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Choice Issues ............................................................................................. 2 Budget Issues ............................................................................................. 2 Business and Consumer Issues ................................................................... 4 Campaign Finance Issues ...........................................................................

4 Crime & Public Safety Issues .................................................................... 7 Economic and Financial Issues .................................................................. 7 Education Issues ........................................................................................ 7 Energy Issues ............................................................................................. 7 Environmental Issues ............................................................................... 10 Ethics Issues............................................................................................. 10 Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea.................. 11 Gay and Lesbian Issues ............................................................................ 11 Gun Issues ................................................................................................ 11 Health Care Issues.................................................................................... 11 Immigration and Border Issues ................................................................ 13 Israel ........................................................................................................ 15 Labor and Working Family Issues ........................................................... 15 Lobbying Issues ....................................................................................... 15 Military Issues.......................................................................................... 15 Other Social Issues ................................................................................... 16 Social Issues............................................................................................. 16 Political Issues ......................................................................................... 16 Tax Issues ................................................................................................ 22 Tea Party .................................................................................................. 23 Transportation Issues ............................................................................... 23

Choice Issues
Disseminated Incorrect Information in Response to Constituent on Planned Parenthood In 2011, a constituent received a factually incorrect letter into his inquiry into Bilbrays Planned Parenthood vote. The letter read Representative Mike Pences (R-IN) amendment to H.R.1 eliminates funding for the domestic family planning program known as Title X. Planned Parenthood receives its funding mostly from the Title X program for family planning services including abortion and counseling services. I voted in favor of this amendment when it passed in the house by a vote of 240 to 185 because it should not be the position of the federal government to fund abortions. City Beat reported that the Pence Amendment did not eliminate Title X funds and Title X funds cannot be used for abortions anyway. Bilbrays spokesperson said The letter is factually incorrect and we are taking steps to correct it. [San
Diego City Beat, 4/12/11]

Flip Flop: Denounced Planned Parenthood, But Previously Supported Continuing Funding In 2011, the San Diego City Beat reported that Bilbray denounced Planned Parenthood, however, in 1998 and 2000 he expressed support for Planned Parenthood In the documents, Bilbray repeatedly expressed his support for the Roe v. Wade decision, funding for Title X federal programs and Medicaid coverage for abortions in cases of rape, incest and when the mothers life is threatenedOn two different questionnaires, he explicitly stated that he supported continued federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
[Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Campaign Questionnaire, 1/4/00; San Diego City Beat, 4/12/11]

Budget Issues
Said He Supported Debt Deal Because It Would Create Jobs In 2011, Bilbray said he voted for the debt-ceiling bill because in the long run it would create an environment to create jobs. This legislation is a critical step in helping Americans who are in desperate need of work because it focuses on creating a more confident atmosphere for small businesses to hire and prevents further burdening families with job-destroying tax increases, Bilbray said. [North County Times,

Said Raising Debt Limit without Cuts would Destroy Jobs In 2011, Bilbray said that raising the debt ceiling without budget cuts attached to the bill would eliminate jobs and make the nations debt problem even worse. The United States will make good on its debt obligations, but reaching our debt limit is only a symptom of the real problem. Forty-cents out of every dollar our government spends is borrowed. We are not just borrowing from China to the tune of $1.16 trillion, we are stealing from our grandchildren. In order to restore certainty in our economy to bolster job growth and keep America competitive we need to stop spending money we dont have. Raising the debt limit without a credible plan to end Washingtons wasteful spending will destroy jobs and make our debt problems even worse. [KPBS, 7/28/11] Bilbray was Criticized by DCCC for Not Doing Enough to Resolve Nations Debt Ceiling

In 2011, voters in North County were targeted with robo calls from the DCCC criticizing the congressman for not doing enough to resolve the stalemate over the nations debt ceiling. Bilbrays spokesman called the calls scare tactics and said the Democrats were playing a politics with the debt ceiling negotiations.
[North County Times, 7/25/11]

Wanted Debt Limit Increase with Credible Plan In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray would think twice before rejecting a deal that staves off default. We are not just borrowing from China to the tune of $1.16 trillion, we are stealing from our grandchildren, Bilbray said. In order to restore certainty in our economy to bolster job growth and keep America competitive we need to stop spending money we dont have. Raising the debt limit without a credible plan to end Washingtons wasteful spending will destroy jobs and make our debt problems even worse. [San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/20/11] Criticized Increase in Debt Limit Without Spending Cuts In 2011, Bilbray said raising the debt limit without making changes to the spending habits in Washington will only exacerbate the problem. It was predicted that he would think twice before allowing the country to go into default due to his political experience. Bilbray said, In order to restore certainty in our economy to bolster job growth and keep America competitive we need to stop spending money we dont have. Raising the debt limit without a credible plan to end Washingtons wasteful spending will destroy jobs and make our debt problems even worse. [San
Diego Union-Tribune, 7/20/11]

Didnt Expect US to Go into Default in Midst of Debt Ceiling Negotiations Bilbray said that he thought the United States will make good on its debt obligations, during debt ceiling negations. Bilbray said raising the debt limit without making changes to the spending habits in Washington will only exacerbate the problem. [San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/21/11] Asked Appropriators to Avoid Deep Cuts to the Budget of the National Institutes of Health In May 2011, Bilbray asked appropriators to avoid making deep cuts to the budget of the National Institutes of Health. It is very tough, said Bilbray, one of the 12 Republicans that pressed for NIH funding to be kept up. Given the 40 percent cuts that were proposed to discretionary domestic spending programs, Bilbray said a call to keep NIH funding stable or to even increase it meant other programs had to take bigger hits. Bilbray was faced with a choice between supporting NIH and public broadcasting and Bilbray said, Im sorry Big Bird. Im going with NIH. Bilbray, along with 11 other Republicans, wrote a letter to Rep. Dave Reichert, the chairman of the subcommittee that handled NIHs budget, that said, [w]e urge you to consider the wide-ranging, positive effects of investment in research on health and economy. We appreciate your consideration of our request. [The Hill, 5/27/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Said Government Needed to Be an Ally of the Private Sector In 2012, Bilbray said the government needed to be an ally of the private sector. The federal government needs to be an ally and an aid at working with the private sector to create the next generation of, not just new jobs, but also great health breakthroughs. Weve also got to maintain the venture capital that actually takes the research that we get from NIH, and bridge what they call the valley of death, from research to consumer, so that all of this research we do actually produces the medical breakthroughs and the benefits, which also has huge financial benefits, not just for new jobs, but also (for) healthcare prevention. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Sponsored SAVE Act to Create Textile Sector Jobs in Philippines In 2011, Bilbray sponsored the SAVE Act, which according to supporters would allow Philippine made apparel using fabrics from the US to enter the US duty free. Additionally For the United States, this bill would expand U.S. export of fabrics to Asian markets and would generate export income for American textile manufacturers. It would lead to thousands of jobs in the US textile sector. [Digital Journal, 7/19/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Bilbray Had Fundraising Lead in Third Quarter 2011 In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray had $420,000 in the bank, according to the incumbents third quarter campaign finance statement. Bilbrays Republican opponent John Stahl had $107,000 in his campaign account, while Democrat challengers Lori Saldana and Bob Nascenzi reported $18,602 and $34,810, respectively. Other contenders in the race for the newly drawn 52nd district, Republican Wayne Iverson and Democrat Scott Peters have not yet filed campaign finance statements. [North County Times, 10/18/11] Received Contributions from Local Billionaire with Business Plans In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray received cash from the political action committee of Qualcomm Inc., the company of local billionaire Irwin Jacobs. Jacobs lobbied extensively to make over Balboa Park with a new road plan, and gave $5,000 in April to Qualcomm Inc.s PAC, which then distributed its cash to several candidates, including Bilbray. [San Diego Reader, 10/12/11]
Note: Democrat John Dingell also received contributions

