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Roll Number: .................................................

Learning Centre: 02544
Course & Semester: MScCS SEMESTER 1
Subject Code: MC0061
Date of Submission at the Learning Centre: 20

1. Describe the following:

a. Function Prototypes
b. Recursion


a. Function Prototype

In modern C programming, it is considered good practice to use prototype declarations for all
functions that you call. prototypes help to ensure that the compiler can generate correct code for
calling the functions, as well as allowing the compiler to catch certain mistakes that may exist in
the program.

Generally, a function prototype can be written as
data-type name(type1, type2, , type n)

int sample(int, int) or int sample(int a, int b);
float fun(int, float) or float fun( int a, float b);
void demo(void); Here void indicates function neither return any value to the caller nor it
has any arguments.

If the function definition comes after the definition of its caller function, then the prototype is
required in the caller, but the prototype is optional if the function definition precedes the
definition of the caller function. But it is good programming practice to include the function
prototype wherever it is defined.

It should be noted that unlike variables, the defining instance'' of a function is the function,
including its body (that is, the brace-enclosed list of declarations and statements implementing
the function). An external declaration of a function, even without the keyword extern, looks
nothing like a function declaration. Therefore, the keyword extern is optional in function
prototype declarations. If you wish, you can write
int multbyfour(int);
and this is just like an external function prototype declaration as
extern int multbyfour(int);

Example Program to illustrate that the function prototype is optional in the caller function


char lower_to_upper(char ch) /* Function definition precedes main()*/
char c;
c=(ch>=a && ch<=z) ? (A+ch-a):ch;
return c;

char lower, upper;
/* char lower_to_upper(char lower); */ /* Function prototype is optional here*/
printf(Please enter a lowercase character:);
scanf(%c, &lower);
printf(\nThe uppercase equivalent of %c is %c\n, lower, upper);

b. Recursion

Recursion is a process by which a function calls itself repeatedly, until some specified condition
has been met. The process is used for repetitive computations in which each action is stated in
terms of a previous result. Many repetitive problems can be written in this form.

In order to solve a problem recursively, two conditions must be satisfied. First, the problem must
be written in a recursive form, and the second, the problem statement must include a stopping

Example: The Towers of Hanoi. The Towers of Hanoi is a game played with three poles and a
number of different sized disks. Each disk has a hole in the center, allowing it to be stacked
around any of the poles. Initially, the disks are stacked on the leftmost pole in the order of
decreasing size, i.e, the largest on the bottom, and the smallest on the top.

The aim of the game is to transfer the disks from the leftmost pole to the rightmost pole, without
ever placing a larger disk on top of a smaller disk. Only one disk may be moved at a time, and
each disk must always be placed around one of the poles.

The general strategy is to consider one of the poles to be the origin, and another to be the
destination. The third pole will be used for intermediate storage, thus allowing the disks to be
moved without placing a larger disk over a smaller one. Assume there are n disks, numbered
from smallest to largest, if the disks are initially stacked on the left pole, the problem of moving
all n disks to the right pole can be stated in the following recursive manner:

1. Move the top n-1 disks from the left pole to the center pole.
2. Move the nth disk( the largest disk) to the right pole.
3. Move the n-1 disks on the center pole to the right pole.

The problem can be solved for any value of n greater than 0(n=0 represents a stopping

In order to program this game, we first label the poles, so that the left pole is represented as L,
the center pole as C and the right pole as R. Let us refer the individual poles with the char-type
variables from, to and temp for the origin, destination and temporary storage respectively.

void Recursive_Hanoi(int, char, char, char);
int n;
printf( Towers of Hanoi\n\n);
printf( How many disks?);
scanf(%d, &n);
Recusrive_Hanoi(n, L, R, C);
void Recursive_Hanoi(int n, char from, char to, char temp)
/* Transfer n disks from one pole to another */
/* n= number of disks
temp=temporary storage */
If (n>0) {

/* move n-1 disks from origin to temporary */
Recursive_Hanoi(n-1, from, temp, to);

/* move nth disk from origin to destination */
printf( Move disk %d from %c to %c\n, n, from, to);

/* move n-1 disks from temporary to destination */
Recursive_Hanoi(n-1, temp, to, from);

2. Explain the following looping structures with suitable code examples:
While Loop
DoWhile loop
Simple For loop

While Loop
A while loop has one control expression, and executes as long as that expression is true. Here
before executing the body of the loop, the condition is tested. Therefore it is called an entry-
controlled loop.

The following example repeatedly doubles the number 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, ...) and prints the resulting
numbers as long as they are less than 1000:

int x = 2;
while(x < 1000)
printf("%d\n", x);
x = x * 2;

DoWhile Loop
The dowhile loop is used in a situation where we need to execute the body of the loop before
the test is performed. Therefore, the body of the loop may not be executed at all if the condition
is not satisfied at the very first attempt. Where as while loop makes a test of condition before the
body of the loop is executed.

For above reasons while loop is called an entry-controlled loop and do..while loop is called
an exit-controlled loop.

do while loop takes the following form:

Body of the loop
While ( expression);
On reaching the do statement , the program proceeds to evaluate the body of the loop first. At
the end of the loop, the conditional expression in the while statement is evaluated. If the
expression is true, the program continues to evaluate the body of the loop once again. This
process continues as long as the expression is true. When the expression becomes false, the
loop will be terminated and the control goes to the statement that appears immediately after the
while statement.

