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of St.

Johns in Pine Meadow

St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God. The Rev. Salin Low, Rector March 2012

A Good Beginning to a Holy Time

I am writing this on the day after Ash Wednesday, a day without a special designation in the church calendar. I read that Ash Wednesday is the busiest day in the churcheven busier than Easter. The next day must be slower than the day after Christmas or Easter. Yesterday was an incredibly rewarding day for me and really for the Episcopal Church. Ashes to Go an effort begun in St. Louis, given full steam in Chicago, and continued at a train station in Stamford, found its way to the Pine Meadow Green. People from various towns in the area stopped to receive prayers, the imposition of ashes, and encouragement for their Lenten journey. Those who came seemed grateful for the effort, and I was glad to have the church reach out to themsome of them our own parishioners whose schedules were too crazy for a traditional service. In addition there were about 50 people who did attend the two inside services. So that was one day. What about the other days of Lent? Is that all we need to do to be ready for Easter? Is it enough to skip from now to Palm Sunday and be prepared for the new life promised in Christs resurrection? If it took the Israelites 40 years to get ready for their new life in the promised land and it took Jesus 40 days to prepare for his public ministry after his baptism, it might take us more than a few minutes to consider what we can do to be more attentive ways that God is asking us to serve. There are a variety of ways to use the time of Lent to open our hearts and minds to the message of Gods desires for us. No one way is meaningful or helpful to everyone. And nobody should try to do all of them, for fear of religious exhaustion. One way to use this time might be to participate in the book discussion between services during March. See the back page for more information. On our web page ( there is a Word of the Day by the Society of St. John the Evangelist. This also links to a longer meditation or sermon. A weekly Bible commentary is also available on the website. Or you might be more diligent in attending worship. In addition to Sundays, there is a quiet service on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. I have always found that worship at the end of a busy day has a special meaning, because the stresses of my life are much more on my mind than on a Sunday which is a bit removed. Whatever you do for the next six weeks, I encourage you to think about what God is offering you in new possibilities for your life and to reflect on the ways your life is a gift of thanksgiving for all Gods blessings. Blessings and prayers for your Holy Lent,


Operating Income Operating Expenses $ 13,930 $ 16,954

Prayer Requests Requests are handled confidentially through the Rector. Prayers will continue for a month unless other time periods are specified. You may fill out a prayer request form or call the rector at 693-1851. Wednesday Evening ServicesPlease consider the 7:30 p.m. service on Wednesdays to be cancelled if other area activities are cancelled due to inclement weather. New Members for Altar Guild - The Altar Guild is looking for one additional member to join the December/July team. On the job training will begin in July. Please contact Donna Colavecchio if interested at 860-379-4643.

Annual Appeal Results

108 90 47 12 26 5

pledge cards were distributed. Pledge cards returned Pledges increased Pledges decreased Pledges unchanged New pledges $175,178 $225,000

Total amount pledged to date: Pledge Goal for 2012

If you have not returned your pledge card, please do so as soon as possible.

Loose plate offerings on the 3rd Sunday go to the discretionary fund, which is used for those in need. On other Sundays the loose plate is applied to operating income. Sue Bremer, Treasurer

Fund Raising at St. Johns

The first fundraiser of the year will be with Swell's Car Wash, North Main Street, Winsted and will kick off Sunday, March 4th. Church members will be asked to sell prepaid, Deluxe automatic car wash coupons from March 4 until March 25. The coupons cost $10.00 each and for every coupon we sell, we receive $5.00 in return for St. John's Church. Coupons may be used anytime as there is no expiration date. When the coupons are redeemed, each recipient will receive a Swell's Car Wash card, good for 6 future car washes with a 7th free. We expect to sell 200 car washes, which will net St. John's $1000.00. Members do not have to purchase the coupons they agree to sell, but will be responsible for $5.00 on each lost coupon. We are asking participants to sell coupons to friends, family, and colleagues who live in the Winsted area. Coupons will be available after both services during March. For questions, contact Donna Colavecchio or Diane Hayes.

Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. Johns, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Order forms are available in the narthex and can be placed in the lockbox at any time. Sale of the gift cards will all go to defray the budget deficit.

