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TRIPLE TREAT Aspiring Chairpersons clashed in the USC election debate; dazzling BU studes with their platforms and promises- backed up with the rest of their party, students gathered to judge and deliberate. NORBERTO L MANLAPAS JR

3 Parties to battle for USC posts this Feb 17

By Ela in e La r a a n d C h r is t in e La t o n a

his year, its a clash of the colors blue, yellow and green. The election for next years University Student Council (USC), set on February 17, has three political parties to scuffle for the student regency and the other nine minor positions. Leading the competing tripartite are: Pete Francis Abareta, a third year Information Technology student, who holds the banner for Buklod; the BU League of Democrats, otherwise known as the BU Leaders, is headed by Rachelle Anne Miranda, a third year Secondary Education student majoring in Physical Science; and, Brent Marione Alarma, a fourth year Chemical Engineering student who will stand for The League of Liberal Reformists (LLRReporma) Coalition.

son why she apparently wanted the students to be aware of their rights. Gusto kong malaman nila ang kanilang mga karapatan at hindi kung kailan na-violate na, saka pa lang nila malalaman, she added. Meanwhile, LLR-Repormas Alarma gears his platform to address student passivity and make the students proactive. He said that through Reinforcing Standing Planning Committees, makapag-reach out kami sa mga estudyante nang marinig ng administration ang mga pangangailangan nila. With these plans, he alleged that they could come up with a technical, proper and more effective assessment that they could lobby to the administration.



Aberata graces his platforms in the phrase, Bridging the Gap. He explained, Generally, all our platforms are summarized on this statement. The gap is the problem and the bridge is the solution.Three of the biggest platforms of Buklod are under this [principle]. If elected, he maintained that he will bridge the gap between the administration and the students while his partymates will bridge other institutions within the university for the coming school year. Miranda, on the other hand, will stick with the current BU Leaders policy, which is basically the Magna Carta for student rights. She said that the BU Leaders platform is not changed yearly, [but only either] amended or revised. Miranda said that she noticed the violations of student rights are not usually being reported in the Guidance Office. It was the rea-

Though Abareta himself admitted that he was not the first one to be considered to run for the Chairperson slot, he was nevertheless recruited by the Buklod hierarchy with still no definite position in mind. He said that the only factors they considered were passion and dedication. He added that credentials may be a factor but it is not something we are expecting from each person we are convincing to join our slate. Its character [above all rather than] charm and credentials. The election is supposedly not the fight of beauty. I could have joined pageants if that was the case. The election is not also a fight of credentials, he continued. Abareta cited that his calm nature is his edge in the electoral race. He also stated that the voice of his constituents will be his priority though his decisions will not solely depend on it. There may be times when these decisions I make in behalf of the people I lead may not be understood by ordinary students. But surely, I

will always have the reason of leading to that final decision. Miranda, on the other hand, also has admissions to make. As incumbent BUCE CSC President, she said that she was also uncertain about [running for USC] at first. When [the building up of the BU Leaders slate] was just starting, I am not yet sure, she stated. However, she said that she got motivated by the students that she is currently serving in her own turf, the College of Education. They are the reason why I am now vying to be the chairperson. [If] naniniwala sila sa akin, what more pa ako sa sarili ko, Miranda added. When she asked regarding her qualifications, Miranda confidently stated that experience is on her side, I became the [BUCE CSCs] Public Information Officer and the President as well. According to her she already met the people from the administration and believed that a student regent is someone who can stand at the middle of professionals. Ako lang yung nasa part ng CSC, I already know the processes inside the council. Scope is the only difference since it is upgraded into the university level, she explains. For Alarma, it started even before entering the university. He said that he built up his determination and passion to be a part of the student council . Ever since elementary, he claimed that he was already a part of different organizations and held high positions. Kung baga, nasadugo ko na siya, he declared. According to Alarma, being a Junior Council in the USC, he already knows the system of the council and being also a part of the CSC before gives him an edge. He added, I already know the problems that I will be facing and

also the things that I have to do. When asked for his credentials and what makes him fit for the position he is running for, he said, Kung credentials ang pagbabasehan ng leadership, I have them all. Kung baga, meron kami nun eh, lahat kami. Pero ang nangingibabaw lang talaga is passion and dedication, kasi passion ko talaga ang leadership.

Buklod candidates generally get their campaign funds from their own pockets. However, various alumni of the party helped them later on in their finances which considerably lessened the burden for election paraphernalia and other campaign monetary matters according to Abareta. The candidates of Buklod were given free will to choose on what position they want to be in, as long as they are capable of doing the job, said Abareta. On the other hand, BU Leaders convene the party members that are already CSC officers and their seniors or alumni during the screening but also invites potential leaders. Kapag nasa CSC kasi, subok na pero hindi sila pinipilit, Miranda said. She further told The Bicol Universitarian that the funds that they are using for their campaign were from the graduates produced by the party but the candidates also shell out contributions sometimes. The LLR-Repormas funding was mostly taken from personal expenditures of the partys candidates augmented with the help from their alumni. In a statement given by Alarma, all the candidates went through a screening process as they guide the student leaders from the very start.


