Qu MSR Wi 1 05

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Welding Inspection, Steels WIS 5

Multi Choice Question Paper (MSR-WI-1)
Name: . Answer all questions


Which of the following butt-weld preparations is usually the most susceptible to lack of sidewall fusion during the manual metal arc process? a. b. c. d. A double-U butt. A single-V butt. A double-V butt. It is not normally a defect associated with the MMA welding process.


What is the leg length of a fillet weld? a. b. c. d. e. The distance from the toe to face. The distance from the root to face centre. The distance from the root to the toe. Its 0.7 of the design throat thickness. Both c and d


What is the throat thickness of a fillet weld (equal leg lengths)? a. b. c. d. The distance from the toe to the face. The distance from the root to the face centre. The distance from the root to the toe. The distance from toe to toe.

WIS 5 Qu paper MSR-WI-1 issue 4 Date: 17/02/05

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Compound welds: a. b. c. d. Always contain butt and fillet welds Joints, which have combinations of welds made by different welding processes. Combinations between two different weld types All of the above.


A duty not normally undertaken by a welding inspector is to: a. b. c. d. Check the condition of the parent material. Check the condition of the consumables. Measure residual stress. Check calibration certificates.


Under most conditions, which of the following welding positions will deposit the most weld metal. a. b. c. d. PG. PE. PC. PA.


What meant by the term crater pipe: a. b. c. d. Another term for concave root Another term given for a burn through. A type of gas pore, found in the weld crater. A shrinkage defect, found in the weld crater.

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What is meant by the term weld junction? a. b. c. d. The area containing the HAZ and the weld metal. The weld metal and parent metal. The boundary between the fusion zone and the HAZ. The part of the weld, which has undergone metallurgical changes due to the heat from welding.


The strength of a fillet weld is primary controlled by: a. b. c. d. Leg length. Design throat thickness. Actual throat thickness. All of the above.


Which of the following is applicable for none planar defects? a. b. c. d. They are always repaired. Their existence will result in the removal of the entire weld. They are not usually as significant as planar defects. They can only be detected using radiography.


Which of the following welding processes/technique is likely to be used for the repair welding of localised porosity in a butt weld? a. b. c. d. e. MMA, PG position. Mechanised MAG. Submerged arc. All of the above. None of the above.

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When measuring the welding parameters with the MMA welding process for the purpose of approving a welding procedure, the Welding Inspector should measure the voltage: a. b. c. d. As close to the welding arc as possible. Anywhere along the welding cable. Always from the voltmeter on the welding plant. As near to the welding terminals as possible.


In the MMA welding process, which of the following is most likely to be caused by a welder with a poor technique? a. b. c. d. Deep weld craters/crater cracks. Copper inclusions Hydrogen cracks All of the above.


Root concavity is caused by: a. b. c. d. Excessive back purge pressure and entrapped gas. Excessive back purge pressure and very high heat inputs. Excessive root grinding and a slow travel speed. Excessive root grinding and excessive back purge pressure.


When inspecting a critical component, the toes of a weld must be: a. b. c. d. Always ground flush. Must always overlap at least 1.5 mm onto the parent material. Must always be inspected using a crack detection method (MPI, DPI). None of the above can be selected specification requirements unknown.

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When carrying out visual inspection, the specification makes no mention of the requirements for visual inspection, in this situation what should you do? a. b. c. d. Carry out normal visual inspection. Seek advice from higher authority. Carry out no visual inspection. Re-write the requirements of the specification.


Under most circumstances, which of the following do you consider to be duties of a welding inspector? a. b. c. d. The supervision of welders. Procedure writing. Qualifying welders All of the above.


Which of the following is most likely to cause a burn through a. b. c. d. Root gap too small. Travel speed too fast. Root face too small All of the above.


In an arc welding process, which of the following is the correct term used for the amount of weld metal deposited per minute? a. b. c. d. Filling rate. Deposition rate. Weld deposition. Weld duty cycle.

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What is the term given for the area of a welded joint just outside the weld metal that has undergone microstructural changes? a. b. c. d. Heat affected zone. The weld zone. Fusion zone. All of the above terms may be used.


When carrying out visual inspection, which defect (s) is likely to be missed? a. b. c. d. Linear misalignment. Cap undercut. Porosity. Lack of fusion (inter run).


Cold lapping is another term for: a. b. c. d. Lack of fusion at the toe of a weld. Lack of fusion between weld metal and weld metal. Undercut at the toe of a weld. Both a and b.


Incomplete root penetration is most likely due to: a. b. c. d. Welding speed too slow. Welding current too high. Root gap too small. Electrode diameter too small.


Crater cracks are caused mainly by: a. b. c. d. Excessively fast welding speeds Improper electrode angle Hot shrinkage. Improper joint design.
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On a single-V butt weld, the distance through the centre of the weld from root to face is called: a. b. c. d. Reinforcement. Penetration. Throat thickness. None of the above.


The throat thickness of a inch fillet weld is? a. b. c. d. 27.5 mm 24 mm. 13.5 mm. 12.5 mm.


The need for pre-heat for steel will increase if: a. b. c. d. The material thickness reduces. Faster welding speeds The use of a larger welding electrode All of the above.


Which of the following butt weld preparations is most likely to be considered for the welding of a 6mm thick plate? a. b. c. d. Double-V butt. Asymmetrical double-V butt. Single-U butt. Single-V butt.


A welding inspectors main attributes include: a. b. c. d. Knowledge. Honesty and integrity. Good communicator. All of the above.
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A code of practice for visual inspection should cover: a. b. c. d. Before, during and after welding. Before welding activities only. After welding activities only. None of the above.

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