Hired Reid Political Consulting to Handle DC and Virginia Fundraising In 2012, Bilbray hired Reid Political Consulting to handle his fundraising. The firm will handle his D.C. fundraising and outreach, Ashlee Reid Morehouse wrote, We are planning several industry-specific events, if you are interested in serving as a host to your colleagues, please let me know! [Blog, Politico,

Paid Chief of Staff $42,000 Over Three Months In 2011, Bilbray paid his chief of staff Steve Danon $42,102.75 between July, 1 2011 to September 30, 2011. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, accessed 11/29/11] Steve Danon Ran for Supervisor While Serving as Galleglys Chief of Staff Had Been Running for Last 2 Years In 2011, it was reported that District 3 Supervisor Pam Slater-Price said she would retire in 2012 and Republican Steve Danon had been campaigning for the seat for the last 2 years. While serving as the chief of staff to Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-San Diego, Danon raised more than $100,000 and secured dozens of key endorsements. [San Diego Union-Tribune, 11/28/11] Attended Rotary Meeting in July and Talked About Supervisor Race In July 19 2011, Steve Danon, who is running for Slater-Prices District 3 office attended Tuesdays Rotary meeting, held at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. At the meeting he mentioned Slater-Price. [North County Times, 7/20/11] Had Fundraiser With Speaker John Boehner In October 2011, Bilbray was scheduled to have a fundraiser with Speaker John Boehner. Congressional Circle Roundtable Reception and General Reception with Boehner, according to the invite posted today on the Sunlight Foundations PartyTime website, is set this Saturday in Coronado and hosted by Scott & Susan McMillin and Mark & CAnn McMillin, of the locally famous real estate development brood. The host committee includes General Atomics owner and Predator builder Linden Blue, weightloss maven Jenny Craig, lobbyist Ben Haddad, developer Tom Sudberry, and various other local GOP donors. Contribution levels ranged from $500 to $2,500 per person. [San Diego Reader, 10/12/11] Received Money from Lobbyist at Dow Lohnes Government Strategies LLC April 1: In 2011, Bilbray received $500 from lobbyist Norm Lent III who serves as Counsel at Dow Lohnes. Lent focused on energy, environment, telecommunications and health care issues. [CQ, accessed
8/26/11; FEC, Brian Bilbray for Congress, 4/1/11]

March 31: In 2011, Bilbray voted for a bill to pass the bill that would amend federal pesticide law and the Clean Water Act to prohibit the EPA or states from requiring a permit for the use of registered pesticides in or near navigable waters. [H R 872, Vote #206, 3/31/11] Hosted a Campaign Fundraiser at Prince Georges County Trap and Skeet Center In 2011, Bilbray staged a day of skeet, trap, and sporting clays shooting fundraiser at Prince Georges County Trap and Skeet Center. Political action committees had to fork over $1500 to attend; individuals paid $750 to attend. [San Diego Reader, 7/6/11] Filled Out His Financial Disclosure Form Wrong Four Times

In 2011, Bilbray corrected his disclosure he financial disclosure four times and worked on Fifth Amendment on his family tax consulting business. He reported value swinging from as little as $15,000 to as much as $50 million. It was reported, In his initial disclosure, the California Republican reported that his wife earned

$52,000 from a tax business valued at $25 million to $50 million. In his first amendment filed to include previously omitted capital gains from the sale of a property in Montana after Roll Call contacted him Bilbray reduced the valuation of the tax business to $15,001 to $50,000. In subsequent filings in June and July of last year, the value of Bilbray Tax Service vacillates between the two figures. A representative from Bilbrays office said a new amendment is in the mail that will correctly note the value of the business as $15,001 to $50,000. [Roll Call, 5/10/11] Brian Bilbray for Congress Campaign Account April Quarterly Report Analysis Total Raised: $ 111,608.13 Raised from PACs: $50,500 Cash on Hand: $212,502.77 Debt: $0
[Brian Bilbray for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

Headline: Bilbray financial forms have fluctuated; Six Amendments Filed for One Company Between 2009 and 2011 The Watchdog reported that Bilbray had several valuations for Bilbray Tax Service. An aide said he would file a fifth amendment to his 2009 disclosure, first filed on May 13, 2010. y May 14, 2009: $15,001 to $50,000 y May 13, 2010: $25,000,001 to $50,000,000 y June 18, 2010, 10:21 a.m.: $15,001 to $50,000 y June 18, 2010, 5:01 p.m.: $25,000,001 to $50,000,000 y June 29, 2010: $15,001 to $50,000 y July 12, 2010: $25,000,001 to $50,000,000
[Watchdog, San Diego Union Tribune, 4/18/11]

Between 2009 and 2011, Bilbray made four corrections to his financial disclosure forms, changing the value of his family business, Bilbray Tax Service of Imperial Beach. On two of the amendments the value of the company has been listed as more than $25 million and another amendment has listed the value of the company between $15,001 and $50,000. This was a simple typo, Bilbray spokesman Travis Considine said. She was actually pretty embarrassed about it. Considine was referring to Karen Bilbray, the congressmans wife and operator of Bilbray Tax Service. Considine said the errors occurred because the agency that requires the forms changed the way the documents are to be completed. Karen Bilbray prepared the documents, but was not paid for the service. [Watchdog, San Diego Union Tribune, 4/18/11] Constituent Concerned that Bilbray Filed Multiple Amendments to Bilbray Tax Service Don Vaughn, a constituent of Bilbrays said the multiple amendments to financial disclosure form relating to Bilbray Tax Service concerned him, It concerns me because its part of his duties as a congressman, Vaughn said. Theres a requirement that he provide this information and he does not appear to be taking it seriously enough. [Watchdog, San Diego Union Tribune, 4/18/11]