On using the do loop, the body of the loop is always executed at least once irrespective of the

Example: Program to print Multiplication Table
int rowmax=10,colmax=10,row,col,x;
printf(" Multiplication table\n");
printf(%4d, x);
while (col<=colmax);

Simple For Loop

The for loop is used to repeat the execution of set of statements for a fixed number of times.
The for loop is also an entry-controlled loop.

Generally, the syntax of a for loop is

for(expr1; expr2; expr3) statement(s)

The three expressions in a for loop encapsulate the following conditions:
expr1 sets up the initial condition, expr 2 tests whether another trip through the loop should be
taken, and expr3 increments or updates things after each trip through the loop and prior to the
next one. Consider the following :

for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)
printf("i is %d\n", i);

In the above example, we had i = 0 as expr1, i < 10 as expr2 , i = i + 1 as expr3, and the call to
printf as statement, the body of the loop. So the loop began by setting i to 0, proceeded as long
as i was less than 10, printed out i's value during each trip through the loop, and added 1 to i
between each trip through the loop.

3. With the help of a recursive function, write a program to find the factorial of a
number between 1 and 1000.


int n;
long int fact(int);

/* Read in the integer quantity*/
scanf(%d, &n);

/*calculate and display the factorial*/
If (n <= 1000) printf(n!=%ld\n, fact(n));

long int fact(int n)
return (n*fact(n-1));

6. Describe the following with the help of suitable programming examples:
a. Abstract Data Types
b. Stack as an Abstract Data Type
c. Queue as an Abstract Data Type


Abstract Data Types

An Abstract Data Type(ADT) is a data type that is organized in such a way that the specification
of the objects and the specification of the operations on the objects is separated from the
representation of the objects and implementation of the operations.

Some programming languages provide explicit mechanisms to support the distinction between
specification and implementation. Although C does not have an explicit mechanism for
implementing ADTs, it is still possible and desirable to design your data types using the same

How does the specification of the operations of an ADT differ from the implementation of the
operations? The specification consists of the names of every function, the type of its arguments,
and the type of its result. There should also be a description of what the function does, but
without appealing to internal representation or implementation details. This requirement is
quite important, and it implies that an abstract data type is implementation independent.
Furthermore, it is possible to classify the functions of a data type into several categories:

1) Creator/constructor: These functions create a new instance of the designated type.
2) Transformers: These functions also create an instance of the designated type, generally by
using one or more other instances.
3) Observers/reporters: These functions provide information about an instance of the type, but
they do not change the instance.

Typically, an ADT definition will include at least one function from each of these three

Stack as an Abstract Data Type

A stack is simply a list of elements with insertions and deletions permitted at one end called
the stack top. That means that it is possible to remove elements from a stack in reverse order
from the insertion of elements into the stack. Thus, a stack data structure exhibits the LIFO (last
in first out) property. Push and pop are the operations that are provided for insertion of an
element into the stack and the removal of an element from the stack, respectively. Shown in the
figure below are the effects of push and pop operations on the stack.

Since a stack is basically a list, it can be implemented by using an array or by using a linked

Program to implement a stack using an array

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the stack */
#include <stdlib.h>
void push(int stack[], int *top, int value)
if(*top < MAX )
*top = *top + 1;
stack[*top] = value;
printf("The stack is full can not push a value\n");
void pop(int stack[], int *top, int * value)
if(*top >= 0 )
*value = stack[*top];
*top = *top - 1;
printf("The stack is empty can not pop a value\n");
void main()
int stack[MAX];
int top = -1;
int n,value;
printf("Enter the element to be pushed\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value popped is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);

Program to implement a stack using Linked List

# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;
struct node *push(struct node *p, int value)
struct node *temp;
temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
/* creates new node
using data value
passed as parameter */
printf("No Memory available Error\n");
temp->data = value;
temp->link = p;
p = temp;
struct node *pop(struct node *p, int *value)
struct node *temp;
printf(" The stack is empty can not pop Error\n");
*value = p->data;
temp = p;
p = p->link;
void main()
struct node *top = NULL;
int n,value;
printf("Enter the element to be pushed\n");
top = push(top,value);
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
while( n == 1)
top = pop(top,&value);
printf("The value popped is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);


One of the applications of the stack is in expression evaluation. A complex assignment
statement such as a = b + c*d/ef may be interpreted in many different ways. Therefore, to give
a unique meaning, the precedence and associativity rules are used. But still it is difficult to
evaluate an expression by computer in its present form, called the infix notation. In infix
notation, the binary operator comes in between the operands. A unary operator comes before
the operand. To get it evaluated, it is first converted to the postfix form, where the operator
comes after the operands. For example, the postfix form for the expression a*(bc)/d is abc*d/.
A good thing about postfix expressions is that they do not require any precedence rules or
parentheses for unique definition. So, evaluation of a postfix expression is possible using a
stack-based algorithm.

Queue as an Abstract Data Type

A queue is also a list of elements with insertions permitted at one endcalled the rear, and
deletions permitted from the other endcalled the front. This means that the removal of
elements from a queue is possible in the same order in which the insertion of elements is made
into the queue. Thus, a queue data structure exhibits the FIFO (first in first out) property. Insert
and delete are the operations that are provided for insertion of elements into the queue and the
removal of elements from the queue, respectively shown in the figure below Initially both front
and rear are initialized to -1.

