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Saint Michaels Collage Collage of Nursing

QUIZ 1. A labor that occurs before week 37 of gestation. (preterm labor) 2. A pregnant woman who develops blood pressure of 140/90 mmhg but has no proteinuria or edema. What do you call the condition? (Gestational hypertension). 3. Describes the degree of flexion of a fetus assumes during labor or the relation of fetal parts to each other. (attitude) 4. Refers to the settling of the presenting part of the fetus far enough into the pelvis to be at level of the ischial spines. (engagement) 5. Refers to the relationship of the presenting part to the fetus to the level of ischial spines. (station) 6. A presentation in which the fetal head is the body part that will first contact the cervix. (cephalic presentation) 7. A systematic method of observation and palpation to determine fetal presentation and position. (Leopolds maneuver). 8. This is done to determine cervical readiness and fetal presentation. (vaginal examination) 9. A surgical incision of the perineum that is made both to prevent tearing of the perineum and to release pressure on the fetal head with birth.(episiotomy) 10. This is administered intramuscularly or intravenously to the mother to increase uterin contraction. (Oxytocin) 11-15. Complementary and alternative therapies for pain relief. -relaxation, focusing and imagery, breathing techniques, herbal preparations, aromatherapy and essential oils, heat and cold application, bathing or hydrotherapy, thearapeutic touch and massage, yoga, reflexology, crystal and gemstone therapy, hypnosis, biofeedback, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, acupressure and acupuncture and intracutaneous nerve stimulation. 16. The term form use for the infection of the peritoneal cavity. Is usually an extension of endometritis.(peritonitis) 17-20. gives at least 4 neuromuscular reflexes of the newborn. 21. Yellowish color of the skin. (Jaundice)

22. Collections of pigment cells that appear as slate gray patches across the sacrum or buttocks possibly on arms or legs. (Mongolian spots) 23. A white, cream cheesy like substance in a newborn that serves as skin lubricant. (vernix caseosa) 24. The fine downy hair that covers a newborns shoulder, back and appear arms. (lanugo) 25. Are unopened sebaceous glands frequently found on the nose, chin, or cheeks of the newborn. (millia) 26-30 what are the 5 points to be considered in apgar scoring? -heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability and color. Test II ( 2pts each ) True or false (if false give the correct answer) 1. Onset is the stage where from the Anesthetic administration to loss of consciousness. (TRUE) 2. Excitement is the stage from Loss of eyelid reflexes to loss of most reflexes and depression of vital function. (FALSE-SURGICAL ANESTHESIA) 3. Danger is the stage from Loss of consciousness to loss of eyelid reflexes. (FALSE-EXCITEMENT) 4. Surgical anesthesia is Depression of vital function to respiratory and circulatory failure. (FALSE-DANGER) 5. General Anesthesia - is the loss of all sensation and consciousness. Protective reflexes such as cough and gag reflexes are lost. A general anesthetic acts by blocking awareness centers in the brain so that amnesia (loss of memory), analgesia (insensibility to pain), hypnosis (artificial sleep), and relaxation (rendering a part of the body less tense) occur. General anesthetics are usually administered by intravenous infusion or by inhalation of gases through a mask or through an endotracheal tube inserted into the trachea. (TRUE) 6. Nerve Block Is a technique in which the anesthetic agent is injected into and around a nerve or small nerve group that supplies sensation to a small area of the body. Major blocks involve multiple nerves or a plexus (e.g. the brachial plexus anesthetizes the arm); minor blocks involve a single nerve (e.g. a facial nerve) (TRUE)

7. Local Anesthesia Is applied directly to the skin and mucous membranes, open skin surfaces, wounds, and burns. The most common used topical agents are lidocaine (Xylocaine) and benzocaine. Topical anesthetics are readily absorbed and act rapidly. (FALSE-TOPICAL ANESTHESIA) 8. Topical anesthesia (Infiltration)is injected into a specific area and is used for minor surgical procedures such as suturing a small wound or performng a biopsy. Lidocaine or tetracaine 0.1% may be used. (FALSE- LOCAL ANESTHESIA) 9. Epidural (peridural) anesthesia Is an injection of an anesthetic agent into the

epidural space, the area inside the spinal column but outside the dura mater. (TRUE) 10. Spinal anesthesia (Subarachnoid block) It requires a lumbar puncture through one of the interspaces between lumbar disc 2 (L2) and the sacrum (S1). An anesthetic agent is injected into the subarachnoid space surrounding the spinal cord. (TRUE) III. Draw and label the incision sites. (20pts) I.V Write the members of the surgical team and its function. (20 pts)


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