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The Danger of Drifting

Hebrews 2:14


God has spoken

by His Son 1:12

Looking Back and Forward

Hebrews 2:14 applies the truths about Christ and the angels

The Son is

superior to angels 1:314

In His nature

56 In His relationship 712 In His position 13-14 Angels render service 1:14a To those who inherit salvation 1:14b
For this reason

we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away. 2:1


The Danger of Drifting

Heb 2:14
The Covenant at Sinai was mediated through angels. Gal 3:19 That covenant was rigorously enforced by Godrepaying transgressions. Deut 28:1568 All the more, our future salvation should not be neglected, because we will not be able to escape.

What Salvation Can We Neglect?

Heb 2:3
What It Cannot Be
Salvation in the past

What It Is
Salvation in the future

when we believed Justification

Because nothing can separate us

which we will have in the age of Christs kingdom

Those who WILL inherit

from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Rom 8:3537

salvation 1:14
He is speaking about the

coming kingdom (2:5) Salvation in Hebrews is future-focused (e.g. 2:10)


The Generations Campaign

Heb 2:34

It was the first spoken through the Lord by those who heard

by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will

it was confirmed to us

Avoiding the Drift

Neglect refers to apathy

and indifference about our salvation in the present and the future.
Be constantly serving aware of Christs

exaltation and preparation to judge

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