the specification. Do not forget to In-
stall the full flow angina oil filler.
2. Fill the fuel tank.
3. Replace the battery, connect the
leads, tighten lha nuts and gr-tha
battery terminal polll with acld-retls-
4. Clean the -rk plugs, check gape
and correct if -ry. Before
screwing back In, lubricate the
threads lightly with graphite gr-.
Technical descript ion
The engine ueed In the type A 8018, A
75/6, A 9018 and R 90 S motor cyclee Ia
an air-cooled twin cylinder 4 cycle _.k
ignition unll
Tllll ..,. ... blodl tekM !he form of a
1-plece tunnel houllng, ..rnforced by
i nternal webe. II contalna !he crankahalt
and cemallafl.
Tllll cra.-..otl Ia a ateel drop
forging. Great rigidity Ia adlkri..S by ge-
nerously dlmenaloned main bearing
joumala and a high degree of overlap
with lhe big .. nd bearing joumala. The
main and blg .. nd bearing eurfacee are
treated fOf maximum aurfaoe hardneea
and naalatence to abrallon.
The crankahllfl runa In 4-layer main
bearfnge preaeed dlnactly Into tha crank-
caee 81 the ttvwheal end and Into drop
lorg..t light alloy bearing CliP at the al-
ternator end. Cenaful ""*"lc belancing
of the crenkahafl en.unaa a minimum of
Yibratlon. The drop forg..S connec-
ting roda run on the crripln In 4-layer
beari ngs, and heft ahalts.
The big-<d bolla are clrectty
into !he po&ltlwly 1ocatec1 big-end bear-
ing capa. The amaiHnd bearing ie a
presseO-In bronze bushing.
Tile.........,. Ia a caM harclenad plloa-
phatfzed die caot1n11 located below the
crankshaft, and running dlnactty In the
crankcllH at t he rear and In a flanged
aluminium bearing at tha f ront The rear
end of the camahaft carrlee the Inner
rotor of the oil pump, and the front end
the drive sprod<et, the worm wheel for
Engine 53
the revolution counter drive and the
centrtfuglll advance cam lor !he distri-
T'he off..canter pleto are of cast alu
minium el loy, wi th 3 platon rtn;a; the
top ring Ia a hard dlromed apheroldal
graphite ring, lhe aecond a cuWw&y ring
and the third a double chamfer oil sua-
par rlflll. The platon pin Is of ample ella
and of the fully floetlng type; It II lO-
cated In lhe platen on both aldea by
apring clrcllpa to p.......,t axial mow-
The cyllnclere are made from a combi -
nation of materlala. A cut Iron liner II
surrounded by a light alloy ftnned ber
rei thua aaaurtng excellent heat dllll
patfon, keeping rubbing aurtace tem-
peratures low and thua l mpno-.lng oil
adhealon. Two puahrod outer tubes are
preaeed Into the beae of the cylinder
and -lad egalnat the engine block
with rubber alee\181; they alto act as oil
return tubes from the cylinder head.
The cylinders are mounted on the
crankcase using a combination alumi-
nium/fiber gukel. end the cyli nder
head hu a gasket
The cylinder ..... ana of light alloy,
with carefully dealgned ftns and ahrunk-
in valve aeate (fine partltlc gnay call iron
for lhe Inlet valves, high alloy gray cast
Iron for the exhauet valves). The valve
guides are preaa flt1ed.
54 Engine, lubricating system
The cylinder are attached to the
crankcue by 4 through bolla on eedh
side, which alao locale and retain the
cylinder barTH. In eddltion the cylinder
h- Ia MCUred directly to tile cylinder
by 2 nuta. The through bolta
alao carry the Vllille rocker pivot blcdal.
The rockers the....tvae are on
n_,le roller bearlnga.
The use ol p<e&Md-ln push rod tubee an
sum that cooling air can reedh those
parta ol the cylinder head which are
subject to tile hlgheat thermal loadings,
tlluo maintaining temperatur at a sa
lisfactorlty low level.
n.. ,.._ - op8r8IH from the cam
ehaft by h&rdenlif cast tuppeta. push-
rocla and I'OCkera. The camohaft is dri
'lin Ill half engine apeecl by a duplex
chain. Any 111'11tchlng of the duplex
chain Ia OOI!Ij)&n88tedlor by a chain ten-
slonar operated by a leaf eprlng.
The puahrocla are manutactured from
austenitic tube wt1ll the
same coelllclent of as the cy-
linder barNia; thla preyenta elteraliona
In Vlllve operating cleerencee.
The exhauet ....... oon14at of a
heat conducti .. t.<rltlc llem and a hlsh
alloy auslenltlc, .cala realetant heed; In
addition the val .. atama are hard chro-
mium plated and the vallla eeat Ia ar
' mourod. The kHper arrangement per-
mits the valv" to rotate during opera-
The engi ne employs e high prusure ,..
circulating lubricating ayatam with a full
flow oil Riter. The lub<lcating oR pump Is
an Eaton trochoid gaer type pump driven
from the camahaft. tt drews Oil form the
oil pan through an lmmetM<I dome with
perforated metal ecreen, pumps It
through the main lubricating peHaga to
the lull flow oil ftller and from there to
an annular puaega In the camshaft
bearing flange to the oil gallery In the
main bearing cap.
From the annular gallery In the baartng
cap the oil first pa- through a hole In
the left sidewall of the engine block to
the roar main bearing, and In addition
through 2 upward eloping puaagee in
ellher crankcue lldewllll 10 the upper
tle rod bolla. The hoi for the upper cy-
linder tie rod bolla are used to convey
oil to the rookar pedeolab and ahalta,
and thus to lubricate the rOCker bearings
and other timing gMt compo-.
From the left and right eloping oilways
already mentioned, lnclned peaaages
lead to the ring groov. in the cylinder
llnere, from which point the cylinder
walls are lubricated.
The connecUng rode are lubricated
through paaaegea In the crankshaft,
using oil drawn from the anular grocva,
In the front or rear main bearing
bushing. The rear camahaft bearing Is
lubricated by oil leak from the oil pump.
The timing c:toaln dlpe In the oil sump
and has a lubrlcllllon by
the otl of the front crankahalt bearing
and the exceaa oil of the prauure relief
c...... veatlldon Ia obt1ined by
drawing fumes ag1lnat the di nsction of
rotation through e 3eltling
chembar, In which the oil mist b depo-
sited, to a Checlc valve. From thla point
the fumes ere r4Hntroducecl Into the
combustion air Intake.
Cutaway drawing of motor and gearbox 55
Slide trPe corbuNtor - type R 110/t
R 60/6 models are equipped with 2 Bing
pl unger elide carburetors with a 26 mm
lhrcat and removable, centrally located
noat chamber. The carburetors are In
ctlned and are attached to 1he cylinder
heods by a clamp ring.
Fuel no..r.. Jrrto 1he - ~ - - - <4
lhrough a feed holt, the correct level
being maintained In all driving attitude&
of the machine by a double plastlc float
5, which operates 1he float needle val ..
11 via a pivot pen. The float chamber Ia
vented to atmosphere, and suppll rue!
to the main end Idle )eta.
The - Jot s Is ecmoed lrrto the tow
er end of miXIng lllbe a togather wlfh
main jet block 7. Needle jet 12, Into
which a conical jet needle IS Is lneert-
ed, is mounlld on the upper end of 1he
mixing tube. The jet needle togetiMf
wilh plunger piston 17 Is raleed or 1<>-
wered by throttle operating cable 18.
Thla enlergea or redoceathe fuel outlot
cro-tlon at the needle Jet end 1he
croea-aectlon of llr venlllrl. A propor
lion of the Intake air by-peNes the need
It Jet: lhle air supply Ia drawn from the
olr lntalle pipe 15 through p111ege 14;
and cau- pre-etomisalion of the tuet
emerging frcm the annular opening of
1he needle jeL In air venturi 15, lhe fuel
air miX!IIre strikes the main air flow, and
a furlher lnt-11 atomlalng PfOCIII
takes ploce before the mbtlllre p r 1111
into the cylinder combuotlon chomber.
Fuel drawn In frcm the float chember
through kle jet 3 is mbted wllh ai r emer-
ging from Idle air paaeage 1, the vo-
lume of which can be adju1ted with Idle
air regulating ecrew 13. Thla mixture en-
ters the air wnturl through a emlll
paNige 2 lmmedlaly behind the
throttle slide. If lhe Idle elr regulaUng
screw Is ecrewed flJUy In, a rich mbtlllre
will be oCIIal ned; it eciW'ed ouL the
mixture will be weakened.
Idle epeed 11 regulated by meane of the
throttle .- ltop ..,,.., whereaa the
idle air regulating ecrew gover111 the
fuel-elr mbtlllra atrength.
On order to prevent hJel frcm flowing in-
to the cyllndere In the e ~ ~ e n t of a lllk
ing hJel feed valve. exceea hJel 11 oon-
ducfed away to atmoeplllre by a pipe In
the float chember.
To prcvl<le a richer mixture. eopeclllly
when alerting a cold engine. lhe car-
buretor conteine a second, considerably
smaller and more simple elkle eyatem:
this Ia 1he cokl rt o. choke .... If Its
slide (cold etart plunger) ia raised
agai nst &prli\Q pressure by the operating
cable, the ei\Qino will draw additional
fuel vta the cold ttert jet nd riser pipe
while the main thrctile allde remeina
The choke operating cable mull elao be
installed with lclequate free movetl*ll
so that the choke plunger can eloae

- - --..

