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Lord Caitanyas third prayer (M 71 A2; February 3, 1990) One can pray to Krishna "Please let me know when the false ego is having influence over me."

Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day (Philippines, A 97 A1; March 28, 2002) We should pray to Lord Chaitanya for the greatest gift, the greatest treasure: love for Krishna.

Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day (A 96 A2; February 24, 2002) Devotees are always praying: My dear Lord, please help me remove this tendency to find fault in others.

The bright light of love and the dense darkness of lust (S 58 A2; November 24, 1991) Let us pray to Lord Chaitanya to be merciful on to us so we can taste the nectar of love for Krishna.

Lecture about Krishnas Appearance Day 1993 (A 32 A2; August 9, 1993) So we pray to Krishna: "Please let us remember always Your position and our relationship with You. Let us come to the point where we care more about Your happiness than our own. Let me always remember to chant Your Holy Names."

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swamis Appearance Day 1993 (A 32 A2; August 11, 1993) Bhaktivedanta Swami loved his spiritual master more than his own security. This is real love. We pray that one day we too will come to such a stage of love for Krishna.

Appearance of Lord Jesus Christos 1999 (A 77 A2; December 25, 1999) S prays to have just one drop of love for God that his spiritual master has.

Disappearance of Srila Puri Maharaja (A 77 A2; November 21, 1999) Before Srila Puri Maharaja was leaving this world we were praying when you go to see Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami, please give him the message from us that we are very sorry that we are such failures as disciples and have been so useless and to show us your mercy.

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swamis Disappearance Day 1998 (A 67 A2; October 25, 1998) S prays "that the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra as the center is never lost."

Lord Caitanyas process is open to all (S 65 A3, September 27, 1992) S prays "Dear Lord Chaitanya, please be merciful unto me even though I am more offensive than Jagai and Madhai.

Everyone needs to love and be loved (M 63 A2, August 2, 1992) When we pray to Lord Chaitanya, we should pray for love for Krishna and to always be engaged in Your loving service."

Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day 1994 (A 37 A2, February 24, 1994) So on this day of Lord Nityananda's Appearance Celebration we pray to Him for His mercy that we may be qualified to chant the names of Krishna by feeling lower than the straw in the street, devoid of all false prestige, ready to offer all respects to others and always ready to forgive those who offend us.

Lord Balarama's Appearance Day 1993 (Spiritual love is strength); (A 35 A2, August 2, 1993) We pray to Lord Balaram to give us the strength to defeat that gorilla of our material mind, the nasty gorilla of our false ego, which is so full of envy, greed, lust, anger and hatred. We take shelter of Your lotus feet. We pray to Lord Balaram please give us the strength to defeat this gorilla, who has made his business to cause trouble, causing

trouble to me, the spirit soul, who wants to serve You. I am covered by this envious gorilla and I cannot defeat it by my own strength.

Lord Balarama's Appearance Day 1993 (Spiritual love is strength); (A 35 A2, August 2, 1993) We pray to Lord Balaram: "My dear Balaram, when this gorilla was interfering in Your loving pastimes You got rid of him. Now I'm Your devotee. I am surrendered unto You. I am suffering, because my relationship with You is being polluted by this gorilla, my false ego. My dear Lord Balaram, please be merciful unto me, please help me get rid of this out of my heart."

Lord Balarama's Appearance Day 1993 (Spiritual love is strength); (A 35 A2, August 2, 1993) We pray to Lord Balaram for spiritual love, which is spiritual strength.

Lord Balarama's Appearance Day 1995 (A 48 A3, August 11, 1995) We need to learn how to pray to Lord Balaram: "Please forgive me for my offenses and please give me shelter. Please give me protection cause I'm always feeling uncomfortable or in anxiety. There is always something that is bothering me, there is always something in my heart that is not satisfying. There is always some fear lurking somewhere in there that I may try to cover up in various ways. So I'm asking You, Dear Balaram, please give me Your protection, let me surrender to You."

Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day 1998 (A 63 A3, February 8, 1998) On this day of Lord Nityananda's Appearance, our prayer to Lord Nityananda is that we come to the platform of such love for God and all living beings. That we will be able to receive the names of Krishna from Him. Then we too can also become mad.

Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day 1996 (A 51 A3, February 2, 1996) The entire spiritual world and all its beauty and love are open for one who opens his heart to Lord Nityananda: "Please dear Lord Nityananda, give me Your protection. Please let me taste just one drop of love for Krishna, so that when I'm chanting the names of Krishna I'm actually feeling some love rather than being like a dry stone."

The devotee gives Krishna unconditionally (M 48 A2, October 27, 1991) When we follow the gopis' example, we will find ourselves falling very short. Then we fall at Krishna's feet, feeling lower than the straw in the street and pray "My dear Lord. Please forgive me. Please accept me. Please forgive me for my offenses as I forgive those who have committed an offense against me and who are imperfect in my eyes."

Lord Balarama's Appearance Day 2000 (A 82 A2, August 14, 2000) Every time we chant "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" we are chanting to Lord Balaram. Lord Balaram, please let us be Your servant. Protect us by infusing us with love for Krishna. Protect us by Your divine love.

