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Title of Proposal Midwest Evaluation Proposal Statement of whom its submitted to and whos submitting it This proposal is being

done by Midwest Evaluations and is being submitted to Far West Laboratory for Educational Research Development. Introduction
This proposal will be done for Far West Laboratory for Educational and Research Development (FWL). The evaluation will be done by Midwest Evaluations (ME) The evaluation is to evaluate their program called Determining Instructional Purposes (DIP) training program. FWL wants determine if they are ready for distribution of their instruction units. FWL wants to grow as a company and develop a DIP training program package. FWL wants to first determine the effectiveness of their program before they start producing at a mass scale. If FWL produces a product that doesnt work well, it would hurt their company significantly. If their product works great then it will help develop their company on a larger scale. The purpose of the evaluation is to gain enough information that FWL administrators can decided whether or not they could start spreading their program.

Description of Program being Evaluated

The Determining Instructional Purposes training package consists of three different units. The three units are: Unit 1-Setting Goals, Unit 2Analyzing Problems, and Unit 3-Deriving Objectives. Each unit is made up of four-to-six modules and the units can be taught together or separately. A typical module contains reading material related to the skills taught in the module, individual or small group activities in which the trainees practice the skills, and feedback for the practice activities. In many of the

practice activities, the trainees are organized into planning teams in order to apply the skills covered in the module to problems and processes in a hypothetical school district (FWL Request for Proposal). The units are self-contained, meaning that one would only need to follow their program to achieve the success that is desired by the participants. If a school or company is going to use the materials for a workshop they need to have a coordinator, which is someone who has gone through the program, run the workshop.

Evaluation Method
The evaluations main goal is to determine whether or not FWL should market the DIP program. FWL prides themselves that their program is self-contained, meaning that one would only need to follow their program to achieve the success that is desired by the participants. Based upon FWLs goal to determine the worth of this program, the evaluation must yield information that proves or disproves the quality of learning with the DIP program. Since the DIP can be learned as a whole (participants learn all three units) or as a part (participants learn only one or two units) the evaluation needs to include research findings on both methods. In order to determine the effectiveness I will have four different participant groups. Group A will do the complete three unit DIP program. Group B will do only Unit 1, Group C will do only Unit 2, and Group D will do only Unit 3. By doing an evaluation this way it can be determined if Group A (all units) learns Unit 1, 2, and 3 at a higher success rate than Groups B, C, and D.

To determine the effectiveness of the DIP program as a whole (Group-A), the evaluation will rest on both summative and formative evaluations. The summative evaluations that will be done are a pre-test and a post-test. This will determine the effectiveness of the program as a whole. Throughout the learning process there will be formative evaluations that give insight into the learning process as it is happening.

There will be attitude surveys to conclude how the participants feel about the program. The attitude survey will be given at the middle and end of the program. Lastly the participants will take a test at the end of each unit.

The participants who learn each individual unit (Group B, C, and D) will have different evaluations than Group A. There still will be summative and formative evaluations, but they will be over different topics. Since Group B will only be doing Unit 1, their pre-test and post-test will be only over Unit 1. These groups will still take attitude surveys, just like Group A. The only change for Group C and Group D are that their summative tests (pre-test, post-test) will cover their units (Unit 2 for Group C, and Unit 3 for Group D).

Group A- Participants are doing complete program

Group B- Participants are only doing Unit 1

Pre-test Attitude survey Unit test 1 Unit test 2 Unit test 3 Post test
Group C- Participants are only doing Unit 2

Pre-test for Unit 1 Attitude Survey Unit 1 Test

Group D - Participants are only doing Unit 3

Pre-test for Unit 2 Attitude Survey Unit 2 test

Pre-test for Unit 3 Attitude Survey Unit 3 Test

A committee will create pre-test, post-test, attitude surveys, and Unit tests. The committee will be made up of stakeholders, so that evaluations will be pertinent to the stakeholders. The committee will create the evaluation questions and survey questions

so that each evaluation will precisely attain the information needed to help FWL make their decision. Participants will be found and paid $50 a day for their learning. The learning process for them will be 3 hours a day.

Task Schedule
TASK FWL and ME meet to discuss MEs Proposal, and determine any adjustments needed. Stakeholder committee is established. All evaluations, and surveys are created. Participant groups are found and created. Group A, B, C, and D take their respected pre-tests. Group A begins 1st Unit, Groups B, C, D begin their unit. Groups A, B and D Finish their first unit and take Unit 1 post-test. Groups B, and D take Attitude Survey Group C Finishes Unit 2 and takes post-unit test, and attitude survey. Group A Finishes Unit 2 and takes post-unit test, and an attitude survey. Group A finishes Unit 3 and takes a post-unit test, and post program test. Results are summarized and tabulated. Agency Responsible FWL and ME Date

January 4th

FWL and ME Stakeholder Committee ME ME ME ME

January 5th January 15th January 15th January 18th January 18th January 22nd


January 25th February 1st February 5th February 12th

Write final report and submit to FWL.


February 12th

Project Personnel
The stakeholders committee will be made up of one ME representative, one DIP coordinator representative, and two FWL personnel (one who reports directly to an FWL executive). The ME representative will be the head of the stakeholders committee. The two FWL personnel will help determine what information they want included in the evaluations, and surveys. One of the FWL needs to report directly to the FWL executives, since the evaluations has major implications for whether or not the company is going to grow. This person will be able to help have constant communication with the heads of FWL and the stakeholders committee.

There needs to be four different coordinators to teach the 4 groups that are being evaluated, and one ME representative to run the evaluations. The ME representative can be the same as the ME representative that is in the stakeholders group.

Budget or Fee (see sample budget in Course Documents)

Personnel - ME representative - FWL representative (A) - FWL representative (B) - Coordinator (A, Head coordinator) day) - Coordinator (B) - Coordinator (C) - Coordinator (D) - Participants (14 groups B, D) - Participants (7 group A) - Participants (7 group C) Total Travel and per Deim

$15,000/ 30 Days ($500 per day) $4,800 / 12 Days ($400 per day) $3,600/ 12 Days ($300 per day) $7,200 /24 Days ($300 per $1,250/5 Days ($250 per day) $1,500/6 Days ($250 per day) $1,250/5 Days ($250 per day) $3,500 /5 Days ($50 per day) $5,200 /15 Days ($50 per day) $2,100 /6 Days ($50 per day) $45,400


Travel expenses for ME representative $300 (gas compensation) o Site visits o Meetings with FWL o Travel to and from ME office Travel for participants $ 1,000 (gas compensation) $1,300

Materials, and Photocopying Total Coordinator handbooks each) Three Unit package each) Single Unit package each) Supplies (pencils, paper, pens) $18 $174.65 $187.95 $100 $480.60 (4 handbooks/4.50 (7 packages/ 24.95 (21 packages/ 8.95

_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Total $47,180.60

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