Carburetors 57

58 carburetors
Conatent c:tu11u tl--
typH R 75/e. R tG/8
The R 75/6 and R 90/6 models -
equi pped with 2 Bing constant depres-
sion carburetors of 32 mm throat d iame-
t er, using a throttle butterfly and remo-
vable. centrally located float clhamber.
n-e carburetorw are Inclined and flex-
Ibly mounted on the cytlndtr heada by
means of rubber tl- and 2 clamp
Fuel enten the float chamber 8 via a
feed hose and Ia hera maintained at a
conatant level regardlaca of atti-
tude by a double plastic ftoet 13, which
open!tes float needle valve 9 via pivot 7.
The float chamber 11 vented at 2 polnl!l
to atmocphere.
Mtlft Itt ., .....
Fuel pes- from tilt float chamber via
main jet 10, main jet blodc 12 and needle
Jet 14 to Pnt4toml- 4, where it is
pre-mixed wt1h additional air drawn In
via pcaege e on tilt air lnlake pipe. The
tuel-elr mbmJre t11tn peaea 1o air wn-
turl 3 and strlkea tilt ,..In Intake air
flow, where 1111 lntenotv.ty ttomlled t.
fora tilt combUitlon chambert
on the
Air now Ia controlled by e vacuum
ger 20 II nkad parmanenlly to a ella
phregm 22, and operellng aa follows:
When throttle butttrlly 21 1e opened, the
partial vacuum In air venturi 3 It ccn-
necttd to vacuum chambers 23, which In
turn are linked lilt 2 paaugea 19 In
cuum plunger 20 to tilt main llr venturi.
Space 1 below diaphragm 22 Ia conneo-
ted by pQUigt 2 directly with the Intake
manifold; for tllla reason pr-ure at
thla point Ia higher than In tilt air ven-
turi. Diaphragm 22 now ra- vacwm
plunger 20 aufftclanlly to reatora pre&-
aure below tilt vacwm plunger to the
original value (c:onatant depression car-
buretor ayatem). Any change In engine
speed or throttle butttrlly Is
thus related to a given plunger polltlon
and air venturi or<*HectfOn, c:orres-
pondll\9 to the loed which the engine is
called upon to exert
In addition to the partial vacuum In lhe
air venlurl, the quantity of fuel Is con-
trolled at full load by main jet 10, and
over the part load r111ge by the conical
jet needle 11 atttc:htd to vacuum plun-
ger 20; on the position of
the vacuum plunger, the annular crosa--
oectlon of needle Jet 14 Ia lncreaed or
Tile Idle a,.ltno operaltl completely In-
dependently of tilt meln jet FUel
drawn througto kilt jet 16 11 mixed In
chamber 17 with air drawn In from Idle
air paeesge 5, and enltrw the air ven-
turi through a email hole behind thrott-
le butterfly 21. With the aid of Idle mix-
ture regulating acrew 15 tilt correct
mixture for engine Idling c111 be obtain-
ed, wt1h the throttle butterfly atop tcrew
btl !Ill uaed to adjuet the quantity of fuel
supplied l or Idling. Two by-paae
paoaagee 18 aleo convey fuel-air mix-
lura to the air venturi. This Ia Intended
to improve the traneltlon from the Idle
jet to the main jet eyetem. They act on-
ly when throttle butterfly 21 haa beM
opened allghlly.
The cold 1tttt 'lice on the but-
terfly type carburetor Is an l nd-clent
rotary valve unit, which operates only
atartlng and while the engine Is
still cold. It can be engaged and cancel-
ltd by the rider, and Ia cablt operated.
Inside lht float chtmber a tpace Is pro-
vided as a colcl.etan fuel r nel"liOir, wt1h
a cold llart lmmerted tube
from above. The partial vacuum cW.oel
oped during starting eel!l on the outlet
aperture of the cold atart eyetem behind
the l hrottle butterfly alnce the throttle
butterfly Ia almoat cloaed (Idle poeltlon).
In this way, the vacuum aleo acta on the
Immersed cold alart tube, and fuel In the
cold etart rervolr apace Ia drawn into
the ar11 of the rotary valve houe-
lng togetlltr with addiUonal fuel aup-
plied from the float chamber aa the Ini-
tial aupply Ia conaumed. In the
clhamber the fuel Ia oon .. rted to an
emulsion with lhe aid of a COld-stan
air aupply entering through a callbreted
hole. Thla extremely rich atertlng emul-
sion Ia then conveyed to the air flow en-
tering through the throttle butterlly gap
and forma the mlxtuna auppty
In the air venturi. Thle proc111 enaurea
reliable even at very low tam-
When the engine hae atartad, en initial
emulalon Ia formed by means of a cali-
brated air holt In the cold atart lmmer-
eed lube, 111d the etarllng mixture Ia In
this way weakened eo that the engine
continues to run smoothly during the
l ntttial riding
The cofd.etert av-tem st>ould be disen-
gaged aa soon aa possible, In order to
prevent fuel consumption and
the oil 111m on the cylinder walla !rom
being washed olf.
Carbtlretors 58
t ldi;J:::::::--16
60 Carburetol'8
Slide-type carburetors - Model R 90 S
The A 90 S models are equipped with
two Deliorto plunger slide-type carbure-
t01'8 with 38 mm throat and detachable
central float chamber. The carburetors
are Inclined and attached to the cylin-
der head by a clamp ring.
A hose union supplies fuel to the ftoat
chamber (14) which contains a twin
plastic float (13). This operates the float
needle vatve via pivot (8), so that the fuel
level remains constant under all ridi ng
conditions. The float chamber Is vented
to atmosphere, and delivers fuel to the
main and Idle jets.
Main jet (t 1) Is screwed Into the car
buretor body In main ]at carrier (1 0). The
upper end of atomlser (9) takes the form
of a needle jet Into which conical needle
(6) is i nserted. The jet neodle is raised
or lowered together with the plunger
slide (16) by operating throttle cable
(t7), thus increasing or reducing the fuel
outlet cross-section In the needle jet
and the cross-section of the air venturi.
The jet needle Is pressed against the
needle jet by a small coil spring (4) in
the plunger slide, In order to ensure that
the fuel emerges uniformly. Part of the
intake air flow Ia drawn from air inlet
sub-pipe (3) by bore (7) and passes over
the needle j et, thus producing a pre-
atomlsi ng effect In the fuel emerging
from the annular outlet of the needle
jet. The fuel-air mixture then strikes
the main Inlet air flow In air venturi (3),
where a second. more Intensive atom-
ising effect Is achlovad before the mix
lure passes into the cylinder combustion
When the throltle ia opened, plunger
piston moves up and operates dia-
phragm (2) of the accelerator pump by
means of a dreg link (1). Pump jet (5)
then Injects additional fuel into the in-
take passage.
The Idle oyatem Ia entirely Independent
of the main jet system. Fuel drawn in
via idle jet (12) Is mixed with air emer-
ging from the Idle air bore end enters
the Intake passage directly behind the
throttle slide via a small bore (15).
Idle speed adjustment Is by means of
the throttle el de llop acrew, and the
proportions of fuel and air In the mix-
ture are regulated by means of the lcl1e
mixture acrew.
To provide a richer mixture, especially
when starting a cold engine, the car-
buretor contains a second, considerably
smaller and more simple slide system:
this Is the cold 1tert Of choke unit. If its
slkfe (cold start plunger) is raised
against spring presaure by the operating
cable, the engine will draw additional
fuel via the cold start Jet and riser pi pe
while the main throttle slide remains
The choke operating cable must also be
installed with adequate free movement,
so that the choke plunger can close
The carburetors are adjutted before
leaving the factory to oullalandard com-
mercial fuel. CNnges to jato or nHCile
Hltingo will be neceooary only in ex-
ceptional clrcumolanc and ahould be
carried out by a apect.llot workshop.
Carburelora 11