Program to implement a queue using an array

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the queue */
#include <stdlib.h>
void insert(int queue[], int *rear, int value)
if(*rear < MAX-1)
*rear= *rear +1;
queue[*rear] = value;
printf(The queue is full can not insert a value\n);
void delete(int queue[], int *front, int rear, int * value)
if(*front == rear)
printf(The queue is empty cannot delete a value\n);
*front = *front + 1;
*value = queue[*front];
void main()
int queue[MAX];
int front,rear;
int n,value;
printf(Enter the element to be inserted\n);
printf(Enter 1 to continue\n);
} while(n == 1);
printf(Enter 1 to delete an element\n);
while( n == 1)
printf(The value deleted is %d\n,value);
printf(Enter 1 to delete an element\n);
printf(Enter 1 to continue\n);
} while(n == 1);

Program to implement a queue using Linked List

# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;
void insert(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int value)
struct node *temp;
temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
/* creates new node using data value passed as parameter */
printf("No Memory available Error\n");
temp->data = value;
if(*rear == NULL)
*rear = temp;
*front = *rear;
(*rear)->link = temp;
*rear = temp;
void delete(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int *value)
struct node *temp;
if((*front == *rear) && (*rear == NULL))
printf(" The queue is empty cannot delete Error\n");
*value = (*front)->data;
temp = *front;
*front = (*front)->link;
if(*rear == temp)
*rear = (*rear)->link;
void main()
struct node *front=NULL,*rear = NULL;
int n,value;
printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);

7. Describe with the help of suitable coding example, the implementation of
circular queues.


The problem with the previous implementation of a queue is that the insert function gives a
queue-full signal even if a considerable portion is free. This happens because the queue has a
tendency to move to the right unless the front catches up with the rear and both are reset to 0
again (in the delete procedure). To overcome this problem, the elements of the array are
required to shift one position left whenever a deletion is made. But this will make the deletion
process inefficient. Therefore, an efficient way of overcoming this problem is to consider the
array to be circular, as shown in the figure. Initially both front and rear are intitialized to 0.

Program for implementation of circular queue.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the queue */
#include <stdlib.h>
void insert(int queue[], int *rear, int front, int value)
*rear= (*rear +1) % MAX;
if(*rear == front)
printf("The queue is full can not insert a value\n");
queue[*rear] = value;
void delete(int queue[], int *front, int rear, int * value)
if(*front == rear)
printf("The queue is empty can not delete a value\n");
*front = (*front + 1) % MAX;
*value = queue[*front];
void main()
int queue[MAX];
int front,rear;
int n,value;
front=0; rear=0;
printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);


One application of the queue data structure is in the implementation of priority queues required
to be maintained by the scheduler of an operating system. It is a queue in which each element
has a priority value and the elements are required to be inserted in the queue in decreasing
order of priority. This requires a change in the function that is used for insertion of an element
into the queue. No change is required in the delete function.

8. Explain with suitable code examples, various possible file operations in C


Input/Output operations on files

For each of the I/O library functions weve been using so far, theres a companion function
which accepts an additional file pointer argument telling it where to read from or write to. The
companion function to printf is fprintf, and the file pointer argument comes first. To print a string
to the output.dat file we opened in the previous section, we might call

fprintf(ofp, "Hello, world!\n");

The companion function to getchar is getc, and the file pointer is its only argument. To read a
character from the input.dat file we opened in the previous section, we might call

int c;
c = getc(ifp);

The companion function to putchar is putc, and the file pointer argument comes last. To write a
character to output.dat, we could call

putc(c, ofp);

Our own getline function calls getchar and so always reads the standard input. We could write a
companion fgetline function which reads from an arbitrary file pointer:

#include <stdio.h>
/* Read one line from fp, */
/* copying it to line array (but no more than max chars). */
/* Does not place terminating \n in line array. */
/* Returns line length, or 0 for empty line, or EOF for end-of-file. */
int fgetline(FILE *fp, char line[], int max)
int nch = 0;
int c;
max = max - 1; /* leave room for '\0' */
while((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
if(c == '\n')
if(nch < max)
line[nch] = c;
nch = nch + 1;
if(c == EOF && nch == 0)
return EOF;
line[nch] = '\0';
return nch;

Now we could read one line from ifp by calling

char line[MAXLINE];
fgetline(ifp, line, MAXLINE);

Predefined Streams

Besides the file pointers which we explicitly open by calling fopen, there are also three
predefined streams. stdin is a constant file pointer corresponding to standard input, and stdout
is a constant file pointer corresponding to standard output. Both of these can be used anywhere
a file pointer is called for; for example, getchar() is the same as getc(stdin) and putchar(c) is the
same as putc(c, stdout). The third predefined stream is stderr. Like stdout, stderr is typically
connected to the screen by default. The difference is that stderr is not redirected when the
standard output is redirected. For example, under Unix or MS-DOS, when you invoke

program > filename

Anything printed to stdout is redirected to the file filename, but anything printed to stderr still
goes to the screen. The intention behind stderr is that it is the standard error output; error
messages printed to it will not disappear into an output file. For example, a more realistic way to
print an error message when a file cant be opened would be

if((ifp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s\n", filename);
exit or return

where filename is a string avalchanda indicating the file name to be opened. Not only is the
error message printed to stderr, but it is also more informative in that it mentions the name of
the file that couldnt be opened.

