Podcast / Radio Production Assignment Brief

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AF Creative Arts & Industries

Unit Number/s and Title 375 Radio / Podcast Production. Assignment Title: Create and Record a Radio Programme / Podcast and Evaluate its success.

Functional Skills

Literacy - English ICT

Briefing Date: 27th February 2012

Numeracy Verbal Communication.

Submission Date: Task 1 - 12th March 2012

Review Dates: Task 1 : 5th March 2012 Final Assessment Date: Assessor/s: AF Learners Name : IV : DE

Suggested Reading: Learning Outcomes 1.0 Demonstrate how to create and record a radio programme / Podcast and evaluate its success.

Assignment You have been asked to pitch for a one hour pilot Radio Show / Podcast for a New Internet Radio Station. The show is to be presented by you and should include a signature tune, an audio sting and an interview. To give yourself the best possible chance of getting the contract, your pitch must include a plan or draft script for your one-hour show and a 15 20 minute sample extract of your show, which should include the signature tune, the audio sting and the interview. Finally you are to be interviewed yourself, to camera, commenting on your shows strengths and areas for development which will feature on the Radio Stations website.

Creative Arts & Industries

Tasks / Evidence / Submission Date Task 1 Grading Criteria NYA WT Achieved

To achieve a distinction, learners should:

A) Go into iTunes and listen to some Music Radio Stations.

Make notes on presentation style and the music that is being played. Also think about who would listen to this Radio Show (sex, age group etc) and broadcast time.

D1. Produce an excellent, detailed rationale for a radio show /podcast of 1 hour for a specific radio station, which assesses the contextual aspects in detail, offering an excellent insight into the following: programme aim/purpose; target audience; presentation style; levels of audience participation; music content; other content (e.g. life style issues); proposed broadcast time. To achieve a merit, learners should: M1. Produce a detailed rationale for a radio show/podcast of around 1 hour which assesses some of the contextual aspects in detail, offering a good insight into the following: programme aim/purpose; target audience; presentation style; levels of audience participation; music content; other content (e.g. life style issues); proposed broadcast time. To achieve a pass, all learners must: P1. Produce a basic rationale for a radio show/podcast of around I hour minutes which demonstrates some simple contextual aspects in the following: programme aim/purpose; target audience;

B) You will produce a plan for a one hour Radio Show / Podcast in a format that is suitable for use by a radio station or website specified by you (the learner), to include where applicable:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Programme Aim / Purpose Target Audience Presentation Style Levels of Audience Participation Music Content Other Content (life style issues) Proposed Broadcast Time

Evidence: Written plan and draft script. Submission Date :

presentation style; levels of audience participation; music content; other content (e.g. life style issues); proposed broadcast time.

Task 2

To achieve a distinction, learners should: D2. Can produce an excellent and convincing extract of a radio show/podcast of around 10-15 minutes, which exhibits characteristic highly relevant to the style of podcast being produced. The student can demonstrate excellent abilities in the following areas: creation/use of introductory signature tune; creation/use of an audio sting; selection of music to meet the rationale in 1.1; creation of a draft/guide script; inclusion of at least one interview; accurate programming of music, interview and speech; direction of the show to include the presenter (which can be the learner) and production crew where applicable. To achieve a merit, learners should: M2. Can produce an excellent and convincing extract of a radio show/podcast of around 10-15 minutes which exhibits characteristic highly relevant to the style of podcast being produced. The student can demonstrate excellent abilities in the following areas: creation/use of introductory signature tune; creation/use of an audio sting; selection of music to meet the rationale in 1.1; creation of a draft/guide script; inclusion of at least one interview; accurate programming of music, interview and speech; direction of the show to include the presenter (which can be the learner) and production crew where applicable. To achieve a pass, all learners must:


Using Garage band, create and record a signature tune and audio sting for your Radio Show / Podcast. Using Garage band, you will record a 15 - 20 minute extract of your Radio Show / Podcast using the points above. Your extract must include:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) the creation or use of an signature tune the creation or use of an audio sting selection of music to meet the rationale in 1 (above). the creation of a draft / guide script the inclusion of at least one interview accurate programming of music, interview and speech. direction of the show to include the presenter (you) and any production crew where applicable.


Evidence: 15 20 minute recording of an Extract of the Radio Show / Podcast. Submission Date: As specified by tutor

P2. Produce a good basic extract of a radio show/podcast of around 10-15 minutes, which exhibits some characteristic relevant to the style of podcast being produced. The student can demonstrate basic abilities in the following areas: creation/use of introductory signature tune; creation/use of an audio sting; selection of music to meet the rationale in 1.1; creation of a draft/guide script; inclusion of at least one interview; accurate programming of music, interview and speech; direction of the show to include the presenter (which can be the learner) and production crew where applicable. To achieve a distinction, learners should: D3. Give a detailed overview of the success of the podcast relation to the specified criteria showing excellent analysis with self assessment skills highlighting strengths and areas for development offering viable and realistic solutions for areas for development. To achieve a merit, learners should:
Evidence: Video Interview Submission Date:

Task 3

1. Record a short video interview to evaluate the success of the Radio Show / Podcast extract in relation to the specified criteria and assess its strengths and areas of development.

M3. Give a detailed overview of the success of the podcast relation to the specified criteria showing some good self assessment skills highlighting strengths and areas for development. To achieve a pass, all learners must: P3. Give a detailed overview the success of the podcast relation to the specified criteria showing some good self assessment skills highlighting strengths and areas for development.

PLTS (Personal Learning & Thinking Skills) Key: IE Independent Enquirers CT Creative Thinkers

RL Reflective Learners

TW Team Workers

SM Self-managers

EP Effective Participators

Achieved: Assessor Feedback

Action Plan

Learners Feedback

Assessor : Alex Forryan Learner

Signed Signed

Date Date

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