62 Cl utch
A single dry plate clut ch connects the
engine crankshaft and gearbox input
shaftS. When roo clutch 1c engaged, dia-
phragm spring 2 forces pressure plate
3 and clutch disc 8 against contact
ring 7 which Is bolted to flywheelS. This
establishes a rigid drive line between
the gearbox and the engine, since the
flywheel Itself Is connected to the en-
gine crankshaft and the cl ulchpl a\e to the
gearbox mput ahafl A diaphragm 4 is
spot wel ded to the pressure plate 3 bet-
ween the nywheel and the oontact rmg.
This diaphragm permits axial movement
of the prnsure plate and transmi ts pan
of the engtne torque.
The clutch plate has a bonded friction
lining and is mounted on the splines of
the gearbox i nput oholt 1n such a way as
to permit axial movement. Slots are pro-
vided betwoen liywhoel 5 and contact
ring 7, through which dust from the
clutch linings can escape; this also as-
sists In keeping the clutch plate cool.
To disengage tho engine from the trans-
mission, clutch throwout arm 10 Is ope-
rated by cable lrom tho clutch lover on
the handlebar, and compresses dia-
phragm spring 2 by means of thrust rod
12 acting on preasure plato 3. This dis--
contmues the friciiOn drive between
clutch plato 6 and contact ring 7, and
interrupts the d r ~ v e ltno from the eng1ne
to lhe gearbox
The clutch throwout arm pivots on a
mounting cast Into tho gelllbox cover.
When the clutch lever Is released,
spring 11 forces the throwout arm back
to its 10itlat position
11M fhoe epead OMrbox is mount&d at
the rear of the crankcase to form a sing-
le unll It eMblea the overall drive ra-
tio to be varied In such a wwy thot the
engine con operate under favourable
load conditions at all road apeeds. Tho
gearbox primarily cone1sta of the Input
shalt, layshalt and output shalt - all
three running In generously dimension-
ed ball at front and reer - to-
gether with the lhllt mechanism.
The hollow drilled Input lhafl. In which
the clutch thi'UI1 rod Ia locltecl, comes
the Input pinion at the front. This con be
tilted very allghtly on the 1t1a1t by a
spring loaded com, which eblorbe and
reduces Input shocks from the power
uniL The lwylhafl and output shaft each
have 5 paired helical gear wheeta In
constant mesh.
Gea,. ara aalected by pnaaalng down or
lilting up the loot a hilt laver.
When the gearahllt lever IS moved, a
tlooked laver rolates 2 cam diaca; ac-
tuating journals on the 3 Hlector forks
are located In slota stamped In the shift
cams. and raapond to the degree of
movement ol the comL
The - ~ Iorita In turn rnoYe the gear
pinions on 1M output and layU\afta (to-
per -fta). ~ gMt plnlofw ... pro-
vided with ciOga on lllelr end feces
whktl ~ g e In 1M reoeeua belw..,
co"-ndlng doge on tile edj _,t
lreHUnnlng pinion. In IIIIa way, the .pi-
nion tor 1M QMt aetected al any gl--.
"""'*'t Ia coupled rigidly to the lhall
The varioua 811111 poahlona are determi-
ned by a ept'lng-loedecl lever provided
wllh a roller whldl engaaa- In -
on the periphery ot one aelector d isc .

" - ..11
.. ,_
2:nd QMt
In neutral. a cont.oct awheh aerewed ;,.
to lha baM ol tha geatbox houal ng clo-
ses an electric circuit and ceu111 a
gr_.. neutral Indicator light In the com-
bined inatrumentto come on.
.. r - -'1
.. ' J
4th gear

s PV(J,. ro.:
5th goar
The twin loop tubular rr- .. manu-
factured from welded oval section tube
of high strength. The cradle tubes crosa
owr the backbone tube jusl behind 111e
steering head. This provide& a degree
of longitudinal elaaticlty at the steering
head without affecUng the very high tor-
sional rigidity. In addition, the fuel tonk
center tunnel can be kept very shellow.
The reer oect1on of the fr-. a very
light triangulated structure, Is bolted to
the double loop main frame and can
easily be removed. The pa...- tooe.
can be folded up, and are ad-
justable to obtain the moat comfortable
The engine le I'HUIIIed in the frame by
2 through bolts which alao connect the
two lower cradle members of the
The fuel tank Is mounted at the front on
a specially shaped nubber element and
at the rear on 2 nubber-metel blocka. In
this way. stresses are eliminated and
the tank can easily be taken off by r&-
moving two wing nuts.
2 f,... tape are screwed directly into the
tank and equipped with 2 fuel feed
tubes each. The longer tube Ia In each
case designed to trap a reserve supply
of approx. 2 lllen (0.65 US gal.) in the
tonk. Fuel level In each half of the
tank is kept constant by means of an
equalizer line puslng through the air
cleaner chamber. which at'- when both
tuel tapa are open.
For peJtdnt the molor cycle a center
stand and a side prop are provided. The
frame ia not suitable for the attachment
of a d car.
Rear wlleel drlwe
The rear wheel Ia driven by a cardan
shall nunning In an ollbatll In the right
rear swinging arm. The universal joint
on the gearbox end of the drive shaft Is
boiled to a drive flange mounted on a
taper on the gearbox output shaft. An
Internally apllned coupling Ia mounted
on another taper at the rear of the drive
shaft, and engages with a helical tooth-
ed coupling mounted on the taper
splined sheft of tile rear wheal drive
boval pinion, and retained axially by a
nut Thla helical toothed coupling com-
pensates for variation In the length of
the drive shaft. The rear wheel drive pi-
nion nuns at the front in a double-row
taper roll er bearing with spill Inner race;
the crown wheel with which It engages
Is supported on the oulde by a needle
roller bearing and on tile wheal aide by
a bell bearing. The beval pinion and
crown wheel employ tile Pallold tooth
pattern, and are carefully broken In and
installed to ensure completely nolaeleae
running. The crown wheel Ia partly lm
mersed In an ollbeth, and tranalaro lu-
bricating oil by thla meano to tile beval
pinion and bearlngo.
Power Is transmitted from the crown
wheel to the motor cycle's rear wheel
by a taper spline coupling. This form of
connection slmpllllea raar wheel ramo-
val. The rear wheal drive housing and
Frame, wheel drive 65
tile housing cover are manufactured
from a high-strength light alloy. and are
boiled together to form an oil tight aeal.
The final drive ia vented by way of a
labyrinth In a dome CB$1 onto tile top ol
tha housing. In order to prevent po&-
slble oil leakages through the radial
aeal ring In the housing cover from
reaching the brake linings. exceoe oil Is
directed away til rough a hole next to the
oil plug on the final drive houolng, and
leading to atmosphere. The final drive
gear ratio dependa on the size of en-
gine Installed ~ - specifications).
66 Cutaway drawing ol rear whool drive
The fork stem of the teleecoplc front
fork turns on 2 taper roller bearinga In
the steering hMd of the lreme, thus eor
suring tree mcwement, absence of play
and freedom from maintenance. The
- upper fork bridge and forged alu-
minium lower fork bridge connect the
fork guide tube rigidly to the 2 hard
chromium-plated heat treated steel fixed
fork tubes. A shock absorber nozzle Is
screwed Into the lower end of each ftxed
fork tube. Aluminium eliding fork tubel
are Installed over each ftxed fork tube,
and the bot1om acrewa on theee are
connected With a damper tube which
movee I nslde the ehocl< abeo<ber nozzle
on the fixed fork tube. Fork demping on
extension Ia thus provided by the
change In the annular damper noule
section In aacll fork. wlterMa calibrated
hoi .. In the damper tube provide tele-
scopic fork dampi ng on compnanton.
An important part is played In this pro-
cees by the damper chamber located
between the hydrsullo piston ecrewed
on to the shock absorber tube end the
damper nozzle. The damper valve at-
tached below the hydraulic p1eton clo-
ses the damper chamber off on exten-
sion of the tor1ca. so that the oil Ia forced
to flow through the damper nozzle. On
compression, the damper chamber 18
opened again. so that the oil can ae-
cape via the calibrated holea In the
damper tube and return from the spring
chamber to the damper chamber. Since
the outer diameter of the damper tube
expands conically at each end. the dam-
per nozzle provfd.. e hydraulic limit
atop at the extreme upper and lower po
slllona of the fork.
A bell valve attached at the lower end of
the damper tube p,_.,ta the sliding
fork tubes from jamming If the fork ex-
tends beyond the hydraulic limit atop.
A prog,....oive rate coil spring in Nell
fixed fork tube Ia supported on a ftxed
spring plate at the top and reels on the
hydraulic piston at the bottom.
The 2 sliding fork tubee are connected
by a robust reinforcement hoop to pro-
vide the nee nury torsional rigidity and
tupport the mudguard. The turning
angle of the front fork Is 42" In either
Reerwllaet euepeMion
Tha rear wheel is held in a long, com-
fortably sprung swinging ann, supported
on the main frame by adjustable taper
roller bearings deelgned to operate
without play. This type of mounting en-
sures that the rear wheel can be aligned
with the front wheel to close limits.
Roed shocks are absorbed and damped
by 2 spring damper units mounted by
means of silentblock bushings to the
rear aectlon of the frame at the top, and
to the ftnal drive housing and swinging
arm at the bottom.
A progressive rate coil spring In each
unit is tupported et the top by the outer
tube and al the bottom by the adjusting
sleeve. The lower spring unit connect
l ng lugs ara welded to the outer tubes of
Talaacoplc front forte. _,...,..ton .,
the hydraulic ehock abeort>ers. but the
upper lugs are screwed to the shock ab-
sorber piston rod.
The limit stop for compr ession move-
ment of the suspension Is formed by a
double taper rubber buller between the
upper spring unit mounting lug and the
shock absorber. Tha limit stop for exten-
sion movement of the suspension Ia pro-
vided by a plaallo buffer within the
doobl&-acting hydraulic lhocl< absor-
Pre-load of the progreulve rate coli
apringa can be adjuatlld to 3 poalllone
with the aid of an ed)usting sl- et-
tached to each spring unit and acting on
a cam.