Error handling during I/O operations

The standard I/O functions maintain two indicators with each open stream to show the end-of-
file and error status of the stream. These can be interrogated and set by the following functions:

#include <stdio.h>
void clearerr(FILE *stream);
int feof(FILE *stream);
int ferror(FILE *stream);
void perror(const char *s);

clearerr clears the error and EOF indicators for the stream.
feof returns non-zero if the streams EOF indicator is set, zero otherwise.
ferror returns non-zero if the streams error indicator is set, zero otherwise.
perror prints a single-line error message on the programs standard output, prefixed by the
string pointed to by s, with a colon and a space appended.

The error message is determined by the value of errno and is intended to give some explanation
of the condition causing the error. For example, this program produces the error message

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
if(fgetc(stdout) >= 0){
fprintf(stderr, What no error!\n);
/* Result */
fgetc: Bad file number

Random access to files

The file I/O routines all work in the same way; unless the user takes explicit steps to change the
file position indicator, files will be read and written sequentially. A read followed by a write
followed by a read (if the file was opened in a mode to permit that) will cause the second read to
start immediately following the end of the DATA just written. (Remember that stdio insists on the
user inserting a buffer-flushing operation between each element of a read-write-read cycle.) To
control this, the Random Access functions allow control over the implied read/write position in
the file. The file position indicator is moved without the need for a read or a write, and indicates
the byte to be the subject of the next operation on the file.

Three types of function exist which allow the file position indicator to be examined or changed.
Their declarations and descriptions follow.

#include <stdio.h>
/* return file position indicator */
long ftell(FILE *stream);
int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos);
/* set file position indicator to zero */
void rewind(FILE *stream);
/* set file position indicator */
int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int ptrname);
int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos);

ftell returns the current value (measured in characters) of the file position indicator if stream
refers to a binary file. For a text file, a magic number is returned, which may only be used on a
subsequent call to fseek to reposition to the current file position indicator. On failure, -1L is
returned and errno is set.

rewind sets the current file position indicator to the start of the file indicated by stream. The
files error indicator is reset by a call of rewind. No value is returned.

fseek allows the file position indicator for stream to be set to an arbitrary value (for binary files),
or for text files, only to a position obtained from ftell, as follows:

y In the general case, the file position indicator is set to offset bytes (characters) from a
point in the file determined by the value of ptrname. Offset may be negative. The values
of ptrname may be SEEK_SET, which sets the file position indicator relative to the
beginning of the file, SEEK_CUR, which sets the file position indicator relative to its
current value, and SEEK_END, which sets the file position indicator relative to the end of
the file. The latter is not necessarily guaranteed to work properly on binary streams.
y For text files, offset must either be zero or a value returned from a previous call to ftell
for the same stream, and the value of ptrname must be SEEK_SET.
y fseek clears the end of file indicator for the given stream and erases the memory of any
ungetc. It works for both input and output.
y Zero is returned for success, non-zero for a forbidden request.

Note that for ftell and fseek it must be possible to encode the value of the file position indicator
into a long. This may not work for very long files, so the Standard introduces fgetpos and
fsetpos which have been specified in a way that removes the problem. fgetpos stores the
current file position indicator for stream in the object pointed to by pos. The value stored is
magic and only used to return to the specified position for the same stream using fsetpos.

fsetpos works as described above, also clearing the streams end-of-file indicator and forgetting
the effects of any ungetc operations.

For both functions, on success, zero is returned; on failure, non-zero is returned and errno is

Roll Number: .................................................
Learning Centre: 02544
Course & Semester: MScCS SEMESTER 1
Subject: BASIC WEB DEVELOPMENT Assignment No.: 2
Subject Code: MC0064
Date of Submission at the Learning Centre: 20

1. Describe the tags involved in creation of lines and paragraphs in a HTML
page. Write HTML code to demonstrate the usage of at least 5 tags pertaining
to these.

Paragraphs: the P element
Tag: < P> ,.. </P>
Tag Name: Paragraph
yThe paragraph elements <P> tag marks the beginning of a paragraph. The end
of a
paragraph can be marked with </P> .It is a block-level element.
The P element represents a paragraph. It cannot contain block level elements
(including P itself).

Controlling line breaks
A line break is defined to be a carriage return (&#x000D;), a line feed
(&#x000A;), or
a carriage return/line feed pair. All line breaks constitute white space
Forcing a line break: the BR element
The BR element forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text.
Tag: <BR>
Tag Name: Line Break
yIt is a text-level element (an empty element, consisting of the < BR> tag)
forces a line break in HTML text.
Attributes: CLEAR = (LEFT : All: RIGHT: NONE)
yLEFT inserts space that aligns the following text with the left margin
directly below a
left-aligned floating image.
yAll places the following text part all floating images.
yRIGHT inserts space that aligns the following text with the right margin
below a right-aligned floating image.
yNONE is the default, which does nothing.
e.g.: Hello <BR>
Line-breaks are useful for addresses and short items.
Prohibiting a line break
Sometimes authors may want to prevent a line break from occurring between
words. The &nbsp; entity (&#160; or &#xA0;) acts as a space where user
agents should not cause a line break.

