Times of Econ: Political Cartoons

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Stock Market Crash!

On October 29th, the stock market crashed, due to multiple reasons. This has left many Americans without homes, jobs, and most importantly, their money. Although this seems like a hopeless period for the country, Americans are looking up to a new president to lead the way back to a stable economy. But as for now, many citizens must crowd inside of local buildings that oer free bread and soup. The crash lost about 14 million dollars. The crash was primarily caused by overvalued stocks, low margin requirements, interest rate hikes, and poor bank structures. As for now, the conditions remain very poor for Americans, as they are desperately looking for jobs and homes. Since the US is a worldwide trading power and leader, many other countries are bound to suer many countries are also forming new governments and electing new leaders that they think will help them in their journey to becoming a normal country once again. As for the US government, it is planning on passing laws that will prevent further crashes and stabilize the future economy. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, many predict a new war coming as throughout the world. These militant leaders have grabbed the attention of the poverty-stricken citizens and persuaded them to follow their plans. Countries such as Italy, Germany, and Japan are quickly becoming ruled by military leaders that promise the people good things. These countries are slowly drifting away from democracy. As for the US, people wish to stay out of foreign aairs in order to avoid more losses in soldiers or money. This situation seems to be getting even more tense by the moment.

in their economic areas as well. In addition to this, fascism is rising in many countries

Political Cartoons

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Americas Depression
As the depression rages on, President Hoovers words seem to be a lie. Although he said that the economy would soon come back to normal, it is still in a slump and only 75% of people have jobs. Those who cannot aord to live go to Hoovervilles, where they are provided with a little amount of food and other supplies. Hoover Stew is the soup provided to the people, Hoover Blankets are the newspapers that are used as blankets, Hoover Hogs are the jack rabbits used as food, and Hoover Wagons are the broken down cars pulled by mules. As for now, 50% of children do not receive enough food, shelter, or medical care.Many schools also have reduced their hours or completely closed down. As many as 3 million children have left school, which adds another weakness into this generation. As many as 750,000 farms were lost as a result of the depression and crash Many of them are being put up for

Alfred Marshall (below), a British economist, died on July 13th, 1924, in Cambridge, England. Born on July 26th, 1842, in London, he was interested in math and several other subjects that led him to economics. Marshalls book, Principles of Economics, is a well- known work throughout England, and is something he is famous for. Towards the end of the 19th century, his health deteriorated and he became less active, which ominously led to his death.

Vilfredo Pareto (above), an Italian engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist and philosopher, has passed away on August 19th, 1923, in Geneva, Switzerland. Born in Paris, he grew up in a middle class family and received good education. He worked a variety of jobs before working with economics in his forties. He was a supporter of free trade and created several concepts named after him, such as the Pareto chart and Pareto index.

auctions in which they were bid for pennies, nickels, and quarters. In New York, shortly following the crash, many were seen attempting suicide. The amount of hope left in the people seems to be dwindling down by the day. As more people le for bankruptcy, they begin to lose more hope that things will

get better. On the bright side, new buildings and bridges are being constructed to provide people with more jobs. The Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge are both currently being built, and are both providing jobs for the unemployed.

Buick 1933 Price $425 Contact: Harold Ochocinco" " 352-718-4590 Golden Retriever pup for sale Price: $50 Contact: Betty Watson 389-217-5543 Need a nanny? Price: $1 per hour Contact: Lily Underwood 768-349-1298 Vacuum cleaner Price: $65 Contact: Alex Brewer 332-352-5621


Iron Price: $35 Contact: Joey Grifn 652-416-4828 Bicycle Price: $55 Contact: Victor Cruz 748-473-2939

CLASSIFIEDS Apartment for sale

760-780 square feet $1000 Contact: Henry Dawson 382-745-2739 House for rent 1200 square feet Price: $900 per month Contact: Jeremy Lin 938-732-1823 Need to rent a car? Family full-sized sedans Price: $50-200 per day Contact: Bobby Velasquez 284-124-3821

Bed Lamp Price: $15 Contact: Oliver Schwarzenegger 958-283-1732

Works Cited 1930s, the. "50 Interesting Facts about the Great Depression." Random Facts | Fun Trivia | Interesting Insight. http://facts.randomhistory.com/ 2009/04/12_great-depression.html (accessed February 27, 2012). Bearman2007. "9 25 Economic Bandaid copy | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. http://www.ickr.com/photos/ bearmancartoons/2888547590/ (accessed February 27, 2012). "Stock Market, stock market Crash, 2000, 1987, 1929." Technical Analysis QQQ Trading Nasdaq 100 Stock chart S&P 500 market timing system. http://www.marketvolume.com/info/stock_market_crashes.asp (accessed February 27, 2012). "Vilfredo Pareto 1848-1923 | Bolender.com." Welcome to Bolender Initiatives | Bolender.com. http://www.bolenderinitiatives.com/sociology/vilfredopareto-1848-1923 (accessed February 27, 2012). title. "Alfred Marshall: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty." Library of Economics and Liberty. http:// www.econlib.org/library/Enc/bios/Marshall.html (accessed February 27, 2012).

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