Karen Bilbray, the Congressmans Wife Received Earnings from Campaign and Tax Service Company In 2009, Karen Bilbray, the congressmans wife and operator of Bilbray Tax Service took over the family business and received $52,000 in earnings. She also received more than $23,000 from her husbands last re-election campaign. [Watchdog, San Diego Union Tribune, 4/18/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues Economic and Financial Issues Education Issues
Sued to Overturn In State Tuition for California High Graduates Regardless of Immigration Status Supreme Court Denied Petition In 2011, it was reported that the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition to rule on Californias Assembly Bill 540 which allowed any individual regardless of immigration status who graduated from a California high school after attending for three years qualified for the in-state tuition in California. Bilbray sued to overturn AB 540. He complained that his children, who attended Virginia high school, had to pay out-of-state tuition. The editorial pointed out The odd thing is that if AB 540 didnt exist or were overturned, Bilbrays children would still have had to pay out-of-state tuition until they established residency in California. As it turns out, most students who benefit from AB 540 are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants. The Sacramento Bee re-printed their previous stance on Bilbrays lawsuit which read On the face of it, the lawsuit is ridiculous Brian Bilbrays children pay out-of-state tuition because they lived and went to school in Virginia, not CaliforniaIf AB 540 law didnt exist, Bilbrays children would still have to pay out-of-state tuition. So what is the lawsuit really about? It is about penalizing children who were raised and schooled in California because of parents actions, a repugnant notionIs it in the interest of the state for children living in California to pursue an education? Of course. [Editorial, Sacramento Bee,

Energy Issues
Backed Legislation to Streamline Permitting Process for Renewable Energy

In 2011, Bilbray backed bipartisan legislation to provide matching grants to local governments or groups of governments who streamline their permitting processes for renewable energy. The bill taps $50 million in funds previously allocated for advanced energy storage, Bilbray said. This is not an issue about solar panels, Bilbray said. Its about empowering local communities in ways that we can then apply as a national strategy. Its a bottoms up way of approaching the problem. The untold story about environmental strategies is how much governmental regulations stand in the way of environmental options, said Rep. Brian Bilbray. [North County Times, 12/16/11]

Hypocritical on Solyndra Helped Electric Car Become Eligible for Loan Program In 2009, Bilbray helped the electric car company Aptera Motors become eligible for a loan guarantee by sponsoring legislation aimed at helping them. In 2011 the company announced it was shutting its doors. Bilbray was an opponent of Solyndra. Bilbray was a member of the Energy and Commerce subcommittee that has made the Department of Energys loan program front-page news in recent months with its investigation of the Solyndra solar energy company. The electric car company that shut its doors was in his district. He sponsored legislation that made Apteras three-wheeled electric vehicles eligible for ATVM loan guarantees. Prior to 2009, Apteras cars were defined as motorcycles and were ineligible. Bilbrays legislation was cited in an Aptera release when it reapplied for a loan guarantee because of the law change. [Greenwire, 12/5/11] Bilbrays Website featured Aptera Press Release Touting DOE Loan Program Eligibility In 2011, Bilbrays website still featured a press release from 2009 from Aptera touting their ability to eligibility for a Department of Energy loan program. Greenwire reported His website features an article from on the legislations benefit to Aptera. It includes a press release from Aptera saying that it had reapplied for the loan guarantee because of the change in law. [Greenwire, 12/5/11; Rep. Bilbray, press release, 11/2/09] Spokesman Claimed Bilbray was Consistent in Support for DOE Loan Program In 2011, Bilbrays office issued a statement on Aptera's bankruptcy claiming he was consistent in his support for the DOE loan program. The federal government has historically played a role in incentivizing domestic energy production and innovative technology. This is consistent with Congressman Bilbray's support for the DOE loan program, Considine said. But it is important to note that Aptera received no federal funding. What concerns Rep. Bilbray about the Solyndra scandal is the politicization of the green industry over a technology that was high-risk and left taxpayers with the bill. [Greenwire, 12/5/11] Bilbray Received Campaign Contribution from Aptera Consultant in 2009
From To Details

Gibson, Duane R Mt. Washington, DC 20006 Aptera / Consultant Gibson, Duane R Mt. Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Rep. Bilbray, Brian P. (R-Calif.) (Incumbent, 50th District) BRIAN BILBRAY FOR CONGRESS Rep. Bilbray, Brian P. (R-Calif.) (Incumbent, 50th District)

$500, 06/22/2009 View filing Individual Contribution to Candidate $500, 06/08/2010 View filing Individual




The Livingston Group / Consultant


Contribution to Candidate

[CQ Moneyline, accessed 12/6/11] Bilbray Was Credited with Helping Aptera Qualify for a Five-Year, $184 Million Government Loan Aptera Motors Inc. CEO Paul Wilbur, credited Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Solana Beach, for helping Aptera qualify for a five-year, $184 million loan through the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program through the Department of Energy. [North County Times, 4/15/10]

Bilbray Attached Measure to Help Aptera Gain Access to a Federal Loan Program In 2011, the BNet Automotive website, reported that Bilbray attached a measure to help Aptera gain access to a federal loan program through a measure attached to an energy and water appropriation bill. Aptera got its three-wheel provision through the useful expediency of a supportive hometown Congressman, Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA), who attached the measure to an energy and water appropriation. Aptera had applied for $75 million in low-interest loan funds last year, but was rejected December 31 because its three-wheelers did not meet the federal definition of a passenger vehicle. [BNet, 11/2/09] Criticized Solyndra Loan Guarantee, Previously Sought Federal Subsidies for Energy In 2011, Rep. Waxman criticized Bilbray for being on the Energy and Commerce oversight committee demanding an investigation of Solyndra federal loan guarantee, while previously seeking federal subsidies for energy. [, 9/23/11] Investigating Solyndra and Afraid that Political Pressures Were Brought to Bear in Loan In 2011, Bilbray said he was concerned that influence was brought to bear on government aid to Solyndra. Bilbray was on the House committee investigating Solyndra and the loan program. He said I really worry about what kind of influence and pressure was put on the department and what kind of preconceived prejudice about a certain type of technology was infused into the decision- making process, where proposed loan applicants did not have to prove the technology that they were proposing, the viability of it, because those of us who know solar know there's different type of solar technologies, and some of it is very good, but some of it is really, really problematic. [FBN Interview, 9/30/11] Criticized Administration for Loan to Solyndra, Expected to Use as Campaign Issue In 2011, Bilbray criticized the executive director of the Department of Energys loan program over a loan the Solyndra. John Steward joked that Bilbray was campaigning on the issue. You know how whenever theres a scandal, Congress holds a hearing to investigate the matter, but they usually just prove themselves to be clueless grandstanders? Stewart asked during an episode of The Daily Show last week. Watch Congressman Brian Bilbray lay some serious solar smackdown on the executive director of the Department of Energys loan program.