In HTML, there are two types of hyphens: the plain hyphen and the soft
hyphen. The plain hyphen should be interpreted by a user agent as just another
character. The soft hyphen tells the user agent where a line break can occur.
Those browsers that interpret soft hyphens must observe the following
semantics: If a line is broken at a soft hyphen, a hyphen character must be
displayed at the end of the first line. If a line is not broken at a soft hyphen,
the user agent must not display a hyphen character. For operations such as
searching and sorting, the soft hyphen should always be ignored.

In HTML, the plain hyphen is represented by the - character (&#45; or
&#x2D;). The soft hyphen is represented by the character entity reference
&shy; (&#173; or &#xAD;)

Preformatted text: The PRE element
This block-level element forces the browser to display the exact formatting,
indentation, and white space that the original text contains. This is valuable in
reproducing formatted tables or other text, such as code listings.
Attributes: WIDTH = number
y This specifies the maximum number of characters for a line and allows
the browser to select an appropriate font and indentation setting. The
PRE element tells visual user agents that the enclosed text is
preformatted. When handling preformatted text, visual user agents:
o May leave white space intact.
o May render text with a fixed-pitch font.
o May disable automatic word wrap.
o Must not disable bidirectional processing.

The following example shows a preformatted verse from Shellys poem
To a Skylark:
Higher still and higher
From the earth thou springest
Like a cloud of fire;
The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.
Here is how this is typically rendered:
Higher still and higher
From the earth thou springest
Like a cloud of fire;
The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.

Tag: <CITE> </CITE>
Tag Name: Short Citation
y It is a text-level element used to indicate that enclosed text is a
citation (titles of excerpts, quotes, references) from another source.
y Text within <CITE> and </CITE> is usually rendered in italics. e.g.: <P> I
have read and reread
<CITE> Moby Dick</CITE> but I still can not make heads nor tails of it. </P>

Tag: <CODE> </CODE>
Tag Name: Code
y It is a text-level element used to enclose programs or samples of code to
offset them from normal text and is usually displayed in a monospaced
font. e.g.: <P> To use the automatic date feature in Excel, just enter
<CODE> = Date ( )</CODE> into a cell </P>.

Tag: <DEL> </DEL>
Tag Name: Delete Section
y It marks text that has been deleted from a previous version of the Web
Attributes: CITE = URL
y Points to another document that describes why the text was deleted.

y Marks the time when you changed the document. The attributes value
confirms to the time/date specification. The abbreviations shown above
refer to the following date and time information.
yyyy = The year.
MM = The two-digit month -for example, 03 for March.
DD = The day.
T = The beginning of the time section.
hh = The hour, in military time (0-23 hours), without pm specification.
mm = The minute.
ss = The second.
TZD = The time Zone.
Z = The Coordinated Universal Time (CUT).
+hh:mm = The local time that is hours (hh) and minutes (mm) ahead of
the CUT.
hh:mm = The Local time that is hours (hh) and minutes (mm) behind the

Tag: <INS> </INS>
Tag Name: Inserted Section
* Identifies sections of a Web page that have been inserted in revision.
y Same as that of the <DEL> </DEL> tag.
y <DEL> </DEL> and its companion tag <INS> </INS> were created to
show revisions to web pages.
y Both these elements are special hybrid elements. They are unique in this
respect they are the only two elements used in the body of an HTML
document that are not text-level or block-level elements.

Example: <H2> Latest News </H2>
<INS DATETIME = 1998-04-22T11:38:00 07:00
<P> Weve just received some new information.
<p> Apparently there will be <STRONG> two shows </STRONG> on Sunday.
<INS >
< p> The show will Start at 7 :00 AM.
y This code marks the middle two paragraphs as new. They were changed
on, April 22, 1998 at 11 :38 a.m.; information about the change can be
found at the URL listed in the CITE attribute.

Tag: <DFN> </DFN>
Tag Name: Defined Term
It is a text-level element used to mark terms that appear for the first time in
the Web document. These definitions are often in italics so the user can
identify the first occurrence of the term.
e.g.: <p> It is not strange that <DFN>SGML</DFN> {Standard Generalized
Markup Language) is so similar to HTML. </p>.
By marking your definitions, this way, special software programs can define an
index or
glossary for your document.

Tag: <EM> <IEM>
Tag Name: Emphasis
* A text-level element that adds emphasis to enclosed text.
Example: <P> I simply <EM> must </EM> get your recipe for chili, Karen,
Doason ! </P>

Tag: <KBD> </KBD>
Tag Name: Keyboard Text
Explanation :
y It is a text-level element that marks text to be entered by the user at
the keyboard.
y It changes the type style for all the text it contains, typically into a
monospaced font like those used in character mode computer terminal
e.g.: <P> To start the program, hit the <KBD> S </KBD> keyand press the
<KBD> Carriage Return </KBD>, then hold onto your hat!!</P>

Tag: <SAMP> </SAMP>
Tag Name: Sample Text
This text-level element uses the <SAMP> and </SAMP> tags to indicate sample
output text from a computer program. Like the keyboard element, the sample
elements text is often rendered in a monospaced font; and multiple spaces are
collapsed. The keyboard element is used for text that a user must enter,
whereas the sample element is used for text that a computer generates in
response to a users action.
e.g. : < P> Instead of giving me the expected results, the computer kept
printing i
<SAMP> All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy </SAMP> over and j
over again. I am not sure what it means. </P>