68 s1Wrtng damper, d.-1 ..a. 11*1 wheels
Hydraulic -ring damper
A 3-posilion adjustable hydraulic steer-
Ing damper ensures that the handlebars
always remain steady while the machine
Is moving. The rear ol the damper cy-
linder Is plvot-mountoid to the main
frame, and the piston rod attached to
the fori< at a point outelde Ita axis of
rotation, so that the damper Is extended
and retracted as the steering Is turned.
The cylinder Is filled with shock absor-
ber fluid to slow down movement of the
piston and thua of the teleacoplc fork-
Tho more rapid the movement of the
forks, the more powerful the retarding
enact or the damper.
The hydraulic damper can be discon-
nected by turning the ad)uatfng grip an-
tlclockwlse to the 0 positiOn. This
brings the piYot point of the piston rod
Into line with the axis of rotation of the
Iori<, so that the piston rod Is no lOnger
extended or retnacted aa the steering Is
Dual aut
The dual seat hinges up at one side and
can be locked with the same key used
lor the steering lock. The removable tool
box and tire Inflator are kept beneath
the dual seat. In addition, tho R 90 S
has an additional storage compartment
lor goggleo and gloveo at the rear of
the dual seal
The dual seat Is not separately spNng,
eo ae not to Interfere with the canatully
balanced, long-travel front and mar sus-
penalon. Instead, It Ia provided with
thick foam-Nbber padding.
Roed .......
The road wheels employ light-alloy
safety well base rims of a pattem de-
signed to prevent the tire form flying off
In the event ol rapid deflation. Each rim
Is connected to the wheel hub by 40
straight spokes. Each wheel runs on 2
accurately pre-set. adjustable taper rol-
ler bearings providing free Nnnlng with
out axial play. The bearings employ
multi-lip special shalt sealing rings to
keep out dust and water.
Front wheel brake- R 60/6
Both front and rear wheels are equipped
with large area ribbed light-alloy full
width brake drums with cast-in gray cast
iron rings.
The f ront wheel brake is of the two l ead-
ing shoe type, in which each of the
brake shoes is applied to the drum by
its own brake lever. The two brake le-
vers are moved apart by a single cable,
so that they are applied wit:h equal force
regardless of the effort exerted by the
rider. Return springs of differing
strength ensure that the 2 brake shoes
can be adjusted to give uniform resul ts.
Front wheel brake - R 75/6, R 90/6,
The front brake used on the R 75/6 and
R 90/6 models is of the single disc type,
and that used on the R 90 S of the twin
disc type. It is possible for either the
R 75/6 or R 90/6 to be equi pped sub-
sequently with the twin disc brake unit.
The master brake cylinder and right
sliding telescopic fork tube must be ex-
changed and certai n additional compo-
nents installed.
The disc brake employs a swinging ca-
liper which is operated hydraulically via
a distri butor block and brake pipes. Disc
diameter i s 260 mm (10.37 i nch).
The brake master cylinder with contact
switch for the brake fluid level indicator
is mounted under the fuel tank on the
f rame and operated by cable.
Rear wheel brake - R 60/ 6, R 75/8,
R 90/6 and R 90S
The rear wheel is equipped with a lead-
i ng and !railing shoe drum brake opera-
ted by a linkage from the brake pedal.
The brake linings are bonded to the
shoes and consist of a material with a
coefficient of fri ction which does not de-
crease with heat.
All brake levers are aluminium forg-
When either the front or rear brake is
applied, a switch illuminates the stop
light in the rear light unit.
Brakes, electrical system 69
Electrical ayatem
The electrical system consists of an al-
ternator 3 driven from the crankshaft, a
centri fugal spark adva.nce unit wilh con
tact breaker 4, driven from the camshaft,
a diode board 1 mounted above the al-
ternator, the Ignition condensor 2 and
the electrical components housed be-
neath the tank: starter relay 5, vol tage
regulator 6, starter 7 and 2 Ignition coils
8; in addition, the battery is located
beneath the tool box, and 2 spark plugs
together with the lighting, signal and
monitor equipment complete the elec-
trical system.
Figa. 71 and 72
The alternator consists of a claw-pole
rolor running i n the stator housing and
mounted on a taper at the front end of
the crankshaft. Exciter current is sup-
plied to the alternator by 2 sllprings. The
cast front stator ring carries the carbon
brush holder with 2 plug connections.
Opposite this is a plug board wi th 3
connections for 3- phase current takeoff.
The alternator begins to deliver current
at a fast Idle speed, so that ample pow-
er is available even if a very high load
is placed on the battery. The current
flowing through the battery charge Indi-
cator light ist used for pre-excitation of
the alternator; If the electrical system is
operating correctly the charge indicator
light should go out as engine speed
reaches a fast Idle.
70 Electrical system
T1le cllodeo on diode board 1 rectify 1lle
3-phase current produced by the alter
The vo"- ,.gulelor 6 is of the media
nicsl contact type, and ill et1adled to the
frame backbone below the fuel tank.
The centrlt,_. Ignition 8d11- mmocl1o:t
nl8m advances the spark as engine
speed Increases.
T1le - .._ ... intenupts the pri
mary current circuit In the coils at a gl
wen momen1 on each engine revoiU11on.
This Induces a high voltage (8500 to
13 000 V) In the oecondary winding of
the coli, so that the aperk plugs can
Ignite the fuel-air mixture.
The lgnllloll concleneer Is primarily In
landed to reduce sparking and erosion
at the breaker points.
T1le atartar consists of a series-wound
motor with starter pinion and engaging
The tltlo encl d ~ IWIIch
prevent the starter f rom being acclden
tally operated if a gear is selected and
the clutch not disengaged.
The 12'wolt ... rter llllllllty of 25 Amp/
hour cspaclty Is mounted on a ftexlble
battery tray. It Is required for alerting the
engine and also supplies the energy
consumed by the electrical syatem when
the engine Ia Idling or at a standstill.
Max. permissible engine speed rev/mi n
Max. continuous engine speed rev/ min
Idle speed rev/min
Max. engi ne speed duri ng break-In period
up to 1000 km (600 miles) rev/min
up 10 2000 km (1200 miles) rov/rnin
Mean plslon speed mlsec (It/min) al
rev/ min
No. ol cylinders
Cylinder arrangement
Cylinder bore mm (Inch)
Plslon stroke mm (Inch)
Ertective displacement em (inch')
Capacity lor tax purposes em' (Inch')
Compression ralio
Breaker dwell angle
Valve liming at
2 mm (0.08 Inch) valve clearance
(Tolerance 2.5)
Inial opens
Inial closes
Exhaust openo
Exhaust closes
Engine 71
R 60/ 6 R 75/6 R80/6 R90 S
Horizontally oppo$ed 4-<:ycle, with overhead valves In hemispherical combustion
7000 7000 7000 7300
6500 6500 65150 7000
600-800 600-800 600-800 600-800
4000 4000 4000
5000 5000 5000
15.1 (2972) 14,6 (2874) 15.3 (3012) 16.5 (3246)
at 6400 al6200 at 6500 at 7000
2 2 2 2
horizontally oppo$ed
73.5 (2.894) 82 (3.228) 90 (3.543) 90 (3.543)
70.6 (2. 780) 70.6 (2.780) 70.6 (2.780) 70.6 (2.780)
S99 (36.55) 745 (45.46) 898 (54.60) 898 (54.80)
595 i36.31) 740 (45.16) 892 (53.52) 892 (53.52)
9.2 : 1 9.0 : 1 9.0: 1 9.5 : 1
78 1

TOC 10 before TOC
40 after BOC SOO afler BOC
400 before BOC SOO before BOC
TOC 100 after TOC
72 Engine, Carburetors
Carburetor type number, left
Carburetor throat dla. mm (Inch!
R60/& R 75/l R 90/ 1
0.15 (0.006)
0 .20 (0.008)
clod<wlse, looki ng al end lace of alternator
5.5 (42.3) 4.5 (52.3) 5.0 (47 .3)
(at110 km/ h = (at 110 km/h = (at110 kmlh =
69 mile/ h) 69 mile/ h) 69 mile/h)
Pressure wet sump system
Eaton system (hypotrochold teeth)
On engine oil filler pipe
R 60/6 R 76/1 R 90/1
2 inclined Bing 2 Inclined Bing constant
slid&-type car- depression carburetors
buretors wi th with needle j et, vacuum
needle jet and plunger. throttle butt er-
centre! lever fly and central lever
float float
11281123 64132/9 64/32/11
' t / 261124 64132/10 64/ 32112
26 j1.D2! 32 (1.26! 3211.261
5.0 (47.3)
(at1 10 km/h =
69 mile/h)
21ncllned Dellorto
alld&-type car-
buretors with needle
jet, central lever
float and accelera-
tor eume
38 (1.5)
Main jet
.. ,
b '
Needle jet
. .
.. t:-.
. . ....
- <
ce: 'p' --
c 2Ui
mm (lndll diL
Intake alr cleMMor
A 80/8 A 75/1 A 110/ 8
140 1a 11!0
2.88 wtlll acce-

.. an
40 (O.oN/D,00/0.1111)
1 "llllaro ,,.. dry 1ype Iller common to bo1ll
' ...... ..

