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Village/Town of Aurora 2012

Cost and Service Analysis for Public Safety Services

Current Situation Contract for Services

Village of East Aurora owns and operates the East Aurora Police Department. The Town of Aurora contracts with the Village for police services under a 5-year escalating cost contract originally established in 2008. Current contract ends May, 2013.

Current Situation Contract for Services

In 2010, the contract was modified establishing a Police Advisory Committee, (PAC) with representatives from the Town and the Village. The PAC is chartered with monitoring the police budget and establishing and presenting a cost analysis of various options for police service, including Townwide administration, to be presented to the Town Board, Village Board, and the public no later than May, 2012.

Police Advisory Committee (PAC)

Village Trustee Randy West Village Trustee Pat Shea Town Supervisor Jolene Jeffe Town Councilwoman Sue Friess

Options Reviewed by the Town

Option 1: Status Quo - Village owns and administers the police department under the current contract in which the Town of Aurora is responsible for almost 60% of the costs. Option 2: Dissolve the Village Police Department and establish a Town-wide Police Department owned and administered by the Town of Aurora.

Options Reviewed by the Town

Option 3: Provide no contract for police services in the Town outside the Village (TOV); rely on the current manpower provided by the Erie County Sheriffs Department. A reduced police department serving only the Village remains. Option 4: Contract with the Sheriffs Department for dedicated service (TOV only). A reduced police department serving only the Village remains.

Options Reviewed by the Town

Option 5: Town of Aurora renegotiates a contract with the Village for police services at a percentage or fixed amount for services.

It is in the best interest of the Town of Aurora and the Village of East Aurora to renegotiate their inter-municipal police services contract, allowing the Village to afford to own and maintain a local police force and allowing the Town to provide services, via contract with the Village, at an acceptable level of cost to residents.

Village Police Service

1 Chief of Police 4 Lieutenants 1 Detective 9 Patrolman 1 PT Clerk 1 School Resource Officer Dispatch Center 4-6 PT Crossing Guards

Village Police Service

Patrol Coverage

9 Patrol Officers Minimum 2 sworn officers on any shift Patrols both Village and Town Both vehicles respond wherever needed Back-up available within Town borders for each shift

Village Police Service

Police Chief (1)

Overall operation of the department Network with various civic, school, business, and religious organizations Handle and review personnel and media inquiries Administration (reports to federal and local agencies, oversee training, scheduling, equipment procurement, budgeting) Other duties as needed

Village Police Service

In addition to Patrol Services, Lieutenants are responsible for: Maintaining training records Maintaining work schedule Liaison to the courts Criminal/pistol permit background checks Coordinating special events Initial handling of personnel complaints Record keeping and inspection of cell block Liaison to Central Police Services Press releases/bail collection

Lieutenants (4)

Village Police Service

Detective (1)

Assists officers on cases that involve further review, interrogations, depositions Files criminal complaints and investigates Liaison to other federal and state agencies Crime scene technician, receives evidence Maintains/updates Sex Offender registry Maintains warrants, summons, orders of protection Undercover operations, child & sex abuse cases

Village Police Service

Patrolmen (9)

Detailed traffic & pedestrian control for all special events Respond to emergency traffic situations (crashes, fires, explosions, weather related) Community policing engaging the public Traffic enforcement by citizen request Answer all calls 24/7 (16k 17k per year) Premise checks of parks and businesses Investigate all quality of life complaints

Village Police Service

Patrolmen (cont)(9)

Ensure traffic/parking laws are observed Investigate criminal complaints Transport prisoners Assist broken down motorists Assist other law enforcement agencies when necessary Respond to all alarm calls (fire, burglary, trouble, medical) Make death notifications in person

Village Police Service

Part-time Police Clerk (1)

Deals with vendors and prepares vouchers Compiles reports/files (DWI, domestic etc) Receptionist for walk-ins Maintains inventory of office equipment Takes officers and dispatchers requests for supplies

Village Police Service

Part-time Civilian Crossing Guards

Responsible for safe street crossing of pedestrians, particularly students before and after school. Also serve during special events.

Village Police Service


Primary dispatch center for East Aurora Police Department and 10 fire companies in 6 jurisdictions.

Village Police Service

School Resource Officer

Police Officer for EA school district Educator and counselor Criminal investigations Develops leads from students/staff Deals with delinquent students Liaison between police, school and students Conducts programs to promote safety and crime prevention


Option 1

Status Quo - Village owns and administers the police department under the current contract in which the Town of Aurora is responsible for almost 60% of the costs

Option 1 Status Quo Actual 2012 Town Budget

Total Police/Police Dispatch: $2.87 million Village: $1.39 million Town: $ 1.48 million (This amount was renegotiated within the PAC down from $1.52 million)

Option 1 Status Quo Estimated 2013 Town Budget

Total Projected Police/Dispatch: $2.87 million Village (41.35%): $1.19 million Town(58.65%) : $1.68 million

Option 2 Transfer Services From Village to the Town

Dissolve the Village Police Department and establish a Town-wide Police Department owned and administered by the Town of Aurora.

Option 2 Transfer Services From Village to the Town

History In 2008, the police contract provided for an escalating percentage of costs to shift from the Village to the Town over a 5 year period, ending at a percentage distribution based on assessed value. In addition, an Advisory Committee was to be appointed and charged with looking into the feasibility of future transfer of police services to the Town of Aurora. The wording was a sticking point during the negotiations, but the Village and Town agreed. The advisory committee never convened.

Option 2 Transfer Services From Village to the Town

History (cont.) In 2010, a new contract was

established between the Village and the Town which included specific deliverables for an appointed Police Advisory Committee.