Tag Name: Strong Emphasis
It is a text-level element that provides strong emphasis for key words or
phrases within
normal body text, lists, and other block-level elements. Text within a strong
element is
usually rendered as bold or given a strident pronunciation by a text-to-speech
e.g. : < P> I swear, if they do not give me that raise <STRONG> tomorrow
</STRONG>, I quit. </P>

Tag: <VAR> <NAR>
Tag Name: Variable text
y This text-level element marks up the avalchandas used in computer
programs, or the parts of a computer command chosen by the user-
y The text is usually rendered as monospaced, and like the keyboard
element, multiple spaces are collapsed.
e.g.: <p> The formula for the <VAR> distance travelled <NAR> (in miles) is
<VAR> Speed <NAR> (in miles per hour) multiplied by <VAR> time </VAR> (in
hours). </p>.

2. Write a note on elements of Multimedia
Capture devices
-Video Camera, Video Recorder, Audio Microphone, Keyboards, Mice, graphics tablets,
3D input devices, tactile sensors, VR devices. Digitising/Sampling Hardware

Storage Devices
- Hard disks, CD-ROMs, Jazz/Zip drives, DVD, etc

Communication Networks
- Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, ATM, Intranets, Internets.

Computer Systems
- Multimedia Desktop machines, Workstations, MPEG/VIDEO/DSP Hardware

Display Devices
- CD-quality speakers, HDTV,SVGA, Hi-Res monitors, Colour printers etc.
3. Explain the various tags that are used in HTML.



Your HTML document should always start with "<html>" and end with "</html>."

Inside your HTML tags, you should have the HEAD element: <head> ....</head>. The HEAD
element contains information about the document. For example, the HEAD element may
contain the TITLE element, as well as other types of tags that provide more description about
the site that may be used by search engines.

The TITLE element is nested inside of the HEAD tags. It looks something like this:
<title>This is the title of a page.</title>

Titles should be descriptive! In fact, many search engines place a high ranking on how
"relevant" your title is compared to the rest of the content on your page. So instead of:

A better title would be:
<title>Introduction to Australian Shepherds</title>

The BODY element usually comes after the HEAD element, and contains everything that will
show up in the browser window.

Paragraphs, Headings, Line Breaks, and Dividers
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 are "Heading" elements.

The H1 element is the most important heading. H2, H3, ... H6 can then be used to show

Most web browsers display headings in bold text, and display H1 at a large text size, H2 at a
slightly smaller text size, and so on. They also put "blank lines" before and after the heading, so
that it is separate from the rest of the content. However, the size, color, and other visual display
options can be controlled with style sheets. Each heading element does have the ALIGN
attribute described below.


Use the <P>...</P> tags to show that a section of text is a paragraph. Most web browsers will
put an extra "blank line" before and after the paragraph to separate it from other paragraphs.
This can be controlled with style sheets as well. Similar to headings, the P element also accepts
the ALIGN attribute, although this is also deprecate


If the Paragraph element usually has white space around it, how do you "carriage return" only
one line? The BR element inserts a "line break" in the text.

<p>This is the first line.<br> This is a new line from the line above, but is not a new

Looks like:
This is the first line.
This is a new line from the line above, but is not a new paragraph.


The HR element inserts a "horizontal rule" on your page to help separate content. Most web
browsers also put space before and after the rule. A BASIC horizontal rule looks like this: The
HR element has several deprecated attributes that change the width, height, color, or look of the
horizontal rule. These can also be set by using style sheets.

4. Explain the applications of style sheets in web pages with coding examples.


Purpose of Style Sheets

The purpose of style sheets is to separate the content of the HTML documents from their style.
This makes control over the style much easier and group efforts easier since content of an
entire set of HTML pages can be easily controlled using one or more style sheets.

STYLE sheets or the inline STYLE element will allow you to set custom margin sizes, and the
text font, color and sizes of various elements that are used on your web page. Size of margins
can be set in inches (in), pixels(px), percentages (%), centimeters (cm) or the (em). The unit of
em is the em is the height of the font. Two em units is twice the height of the font. When the em
units are used, everything is scaled relative to the font so the scaling will remain the same
regardless of the font used.

Methods of Including Style

Methods of including style content in an HTML document:

y Embedding - Use the STYLE element in the HEAD element to create a style
sheet that is embedded in the header. Example:
<style type="text/css" MEDIA=screen>
body {background-color: "#ffffff"; color: "#000000"; background:
url('../../../../gifs/flowers.gif') }
a:link { color: "#0000ff" }
a:visited { color: "#7f007f" }
a:active { color: "#ff0000" }
h3 { color: "#600060" }

y Linking - Use the link element in the HTML header to link an external text file
style sheet to the HTML document. Example:
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

y Importing - One style sheet may be imported from another by using the
"@import" command in the style sheet that is performing the import.

y Inline - Style information may be included with each individual element using the
STYLE attribute which is common to all elements.