Thanks to those who help. Thanks to Diane Hayes and her crew for hosting another spectacular Jazz Concert on Shrove Tuesday. Thanks to Halyna and the choir for a terrific Gospel Sunday on the Last Sunday after the Epiphany. Thanks to Guy Hayes for another wonderful batch of pretzel dough. Thanks to Donna Colavecchio for getting ready for Ash Wednesday. Thanks to Gary Pontelandolfo and Bruce Wearne for moving the Ashes to Go sign around on the green. Thanks to Jill Smith for our First Tuesday soup. Thanks to Joan Caine for organizing the cleaning of the church (you, too, can sign up in the parish hall and receive our thanks).

If you are a newcomer and would like to learn more about participating in this important outreach, please contact Deacon Denise, who is organizing the meals for the year. Special thanks to the Marek Family for arranging the February meal. The Osbornes & Frank Hohmeister will host the dinner in March.

Easter Flowers
Flower Envelopes due back by April 1st An envelope is included with this newsletter (also available in the narthex) to donate for Easter flowers and include a memorial or thanksgiving in the Easter program. Remember that your generosity also supports the work of the altar guild through the remainder of the year. If you did not receive a Holiday Flower Envelope, you can call or email the office (office with names to be included in the Easter program and send a check in by mail.

Olive Wood Crosses Available in Narthex

These small crosses are made in the Holy Land by Palestinian craftsmen and distributed through the Evangelism Committee of the Diocese. Please take one as a reminder of how much Christ loved us by going to his death on the cross.

First Tuesday Eucharist 11:00 a.m., March 6th
Following the service we will have soup and conversation. If schools are cancelled due to snow, etc., the service will also be cancelled. The register is broadly defined; there are often events in the lives of parishioners and their families which are not recorded in St. Johns register. It is good, however, to hear about these things. We will include baptisms, marriages, deaths, hospitalizations, graduations, and other events as we are notified. Be sure to let the office know about happenings in your own life and in the lives of other parishioners. Deaths MaryEllen Wood Holt (Mother of Lenore Case) Mildred Freigant (Mother of Barbara Freigant)

Altar Guild Prepares for Easter

The Altar Guild will meet to polish the silver and brass and strip palms on Saturday, March 31st at 9:00 AM. Please make every effort to attend as many hands make light work. Also, the deadline for Easter flower donations is April 1st.

Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power And How They Can Be Restored
by Marcus Borg Sundays in March @ 9 a.m.

Tell the Rector if you will attend, so she can order a book$15.00.

P. O. Box 27 Pine Meadow, CT 06061 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church Were Here For You

Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
1st Tuesday 11:00 am Wednesday 7:30 pm

news from

church school

Our nursery provides services for infants up to age three. Kayte Krasow is there on Sunday morning for child care. During Lent our classes will be learning about prayer and will include: learning the types of prayers, praying the Lords prayer in a new way (or two), praying with color, and many more. We will be beginning church school classes at 10:00AM. Please try to have your children/ youth attend as many classes as possible during this season.

Take them to the Cathedral Sunday, March 4

On that day a group of kids and adults will take the socks, attend the 10:00 a.m. service (leave St. Johns at 9:00) at Christ Church Cathedral in Hartford, serve lunch to homeless folks, and distribute the socks and other toiletry items to those in need. Most of those who seek help are men, so bring mens socks, underwear, or other items and fill the box in the narthex, maybe more than once. And please let the office know if you plan to attend, so we can arrange transportation.

On Feb. 5 we recognized the young people who turned 13 in the prior year. Those who participated were Christian Johnson, Caroline Bremer, Anthony and Alex Case, and Danny Hoskins. There parents, who have helped them be in the church, were also honored.

On February 19, the last Sunday after the Epiphany, we made our traditional pretzels. Linda Snyder also talked to the young people about Lent that began on Ash Wednesday. They thought about the things that make them sad and that also make God sad. These are tears on the cross.

Check out for updated pix and information about par-

March 2012
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Birthdays & Anniversaries

Book Study Every Sunday 9 AM






Billie Jo &
Russell Martocchio

8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist Susan & Brian Jones

11 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM



8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist




Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM





8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist Hospitality Ctte. 11:00 a.m.



Maureen & Phil Prelli


Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM



PeterS Retreat


8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist


Vestry 7:00 PM



Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM




March Birthdays 3/3 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/9 Stephen Jakubowski Anne Buttrick Kathy Riberdy Emily Atwood Lawrence Alibozek

3/12 3/12 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/17

Suzanne Moraski Donald O'Neill Barbara Patch Elliot Nelson Gordon Ross Alexander Johnson

3/19 3/26 3/29 3/30 3/31

Barbara Krohner Colleen Doyle Kammryn DAngelo Molly Stanton Allan Buttrick, Jr.

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