After showing a clip of Bilbray, a former member of a top California environmental board, pressing DOEs Jonathan Silver on the technological specifics of Chinas work on solar panels, Stewart opined: I have no idea what the f- that congressman is talking about. But heres the thing, he does. Bilbray 2012! [Politico, 9/19/11] Called Ethanol Snake Oil; And Proposed Off-Road Vehicle Park In 2011, Bilbray said he position on energy was anti-ethanol. The massive amounts of subsidy, of checks we write to an environmental snake oil called ethanol, is absolutely outrageous. The slogan in my office is Yellow is not green, algae is. He proposed a federal green-technology reserve on federal land and an off-road vehicle park. The federal government will pre-permit this land for the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, so when you come in we will allow you to homestead this federal property to go into production. Lets see who really wants to stand up for green technology. [San Diego Union Tribune, 4/21/11]

Environmental Issues
Said Jobs Were Leaving California Due to Regulatory Environment In 2011, Bilbray wrote that other states courted California companies to relocate and Chief Executive Magazine ranked California as the worst business climate in the nation. He wrote A look at some of the most basic statistics of Californias state and local tax burdens reveal that we pay almost $5,000 a year per capita for state and local taxes and countless more in hidden job-crushing regulations thats the sixth highest tax burden in the nation. He said Carl Karcher Enterprises was contemplating leaving the state and Aptera Motors Inc. already left. [Op-ed, Congressman Brian Bilbray, Ruben Barrales, Orange County Register,

Opposed Limiting Greenhouse-Gas Emissions to Address Climate Change In 2011, Bilbray backed legislation to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from limiting greenhouse-gas emissions in order to address climate change. This not about climate change, Bilbray said This is about proposed regulation from a bureaucracy in a field of law that was never meant to address this issue at all. [Wall Street Journal, 4/7/11]

Ethics Issues
Defended Pensions He Received Annually from State of California Worth $28,000 In 2012, it was reported that Bilbray collected two pensions annually from his tenure as mayor of Imperial Beach and as San Diego County supervisor worth $28,000. Being an elected official has never stopped Congressman Bilbray from advocating for pension reform, Bilbray Spokesman Travis Considine said, adding that the Congressman recently voted in favor of a bill that would reform federal workforce retirement programs and call on members of Congress to increase their retirement contributions. [UT San
Diego, 1/16/12]


Note: The article points out that four Republicans and 13 Democrats received the pension payments Scheduled to Have Fundraiser with Husband of Lydia Hemmings Accused of Stealing About $4,000 from Charity In 2012, Bilbray was scheduled to have a Birthday Celebration Reception and Dinner fundraiser with Hawaii Senator Fred Hemmings, whose wife Lydia Hemmings was sentenced to community service and fined $4500 after copping a plea to misdemeanor charges of theft from a nonprofit she ran. According to a report by Hawaii News Now, Deputy Attorney General Lance Goto says Mrs. Hemmings stole about $4,000 from Blueprint for Change, an organization that fights for the safety and well-being of at-risk children, while she was its executive director. The cost for the fundraiser was $250 a person, $2500 for a table. [San Diego Reader, 1/10/12]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea Gay and Lesbian Issues Gun Issues Health Care Issues
Opposed Restrictions on Patient Volume Associated with Medicare In 2011, it was reported that opposed restrictions on patient volume associated with Medicare and asked Medicare officials for flexibility in their coverage decision. In order to ensure adequate patient access, a broad range of qualified hospitals should be permitted to demonstrate their ability to deliver high-quality results, Bilbray wrote in Oct. 26 comments to Medicare.
[Bloomberg Business Week, 11/7/11]

Touted Work with Pharma and Biotech Industries In 2012, Bilbray touted his work for his district in the FDA and biotech industry. La Jolla is one of the great powerhouses of biotech and high tech, and that is all administered through my committees. That is why you see me being very involved in FDA (Federal Drug Administration) reform, working on cancer breakthroughs, talking about the FDA and NIH (National Institutes of Health) working together with the private sector to create, not just the jobs that San Diego desperately needs, but the medical breakthroughs that save lives. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Introduced Bill That was Part of Push to Take Power from FDA In 2011, a press release from the Committee on Energy and Commerce touted Bilbrays bill, the


Novel Device Regulatory Relief Act of 2011, which streamlines the de novo ( lower risk devices) classification process by striking the requirement that an applicant submit a 510( k ) application before entering the de novo process. [Committee on Energy and Commerce, press release, 10/14/11] Met with International Stem Cell Corporation and Criticized FDA In 2011, International Stem Cell Corporation announced it met with Bilbray over concerns over federal policies. Bilbray issued a statement in support of the business community after the meetings, saying: It is no secret that the best markets are the freest markets. Removing government barriers to job growth is necessary in any business, whether it be in a biotech company looking for the cure for cancer or a device company making an artificial pancreas for a diabetic. Unfortunately, we have seen the FDA put up roadblock after roadblock for companies looking to expand their businesses and develop the next great breakthrough. [San Diego Reader, 10/6/11] Co-Sponsored Bill to Establish Standardization of Care for Pediatric Brain Injuries In 2011, Bilbray co-sponsored a bill to establish nationwide standardization of care for pediatric brain injuries. The bill called for the creation of network of care centers to help with treatment and reintegration into schools and homes for injured children. The National Brain Injury Plan Act of 2011 would require the federal government fund the centers over a seven-year period. [North County Times, 12/28/11] Daughter Suffered from Cancer and Spoke Out in Favor of Medical Marijuana In 2011, Bilbrays daughter, who suffered from cancer, spoke out in favor of medical marijuana even though Bilbray did not support dispensaries operating in local communities and opposes congressional efforts to reclassify marijuana for medical use. He was interested in the drugs medicinal value, If this is really the benefit that Briana believes, we should be able to scientifically prove it and make it available not just in California, but the rest of the country as well. But it should be based on science not on political pressure or slogans, Brian Bilbray said. [Signs on San Diego, 11/12/11] Recruited Bi-Partisan Support for Stem Cell Research Funding Bill In 2011, Bilbray recruited ten co-sponsors to his Regenerative Medicine Promotion Act of 2011. The bill would allow federal grants for, academic, private and regulatory stem cell research. Seven of the co-sponsors were Democrats, and three were Republicans. [Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, 7/20/11] Said Reduction in Social Security Office Hours was Result of Wasteful Spending In 2011, Social Security offices cut their daily service hours by 30 minutes because Congress failed to provide the agency with nearly $1 billion in requested funding. The seven Social Security offices in San Diego County ---- including one in Oceanside and one in San Marcos ---- will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., said Inez Yanora, manager of the San Diego office. Bilbray said the reduction in office hours available to the public stemmed from years of wasteful Washington spending and our countrys precarious budget situation. He stressed that his district offices have caseworkers available to help people having problems with the Social Security Administration. [North County Times, 7/26/11]