As per usual, this years campaign period is but a blur of color. You are to choose if it shall be blue, yellow or green that goes down the ballot box. In essence, election is nothing but the formal changing of the guards. It is but the shifting of a new student servant or the retaining of an old one done in a democratic way. However, it is more than meets the eye. This Friday, February 17, the USC and CSC elections will determine the ones who will lead the student population for the next academic year, 2012-2013. The moment of truth for the candidates will be decided upon by the votes to be casted by the students who trusted, believed or simply knew them by sight. Needless to say, those who are to emerge as victors in the electoral race will spell what life inside the campus shall be for each and every student of Bicol University for the whole academic year. However, personal bias and political myopia will always prevail for individuals who had their bets just as well carved into stone. An avid supporter will automatically shot down anything targeted to his pet candidate and return fire with an equal force. Though it cant be helped, the bottomline is that it is not from the number of supporters he or she has that counts, but from the number of things he or she had done. It doesnt matter from what political party he or she is running with, but from how much political will he or she has. Not even in his or her interpolating superiority but rather for his or her moral ascendancy. Do not let promises sway your sole

voting power. Remember that words may or may not be empty and smiles may or may not be fake. Do not let fame blind you in voting the one who is suitable for the job. Remember that light travels faster than sound and that he or she might appear bright then talk dull. Do not let personal testimonials by campaign managers overpower your capacity to choose wisely. Remember that you are a student of a premiere state university and your intelligence is enough to segregate tall stories from the genuine ones. This Friday, go out and vote. But not for yourself alone, vote for the student next to you. It may sound ridiculous, but as always, the need of the many outweighs the need of the few. In an academic institution where action is equivalent to progress, passivity is not an option. It never was. It never will.
was filled with colors of yellow, blue and green, as well as with cheers coming from the crowd as each of the candidates was given the chance to present their platforms and defend their qualification for the position they are running for.

Tensions heat up Harapan 2012

By Chona Hu lar and Ma. Abbygale V. Ombao w i th reports from Honey Joy Oyardo

Nine days before the USC elections, the three vying parties were pitted against each other as they graced the Harapan 2012: The Grand Face Off last February 8 at the Bicol University (BU) Grandstand. The candidates were formally introduced by their respective standard bearers: Pete Francis Abareta for his party mates in Buklod, Rachelle Anne Miranda for BU-Leaders and Brent Marione Alarma for LLR-Reporma Coalition. After the introductions, each of the candidates was given the opportunity to deliver his speech. On behalf of their parties, the chairpersons were also given the chance to give their statements in response to the questions laid by The Bicol Universitarian. But due to some confusion and misunderstanding in the guidelines set by the organizers, a problem was encountered during the interpolation. The chairpersons questioned the clearness of the guidelines but the The Bicol Universitarian were able to explain their side. The conflict arose when Miranda commented on how Abareta started with the interpolation. Miranda explained to him that during interpolation, they should be asking each other questions regarding some statements or points they have previously tackled. Miranda also insisted that the mechanics of the debate shouldve been based on the Oxford-Oregon Debate Format. But then again, The Bicol Universitarian insisted that it is the organizers prerogative to decide on what mechanics to use or follow in the debate. Adding to that, an orientation was made and that could be the time wherein the candi-

It was a three-pronged fight.

dates can raise their questions regarding the mechanics of the debate, but they failed to do so. That is why they got confused during the debate proper. While confusions still linger, nevertheless, the candidates and the organizers were able to meet halfway and finally agreed to push through with the event. Harapan has always been part of the activities done during candidacy period. The Bicol Universitarian organized the said activity in line with the upcoming USC Elections on February 17. This is the time wherein the candidates are given the floor to lay their plans once they got hold of the position. Likewise, the students are also given the opportunity to hear them and decide for themselves who really deserve the positions vied for. Cynthia Berba, a Marketing Management student said that the Harapan this year was good because the candidates were too hyper and eager to win. She also added that during the debate, she noticed that each candidate wanted to overpower his competitors. However, Janine Olipon, Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEEd) student, commented that the Harapan last year was better because of the debate that arose between the then competing parties with Ruther Flores as the chairperson of BU-Leaders and Mark Ian Garbo of LLR-Reporma Coalition. This was agreed by another BEEd student who is a supporter of the parties. This year, the problem was on the guidelines for the interpolation. The three parties shouldve attended the orientation and shouldnt put the blame on the organizers, he added. For Ma. Nilda Bong Atos, an AB Econom-

ic student, she will vote the party who has reThe grandstand alistic and long-term platforms. This year, the probIt was agreed by Rea, another lem was on the guideBEEd student, who also addlines for the interpolaed that a leader should have a stand, principle and leadership tion. The three parties skills. shouldve attended the Despite the unfavorable weather condition, the annual orientation and shouldnt event was still carried out. Stuput the blame on the dents from different colleges organizers, came to witness the confrontation of the three contenders.



Editor in Chief Michael Angelo Gallego Associate Editor Amabelle Loremia Managing Editor Ira Jacob Senior Editor Reynard Magtoto Online Content Editor Giovan Ballatan Writers Alyssa Baares, Jeff Geva, Monette Vargas, Chona Hular, Kristel Hermosa, Patricia Miguel, Jomilyn Grutas, Abbygale Ombao, Elaine Lara, Christine Latona Cartoonists Arvill Villamor, Lou Xavier Lauraya, Nick Mangampo Jr., Raul Diaz Jr. Photojournalist Francis Licup Layout Artists Carlo Bernardo, Norberto Manlapas Jr. Webmaster Kathleen Lara Public Relations Staff Mersan Llandelar, Mark Aniel, Jonel Argamosa,Arlene Gandol, Gerrilyn Godoy, Honey Joy Oyardo, Marianne Ocromas Technical Adviser Felipe Jose Peralta

Editorial Board and Staff AY 2011-2012



Lay-out by: Norberto L. Manlapas Jr and Carlo Bernardo

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