74 Acceleratoon through gears ----
Accolaratlon through gea,.
} ao
n ~ ~ ____ ,...,.
, ....
/ ~ '
, ~ ,
10 20
Time t (sees}
- 160
~ -
- --- - L
~ - " ~
,:;;, - ~
~ '/.1
,.:.:... -
1D 20
Time I (sees)

Gaarbox ratloa
Transmission 1rom goarbox lo rcarwheel
TransmisSion 75
R IQ/1 R 7518 R80/l RtoS
Single dry plate, with diaphragm spring
. -
" s-spei,d gearbox with c'?at/.'fYpe ahilf. mountod to damp-
i ng of drove torque in all gears, hooked lever shift
1st geer
2nd gear
Srd gear
4th gear
5th gear
4;4 ; 1
2.11 : 1
2.07 : ,
1.87 : ,
I 50 : I
Enclosed cal'dan shaH in right swinging arm, universal joint at gearbox ond,
hetocat splined coupling at frnal drive ond.

Final dnve ratio
No. of teeth
Palloid pattern crown wheel and pinion.
1 :3.36 1 :3.2 1:309
11137 10' 32 11134

- lt! :=t? 'iii tpal p 9
I : 3.0
76 fi'IIM and auepenelon
Suapenalon, front wlleel
Front wlleei
Rear wheel
mm (Inch)
em' (lndl')
RIITill, f ront
Tires, f ront
Max. t ire Imbalance. measured at Inside
dia. of rim cmp
correspondi ng to g (oz}
LocatiOn of manulactu,....a plele
LocatiOn of II'IIM number
R80/l R 75/1 R !10/1 R 80 S
Duplex ateel t ube cradle '--: l r-ame --. -man --uf ::- a-ctu ::-- red --::-:- ,rom --w- a -:1:--: ded oval section tube.
with boMed>on rur aectlon; not auitable lor sidecar attac:tu'*lt.
T.teacoplo Iori< wi th large capacity double-acting hydraulic ahoc:lc abeoltlen,
200 mm (7,9 lnc:tl) traval
Swinging ann wftll 3-j)oenl on apring atnriS and doubl&-actlng hydraul ic shodc
abaorbers, 125 mm (4JI Inch) travel .
Full width light alloy Front: hydraulic disc brakes with awlnglng caliper
hubs with caat-ln Rear: lull width light alloy huba with caatln parlltlc caat
pertitlc cut Iron Iron rings
2 leading shoe Single disc Single dlac Twin disc
brake brake brake brake
Leading and trailing shoe brake
200 mm (7.0 Inch)
21!0 mm (10.2lndl)
< (1.2) < (11.2)
214 (3&2) 214 (33.2)
4.00 s 18
at front or eteerl ng head
on of hNd
1.118 8 X 19
2.15 Bx 18
3.25 H 111
4.00 H 18
80 (12..4)
214 (33.2)
. .
- --- ---- ------- --- ---------...:... Fra = me = fuels and lubncanta 77
Tire pressures In atm (lblln'), up to 80 mph
front Wheel eolo
w1th pan anger
r-wheel. 804o

2.1 (30)
1..8 {25)
2.1 (30)
lncr- prueu-whan tintS are hOI up to D.3 a1m
(4 lblln')
When drivmg at maxomum speed for lengthy periods. II is best to lncreese tire pressures by
0.2 otm (3 lb/ln').
Muttter dlemater
Exhaust pipe diameter
Tank capacity
Engine oil
tor outaicle temperaturaa
mm (inch)
mm (Inch)
litera (US gala.)
litera {US gala.)
mostly abova + 30" C (ae<' F)
all the yeer I'OIInd above 00 C (32 F)
moatly below 00 C (32 F)
, (3.4)
38x 1.5 (1.5x 0.05)
Supar (premium), mfn. oelene number 98 (RM)
24 (d)
78 Fuels and lubricants
litera (US pta)
litera (US pts)
. .
.. .
litera (US pts)
. .
. . . . .
ln.<a (US pta)
Capacity per fork leg litera (US pta)
Breaker felt lubricating pad and
centrifugal advance mechanism
C.nlrffugal eclvance pivot shaft
Sraka pressure studs on master cylinder
Wheel beerlngs and all other gr-lng
Conoslon lnhiblting oil
R80/ l R 7S/8 R 110/8 RIGS
2 (4.2)
2.25 i4.7)
0.8 (1.1)

!*ow SOC (41 F)
0.15 (0.32)
Hypold gaar oil SAE 110 SAE80

0.25 (0.$1)
Shell 4001 shod< abeofber on, Shell Aero Fluid 4, Cestrol DB
Hydraulic Fluid, Caltrol Shod< Abeorber 1-318, BP Aero Hydraulic 1
0.28 (O.!ie)
eo.dl A1 v28g,_
Molykote BR 2
Brand-name multi-purpose gr- with 180 C (:li8" F) dri p point
SAE 20 engine COfrosion Inhibiting oil
Upper cylinder preeetV8.tlve for 4-qde spark Ignition englnee
Corrosion Inhibiting gr-
External vehicle bodywork pr-rvatlve, must not attack palntwork. rubber
components or pi utica and mutt be eaay to remove.
Brake ftuld
ltters (US pts)
Overall width (engine)
Overall height without mirror
(motor cycle unladen)
Seat height unladen
Overall length
Wheel base, with rider
weighing 75 kg (165 lb)
Ground clearance, with rider
weighing 75 kg (165 lb)
Unladen weight wi th lubricants
mm (inch)
mm (inch)
mm (inch)
mm (inch)
mm (inch)
mm (inch)
but fuel or tools kg (lb)
Unladen weight with lubricants,
17 lite111 (4.5 US gal)
fuel and tools kg (lbl
Permissible gross weight "' unladen
weight + total of rider, passenger
and baggage kg (lb)
Permissible wheel loads, solo
front at1.9 aim (27 psi) tire preuure k.g (lb)
rear, at 2.0 atm (29 psi) tire pressure kg (lb)
Penmisslble wheel loads with passenger
front, et 2.0 atm (29 psi) tire pressure kg (lb)
rear, at 2.25 atm (32 psi) tire pre.ssure kg (I b)
Max. No. of persons including rider
Di mension. weights 7S
1 RIO I R90S
DOT No 3 disc brake IIUtd
0 15 (0 ------:0:-::::.20 (0 42)
740 (29.1) 740 (29.1) 740 (29.1) 740 (29.1)
1080 1080 1080 (42.5) 12:10 (47.6)
810 (31.9) 810 (31.9) 810 (31.9) 82:0 (32.3)
2:180 (85.8) 2160 (85.8) 2:180 (85.8) 2180 (85-8)
1465 (57.7) 1485 (57.7) 1465 (57.7) 1485 (57.7)
165 (6.5) 165 (6.5) 165 (6.5) 165 (6. 5)
200 (441) 200 (441) 200 ( 1) 205 (452)
210 (463) 210 (463) 210 (463) 215 (474)
398 (877) 398 (877) 398 (877) 398 (877)
160 (353)
245 (540)
178 (392)
270 (595)
80 Performance
R 60/6 R 7516 R 110/8 R90S
The top speed actually attained by tho motor cycle alter breaking In depends to a large extent on tho wi nd resistance offered
by the driver as a result of hls size, rid1ng attitude and clothing, and also road and weather conditions.
Top speed, rider seated km. h (mile h) 155 (97) 175 (102) 178 (111) 195 (121)
Top speed, rider crouched kml h (milelh) app. 187 (104) 1n 11101 188 (117) over 200 (124)
from 0 to 50 km./h (31 mile/h) sec 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.8
from 0 to 80 kmlh (50 mile/h) sec 5.0 4.4 3.7 3.5
from 0 to 100 km/h (82 mile/h) sec 7.7 6.4 5.2 4.8
from 0 to 120 km/ h (75' mile/ h) sec 10.8 9.1 7.-4 6.9
from 0 to 140 kmf h (87 milef h) aec 18.0 12.7 10.3 9.0
from o to 180 km/h (99 mllelh) sec 27.5 19.8 14.0 12.8
Standing start kilometer sec 28.1
Average speed thereby
attained km/h (mile h) 138 (86)
Speedometer gear ratio (km)
IIC*I peed - M ~ Q i n e 81l.llt ef
RoiHiapaed- ena1ne speed
1&0 1--+---'----1.--'- +--+-+-+-+-+-f-lf-1 -
1-- --- 1110'1
- 1171/l
~ ICIOO eo 110 MilO
Engine pnd n (ypm)
82 Electrical IYIItm
lgnilion con1ac:1 breaker
Adjuatmont btu ina at engine opted rev/min
Adustmenl ends el engine speed r ev/min
Breaker pointe gap
Spark plug elecl rode gap mm (Inch)
Varta, 12 v 25 Amp'h
BotKtl, type0001 157015 OF 12 V0.6PS (HP)
Slrlbel, type 1357 104.3 SA 8572
Boect1, typeD 120340002 G 114 V20A 21/280W;
R 80S: 0 120 sl 003 81 14 V 17 A 22/240 W
Direct from crank.tlaft
Boect1 type 0 120 ~ 5 1 a 14 V Ill) A
lloectl type 0190801008 liD 1114 v
0.2 p F - 25'/o
with automatic centri fugal edence, mounted on camshaft
0.35 to 0.40 mm (0.014 to 0.0181nch)
iO before TDC 3
25 2:"30' a1 crankshaft
Bosch W 230 T 30
Bosch W 200 T 30
Beru 23011413 A
Beru 200/1413 A
Cllemplon N 7 Y
0 7 (0.028)
R 7518, R 8CIIe, R 80S
R 81118
R IIMI, R 75/8, R 9018
fU0 8
Bosd1 type 0 303 850 t OO, 190 mm (7.1 Inch) dlarMter
Tum l ndlcatornasher unit Hella TBB 211 1-'x 21 W - 12V
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~
Headlight high and low boam H 4 Halogen double fllament bulb, 60155 w
Parki ng light 12 V/4 W
Indicator lights: Headlight high be&J'I
Btttery c:llarge
Tum Indicator
Tum Indicators, 2 Mc:ll !Toni and ,.,
o r ~
Rear and llcenae plate light
Stop light
double filament bulb
Horn Bosch type a 321l 1 <13 025, 12 v, 400 Hz
84 Wiring diagram
iiili :'
.. ":
lld7'f'l t
' If$