Headline: Health issues have made Bilbray San Diegos most Absent Representative In 2011 according to the missed-vote data compiled by the open-government, Bilbray missed roughly 9.4%, or 109 out of 1m157 floor votes over the past 6 quarters, as a result of his mothers death, his own skin cancer and his daughters chemotherapy. According to, Rep. Brian Bilbray is San Diegos most absent member of Congress since January 2010. Bilbrays spokesman said It has been a difficult year for the Bilbray family Theyve been dealing with a lot of personal family issues. Congressman Bilbray had a form of skin cancer surgically removed from his lip earlier in the year. His daughter, Briana Bilbray, has been diagnosed with stage three Melanoma and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. The Bilbrays deal with challenges like many American families, when his family needs him the Congressman is there for them. [Last Blog on Earth, San Diego City, 7/15/11]

Immigration and Border Issues

Called California Dream Act Too Much In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray criticized the new California Dream Act, which allowed illegal immigrants to apply for state-funded student aid at state universities. Bilbray, who opposed a previous, federal version of the Dream Act, called the new legislation too much. Californias AB 130 and 131 put American citizens and legal immigrants in direct competition with illegal immigrants for already-limited financial aid opportunities, further encourage illegal immigration, and reward illegal behavior with tax-dollars, Bilbray said in a statement. [North County Times, 10/10/11] Criticized Gingrich for Advocating for Allowing Some Illegal Immigrants to Stay in Country In 2011, when Gingrich called for allowing some illegal immigrants to stay in the country, Bilbray said the proposal was like drilling a hole in a sinking ship. Newt, I dont care who you are, Bilbray said. Quit sending the mixed message that we are going to somehow reward or accommodate you if you broke the law while there are those waiting patiently and playing by the rules, waiting to come into this country legally. Bilbray said since his district is on the border he understood the problem. [Blog, The Hill, 11/30/11] Said Legacy of 9/11 Attacks Should Be Immigration Reform In 2011, at a 9/11 commemoration ceremony Bilbray said that the legacy of the 9/11 terrorists attacks should be immigration reform. He supported stiff immigration reform and said public entities issued government identification to those without proper immigration status under the guise of this is what America is about. [North County Times, 9/11/11] Supported E-Verify Bill, Argued Would Not Harm Farming In 2011, Bilbray supported E-Verify in the House, despite critics who argued it would harm the agriculture industry. Bilbray said, The profit in the agriculture industry does not trump American rule of law. He continued, Just because employers have broken the laws over the past 10 years doesnt give them the right (to


continue). Bilbray also favored a guest worker program to aid the agriculture industry. [North County Times,

Criticized by Immigration Reform Group for Supporting E-Verify In 2011, Immigration reform advocate Frank Sherry wrote that Bilbray favored E-Verify because he saw it as a method toward the mass deportation of Californias undocumented workforce. Bilbray has staked out a clear and consistent position against sensible immigration reform and in favor of draconian, enforcement-only policies. Bilbray tried to sell E-Verify as a jobs bill, theorizing that once the undocumented immigrants are removed from the fields, unemployed Americans would swoop in to take on the farm jobs. [Op-ed, Frank
Sherry, Founder and Executive Director of Americas Voice, California Progress Report, 7/15/11]

Wanted to Eliminate Birthright Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants In 2011, a Constitutional law professor wrote that Bilbray wanted to eliminate birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants. The declaration of All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside, of the 14th Amendment offended Bilbray. [Op-ed, Michal R. Belknap, California Western
School of Law, Sign on San Diego, 7/8/11]

Said the President Needed to Make E-Verify Mandatory to Discourage Illegal Aliens in the Country and Work Force In May 2011, Bilbray participated in an Immigration Reform Debate with John King and Rep. Gutierrez. During the debate, Bilbray was asked, [i]f the president starts to use his executive authority to help people who are being sent home with family members here, do you have a problem with that? Bilbray said, No, we have a problem with anybody that wants to announce that were going to reward people for being illegally in this country. And we want to get off of this amnesty kick and get over to where we really got common ground, and thats issues like the president has expanding E-verify. Bilbray said the President should make it mandatory for businesses to E-verify if they want a business deduction. Thats common ground we can all agree on, is that we should eliminate the tax deduction for employers who hire illegals. Washington needed to gain the American peoples trust before it asked the people to trust them with other issues, especially when talked about creating special status and protection for those who are illegally in the country, Bilbray said. [Real Clear Politics, 5/09/11] Said Real Source of Illegal Immigrations Was to Focus on Illegal Employers Instead of the Borders In May 2011, Bilbray participated in an Immigration Reform Debate with John King and Rep. Gutierrez. When King asked if Obama improved border security he said no. The president has got to understand the border is a symptom of the problem. Not until he requires every employer to E-verify, to make sure no American is encouraging illegal immigration by hiring illegals.


He went on to say that illegals employers were the real source of the problem. If we all, Democrats and Republicans, focused on the source, the illegal employers, thats the one place we should be able to all agree on that we shouldnt allow anybody to make a buck and be able to exploit the illegals by hiring them. And once we eliminate that, we wont have to be sending our resources to the border, because there wont be people wanting to come here illegally because there will be no jobs for em here when we get here. [Real Clear Politics, 5/09/11]

Israel Labor and Working Family Issues Lobbying Issues

Registered Washington Lobbyist In 2012, it was reported that Bilbray was a registered Washington lobbyist. His clients included the San Diego Regional Airport Authority, Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians, SDG&E, and the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a conservative, anti-immigration group. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Touted Lobbying Work for Non-Profits In 2012, Bilbray was asked how he responded to critiques of his time lobbying after he left Congress. He said he focused on nonprofit groups that I worked with when I was in office. Almost all of my contracts that I was working with were either government or nonprofit organizations. Very few (in the) private sector were even involved, as far as I know. [Del Mar
Times, 1/17/12]

