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Wildlife Travel Guidebook

System Software Requirement Specification




1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements for the wildlife software system. This system can be used by the tourists, travel agents to keep a track and get an overview of all the wildlife sanctuaries and parks all over India. It even provides the details of the accommodation and the routes to reach the destination, and also the details of the various flora and fauna present in the surroundings. The users should use the document as a primary source for which they shall know how to go about a situation that will follow a particular task.


The proposed software product is the wildlife software system. This system will be used to provide the user with all the wildlife sanctuaries and wildlife reserves all around the country. It helps in making the task simpler for the users as it provides all the details of a particular wildlife park including the accommodation details as well as the itineraries. It acts as a guidebook for its customers.


Definitions and abbreviations

SRS: system requirement specification WTGMS: wildlife travel guidebook management system Database: collection of information in structured form GUI: graphical user interface Cust_id: customer identification number obtained by the customer while registering at the site.


XYZ travel book Google Maps


This SRS is the requirements, work product that formally specifies the WTGMS. The needs and the requirements have been specified and various techniques were used to analyze and refine them. Thus, this document formally specifies the need and the step by step process of the function.

Section 2 of this document gives an overview that the WTGMS will support. Section 3 will give detailed requirements including the domain model.

2.1 Product Perspective
The WTGMS is a self-contained system that acts as a tourist guidebook. This system manages various activities which will help the user to enquire about different natural reserves and the accommodations available at that place. It will also give details about the various wildlife species and their count in a specific sanctuary. It will provide the user details regarding how to reach the place, and the methods of transportation. Various stake holders may be involved.


Product Functions
The system functions can be described as follows 2.2.1 Registration: Include the registration of the tourists and their details each time they visit a particular park. 2.2.2 Hotel booking: The customer can book hotels using this website. 2.2.3 Slot allotment: Each time the tourist wants to enter the park, he will be able to book his slot via the website. 2.2.4 Waitlist: If slots for a day are already full then the customer can put his name on the waitlist. If due to some circumstances anybody who has been already allotted a slot backs out, his slot will be given to the people in the waitlist, based on the first come first basis. 2.2.5 Tourist checkout: It will maintain a list of the tourist who have completed their trip and have checked out. 2.2.6 How to reach: The site will give details on how to reach the specific park. 2.2.7 Information: It will tell the tourist about the current weather conditions, animal population of the specific park and any other related details.


User Characteristics
The system will be used by the administrators, travel agencies and independent users given the condition that not all the users are computer literate, some users may have to be trained on using the system. The system designed is user-friendly and uses GUI.

2.3.1 Administrator: Hes the one who is responsible for administrating the website. He will keep an eye on what is going on, and the travel agents are not misusing it. He will inform the developer if any modification regarding the hotels, travelling details (like airlines and buses) and animal population has to be made. 2.3.2 Travel Agents: Employed by the administrator, these will be interacting with the customers, to give them good and cheap packages. 2.3.3 Individual Customers: They can enquire and make the bookings online paying via credit cards. 2.3.4 Hotel staff: They can refer to the website for any details required.


General Constraints
 The system must be delivered by the 1st of November 2011.  System must be user friendly.  System must be secure.


Assumptions and Dependencies

 It is assumed that thousands of customers will be using the website simultaneously.  It is assumed that the travel agencies will have enough trained staff to take care of the system.

3.1 Functional Requirements 3.1.1 Registration
SRS001: Register Customer Take the details from the customer and register it through the Site. SRS002: Add Travel Agents The administrator shall be allowed to add agents to the list.

3.1.2 Allotments
SRS003: Slot allotment The slot for visiting the park can be allotted through the website. All the details of the tourist will be taken while allotting the slots. SRS004: Hotel Booking Tourists can book the hotels of their choice. SRS005: Air Booking Customers can surf and look for desired flights to make it to their destination. SRS006: Rail Booking Customers can surf and look for desired trains to make it to their destination.

3.1.3 Management
SRS007: Inform Hotels Inform the hotels about the booking made by the tourists so that they can make proper \arrangements and update their database. SRS008: Inform Park Management Committee Inform the officials about the tourists so that they can maintain records of people visiting the park and their slots. SRS009: Inform Customer Inform the customer that their bookings have been made.

3.1.4 Check out

SRS010: From Hotel Delete information of the customer from the sites database.


From Park If the customer backs out from visiting the park then the needed should be done.

3.1.5 Report Generation

SRS012: Customer Status The database should contain all the information about the customers visiting the site. Room Availability To check if rooms in a particular hotel are available or not. Waitlist Status This is to keep a track of the slots and their availabilities.



3.1.6 Database
SRS015: Customer Mandatory Information All the information of the customer (like first name, last name, phone number, address, postal code, city, country, Customer identification number.) should be maintained. Room Types Various types of rooms available based on the budget of the customer.



Design constraints
SRS017: Database The system shall use the MS Access Database, which is open source and free. Operating System The Development environment shall be Windows 7. Web-Based The system shall be a Web-based application.




Non Functional Requirements 3.3.1 Security

SRS020: Customer Identification The system requires customer to identify using Customer Id. Logon ID Any user using the system should have a login id and password. Modification Any modification (insert, delete, update) for the Database shall be synchronized and done only by the administrator. Travel Agents Rights They shall be able to view all information in WTGMS add new customers to WTGMS but shall not be able to modify any information in it. Administrators' Rights Administrators shall be able to view and modify all information in WTGMS. Customers' Rights Customers shall only be able to view all information in WTGMS.






3.3.2 Performance Requirements

SRS042: Response Time The system shall give responses in 1 second after checking the patients information.

3.3.3 Reliability
SRS048: Availability The system shall be available all the time.

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