' .
. ~
~ -

Key to
wiring diagram
1" r a
... .., . --t=:..,_
a"';; Z ~ 1---t=-
Cifllllllllt,.... ...
... ..,., rl'"'
...... lin' . ...
....... . .....
....... . .....
..... ---
-..- .
1 Turn lndlutor switch with ataner
2 Headlight
a) Flaaher unit
b) Hlghbeam
c) lowbeam
d) Parking light
e) Ignition/light switch
f) COntact plate with fusee
g) Light reley
3 Main tight control switch with dimmer
switch, high beam flasher and hom
4 Mach. operated front brake atop
awilch (only R 8016)
5 Front right tum Indicator
8 Ctulch operated switch
7 Front left turn Indicator
8 COmbined Instrument
a) Speedometer Illumination
b) Revolution counter Illumination
c) Braka ftuld level telltale (red}
d) Neutral lndlutor (gnaen)
e) Charge Indicator (red)
f) 011 pressure telltale (orange)
g) Tum indicator repeater (yellow)
h) Headlight high ba&m Indicator
J) ConMCtion to combined lnstn.-
9 Voltmeter } on R 90S only, otherwiH
10 Cto<* apecial equipment
11 Hom
12 Colla
13 Spark pluga with upa
14 COndenser
15 Contact bnaaker
16 Stanar relay with D + tarml nal
17 Starter
18 011 prMSUre switch
19 Break ftuld level awitch
20 Neutrallndlutor switch
21 Brake pedal atopllght switch
22 Ground on frame at coila
23 Battery
24 Connection 54 In wiring harness
25 Alternator
26 Diode board
27 Voltage regulator
28 Rear left turn Indicator
29 Rear light
a) Rear and licenoe plate light
b) Stop light
30 Rear right tum lndlcetor
Wiring diagram 85
31 Ground at DHrbo><
32 Connection 15 in wiring ham ...
33 Hydr. ope1'8ted f ront brake atop
switch (only R 75/6, R 9016, R 90S
86 Servicing
Please have all the specified servicing
operati ons described in the Owner's
Manual on pages t9 and 20 carried out
regularly by an authorized BMW dealer,
and ensure that the work done is con-
fi rmed by rubber stamp and signature in
the appropriate space on pages 91 and
92. These details are required In the
event of a warranty clai m.
Before you receive your motor cycle
from the dealer he will have carried out
a free pre-delivery check. A schedule
descri bing this work is to be found on
page 89. Confirmation that the check has
been performed will appear on page 90.
After the Initial senlce at 1000 km (600
miles}. alternate minor and major ser-
vice procedures should be carried out at
7500 km (5000 miles) Interval s. starting
at speedometer reading 7500 km (5000
In order to obtain maximum reliability
and long service lffe f rom your motor
cycle, we recommend that at least 2 ser-
vices per year be carried out. even if the
prescri bed mileage shown on the ser-
vicing schedule on pages 19, 20 has not
been covered.
We have established work time ratee as
a guide to all service operations, and
BMW importers or their authorized dea-
lers will bill you at the rates current in
your country, using the offi cial times as
a guide.
All lubricants, gaskets, etc. used during
servicing, and any cleaning work need-
ed will be shown separately on the in-
Please keep thi s Owner's Manual in tt
toolbox of your motor cycle at all ti me
The Servi ce Voucher section of this m
nual is not t ransferable.
,,.. Pfl llllhWf ell*
1. Chedt oil level i n engine, ge.rtloll, ft.
nat dm.e, rear wl1eel drive hOualng
and teleecopic fork.
On R 7518, R 90/S. R 80 S check
braka fluid level
2. Clwlc:k operation or headlight high
and low bNm, parking llghta, b<aka,
llcen.. plate and turn Indicator
llghlll, headlight high beam, betlery
charge. neutral Indicator, braka fluid
ancr o11 p,_r l8mpe and
a. Clwlc:k tlghtl- o1 a11 bolts ancr nuta
aa daacribad on page 41 of IIIII ,...
nual, 1- 1 to 4 and 11.
Clwlc:k tightne 11 of the lour
bolll, MCUrtng tile cardan lhllft to
the gaarbox oulput lhalt flange
3.8 + 0,4 mkp, 111 0,7 h. lb.).
Check tlghtn- of front and raar
wtiMI clamp ecrewa and
capa of t11a telescopic fOrk.
4. Taat r1de the motor cycle, Check ope-
ration of clutch, gear alllft.
meter, ateering, loot and hand
brakea. Check engine ldla Mltlnga.
6. Clwlc:k elCiamaJ appaaranee ol motor
Servicing 87
....... _wtc.
at tOOO km (800 mllaa)
1. Change engine oil at normal opera-
ting temparatu,., renew oil fthar ele-
ment. ctean oil aump and mash
2. Change ollln gearbox.
3. Change oil In _,Wheal hous-
4. Change oil In final drive.
5. Servlca the batteoy.
s. Check ateanng and w11ee1 bNnngs
and adjuat If naceaaary.
7. R 11016: Adluel -.. and clutcto
R 7518 - R 80 8 : Adjuat brakes.
- If nacuury (charged...,.,.._
Adluat clutch.
s. Check tllrottle cable Mltlnga, adjuat
9. Clwlc:k Ignition t iming and adjust If
10. Tighten cylinder haad nulll to cor
rect torque of 3.5 mkp (25 lllb.),
tllen adjust valva claarancaa when
engine Ill cold.
11. Tighten all nuta ancr acrewa If .,.
cassary 1-page 41).
t2. Check wheel spokae, lighten, If -
cessary (charged
13. Test ride the molor cycla.
88 S.rvlcl ng
Free Pre-delivery Check
correctly carried out