Denied FAIR was a Hate Group In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray was a of FAIRs board of advisers since 2001. He also earned $300,000 from the organization as a FAIR lobbyist for three years. Bilbray talked about FAIR and defended the organization. I think FAIR is leading-edge, Bilbray said. I may not agree with everything, but they really stand up and say the illegal immigration issue is not sustainable. You cannot continue to have 1 million illegals coming in continuously and maintain rule of law and maintain the quality of life that Americans take for granted. [Sign On San Diego, 5/4/11]
Had Pharmaceutical Lunch in DC

On April 13, 2011 Bilbray held a Pharmaceutical Lunch at the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America Townhouse. The suggested contribution was $1,000. [Sunlight Foundation, 4/13/11]

Military Issues

Held Veterans Career Fair In 2011, Bilbray held a Veterans Career and Resource Fair on June 17, 2011. Bilbray partnered with North County Career Centers, Employment Development Department and the Escondido Library, the event featured over 25 employers. [North County Times, 6/11/11]

Senior Issues
Scheduled to Discuss Republican Plan for Reducing Social Security and Medicare Benefits In 2011, Congressman Brian Bilbray was scheduled to discuss the prospects for reducing Social Security and Medicare benefits due to Republicans trying to cut the national deficit. [Pomerado News, 10/13/11]

Other Social Issues

Daughter Sued Federal Government to Block Marijuana Dispensary Crackdown In 2011, it was reported that Bilbrays daughter, began using medical marijuana to cope with the nausea associated with her chemotherapy treatment for melanoma, filed a lawsuit in San Diego, suing the federal government to prevent a government crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries in California. A spokesman for Bilbray said, the congressman remains opposed to efforts to decriminalize marijuana, including a recent push to reclassify it in federal law to permit its use for medicinal purposes. [North
County Times, 11/8/11]

Social Issues Political Issues

Said He was Making Decisions that Shaped America - Opponents did not have time to Learn In 2012, Bilbray said he was going to make decisions that shaped America and his opponents did not have time to go through the learning process. Washington hasnt been a pretty place to be, and its not going to be a place where someones going to have the time to go through a learning process. It takes a lot more than just good intentions, because were actually going to decide what kind of America we leave our grandchildren in the next few years. I honestly believe were really at a tipping point where America, through its representatives, are going to really make some watershed decisions of where we want to go.
[Del Mar Times, 1/17/12]

Had Lackluster Record Over Two Terms in Congress In 2012, California Democrat Scott Peters was highlighted because Bilbray was being targeted for his lackluster record in Congress. This district was named to the program because national Democrats


believe Congressman Bilbrays lackluster record over his two terms in Congress make this seat a prime target to turn blue in November. [Mission Valley News, 1/19/12] Said he Should be Re-Elected Because he had Practical Experience in Congress In 2012, Bilbray said he had the practical experience in Congress to know what would work in theory and practice. When asked, What could you do with two more years in Congress that you havent accomplished or already had the chance to do? Bilbray said, Youve got Republicans, who know they dont like regulation, but they dont understand it. And youve got Democrats, who are in denial of the impact of inappropriate regulation on the ability of small business to create jobs. He said his kind of practical experience helped him understand the gap between the theory of what is good for the business community and the environment, and the practical application. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Claimed He Came from an Independent Background In 2012, Bilbray claimed he came from an independent background, I come from the undeclared background. I used to be an independent voter myself. He claimed, The one thing I got in the habit of doing when I was a county supervisor and mayor was, you learn to vote the issue; you dont vote the party. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Claimed Extremists Hurt Nation Called a RINO In 2012, Bilbray was asked about the critique against him that he was a RINO (Republican in Name Only) who got low marks from some conservative organizations, such as the Heritage Foundation. Bilbray said he was not an extremist. Some people call me a squishy moderate. I like to think of myself as a radical incrementalist. I believe in America the things that are done right and that last are done in small, incremental steps. Were not a radical country and I think extremists on both sides injure, not only the nation, but themselves. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Bilbray: Like it or not, the voters have created an environment where you need to try to work with people in the other party In 2012, when asked how he built consensus between parties in Washington Bilbray said Like it or not, the voters have created an environment where you need to try to work with people in the other party. He went on to say I dont see anybody whose announced for the seat who has shown that they can really rise above the political partisanship. [Del Mar Times, 1/17/12] Despite His Previous Reluctance to Debate - Bilbray Proposed Debates In 2012, columnist Logan Jenkins for U T San Diego wrote that despite his previous reluctance to debate Bilbray proposed debates at specific times and locations to his opponents. He reportedly challenged John Stahl, a tea party Republican, and two well-known Democrats, Scott Peters and Lori Saldaa to four debates. To preserve his own dignity, however, Bilbray recommended venues and moderators as if they were favorite restaurants and waiters. [Columnist, Logan Jenkins, U T San Diego, 1/23/12] Faced Tough Re-Election


In 2012, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Bilbray faced a tough re-election. [San Francisco
Chronicle, 1/24/12]

Democrat Scott Peters Announced Against Bilbray In 2011, Democrat Scott Peters announced against Bilbray. Peters joins a growing field of candidates, which include Bilbray, who is a Republican, and former State Assembly member Lori Saldana, another prominent Democrat. One political consultant told 10News that party affiliation may not be a factor. This will be one of the most watched Congressional races in the entire country, said political consultant John Dadian. [News 10, 10/17/11] Had Not faced a primary since returning to Congress in 2006 In 2011, The Fix reported that Bilbray had not faced a primary since returning to Congress in 2006, is getting called a RINO a.k.a. Republican in Name Only, by a local tea party activist who has bought an hour-long slot on a local radio station. [The Fix, Washington Post, 10/6/11] Democrat Scott Peters Announced Campaign Against Bilbray In 2011, it was reported that Scott Peters, a former San Diego councilman and port commissioner, would run for Congress against incumbent Brian Bilbray. Peters, a Democrat, said his priorities included job creation in the district, development of an energy policy that reduces foreign oil dependence, keeping commitments to veterans and their families, and ending the negligent spending that contributed to a serious debt problem. [La Jolla Patch, 10/19/11] Proposed Four Debates in Newly-Drawn District Before Primary In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray proposed four debates leading up to the June 5 primary in Californias newly drawn 52nd Congressional District. Bilbray proposed two radio, one television and one community debate. He invited Democrats Scott Peters and Lori Saldana and Tea Party Republicans John Stahl and Wayne Iverson to the debates. Peters and Stahl welcomed Bilbrays proposal. Bilbray said that the debates would serve to demonstrate the candidates plans on repairing what he called, the failure of Washington politicians to make the tough decisions necessary to get American working again. [North County Times, 12/7/11] Bilbray May Face a Tough Re-Election In 2011, it was reported that Bilbray may face a tough re-election. According to a Democratic poll showing that 42 percent of voters would like to re-elect Bilbray while 51 percent would prefer someone else. Public Policy Polling conducted the survey for House Majority PAC, an independent committee designed to help Democrats, between Oct. 19 and Oct. 23. The poll surveyed 733 registered district voters and has with a margin of error of 3.6 percentage points. [San Diego Union-Tribune, 11/6/11] Defended Herman Cain Against sexual harassment Allegations During a Tea Party meeting, Bilbray defended Herman Cain from allegations of sexual harassment, saying Cain was being attacked for doing something that the Senate of the United States has already said


