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Methodology Project Globalization By Denisa Lorena Sovre- Class 1F Submitted to the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management in accordance with the requirements for the Academy Profession degree in the subject (Methodology) under supervision of Lone Mller Wejrum Specialization - Tourism November 2010

Table of contents 1. 2. Problem 3. 4. Theoretical partpg. 5. Methodology partpg. 6. Findings and 7. 8. Bibliographypg. 9.

1. Introduction Nowadays it is common for us to hear about the globalization phenomena. We live in a world where globalization is the defining paradigm of our times. But what is globalization? Each of us could have a different definition of it. According to the Business Dictionary ( globalization is the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade and communications integration. Globalization implies opening out beyond local and nationalistic perspectives to a border outlook of an interconnected and inter-dependent world with free transfer of capital, goods and services across national frontiers. However it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately(1). Therefore globalization has negative and positive aspects. Many people see the negative part of globalization without taking in consideration the positive ones. If we take a look of what happened 80 years ago, we would see a desperate world. In 1929 the stock market crashed. This event is known as Black Thursday. We also know that Black Thursday generated panic. The crash helped bring on depression of the thirties and the depression helped to extend the period of an undeveloped economy. World War II begins and still the development does not reach any high levels. But after World War II finishes we could notice that most of the worldwide economies are in growth. Poor countries become richer because of the globalization process, for example the discovery of oil and in Dubai. Without the globalization, Dubai would have still remained an undeveloped region. Increased trade, investment and technology between different regions, facilitate contacts between people, familiarity with the cultures of other nations are certainly beneficial for mankind. Furthermore the geographic distances became a less important factor in establishing and developing cross-border economic, political and socio-cultural relationships. On the other hand there still exist negative aspects of the globalization. The most common aspect is the environmental danger. The process of globalization is a process by which a company operates internationally(2) ( therefore it produces more. And the bigger the production is the more suppliers are used. In addition, it affects the natural suppliers which are limited. Other negative consequences of the globalization phenomena are technological disasters, transnational crime and international terrorism. Also uncontrolled expansion of cultural patterns

of questionable quality without a loss of national and cultural traditions of the people, threatening their originality. Globalization plays an important role in the culture and the economy of a country. It is obvious that the richest countries in the world are ones that have a high level in the globalization process. Not only has their economy been affected, but also their culture. Culture is an important aspect for tourism industry. Culture makes a specific country different, unique and authentic from the others. What about authenticity? Does it play also a major role in the tourism industry? Robert Doniger truly believes that Authenticity will be the buzzword of the twenty-first century. And what is authentic? Anything that is not devised and structured to make a profit. Anything that is not controlled by corporations.(3) He also adds that authenticity is Anything that exists for its own sake, that assumes its own shape(4) We can see that authenticity has a great power on the tourism industry. Doniger states that The modern world is the corporate equivalent of a formal garden, where everything is planted and arranged for effect. Where nothing is untouched, where nothing is authentic(5). This means that authenticity could be affected by the globalization process. Is that dangerous for the tourism of a country? Many countries have their own culture and authenticity that has not been affected by the globalization process. When we say Italy we tend to think about pizza, pasta and so on. Italy has a great tourism industry and most of the tourists go there because its authenticity. On the other hand there are countries that had lost almost all their authenticity. Countries like Dubai had suffered great changes because of the globalization process. It is known that Dubai took an active part of globalization because half of the oil and gas came from it. The United Arab Emirates turned from a poor area into a developed state with a high economic indicator. Furthermore, Dubai attracts many extern investors because its estate market which offered great opportunities for tourism industry. However, the great disadvantage of globalization for United Arab Emirates turned out to be the almost lost authenticity. The Islam traditions have to be violated if United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai, wants to attract tourists and investors from all over the world. What should Dubai take in account when attracting new investors? How the authenticity should be preserved? Are there any risks in loosing the investors and tourists if Dubai will follow its tradition?

2. Problem Formulation How can Dubai preserve its authenticity and still attracts more investors and even more tourists? 3. Synopsis 1. Introduction presents the general aspect of the globalization process with its negative and positive parts. I also gave some examples in order to make the problem easier to understand. 2. I will continue by writing the problem formulation. It has a strong linkage with the introduction part. 3. In this part I will highlight the whole project. 4. In this section, theoretical part, I will present the problem area and the theory which my research is based on. 5. The methodology part informs the reader about the research design, the description of data and analysis. 6. In this chapter I will present my findings that I collect and that exists from other sources. 7. In this section I will evaluate the facts and make recommendations of my project and
present possibilities for future research.

8. This chapter includes all sources that have been used in the project. 9. Appendix which is relevant information that would interrupt the flow of the project, such as sample questionnaires, statistics and so on.

Bibliography: 1- 2- 3- Robert Doniger, in Michael Crichton's Timeline 4- Robert Doniger, in Michael Crichton's Timeline 5- Robert Doniger, in Michael Crichton's Timeline

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