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Ho to Run Mac OS X in VirtualBo on
Monda, Januar 2 2012, 12:15 AM
If ou're on Windows, need to use OS X, but don't want to bu or build a new computer, reader
Bobb Patton shows us how to run Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on Windows with just a few
We'e hon o ho o inall Sno Leopad in VMWae, b
if o haen' pchaed VMWae, o can no do i ing
peiol menioned, fee pogam VialBo. Apa fom
VialBo, o'll alo need an OSX86 ISO. The gop Haad
ha p o a good pached Sno Leopad inalle ha hold
do fine (j each fo i on Google). Of coe, if o feel bad
abo donloading he ISO of Sno Leopad, o cold ala
go b a cop o feel a bi bee, kamicall.
Afe o hae hem boh, inall Vialbo. Open p Vialbo and click on Ne a he op lef.
A he Ceae Ne Vial Machine indo, click Ne.
A hi indo pe OSX a he name and i ill aomaicall change he em and eion. The
ne indo ill le o chooe o RAM amon:
If o can pae i, cank i p a fa a o can go, b 1024MB hold be fficien.
1/5/12 Evernote Web
Thi i hee o'll make o had dik. 20GB hold be enogh o ha i come don o i
dnamic o aic. Dnamic ill epand on e and Saic ill be a fied 20GB no mae ho mch
daa i acall in i. Dnamic i bee fo no aking p o had die b aic hold gie o
bee pefomance. I nomall e dnamic. Click ne nle o an o change i fom dnamic
o if o an o inceae he dik ie o file locaion.
I ill ho a mma of o eing. Click Finih, hen click Seing a he op. A hi indo
click on Sem in he lef pane and ncheck Enable EFI.
No click on he Soage bon on he lef. Fom hee click on Emp nde he OSX.di, hen click
he folde ih he geen ao on he igh (ne o "CD/DVD Deice").
1/5/12 Evernote Web
AL LIIs wIndow cIIck LIe Add buLLon uL LIe Lop. TIen IInd und udd LIe OSX86 SO you downIouded
eurIIer. TIen IIgIIIgIL IL und cIIck SeIecL uL LIe boLLom. TIen cIIck OK, und IIL LIe SLurL buLLon on LIe
IeIL sIde oI LIe muIn VIrLuuIBox wIndow.
As IL sLurLs up, cIIck InsIde LIe wIndow und IIL 8. TIen uL LIe booL: prompL Lype v so you cun see
wIuL exucLIy wenL wrong II someLIIng does go wrong. AII LIe servIces wIII run und evenLuuIIy you
sIouId come Lo LIe Iunguuge screen. CIoose your Iunguuge LIen cIIck nexL. I you ure unubIe Lo move
your mouse uround LIen IIL RIgIL-CLrI + . CIIck ConLInue und Agree. NexL, sLurL up DIsk ULIIILy by
goIng Lo ULIIILIes In LIe menu bur.
AL LIIs screen IIgIIIgIL zoGB VBOX HARDDSK. TIen cIIck LIe Eruse Lub, nume IL wIuL you wunL In
LIe nume box und cIIck LIe Eruse buLLon on LIe boLLom rIgIL oI LIe wIndow. L sIouIdn'L Luke Iong.
TIen cIIck DIsk ULIIILy In your menu bur und quIL IL. Now you're buck uL LIe InsLuIIer. HIgIIIgIL LIe
drIve LIuL Is now sIowIng up und cIIck ConLInue.
1/5/12 Evernote Web
The ne indo i impoan. Click he Comie bon on he boom lef.
AMD Ue check:
An Updae inclded a he op.
Dop don Kenel and chooe Legac kenel.
AMD opion belo Sem ppo.
Inel Ue check:
An Updae inclded a he op.
Dop don booloade and check he nee Chameleon.
Dop don Kenel and chooe Legac kenel.
Then click Done and hi he Inall bon. To peed p he poce o can click Skip hen he dic
check pop p.
A oon a i a "inallaion finihed" and a coning don o ea, pe he igh Cl ke.
Click on Deice a he op of he VialBo indo, hi CD/DVD Deice and click Unmon
CD/DVD Deice. Then go o Machine > Ree and click Ree a he pomp. Ne o'll ee he
Chameleon loade and hen OS X ill begin o boo.
1/5/12 Evernote Web
Afe i boo o ill ee he ep ceen fo OS X! Yo'e good o go. The onl hiccp I'e fond i
ha i can onl be ialied ih one coe. I cold be he OSX dic I a ing o i migh no be.
And I hae e o find he igh ke ha ill allo adio o ok and he eolion i limied alo.
B ohe han ha o'll hae a fll fncioning OSX ialied!
Updae: I'd like o po ome ane o he eolion and adio. I hold hae looked aond befoe
poing hi b I j didn' hae he ime. So ana hee ha o can do:
To fi he eolion ie, open Finde and go o he OS X die on he lef. Open he folde called
Ea. Righ Click on he file com.Apple.Boo.pli and open i ih TeEdi. Unde he fi ine
Graphics Mode
o anohe compaible eolion. Selec "Sae A" a he op and ae i o he dekop, nchecking
he check nde Unicode and hen ae i a Afe ha dag and dop i ino he
ea folde and oeie he oiginal file, eneing o paod hen pomped.
Incion fo he ond ie can be fond hee.
Don' inall em pdae. If o an pdae o'll hae o inall anohe io diibion ih
he pdae on i. If o inall he pdae diecl fom apple i mee ih he com ke and
chameleon. J a foeaning.
And fo hoe of o geing boo ie chooing a diffeen eion of Chameleon o a diffeen
kenel. Someime ha eem o help. And If o geing one of he USB eo hen diabling
USB in he VialBo eing and ee if ha help.
OSX in Vial Bo (Hackinohed VM) [Tek411]

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