does not disqualify you as president. Bilbray was referencing his vote to impeach President Clinton during the 1990s. [San Diego Union-Tribune, 11/25/11] When I left in 2000, and I got left because I voted and got kicked out of office because somebody else cheated on his wife and lied about it in front of a grand jury. And the fact is weve got people attacking Mr. Cain for doing something that the Senate of the United States has already said does not disqualify you as president. [Bilbray at San Diego Tea Party, Youtube, accessed 11/29/11] Faced Several Opponents; Accused of Being RINO and Taking Multiple Public Pensions In 2011, Bilbray faced several Democratic and Republican challengers who accused him of being a Republican In Name Only and taking multiple public pensions. In addition to Democratic challengers Lori Saldaa and Scott Peters, Bilbray faced Republicans Wayne Iverson and John Stahl. Stahl accused Bilbray of being a R.I.N.O (Republican In Name Only) and noted that he had a less than stellar record on score cards by conservative organizations such as the Heritage Foundation and National Taxpayers Union. Stahl pledged to accept no campaign money from political action committees. He also lambasted his opponents for their lack of military service and for taking public pensions, sometimes more than one. [Sign
on San Diego, 11/25/11]

Bilbrays District was Up for Grabs In 2011, it was reported that Bilbrays district was up for grabs. Thanks to a recent redrawing of political boundaries, Democrats have a real chance of taking the new 52nd Congressional District from incumbent Republican Brian Bilbray in 2012, and two high-profile Demsformer state Assemblymember Lori Saldaa and current San Diego Port Commissioner Scott Peterswant to be the one doing the grabbing.
[San Diego City Beat, 11/30/11]

District was Toss-up In 2011, a national assessment of congressional elections by the University of Virginia reported that Bilbrays district was a toss-up. [Sacramento Bee, 12/6/11] Endorsed by Romney in One of Most Competitive Congressional Elections in California In 2011, Bilbray endorsed and was endorsed by Romney in one of the most competitive congressional elections in California. Bilbray faced several opponents, including Port of San Diego Commission Chairman Scott Peters and former state Assemblywoman Lori Saldana. Romney had a home in Bilbrays district Bilbray said Romney's leadership and experience are what this country needs right now. He also said he believes Romney is the best candidate to secure the border and put a halt to illegal immigration. [North County Times, 12/6/11] Chief of Staff Actively Campaigned for County Supervisor Seat In 2011, Bilbrays Chief of staff actively campaigned to replace Pam Slater-Price on the County Board of Supervisors. [, accessed 9/10/11] Faced Conservative Primary Challenge in New District with Democratic Advantage


In 2011, Bilbray faced a conservative primary challenge from the right in a district that had a 2,575 registration advantage for Democrats, which reversed the trend over the past decade of increasing GOP voters in his district. He was also expected to face state Assemblywoman Lori Saldana and potentially former San Diego City Councilman and current Port of San Diego Commission Scott Peters. [North County
Times, 9/8/11]

The 2012 Election May End Bilbrays Political Career In 2011, it was reported that among the three congressmen who represent North County, Bilbray drew the short straw. The North County Times reported that the 2012 election cycle could be Bilbrays last because credible Democratic candidate former Assemblywoman Lori Saldana announced she would run against him. [Editorial, North County Times, 8/20/11] Headline: Bilbray gets a challenger from the right In 2011, Bilbray faced a primary challenge from the right in the form of tea party candidate sixty-fouryear-old John Stahl of Del Mar. Stahl said that he intended to raise $1 million before the June 2012 primary. He touted himself as a fiscal conservative and said he would refuse to take money from PACs or lobbyists, unlike Bilbray. Bilbray was running in a district that supported Democrat Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential. National Democrats asserted that redistricting made Bilbray more vulnerable. He faced Democratic challengers state Assemblywoman Lori Saldana and Internet entrepreneur Bob Nascenzi. Also widely expected to run as a Democrat was former San Diego City Councilman and current Port of San Diego Commissioner Scott Peters. [North County Times, 9/1/11] Received 52% Score From Heritage Action for America Score Card Bilbray received 52% score from Heritage Action for America scorecard in August 2011 that encompassed 30 key votes and 5 co-sponsorships. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 8/29/11] Bilbrays Seat Seen as Attractive Target for a Democratic challenger It was reported in 2011 that new California redistricting maps made it more difficult for Bilbray to win reelection. The new maps will make it more difficult for at least one congressional Republican incumbent Brian Bilbray to win re-election and appear to put three prominent Democrats into one congressional district. Bilbray entered the 2012 campaign with a Republican voter registration edge of just three point, down from nine-points in 2010. He was an attractive target for a Democratic challenger. One possibility: former Assemblywoman Lori Saldaa, D-San Diego. [State Politics, 7/29/11] Blamed Tea-Party Backed Members for Exacerbating Debt Ceiling Problem In 2011, Bilbray advocated for a deal on the debt ceiling, saying Washington was a crazy town and that he prays to God it gets done. He said tea party-backed members and political gamesmanship were exacerbating the problem. This whole thing has become very complicated because of the huge increases in our debt, and it doesnt help when you have people on both sides of the issue screaming, the Solana Beach congressman said. No one trusts Washington to do the right thing, but hopefully we will be able to surprise some people, he said. [North County Times, 7/28/11]


Democrat Assemblywoman Lori Saldaa Considered Running Against Bilbray in More Friendly District In 2011, former Assemblywoman Lori Saldaa confirms in an email to me that shes thinking about running for Congress in the North County congressional district now represented by Brian Bilbray; redistricting could make it more friendly to Democrats like her. [Voice of San Diego, 7/28/11] Described as an Incumbent who Should be Concerned In 2011, Bilbray was listed as an incumbent in California who should be concerned. The Hill reported, Other incumbents who should be concerned include Democrats Linda Sanchez and Jim Costa, and Republicans Brian Bilbray, Dan Lungren and Mary Bono Mack. [The Hill, 7/28/11] Had 2,800 Twitter Followers, Tweeted President Question During Town Hall In 2011, according to the North County Times, Bilbray had 2,800 followers on Twitter. He also tweeted a question to the President in a July 2011, Twitter town hall, but his question was not selected. [North County
Times, 7/15/11]

