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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Alternative Learning System

Introduction The Department of Education desires to make education accessible to out of-school youth and adults who live in remote barangays of the country. It is in this context that the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Mobile Teachers Program was conceptualized as a timely educational intervention program . This is in line with the concept of bringing education where the learners are. The ALS Mobile Teacher Program is an immediate response to the demand of millions of target learners for relevant and accessible alternative learning system. The objectives of the program are as follows: Make education accessible to out-of-school youth and adults; Raise the level of literacy in the target areas and Improve the quality of life of individuals and underserved communities. The ALS Mobile perform various duties and responsibilities that range from conduct of learning sessions with the learners, develop literacy and other related skills based on the ALS competencies, establish functional networking and reporting system, conduct action-research activity and other related functions. Body Problems encountered are: Lack of cooperation among local officials. Learners are often times hungry during learning session due to their poverty situation. This hampers their learning ability. Most out-of-school-youths find it difficult to regularly attend learning session as most of them have jobs to attend to. Work to them is a priority rather than attending learning session. Mobile teachers are also exposed to high health risk areas as learning centers are situated within depressed areas that are not well sanitized.


Enforce advocacy & social mobilization (ADSOCMOB) within the community. Establish linkages with the stakeholders and explain the importance of the program for greater participation among local officials and those concern. Training of teachers on updated teaching-learning strategies fit for community learning. Additional Mobile Teacher to expand the programs reach. Source out service providers that are willing to support the program through donations of learning materials and supplementary food. Coordination with local health officials to identify high health risk areas and properly educate local community the importance of proper hygiene practices.

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