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A Message for the Community

The Torah speaks about certain sins, the commission of which was the cause for the obligation to destroy every last remnant of the Canaanite nations. In describing their immoral behavior, the Torah says of the acts they performed, ...kee es kol eileh osu vookutz bom, they should be destroyed and eliminated from the world so that no trace remains of a society predicated on such a disgusting "lifestyle". We are warned, repeatedly, that should this filth and degradation appear among us, it would be cause for the same instructions (amendments) to be issued vis--vis the Jewish people, may Hashem protect us from this. To our great chagrin and shame, there has arisen among us a group of political office seekers who openly espouse this Canaanite behavior and who are leading proponents of teaching it to innocent children in the youngest grades and making it acceptable in American society. besides destroying the innocence of these children from the earliest age and ruining any morality that remains in todays civilized society, they would openly provoke the wrath of the Holy one, blessed be He, against our contemporary society in the same manner as it was directed against the Canaanites. Councilman lewis Fidler seeks election to Carl Krugers old State Senate seat in a special election scheduled to be held on March 20, 2012. Many orthodox Jews reside in this district which includes Flatbush, borough Park, brighton beach, Manhattan beach, Mill basin, and Sheepshead bay. lew Fidler is one of the chief advocates of legitimizing Toeiva (disgusting) behavior as evidenced by his record of sponsorship and/or voting on legislation such as the following: A bill urging Congress to pass a law recognizing Toeiva marriage for the purposes of immigration. A bill urging the New York State legislature to pass the Dignity for All Students Act which required all schools to teach from kindergarten and up, respect for Toeiva relationships. [In California, the anti-bullying bill forced schools to introduce books extremely unfit for innocent children into second-grade classrooms.] A bill urging the New York State legislature to pass the Gender Non-Discrimination Act which would make it illegal to deny employment to employees who publicly represent themselves as members of the opposite gender. A Jew who votes for a politician who supports Toeiva, is effectively saying that he does not place primary importance on defending Torah values, Chas Vshalom. Furthermore, if a politician who supports Toeiva were to win a seat in an orthodox Jewish district, it would create the appearance, Chas Vshalom, that such a position is acceptable to the Torah. Either of these appearances would constitute a Chilul Hashem.

It is therefore considered to be a great chilul hashem to vote for or provide funding, campaign assistance, public recognition or any type of campaign support to Mr. Fidler. To do so would amount to being mesiyayah ovrei aveirah (abetting transgression of the Torahs commandments).
Conversely, if the opposing candidate is committed to safeguarding our moral values, including fighting the forced acceptance of Toeiva then it is incumbent upon every Jew to do his/her best to assist that candidates effort to win this seat. Assistance would include voting for such a candidate and supporting him financially and in any other way possible. May Hakadosh boruch Hu always assist us in bringing greater honor to His Name.
Community magazine

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[In aphabetical order:]

Rabbi Auziel Admony
bnai Yosef Torah Center Madison Torah Center

Rabbi Moshe Green*

Yeshiva of Monsey Har Halebanon Har Halebanon

Rabbi Mechel Rosenbaum

Ginzei Yosef D'Kalish

Rabbi Shmuel Ani

Rabbi Rahamim Harary Rabbi David Jemal Rabbi Yosef Meir Kantor*
Agudas Yisroel of Monsey

Rabbi Naftoli Hersh Rottenberg

ohev zedek D'Flatbush Muszay

Rabbi Yisroel Belsky

Yeshiva Torah Vodaas bnei Shaare zion

Rabbi Yakov Yisroel Rubin Rabbi David Seruya

bnei binyamin Shevet Achim

Rabbi Yacov Ben-Haim Rabbi Haim Benoliel

bnai Yosef/Mikdash Melech

Rabbi Amrom Klein*


Rabbi Yshayahu Shammah Rabbi Dovid Stam

ohr Gedalyahu

Rabbi Osher Berenbaum

Mirrer Yeshiva

Rabbi Grainom Lazewnik

Khal Adar Gbir

Rabbi Avraham Binsky

Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov bais Tefilah

Karnei Reim D'Verdun/Nadvorn

Rabbi Joseph Leifer

Rabbi Shlomo Stern

Debreciner Rov

Rabbi Shlomo Breslauer* Rabbi Eliyahu Brog

bais Yisroel

Rabbi Eli J. Mansour

Cong. bet Yaakob Keter Sion

Rabbi Avrohom Y. Stolzenberg

Young Israel of ocean Parkway

Rabbi Max Maslaton Rabbi Mordechai Maslaton

bet Midrash Emek Hatorah Kollel of Monsey beis Yisroel

Rabbi Yechiel Tauber*

Machon lehoraah Shomer Shabbos Skver

Rabbi Abba Chiya*

Shaar Ephraim

Rabbi Yitzchok Tirnauer* Rabbi Pinchos M. Twersky Rabbi Daniel Yakovzar

Flatbush Rabbinical Court

Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen

Ateres Yeshaya ohel Moshe

Rabbi Asher Dovid May* Rabbi Shmuel Miller Rabbi Isaac Mohadeb
Yam Hatorah

Rabbi Shlomo Danan Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld*

Yeshivas Chasan Sofer

Rabbi Meyer Yedid

Shaare zion Nita Gavriel

Sephardic lebanese Cong.

Rabbi Elie Elbaz

Rabbi Avrohom Y. Nelkenbaum

Mirrer Yeshiva Yad Yosef

Rabbi Gavriel Zinner* Rabbi Herschel Zolty

Rabbi Shmuel Friedler

Etz Chaim

Rabbi David Ozeirey Rabbi Shimon Rabin

bais Medrash of Flatbush Affiliations of the rabbis listed were added subsequently for identification purposes only and are not intended to indicate the official positions or views of the referenced organizations.

Rabbi Isaac Friedman

Tenker Rov

Young Israel of Sheepshead bay

Rabbi Yisroel P. Gornish

K'hal Chizuk Hadas

Rabbi Meyer Rokath*


* Rabbis indicated with an asterisk signed on to an alternate, more powerfully worded version of the Kol Koreh, the full text of which is available at:
aDaR 5772 maRCH 2012


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