Example Embedded Style Sheet

When setting document style, place the STYLE element with the <STYLE> beginning tag and
</STYLE> ending tag between the HEAD and the BODY elements. Therefore placement would
be as follows:

<title>Example Style Settings</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {background: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; margin-top: 6%;
margin-left: 3%; margin-right: 3%}
h1 {font: 14pt ariel; color: #0000FF}
h2, h3, h4 {margin-left: -3%}
p {font: 12pt roman; text-indent: 0.5in}
a {color: #00FF00; text-decoration: none}

Other settable parameters include:
y font-style: italic
y font-weight: bold
y font-size: 200% - Indicates twice the size of normal text.
y font-family: roman, serif, "Times New Roman"
y text-transform: uppercase
y background-color: blue

Setting an HTML Page with a Style Sheet
To set an HTML page up to use a style sheet, a link must be provided in the header section as

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 3.9">
<meta name="description" content="The Computer Technology Documentation HTML
Guide - Setting Document Style">
<meta name="keywords" content="Documentation, HTML, html document style,
style, setting document style, setting html document style">
<title>The CTDP HTML Guide - Setting Document Style</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Using the CLASS Attribute

The CLASS and ID attributes allow very convenient and precise control of the style of specific
elements in HTML documents. The CLASS attribute allows attributes to be assigned to almost
any element based on a class name. Class style information is specified in the style sheet with
the period, ".", followed by the class name as in the following example:

.indent { margin-right: 5%; margin-left: 5%; color: #0000ff }

Note that this same line is used in the example style sheet above. To use this in the HTML file,
when the beginning tag of the element is declared, the class is specified as in the following

<p class="indent">

This causes the paragraph element to have the style characteristics assigned to the class
"indent" so long as those style characteristics are appropriate to the element they are being
applied to. In this case the paragraph element is indented much like the blockquote element and
its color is also set to blue. Classes may also be assigned to specific elements so they can only
be used with that elements. Assignments in the style sheet to specific elements similar to

" { text-align: center }".

Using the ID Attribute

The ID attribute is useful since it allows you to specify exactly which element will have the
desired style. This is done with a line like the following as shown in the style sheet example

hr#firsthr { color: #80b0ff; height: 15; width: 100% }

When the first horizontal line is declared on the HTML page it is declared as follows:

<hr id="firsthr">

The line for the code in this example is at the top of this page. All other lines on the page appear
as defined by the following entry from the above style sheet:

hr { color: #80b0ff; height: 5; width: 50%; text-align: center }

The line appears below and in several other places on this page.

Context Selection

Allows elements containing inline elements to have special assigned values as in the following

table b ( color: red }

This example sets the color of any bold text in a table to red.

Grouping Elements for Style Characteristics

The example above contains the following line:

h1, h2 { text-align: center }

This line allows style characteristics to be assigned to both elements H1 and H2 at the same
time. The elements are separated by commas.

Roll Number: .................................................
Learning Centre: 02544
Course & Semester: MScCS SEMESTER 1
Assignment No.: 1
Subject Code: MC0062
Date of Submission at the Learning Centre: 20

1. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal
a. 11.001

b. 1100

c. 1111

d. 1011.101


a. 11.001
= (1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(0 x 2
)+(0 x 2
)+(1 x 2
= 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0.125
= 3.125

b. 1100
= (0 x 2
)+(0 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
= 0 + 0 + 4 + 8
= 12

c. 1111
= (1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
= 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
= 15

d. 1011.101
= (1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(0 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(1 x 2
)+(0 x 2
)+(1 x 2
= 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 0.5 + 0 + 0.125
= 11.625

2. Use Boolean algebra to simplify the logic function and realize the given function and
minimized function using discrete gates. b a bd c b a f !


Realization of the given function

Minimizing the function

3. Simplify the given logic expressions with the given three inputs.

! !
m m
, , , f and , , , , , f 6 5 4 2 7 6 5 2 1 0
2 1


4. Explain the following for Instructions:
A). Data processing
B).Data storage
C). Data movement
D). Control


Data Processing

Data transfer s the most fundamental type of machine instruction. The data transfer must

1 the location of the source and destination each location can be memory, register or top
of stack
2 the length of the data to be transferred
3 The mode of addressing for each operand

If both the operands are CPU registers, then the CPU simply causes data to be transferred from
one register to another. This operation is internal to the CPU. If one or both operands are in
memory, then the CPU must perform some or all of the following actions:

y Calculate the memory address, based on the address mode.
y If the address refers to virtual memory, translate from virtual to actual memory address.
y Determine whether addressed item is in cache.
y If not issue command to memory module.

For example: Move, Store, Load (Fetch), Exchange, Clear (Reset), set, Push, Pop

Arithmetic: Most machines provide basic arithmetic functions like Add, Subtract, Multiply,
Divide. They are invariably provided for signed integer numbers. Often they are also provided
for floating point and packed decimal numbers. Also some operations include only a single
operand like Absolute that takes only absolute value of the operand, Negate that takes the
compliment of the operands, Increment that increments the value of operand by 1, Decrement
that decrements the value of operand by 1.

Logical Machines also provide a variety of operations for manipulating individual bits of a word
Often referred to as bit twiddling. They are based on Boolean operations like AND, OR, NOT,
XOR, Test, Compare, Shift, Rotate, Set control variables.

Data Storage

Computer data storage, often called storage or memory, refers to computer components and
recording media that retain digital data used for computing for some interval of time. Computer
data storage provides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information
retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupled with a
central processing unit (CPU, a processor), implements the basic computer model used since
the 1940s.

