Area Lessons

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Area Lessons Standards: M3M4.

Students will understand and measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles). a. Understand the meaning of the square unit in measuring area. b. Model (by tiling) the area of a simple geometric figure using square units (square inch, square foot, etc.). c. Determine the area of squares and rectangles by counting, adding, and multiplying with models. Day One Materials: centimeter grid paper, masking tape or colored electrical tape, Preparation: On the classroom floor, create shapes using tape that are 10 square units in area, but have different perimeters. E: How do we identify the measurement of area? A: Divide the students into groups. Have them measure the perimeter of the shapes to review perimeter. Brainstorm ways to measure the inside of the shapes. Introduce the vocabulary words area and square units. T: Give each student a sheet of grid paper. Have them create shapes that are 12 square units. (Note: they can use of squares to measure) Have them record the area and perimeter of the shapes they created on the back of their sheet. Switch with a partner and have the partner figure out the area and perimeter. Have students complete the sheet Graph Shapes, and create shapes with the areas given. S: Tell a partner what is area and how it is measured. Extension: On a sheet of graph paper, have the student create a picture. Everything in their picture must add up to 40 square units. Day Two Materials: centimeter grid paper, purple math book, overhead grid paper Test Prep: Mr Simmons put a wire fence all the way around his rectangular garden. The garden is 9 feet long and 5 feet wide. How many feet of fencing did he use? E:

How do we measure area? A: How Big is a Desk? Activity Choose from the units available to measure the area of the top of your desk. Estimate how many of the units it will take to cover your desktop with no pieces overlapping. Measure the desk using your chosen unit of measure and record your measurements accurately. Explain how you arrived at your answer using numbers, pictures, and words. Choose a different measurement unit. Estimate how many of the 2nd unit it will take to cover your desk. Will you need more or less of the 2nd unit than of the 1st unit? Measure the area of your desk with this 2nd unit and record your measurements accurately. Compare the two measurements. Explain your observations and whether or not your predictions were or were not correct. ******************************************************************************* * Discussion, Suggestions, Possible Solutions Students should have had several opportunities to work with the area of a rectangle before this task. Make available a number of different sized figures such as pattern blocks, color tiles, 4 inch paper squares, 3 inch equilateral triangles, etc. Do not choose any figure that will not cover all the space without overlapping (such as octagons or circles). T: Give each student a sheet of grid paper. Have them create a rectangle that has 16 square units. Have students share their ideas and chart on overhead grid paper. Discuss how multiplication can help us with finding area. Discuss how the area can be the same, but the perimeter different. Have students complete page 469-471 in purple book, chosen problems based on differentiation. S: Tell a partner what are the different ways to measure the area of a shape. (multiplication, adding square units) Extension: Purple book, Enrichment, Undoing Area Day Three Materials: Investigations, Joses Room Activity E:

How do we measure area? Test Prep: Derrius has 24 feet of fencing to use for a rectangular dog pen. Which dimensions would give him the most room (area) for his dog? a. 1 foot by 11 feet b. 3 feet by 9 feet c. 4 feet by 8 feet d. 6 feet by 6 feet A: Shapes Poster (see Investigations Unit 4, Lesson 2.4) T:See Joses Room Activity, attached -Investigations Unit 4, page 29 and 30 if needed S: Tell a partner what is area and how it is measured. Extension: Day Four and Five Materials: grid paper, construction paper, notebook paper E: How do we measure area and perimeter? A: Have students draw a rectangle on their desk. Tell them to label the top 10 and the side 5. Have them figure out the perimeter and the area. Discuss how they found their answers. T: Perimeter Mall Use pentomino pieces to create a map of a new shopping mall. Design the mall by tracing the pieces onto white paper to make a map of the mall. Label the stores that are in your shopping mall. Add details to your map such as a parking lot, trees, and benches. Determine the number of units in the area and perimeter (in each building if your mall has separate buildings) of your mall. Record that data on your map. Write a few sentences that describe the choices you made as you designed your mall. Explain how you found the perimeter and area of your mall. *********************************************************** Discussion, Suggestions, Possible Solutions All students should have had some prior experiences in

You may want to bring in an actual map of a shopping mall or go to: Discuss how maps help us to find our way around and how we can look at a mall map directory to see how far we would have to walk. Student work should reflect student preferences for stores and should be varied. . All work should have perimeters and areas that are accurately figured. Work should be neat and legible. Extension: Pretend each unit on the pentomino is 10 yards. What is the perimeter of your mall? S: Perimeter and Area Assessment Extra Activities: Tetrominos Puzzle: Investigations Unit 4, page 25 Puzzle Pieces: Investigations Unit 4, page 23 and 27 LogoPaths: Investigations Shaded and Unshaded Sheet Tiling Sheet Rectangles Rule On your dot paper, draw all the rectangles you can with a perimeter of 24. Determine the area of each rectangle and record it inside the rectangle. Now, count to check the perimeter of each rectangle. Write a paragraph that explains how the shape of the rectangle and its area are related. **************************************************************Discussion, Suggestions, Possible Solutions All students should have had prior experience in determining area and perimeter. They will need dot paper or may prefer using 10 x 10 geoboards if available. There are 6 possible rectangles: a 1 x 11, 2 x 10, 3 x 9, 4 x 8, 5 x 7, and 6 x 6. All should be drawn and labeled accurately. Students should note that the more narrow the rectangle, the smaller the area. Exemplary work will note that the sum of the length and width must equal twelve. Extension: Given a rectangle with a perimeter of 36 units, what is the smallest possible area it could have? The largest? The smallest area of a rectangle with a perimeter of 36 units would be 17 square units. The largest area would be 81 square units.

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