Rothenberg: Excluded Bilbray from Incumbents He Thought Could Receive Strong Challenge In 2011, Stu Rothenberg excluded Bilbray from the districts where he thought Republican incumbents could receive strong challenges. He noted that Bilbray was included in the group of Republicans that seem less vulnerable, either because strong challengers have not announced, district fundamentals argue against the Democrats or redistricting is likely to lessen the Democrats chances dramatically. [Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call, 7/19/11] Bilbray Faced Trouble for 2012 Elections Due to California Re-Districting In 2011, thanks to redistricting, California shaped up to be a hotbed of top Republican targets, and Bilbray faced trouble in newly drawn districts, if he decided to run again in 2012. [Atlantic, 7/20/11] Was Expected to Face Strong Challenge from Democratic Party In 2011, the California Republican party signaled they planned to sue over redistricting, because under the plan they could lose up to five seats, including Bilbrays. Bilbray was expected to face a strong challenge from the Democratic Party in the new district. State Sen. Christine Kehoe was not planning to run against him. Senator Kehoe is not planning to run against Brian Bilbray, her office said in an email. GOP consultant John Dadian in San Diego said he expects Bilbray will face a concerted challenge, but will hang on to his seat. [North County Times, 7/23/11] Business-Minded Democrat Could Have a Shot at Unseating Bilbray


In 2011, a Democratic consultant said Bilbray was in a district that could be won by a Democrat. Though he remains relatively safe, a business-minded Democrat could have a shot at unseating Bilbray, said Chris Crotty, a Democratic political consultant. [San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/20/11] Rothenberg: Excluded Bilbray from List of Members Who Could Receive Strong Challenges In 2011, the pollster Stuart Rothenberg excluded Bilbray from the districts where he thought Republican incumbents could receive strong challenges. He noted that Bilbray was included in the group of Republicans that seem less vulnerable, either because strong challengers have not announced, district fundamentals argue against the Democrats or redistricting is likely to lessen the Democrats chances dramatically. [Op-ed, Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call, 7/19/11] Said Republicans Were Thrown Out After Bush Years Because They Were Not Fiscally Responsible In June 2011, Bilbray, on MSNBC with Cen Uygur, was asked whether or not it was convenient for Republicans not to question a budget during a Republican presidency; however, when there was a Democratic president, there is a strict focus on spending cuts before the debt ceiling was reached. Bilbray said, Republicans were thrown out because they didnt do the fiscal oversight that the House was supposed to do. So youve got to just accept that the voters have the final say here. He continued to say that people threw the Republicans out because the Republicans were not fiscally responsibility. [MSNBC,, 6/1/11]

Voted Cut $100 Million from UC System Biomedical Research Bilbray voted for a plan that cut nearly $100 million from the UC system just for biomedical research. Cuts of this magnitude are unsustainable if Californias biomedical research industry is to remain a global leader in research innovation and an economic engine helping to stabilize Californias economy, J. Gary Falle, UC associate vice president for government relations. [LA Times, 2/20/11;
HR 1, Vote #147, 2/19/11]

Tax Issues
Promised to Uphold Grover Norquists Taxpayer Protection Pledge

In 2011, Bilbray promised that he would uphold Grover Norquists the taxpayer protection pledge. Sign on San Diego reported Bilbray promised the tea party crowd that he would uphold the taxpayer protection pledge pushed by Grover Norquist and mentioned his outsider status during a five-year sabbatical from the House after he was defeated for re-election. [Sign on San Diego, 11/25/11] Headline: Congressman appeals to tea party despite a more Democrat-friendly district In 2011, Bilbray stuck to his guns on tea party issues in an appearance before local tea party activists. Anybody here, will you please remind the media and the elected officials that tea party tea stands


for what? He said the tea party issued early warnings about the debt. God bless you for being involved, he continued. No matter what happens this election, your involvement has made a difference. [Sign on
San Diego, 11/25/11]

Touted Job Creation and Innovation Investment Act to Establish Zero Tax Rate for Funds Brought Back to U.S. In 2011, Bilbray touted The Job Creation and Innovation Investment Act of 2011 to establish a zero percent tax rate for funds brought back to the United States invested in R&D, manufacturing and facility expansion. He wrote This issue is of particular interest to many Silicon Valley companies that Californians take pride inA change must happen and it must happen soon, or it will be too late to stop Californias companies from leaving and taking the jobs they provide with them. [Op-ed, Congressman Brian
Bilbray, Ruben Barrales, Orange County Register, 6/9/11]

Advocated for Lowering Tax Rate for Corporations In 2011, Bilbray touted his bill to eliminate a 35-percent federal tax on foreign earnings that American companies spend in the United States. He called his bill the Job Creation and innovation Investment Act bill. Lowering the tax rate will remove the greatest barrier that exists today between the private sector and job growth, Bilbray wrote. [Sign on San Diego, 5/5/11]

Tea Party
Tea Party Challenger Bought Radio Time Against Bilbray In 2011, it was reported that Bilbrays conservative Tea Party Republican challenger, John Stahl, who could take votes away from Bilbray bought time in a Vista radio station to host a one-hour show each Monday, where he will discuss common-sense solutions. The show will air on KCEO AM 1000. [North
County Times, 10/3/11]

Tea Party Opponent Called Him a Republican in Name Only In 2011, Bilbrays tea party opponent called him a RINO (Republicans in Name Only). [CBS News, 12/2/11]

Transportation Issues Voting Issues

Claimed Unqualified Voters Committed Voter Fraud During a Tea Party meeting, Bilbray attacked the threat of voter fraud. The challenge of our generation is qualified voters having their vote canceled out by unqualified voters, said Bilbray. [San Diego UnionTribune, 11/25/11]

If I can suggest one thing, one of the things weve got to focus on is the integrity of the list, the voters list. And so I think one project that we could work on between now and election is calling

down the list of those who are registered, and do something you did in Los Angeles, just ask them, Where were you born? and if they were born out of the country, When did you become a citizen. And I think you will be absolutely shocked how many people will openly and freely say, Well I havent become a citizen. Because you dont understand, that you got people paid to collect signatures and they sit there and say, Go ahead and sign, go ahead and sign, and the declaration of the top says, Im qualified to be a voter. And they sign it. [Bilbray at San Diego Tea
Party, Youtube, accessed 11/29/11]


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