18 Hebrews 11 17-40

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Gods Acceptance of Faith

The Epistle to the Hebrews

Go on to maturity in Christ, our heavenly Priest





10: 19-39


Hebrews 11:1740


Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11

Witnesses of Faith
Hebrews 11:116 The Undiscovered Country Hebrews 11:1740 Waiting for the Promised

The Divine acceptance of faith

The variegated experiences of faith

Hebrews 11

Witnesses of Faith
Hebrews 11:1740 Waiting for the Promised
The Genesis patriarchs planned

Heb 11:1719

Abraham offered Isaac

when he was tested the promise-receiver was ready to test God Isaac was as good as raised up

for beyond death


Moses and the Hebrews risked

their lives against Egypt 2328

The Hebrews overcame barriers

moving from Egypt into the land 2931

The variegated experiences of faith


Heb 11:20

Heb 11:21

Isaac Blessed Jacob and Esau

concerning things to come

Jacob Blessed Josephs Sons

bowing in worship leaning on his staff

Heb 11:22

Heb 11:2326

Joseph Looked Beyond Death

made mention of the exodus gave instructions concerning his burial

Moses Chose Israel over Egypt

Hidden by his parents Why? His looks Their defiance Refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter Why? He looked to the reward

Heb 11:27

Moses forsook Egypt

Heb 11:28

Moses kept the Passover

The sprinkling of blood (the death of the lamb) The firstborn escaped the Destroyer
Not fearing Pharaohs wrath He endured as seeing Him who is invisible


Heb 11:29

Heb 11:3031

The Red Sea Judgment

The Hebrews passed through on dry land The Egyptians drowned

Rahab Escaped Jerichos Doom

Jerichos walls fell down Seven-day encirclement Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe She received the spies with peace

Heb 11:32

Heb 11:3334

What More Shall I Say?

Conquered kingdoms Administered justice Gained what was promised Shut the mouths of lions Quenched raging fire Escaped the swords edge Gained strength in weakness


The David Prophets

Became mighty in battle Put foreign nations to flight Women received back their dead

Heb 11:35b38

of whom the world was not worthy

Tortured, not accepting

Heb 11:3940

We Complete Them
All these, having obtained a

deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.

Trial of mockings and scourgings, of

chains and imprisonments

Stoned, sawn in two, tempted, slain

good testimony through faith

Did not receive the promise God having provided

with the sword

Wandered about in sheepskins and

goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented . . .

Wandered in deserts and mountains,

something better for us made perfect apart from us

That they should not be

in dens and caves of the earth.

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