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Why Christ Became a Man

Hebrews 2:518


God has spoken

by His Son 1:12

Back Story

The Son is

superior to angels 1:314

Dont drift away

by neglecting such a great salvation 2:14

By just drifting along, unaware and unconcerned that Christ is exalted and will judge everyone


Hebrews 2:59

Peering Intently into Gods Promise

8 What We Dont See (Yet)
God appointing man

9 What We Do See (Now)

Jesus Who became like us,

to be over all creation

God putting all things

below the angels

Who suffered and died Who is crowned

in subjection under mans feet

with glory and honor

Hebrews 2:10

The Trailblazer of our Salvation

Acts 3:15 The Jewish national leaders had killed the Prince of life. Acts 5:31 God exalted the murdered Christ to be Prince and Savior Heb 12:2 Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith after enduring the cross
God showed His grace (2:9) by completing Jesus Christ with the sufferings of the cross so He could become our trailblazer to future glory.


Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

Reason #1:

That God might perfect or complete Him through suffering 10

Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

Reason #2:

That Christ would render Satans power inoperative 14


Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

Reason #3:

That Christ would become a merciful and faithful high priest, and to make propitiation. 17

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