. .
, ' ;
600 mi le (1000 km) Ini tial service
correctly carried out
I I mii H (l<m)
Servicing 89
5000 miles Minor Service 10000 miles Major Service 15000 miles Minor Service
(7 500 km) (15 000 km) (22 500 km)
Date Mileage Date Mll01go Dole UHeage
Stamp and signature Stamp and signature Stamp and signature
20000 miles Major Service 25000 miles Mi nor Service 30000 miles Major Service
(30 000 km)
(37 500 km)
(45000 km)
Date MIIMge Dole Ulleage Dote MIIMge
Stamp and signature Stamp and signature Stamp and signature
35000 mi les Minor Service 40000 miles Major Service 45000 miles Minor Service
(52 500 km) (60000 km) (67 500 km)
Dolo Mileage Dale
Mileage Dole Mileage
Stamp and signature
Stamp and signature
Stamp and algnature
50000 miles Major Service 55000 mi les Minor Service 60000 mi les Major Service
(75000 km)
(82 500 km) (90 000 km)
Date Mileage Date Mileage Dole MIINge
Stamp and signature Stamp and signature Stamp and signature
90 Servicing
65 000 mileS Minor Service
(97 500 km)
Stamp and algnature
80 000 miles Major Service
(120 000 km)
Date Mileage
S t ~ ; m p and algnatur&
95 000 mi les Minor Service
(1 42 500 km)
Date Mileage
Stamp and signature
11 0 000 mileS Major Service
(165 000 km)
Stamp and signature I
70 000 miles Major service
(105 000 km)
Data Mileage
Stamp end signature
85 000 miles Minor Service
(127 500 km)
Data Mileage
Stamp and signature
100 000 miles Major Service
(1 50 000 km)
Dolo Mileage
Stamp and signature
115 000 mileS Minor Service
(172 500 km)
!)eta Mll01101o
' Stll!"P and signature
75 000 miles Minor Service .
(112 500 km)
DOlo Mil &age
Stamp and signature
90 000 miles Major Servi ce
(135 000 km)
Date Mileage
Stamp and signature
105 000 miles Minor Service
(157 500 km)
Date Mileage
Stamp and $ignaturo
120 000 miles Major Service
(180000 km)
Stamp and signature
1. The vendor guarMteu that the new
article 1- 1M flctory ITH from
do!Kta In maleflele Of workmanohlp
In accordance wtlh 1M curr.nt !-'
of engl-ng Mdlnlq ..... T11e war-
ranty remai ns In force fOf a travelled
dlatance of 10 000 km (8000 mllea) or
a maximum of s montlla, wllldlewr
corMS ftt81, atartlng with the day on
whldllhe BMW motorcycle Ia offtclafly
licanMd lor the flrat time. No clalma
under warranty will be reoognlzed un
- to an ..,tllortzed BMW
dealer Immediately -n of
the alleged fault. IOgell.., with lue
for tile nec-ry repai r order at 1M
same lima.
2. T11e wuranty l l8blllty of the -r
alllll aiiO Include parto not ,.,...
lectured by BMW. Bulbe and aperk
ore excluded from the terms of
thll warranty.
3. Natural -r and IMr damage allrl
butable to negligent or Improper treat-
ment ohafl be excluded from lhe ven
dor'a lllblllty under thle w1rranty.
The vendor ohatl be parmlt1ed to ful-
fll the Ierma of tile warranty either
by repair of the purdllled article or
by replacement of detective parte.
Tile -. ohall datarmine Ita place
at whk:ll tile warran!y work le 10 be
carried out. taking 1M lntetnta of the
pU,.,._ Into Iecount.
5. If the ..,..,or eceepts e claim undet
thla warrenty, he lhall bear 1M coat of
rerum carriage by the moat economi-
cal me4hod and t1NIOtlllble lnelaflatlon
coeta, provided IIIII the rapalr Ia cat-
ned out by an luthortzed BMW d ...
fer In accol'dence with the lnotruo-
tione leoued by 1M BMW fec1ory.
Palla lllhl biUng dafecto In matartafl
or worilmanah lp wtll be raplaced, to-
gether with patta damaged 11 direct
raault of the failure of lllld par11.
Pana removed f rom the purdllled
article become the ptOparty of BMW
end h ... to be handed over to 1M
BMW dealer, who h11 carried out 1M
OefKD of II"" end be._... are ody
CO\'II1Id by -...nty In eo ..,. the
vendor SUI'Nndet8 to 1M
lrt'f warranty c..m.. wlllctl tMY be
""tabliahed agel nat BMW Of the me-
nutactu,.,. oflllell producta.
6. No clafma tor the relmbu,..,.,.,t of
direct or Indirect damagee or clalme
lor dlangee of the purdl- contrac1
or reducllon or the purdlaoe price will
be entertained.
7. The warranty c111m shall be Invalid If
a) the purdllled article to whldl the
warranty eppllea haa b-. modi-
Warranty 111
tied by oulllde part111 or by the
lnatallallon of allen patti;
b) 1M pUrdlaler llee felled to com-
ply with the lnatructlono given In
the BMW o-.'1 Handbook. or
haa not had the lnlpaction work
aa apecffled In lila BMW Semce
lnalrUCiionl pertormed correctly;
c) the pu..- article will be eold
after It llceneecl;
d) the purdhaaer Ulll the pUrc:hlled
article In competltl'le .......
Every 1uthorlzed BMW dealer I requ ...
ted to carry oiJI woril under
ITee of dlarge, on BMW veil lclll.
It will be appreciated that on long jour
neys Of lbroed It ,.y not always be
_.ble to carry out woril Immediately
in accordance with 10U" requlnarnetita.
you 1MY rMeOnlblY expect
any authoriZed BMW dealet to glw prio-
rity to urgent repair -rk allectlng 1M
roed safety or opetatlonaJ reedi naaa of
your BMW.
112 Why use genuine BMW spare par1a 7
Fair deal servicing
High quality engineering Inspires conll
den<a. You will have noticed this altar
ridi ng your new BMW only a short dlll.-
Ho-. a high-quallly motor cycl e
needs to be eervlud and maintaiMd
with expert cans. so that the &Mer rtdlng
plaaaure It brtngs remains undiminished
for yeare to come.
Try to have your BMW Mrvlced and re-
paired by an authortzecl BMW dealer or
worlcahop at all timea. They poaun the
neceuary BMW opec:lel tools, and ere
obliged by contract with the factory to
lnstell only genuine BMW spare perle on
your machine.
You are entitled to be l\lll)lclous II you
are offered -re perta from another
.ourca. Since- are UMble to super
YiN the quality of lheee parte, - CWI
not always J ~ ~ M t wemsnty clai ms wllk:tl
IUbMquentty ariM.
In extrema ~ . you may evan an
counter dtmcultlea with your lnourara or
become Involved In legal proceadlnga If
your BMW Is equipped with unsuitable
and no,....tandard components.
Genuine BMW .,. parts po,;.,OI8CI...,.. you
agalnat ptoblema of thlt kind end ,...
duca the risk which ltle motorcyclist In-
cure In today'l tramc. Genuine BMW
parte are more 1t1an Juat a replacement
detlgnad to keep ltla machine going: on
the contrary, they ana fully Identical with
the origi nal com-'- filled to your
new BMW motor cycle.
This meane: Replacemetll ol an original
component by a genuine BMW apara
part enauraa that all the BMW factory's
engineering end deolgn ouperlorlly Ia
available to you as a gua rant lor the
unchanging partonunc:e and baalc
oafety of your BMW machine.
Every BMW authorized dealer under
takes to keop the followi ng genuine
BMW parts In stock:
BMW parte freq11811t!J required
ope- or lor excha- purpo
Ganulna BMW eec-- (the IIIII -
taction by the lactory)
Olher genuine BMW motor cycle parts
Which are required very rarely - and
please do not forget that the complete
list contains many thousands of parte -
will be obtalnod by the smaller BMW
dealer abroad from a larger collea,gue
or from the BMW Importer. The term
' genuine BMW parts' comprf- all
parts, assemblies and accessorlee aup-
plied by the Bayerlache Motoren Werke
AG, regardleaa of Whether these parts
were manufactured by BMW or obtained
from an approved sub-contractor.
In ltle lnterm of your own eafety -
recommend only ortginal BMW acoee-
Qulllty guaro n-
Genuine BMW parta are com-
pletely Identical with the
corresponding parta on new.
BMW vehlclet.
The Bayerische Motoren Werke
AG hereby gU8ran- lhal
theaa parts are genuine and lnaa
from defects In materials or
BMW - perfection In detail
l ook for lhlolignl
Aceelerallon 74, 110
Acid lftel (ballertl a
Air dlannel 73
AJr eta1ner 73
Air ..,.turt 72
Alternator 119
Battery 28, 70, 82
a.tlery dlarglng lndlutor light 7, II, 13
Battery acid lftel 28
BUnker 11;11111 .a, 13
Blinker unit 4
Bowden cntl .. 'Z7
Brake ftuld 31
Brake light 49, 83
Brake linin;. 30
Brake pedal 32
Brake torque riiiCtlon ann 44
Bra- 211-31, 88
Breaker gap 37
Breaker lubrlutlng fell :rr
Breaking In the motor cycle 14
lly-9eU bora sa. 73
C.bles24, 27
C.rburator, co.-tant depresalon 58
carburetor. allele 1YJ11 58
Carden ahelt 65
C.tter, front - I 711
Center ttend I
Centrifugal advance fMdlanlam 37, 70
Chai n (tlmlngl 54
Cholet I
Cl.-.lng 11
Clutch <40.12
Clutdl...,., 7
Clutdl operation 13
Clutch plate 12
Clutch tlli'owout ann 40, 12
Comp..-lon ratio 71
Condenaar ee. 70, 82
Cennecllng rodl 53
Constant depreealon oarburatora 511, 72.
Contact breaker 37, 70, 82
Cont act bneker gap S1
Continuous engi ne apeed 71
Contrail 7
Cooling, engi ne 54
Corroelon Inhibiting oil 52
Crankoaee breather 54
Cr8nklhalt 53
Cylinder bote 41
Cyli nder '-" 53
Cyli nder head bolla - t ighteni ng torque
Cylinders 53
Dlmanalona 78
Dim,_ awhdl 7, 10
Dlodaa 70, 82
Di rection of rotation, engine 72
Di rectional awltdl 7, 10
Disc b"ke 30
Dflw ahalt 65
OrMng habib 17
Dual aall8.1!8
Dual Mit key 7. 88
Dwall 8ftgle 71
Index 9G
Eaton pump 54
Electrk:ll circuit diagram 54 M
Electrical aystem ee. 82-13
Electrode gap 37
Engine, dospfacement descri ption 53
Engine, specillcationa 71, 72
Englno lubrication 16. 54
Englno mountings 65
Engine number posiuon 72
E.ngl ne pn>blems 50-51
Engine lfllld, continuous 71
maxi mum 71
Anal lnapactlon 40
Flaaher unit .a
F1oal 33. se. sa. eo
Foot brake 27, az
Fork lOck 7
Frame 85. 16
Frame number 711
Front brake 1!8
Front brake lever 7
Front - 1 44, 45
Front wheel caster 78
Fuel 15. n. 71
Fuel consumption 72
Fuel filler cap 7
Fuel,...,... 11, 78
Fuel tank 65
Fuel tapa 8. 10. 38, M
Full now oU fi ller 21
Geerbox 22. 83, 711
Gear ahl ll 13. 83
Gear lhlfl cam 13
GenariiOr (altemGor) ee
04 lndalt
Hand brake lever 7
Headlight 48
Headlight adj<Jatmant 411
HMdlight b<llb 48
HMdllght flu/lar 7
High beam lndk:ator light 7, II
Hom 10.83
Hom button 7
Idling ad)ualmant 34-36
Idling air pueaga 33
Idling air regulating ecr.,. 33. 35
Idling Jet 33, 58, 58, eo
Idling regulating eorew 33, 35,
Idling apMd 34, 71
Ignition 37
Ignition ac1Yance38, 82
Ignition coil 70, 82
Ignition/light IWitcll 7, a
Ignition key 7,11
Ignition retard 38
Ignition lill*lg 37. 38
lllllnlment c11111er e. 48
lndiealot llghtl 7, I. .. IS
lnepaction 1._:110
lnetrumentl II, 48
Jet nee II" ee, 5I.
Journey PNP..cion 11
Key, dual - a
Key, IQnltlon 7, II
- steering look 7
Kill b<ltlon 7, 1 0, 12
Ucanaa plata llghll41
Uftlng Mndle
Llf1fng the motor cyc:l a on to the stand
14, 65
Lights, d im end hlgll bMrn heaclfighte,
parking lght I , 10
Ught relay 86
I.Jglrt twltcll 7. g
Lubricants 77, 71
Lubricating diagram 42. 43
Lubricating fell. lwMker 37
Lubricating eyllem 64
Main j et 58
Main light t wltcll 7, 10
Maker's plate 78
Maximum engine spaacl 71
Micro-star Intake ai r flltar 28, 73
Mileage recorcler 7, II
Mixture cllannel 73
Needle Jt 58, 58, eo. 73
Needle position 73
Needle roller bearing 114
Neutrallndlcal.or light 7, II
Octane rating 15
Oil additlws 15
Oil amount. angina 21. 77
- gearbox 22. 78
- ,...,. wheel drive 23, 71
- raar -1 wi nging arm 22. 71
- teleecopic fork 24, 78
Oil dlange. engine 21
- dflva lhaft "-1nt 23
- gearbolt 22
- -r wtlael drlw 23
- taJaecoplc fork 24
Oil filter, engine 21
Oil filter. lull now 21
Oil level, enone 15, 21
- drive shalt 23
- geatbox22
- rear -1 drlw 23
Oil p,_re Indicator llilht 7. 8
011 PIIIIIP 54, 72
Oil 21
on IYPII n
()par8llorl 7
()pM ... ng controll 7
Parklr1g light 7, II
PerfOti!IMCe dMa 80
PilliOn IIUIIIIgef 11
Pi nking o11he engine 15
Platona 53
Piston speed, mean 71
Plug gape 37
Play In eteerlng head 25
Pr...tgnltlon 15
Pulhrocla 64
Rear light 48
Rear wheel
Rear .,._I drl"' 23, IS
Rear wheal ewlo-,glng erm 22- 23
Rear MIUIIUI9Iflllon 87
Regulator (vOltage) 70, 82
Raurw (Ianiel 11, 77
Revolution counter 7, 9
Rldlngllyla 17
Rime 40. ea. 78
Road speacl/anglne epaad diagram 81
Running-In 14
s.rvtcing 111, ao
Sllock abaorberl, adjuatlng 11
- dll CJi lpllon 17