Review of department budget Advisory vote by the PAC on the Departments proposed budget Review process for any expenditure over $10k not identified within the budget Establish and present a cost analysis of various options for police service, including Town-wide administration, to be presented to the Town Board, Village Board, and the public no later than May 31, 2012.

Option 2 Transfer Services From Village to the Town

The PAC took a high level look at both the physical and financial obstacles of transferring the Village force to Town-wide administration. These obstacles and costs included: Lease of space ($/sq foot for jail, police) Purchase of assets from Village Villages desire to maintain its own local police service Towns desire to minimize the cost for Town residents.

Option 2 Transfer Services From Village to the Town


The Village desires to maintain control and administration of their own Police Department. Establishment of a Town-wide Police Department creates a great administrative burden on the Towns current staff and an even larger financial burden on its residents.

Option 2 Transfer Services From Village to Town

Costs: Total Projected Police/Dispatch: $2.87 million PLUS purchase of assets, leasing of space, administrative costs.
Village Town

(41.35%): $1.19 million PLUS

(58.65%): $1.68 million PLUS

Option 3 Non-contract Sheriff Service

No contract for Police Services by the Town. Rely solely on current manpower provided by the Erie County Sheriffs Department. Village retains a reduced Police Department serving the Village only.

Option 3 Non-contract Sheriff Service

No dedicated patrol will be assigned to the Town of Aurora. Additional manpower will not be added to current Erie County Sheriffs Department. Patrolling and response to Town calls will be provided by existing Erie County Deputies and managed over multiple districts. Dispatch, Administration, and Detective work for the Town will occur from downtown Central Processing and prioritized within the region.

Option 3 Non-contract Sheriff Service


Response time: Without a dedicated patrol officer, closest vehicle to a resident could be in a neighboring district (Holland, Colden, Boston) (Town) Minimal local presence in the community (Town) Lack of opportunity to provide preventive police services (Village) Increased costs for Village residents supporting a police department on their own

Option 3 Non-contract Sheriff Service


No cost Village: Estimated 20% increase in per resident costs to maintain a reduced police department. This is due to necessary overhead such as the building, Chief, clerical support etc.

Option 4 Dedicated Service Agreement with Sheriff

Town contract with the Sheriffs department for dedicated services. Village retains a reduced Police Department serving only Village of East Aurora.

Option 4 Dedicated Service Agreement with Sheriff

Dedicated patrol vehicle(s) will be assigned to the Town of Aurora. Additional manpower will be hired and added to the current Erie County Sheriffs department to staff the 7 x 24 service. Patrolling and response to Town calls will be provided by Erie County Deputies and managed over multiple districts. Dispatch, Administration, Supervisory, and Detective work for the Town will occur from downtown Central Processing and prioritized within the region. Village retains reduced local police department.

Option 4 Dedicated Service Agreement with Sheriff


(Town) Little or no management or decisionmaking input. (Both) Different coverage between the Town and Village as well as between the schools (High School in the Town and Middle and Elementary schools in the Village). (Town) Lack of time available to dedicate to preventive services and to respond to residents non-life threatening safety issues. (Town) Detectives, Lieutenants, and Crime Investigation units shared by all districts in County.

Option 4 Dedicated Service Agreement with Sheriff

Town Costs: (Dedicated Service) $1.2 million for 2 vehicles to provide local back-up. 7 x 24 Deputy Sheriff, Overtime, Shift Premium, Holiday pay, benefits, vehicle, administration Village Costs: Additional 20% to support a reduced Village Police Department.

Option 5 Renegotiated Contract With Village

Town of Aurora renegotiates a contract with the Village for police services at a percentage or fixed amount for services.

Option 5 Renegotiated Contract With Village

Patrol vehicles will be shared by the Village of East Aurora and the Town of Aurora. A minimum of 2 patrolmen and 1 lieutenant available each shift. Patrolling and response to calls will be provided by East Aurora Dispatch and East Aurora Police Officers. Dispatch, Administration, Supervision and Detective services provided locally by Village.

Option 5 Renegotiated Contract With Village


Strong local presence in the community. Additional support available for community events and for preventive patrols at schools, parks, public gathering places, and on the roads. No delineation of services between Village and Town. Maintain local dispatch.

Option 5 Renegotiated Contract With Village


Town does not have legal control of department. Wages and lifetime benefits are significantly higher than the Sheriffs Department. Pension/medical costs that are out of the Villages control.

It is in the best interest of the Town of Aurora and the Village of East Aurora to renegotiate their inter-municipal police services contract, allowing the Village to afford to own and maintain a local police force and allowing the Town to provide services, via contract with the Village, at an acceptable level of cost to residents.

Option 5 Renegotiated Contract With Village

Contract Options:

Contract as a percentage of cost: Total Projected Cost: $2.87 million Village cost (at 51%): $1.46 million Town Cost (at 49%): $1.41 million Contract at a fixed price: Village Cost: $1.46 million Town Cost: $1.41 million

Town Analysis Option 5

Premium for Village Police at the 49%/51% split over the Sheriffs department with like service patrols is approx. $200k. This premium provides: Strong local presence Pro-active community policing Local responsiveness to issues/concerns Attractiveness to potential new residents and property values Maintains strong school/local police relationship Detectives focused only on our needs and without shared priorities with other districts

PACs Recommendation
Proposed Renegotiated Contract w/Village

Five (5) year agreement Payment split 49%/51% - Town/Village Language that provides a cap on the number of personnel for which the Town will reimburse the Village.

Next Steps

Town will provide time at this and our March 12th Town Board meetings for resident input and will have discussion at the March 20th work session as well. This item will also be discussed at the Village Boards March 5th meeting. Comments can be directed to any Board member via phone or email. 652-7590

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