By Gods grace (X 20 A2, November 15, 1986) We should pray "My dear Krishna, please let me have faith in You. I am faithless. I am a demon."

Two kinds of chanting; two kinds of devotees (S 88 A2, May 5, 1996) We pray to Krishna "Always let me remember You. Wherever I go, don't let me forget You."

Two paths, one choice (D 39 A3, December 12, 1999) S prays that we will choose loving service to Krishna.

Purification and love is achieved by hearing and chanting Krishna's Names (S 149 A2, May 30, 2003) In that consciousness of helplessness we pray to Krishna "Please let me take shelter of You. Please protect me."

Welcome the holy name into your heart (S 146 A2, March 29, 2003)

If I find that I neglected Krishna, I should feel sorry and ask for forgiveness: Please forgive me. Dont leave. If you leave, I have no life. I have no way to get better. I am a sick person. I have no way to become purified of the selfishness and the lust and the greed that takes my attention away from You. You must please forgive me. This is my fault. This is my imperfection. But I have no hope without You if you leave. Please stay with Me.

Real disciple is a lover of Krishna (S 33 A3, 1981) The disciple prays to Krishna: I don't even know You exist. But because my spiritual master, Your dear devotee, has instructed me to do this, therefore, in his name I am offering this. Kindly accept this."

Know where your shelter is and take refuge there (S 154 A2, August 17, 2003) A devotee prays to his spiritual master "Please give me the shade of your lotus feet."

The choice to move closer to, or away from Krishna is ours (S 128 A3, February 2, 2002) S prays that when you get this opportunity to surrender, you will take it and walk in that door and give your life to Krishna, place yourself in His hands instead of the hands of Mayadevi.

Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day 2004 (A 118 A2, February 3, 2004) One should pray to Lord Nityananda for His mercy "Let me taste the nectar of the Holy names of Gaurachandra, Lord Chaitanya. Let me taste the nectar of the holy names of Krishna."

You cant live like an animal and die like a devotee (S 159 A1, December 14, 2003) The devotee of Krishna prays: "My dear friends. Just chant the names of Krishna, meditate upon Him and His pastimes. Become attached to Him, take shelter in Him. Give your heart and your life to Krishna. Live not like an animal, but truly live."

The devotee relishes seeing how Krishna enjoys (M 56 A3, April 19, 1992)

We pray to enter this world. It's a world of love, beauty and joy. These are inseparable, yet they are separate. So we pray to our spiritual master: Please let us have your mercy, so that we can actually taste the nectar of this devotion, that we can have entrance in such pastimes, such love. Without your mercy upon me, it is not possible. Therefore I approach you, dear gurudev, and beg you at your lotus feet, please have mercy upon me.

The lotus feet of our spiritual master: The basis for our spiritual life (G 39 A3, March 28, 2004) We pray "O gurudev, you are my lord and master. Rendering loving service to you is what I want to be doing life after life. Never want to leave you, leave your lotus feet."

Love for God is so wonderful even God wants to taste it (M 49 A2, June 6, 1991) We pray to the acharyas, to the spiritual master: "Please have mercy on me. I want to taste this nectar. I am tired of hating."

Longing for our real home (M 57 A2, March 9, 1991) Please give us longing to Krishna, that loving attachment to Krishna.

Lord Krishna's Appearance Day 1999 (A 74 A2, September 2, 1999) S prays that everyone can hear Krishna's words. Krishna's words are like nectar, a song. S prays that "You let all of us sitting here hear the benefits of Your words."

Lord Krishna's Appearance Day 1992 (A 26 A2, August 21, 1992) On this glorious day of Krishna's Appearance let us offer our obeisances over and over again. And let us pray that one day we will be able to render service to the loving servants of Krishna. All glories to You Sri Krishna, all glories to Your Appearance Day.

One should approach Lord Caitanya for the highest gift (A 20 A2, January 12, 1992) S prays" I am bereft of love for God. My heart is like a stone. It is hard and cold. Therefore I am praying to you, my dear Lord Chaitanya, to bless me, have mercy on me

and let me taste the nectar of loving service to Krishna." That is what one should approach Lord Chaitanya for.

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swamis Disappearance Day 1989 (A 28 A2; November 2, 1989) We pray to Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad to give us just a drop of the desire you had to please Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.

"The case against the Impersonal conception of God, is personal "Unless mayavad is completely uprooted from the heart, pure bhakti can not begin... I want to taste sugar; I dont want to be sugar. Can water quaff itself? Can trees taste of the fruit they bear? He who worships God must stand distinct from Him, So only shall he know the joyful love of God; For if he say that God and he are one, That joy, that love, shall vanish instantly away. Pray no more for utter oneness with God: Where were the beauty if jewel and setting were one? The heat and the shade are two, If not, where were the comfort of shade? Mother and child are two, If not, where were the love? When after being sundered, they meet, What joy do they feel, the mother and child! Where were joy, if the two were one? Pray, then, no more for utter oneness with God. - Poem by Tukaram

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