Sidecar uM 85. 78
Side stand&
Slide type corturetors 56
Spark advance 37
Spark plug gaps 37
Sparkplugo 37
Speclftcatlona 71
Speedometer 7, 9
- gear ratio 80
- light 9
Spoke tension o40
Stand, use of 14, 66
Starter 70, 82
Starter button 7, 10
Startlr lmrMrslon tube 73
Startar relay 51. ee
Starting air Jet 73
Starting deviCe 56
Starting jel73
Starting the motor cycle 12
Steeri ng demper, hydraulic 7, 11
Steeri ng free motion 25
Steeri ng head 110
Steering lo<* 7
Stop light 48. 83
Storing when not In use 52
Stroke (plstono) 71
Swinging arm 87
SWinging arm beMlngo 28
Tall light 48
Tank..-11, n
Tappeto $4
Tlldlnlcal data 71
Tetesooplc fork 87
Tenalon eorew 7
Throttle butterfly 56
Throttle cable 27
Throttle ollde 56
Throttle .top ICt8W sa. 56
Throttle twlllgrlp 7, 27
~ 1 1 1 3 8 , $ 4
Tightening torqueo 97
Timing chain $4
Timing llght38
Tlra changing <47
Tire PI'IIIUrel n
Tool a Ul, ee
Transmlulon 75
Travel preparations 18
Trial roo o40
Turn Indicator Hghts 49, 83
Twist grip damper ocr- 7
Two-up riding 11
Upper cylinder preoervativtl52, 71
Vacuum dlamber 56
Vacuum pla1on 68
Valva clearenc 34, 72
Voltage regulator 70, 82
Weight of motorcycle 79
Wheels 68, 78
Wheel bearing 2!i
Wheel bearing play 25
Wheel maintenance o40
Wheal removal and ln.talllng <4<4, 45, <48
Wheal spolt11 o40
Winter prec:autlone 52
Wiring dlogram 84, as

At a

Tire IJNUUrft atm (lblin up 1o 80 mph)
with tires cold
front wheel solo
with passenger
rear wheel aolo
with passenger
t..oc;at10t1 olenglna No.
Locetlon ottrama No.
1.9 {27)
2.1 (30)
1.8 (25)
2.1 (30)
on-engine Ooil {iller pipe
on rigllt of
Spark pluga
-...--- -
Bose.'> VI 230 T .30

W 200 T'3ft . .,.;

R 1/6
3er.::-nJ;' 1.13 A
R 73,:> - n ,:u1 s
Ghorrp:Qrt N "/ Y
R WFC - "'sc;;
i"JJ! ,,, N s v
A &
Valvo clearanceo with engine cold Electrode gap mm {'>l tt. (C.Q28)
lin-:b'] j"" .. ....
Inlet 0.15 mm (0.006 inch)
Exhaust 0.20 mm (0.006 Inch) Breaker JXCir.t5 "}

___ _ ________ 0. (0.014 to o.o ;_Q

Fuel tank R 8018, R -1811ters Super (p:emium)
(-4:8 us
Rear wheel
0.28 (O.e us pint)
petl'ork leg
Brake ayitam cu. in) Jlt75l8. R.90/e
20;) rH (Uil cu. In) l't-90 S
Breather lubricating tell I centrifugal advance m.ctlanfam
.Centrifugal advance unit be,nng ahaft
Wheel bearings and an other
gear oil
C (41 F) SAE 80
5 C (41 F) SAE 80
Sllodc aM<>rber ollaee pago80
OOT No. 3 disc brake fluid
Boach A 1 v 26grNM
Brand-name multl-purpoee g._. .all
drtp point leo" C

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