Primary storage (or main memory or internal memory), often referred to simply as memory,
is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. The CPU continuously reads instructions stored
there and executes them as required. Any data actively operated on is also stored there in
uniform manner.

Secondary storage (also known as external memory or auxiliary storage), differs from primary
storage in that it is not directly accessible by the CPU. The computer usually uses its
input/output channels to access secondary storage and transfers the desired data using
intermediate area in primary storage. Secondary storage does not lose the data when the
device is powered downit is non-volatile. Per unit, it is typically also two orders of magnitude
less expensive than primary storage. Consequently, modern computer systems typically have
two orders of magnitude more secondary storage than primary storage and data is kept for a
longer time there.

Tertiary storage or tertiary memory, provides a third level of storage. Typically it involves a
robotic mechanism which will mount (insert) and dismount removable mass storage media into
a storage device according to the system's demands; this data is often copied to secondary
storage before use. It is primarily used for archiving rarely accessed information since it is much
slower than secondary storage (e.g. 560 seconds vs. 1-10 milliseconds). This is primarily
useful for extraordinarily large data stores, accessed without human operators. Typical
examples include tape libraries and optical jukeboxes.

Data Movement

Instructions to copy data and perform arithmetic operations reference two operands. The first
called the "source" (abbreviated as src) describes an operand (a variable) from which data is
only obtained, and the second operand, called the destination (dst or dest) describes a variable
to whom the operation is applied. By default, two-operand instructions operate on words (2-
bytes=16 bits) at a time. This default option can be explicitly specified by a ".w" suffix. To
operate on bytes, a ".b" suffix can be specified instead.

For example,

mov.b &0x1000, &1002 ; move 1 byte from 0x1000 to 0x1002

Is a "byte move" instruction, which implements an assignment operator (=). This instruction
copies one byte from from (source) address 0x1000 to the (destination) address 0x1002. The
ampersand (&) is required.


The control unit is the part of a computer that controls the computer's operation. Basically, each
part of the computer requires control signals to arrive at particular times for each instruction of
the computer's software. The control unit provides those control signals. The control system's
function is as followsnote that this is a simplified description, and some of these steps may be
performed concurrently or in a different order depending on the type of CPU:
1 Read the code for the next instruction from the cell indicated by the program counter.
2 Decode the numerical code for the instruction into a set of commands or signals for each
of the other systems.
3 Increment the program counter so it points to the next instruction.
4 Read whatever data the instruction requires from cells in memory (or perhaps from an
input device). The location of this required data is typically stored within the instruction
5 Provide the necessary data to an ALU or register.
6 If the instruction requires an ALU or specialized hardware to complete, instruct the
hardware to perform the requested operation.
7 Write the result from the ALU back to a memory location or to a register or perhaps an
output device.
8 Jump back to step (1).

5. Explain the Virtual address translation method with neat diagram.


A virtual address translation method based on the concept of fixed length pages is shown in the
figure below. Each virtual address generated by the processor is interpreted as a page number
followed by a word number. Information about the disk or the main memory is kept in a page
table in the main memory.

The starting address of this table is kept in a page table base register. By adding the page
number to the contents of this register, the address of corresponding entry in the page table is
obtained. The content of this location gives the starting address of the page if that page
currently resides in the main memory. Otherwise they indicate the location where the page is to
be found in the secondary storage. In this case the entry in the table usually points to an area in
the main memory where the secondary storage address of the page is held. Each entry also
includes some control bits to describe the status of the page while it is in the main memory.

One control bit indicates whether the page has been modified when it was in the main memory.
If the page table is stored in the main memory unit, then the two main memory accesses must
be made for every main memory access requested by the program. This may result in a
degradation of speed by a factor of two. However a specialized cache memory is used in most
of the systems to speed up the translation process by storing recently used virtual to physical
address translation.

Virtual memory increases the effective size of the main memory. Only the active space of the
virtual address space is mapped onto locations in the physical main memory, whereas the
remaining virtual addresses are mapped onto the bulk storage devices used. During a memory
cycle the addressing spacing mechanism (hardware or software) determines whether the
addressed information is in the physical main memory unit. If it is, the proper information is
accessed and the execution proceeds. If it is not, a contiguous block of words containing the
desired information are transferred from the bulk storage to main memory displacing some block
that is currently inactive.

6. Explain the addition of a two floating point numbers with examples.


The steps (or stages) of a floating-point addition:

1 The exponents of the two floating-point numbers to be added are compared to find the
number with the smallest magnitude
2 The significand of the number with the smaller magnitude is shifted so that the
exponents of the two numbers agree
3 The significands are added
4 The result of the addition is normalized
5 Checks are made to see if any floating-point exceptions occurred during the addition,
such as overflow
6 Rounding occurs

Example: s = x + y
y numbers to be added are x = 1234.00 and y = -567.8
y these are represented in decimal notation with a mantissa (significand) of four digits
y six stages (A - F) are required to complete the addition

Roll Number: .................................................
Learning Centre: 02544
Course & Semester: MScCS SEMESTER 1
Assignment No.: 1
Subject Code: MC0063
Date of Submission at the Learning Centre: 20

1. If } , , { }, , { }, , , { }, , , , , { e c b C e d B d c a A e d c b a U ! ! ! ! then evaluate the following
a) (AB) v (BC)
b) (BC)dvA
c) (BA)vCd
d) Ad v (BC)
e) (AB)d v (BC)

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