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n~?lm~i mmckmmmon rrorkD -n


IN Bill Robertie

Winningat badcgammonrequiresmastering twophases ofthe game: dynamic checkerpIq (using your checkers as weapons to pin your opponent in awkward positions) and aggressivecube action (using the doubliig cube to maximize your wins in good positions and minimize your losses in bad positions).
Both parts of the game are essential. Wkhout sharp checker play, you wont create the sorts af positions where you can outmaneuver and outplay your opponents.Without skillful use of the doubling cube, you won't earn as much from your good positions as you should. Ifyou're goingto be a big winner, you've got to master both of these elements.
ning chances late i the game. Y u l also lean the n o'l masterj~rets offering timely doubles,andhowto for decide whether a cube i s a take or a drop.

In this book, Il show you the secrets of aggressive 'l checker and cube play as practiced by the greatest masters of the game. You'll lmn how to make your checkers work in multiple ways, how to build primes quickly when you need them, and how to drop back inro holding positions and back games for more win-

By the time you've finished rmding, you'll be &ng to incorporate thest ideas in your own v. The results wiU be impressive. Your checker pky will put extra pressure on your opponents, forcing them into cramped, a w h d positions. Your cubcs will come at just the right moment, forcing tough decisions. Finally, your i m p d technique will let you bring your games to winning condusions,avoidingtheupmand turnarounds that will plague your o p p o m .
Let's get s d !

The best way to study backgxnmon Is by looking at

d games played by master players. There you'll h d , instead of contrived situations, the s r of difiot cuic yet fascinating positions that occur when Gackgammon i s played by competitors who redy undersmnd the game. In thls book I've collected five of the most interesting games h m master play in the last few ymrs. Each of the players is a first-class pro playing at the top of h game. i a

Backgammon is a game best studied not passively. It's tasy to M into the trap of reading I through a book quickly, noringwhatthe author has to say, tcllingyoum1F"Oh hat's prettyobvious,"and ycs, moving on. Siac backgammon moves are all j u t sittingthere, waiting to be found, it's tempting to think that you would surely have found all these movts had you k n sittingat the table. lfyou'relthinkingthisway, you're studying p i r e l y .

My fim book, adckgmtnonfir Wnnm, gave you a solid foundation for mastering the basic strategies of the game. In the games I've p i c h i for this book, you're going to be introduced to a higher level of play, full of
new ideas that we haven't encountered before. R d carefully; there's probably a lot here that you've never seen. By she time you've worked yourway through the

I recommend a more active approach to reading chi book, Treat each game like a quiz, especially the first time you read through it.Tryusing a piece of paper or cardboard to cover a player's roll andmovc.Thcnmove the paper to uncover just the dice roll. Ask youtseif, "Whatwould I play here?"Ifyou want to, write down your play on a separate piace ofpaper. Now expose the actual play and compare it to what you would have

whole book, your undersmnding and your play will have advanced several I d .

By reading and t&g yourself in t i way, you'll h s compile a Iist of the plays you would haw made difkrently. Now the arplanations will be more m a n in&l, since youbealreadydone the work of grappling with the problem At the same time, you should also readclosely the wmrncna on the playsyou made correctly, since my wmmcnts may bring out some fkatum of the position you hadn't considerod.

Backgammon tournaments ate heH dl over the world and throughout theyear. On anygivenweekend,there will be local tournaments across the United States and throughout Europe. The game is currentlycatching on in SouthAmerica, and many new clubs and events are starting there.

Tournamentsare great places to meet newplayers, take a look at new boards and quipmcnt, and pickup n m ofdubs opening.Mast top tournamens have a lecture series for beginners and inttrmcdiates, while pros: art always available for private lessons. Don't be intimidated if you're a beginner. Every tournament has sections and activities designedespeciallyfor newcomers. Besides,ifyou absorb the ltssons i this book, you n won't stay a beginner for long?
WKQAMMON TOURNAMENTS Backgammon tournaments arc run somewhat like tennis tournaments, using an elimination format In the first round, players are p a i d at random. If the numberof players is not qua1to a power of 2 (16,32, 64,128, and so forth),some players d receive a bye, l which is a free pass ro the ncm round. Each round, half the players arc climinatcd, until only two players remain.T h a two playerscompetein the finals for the title of champion.

The biggest tournaments are frequent enough ta comprise a~ informal tour,and a handful of professional players make the circuit. The big events include the Swiss tournament in Gstaad and St. Moria in March. Then it's on to St. Tropez and Zas V g s in April and ca May, Venice infune, andTheWorld Championship in Monte Carlo in July. A brief stopover in Cannes is followed by the highlight of the tour, the World Cup in Dallas. October is dedicated to the South American tournaments in Sao Paulo, Ria de Janiem, and Buenos Aires.Theseason finisheswith the Las V g s Open and ea Pro Am DouMes Championship in November.

Eliminated players are dropped inm a new m t , mlled the Consolation,Losers in the Consolationare dropped into a final event, the Last Chance.Matchts in the Consolation and Last Chance are typically shorter than in the main m n t ,
In a ypical tournament, about60%ofthe prize money k domed to the main mmt, with 30% in the

Cansolationand 10%in the Last Chance. Of course, the exact percentages and prizes are up to the tournament organizer. In addition to the m i tournament an with its Consolation and Last Chance,there are usud manyjackpotsandside wents ping on atthe same y time. Some players have been knawn r play aver 100 o matches during the course of a week-long competition.

dcsirad rod, the match is over and he is the winner.

In tournament play, you don't have to doubIe to win a gammon. Thafs different f o maney play, where in rm

most dubs the doubling cube m s be turned for a ut prnmon or backgammon to be scored (the Jacoby Rule).
Toward the end ofa match, the Crawford R l comes ue into play. hventad many years ago byJohn Crawford, the Crawford rule statcs that when a player's score teaches one point from victory, h opponent cannot s i double in the very next game. If the mat& continues beyond the next game, the cube can be usod normdy.

A largc tournament may take 7-9 days to complete. Smaller regional events might be held over just a long weekend. A purely local event can be completed in a single day. Matches i regional and local events are n much shorter than in the big international competitions.

Tournament play is structured around matches that are played to a specified number of points. By tta&tion, the number of points in a match is always OM.In a local murnamenx, for example, the matches might m t at 9 points, increasing as rounds are pIayed to a 15 point final match. The longerthcmatch, the more skill is involved in the outcome.
As in money play, the doublingcube is used. Competitors play gama and add the points won in tach game to their total sfore. When one player reaches the

For example, Smith and Joncs are playing a Ppoint match, and Smith wins a p e to make the score: Smith 8, Jones 4. The next game is the Crawford Game, andJonesannot double in this p e . (Smith, ofcourse, has no reason to double.) M s a y Jontswins one point in the Crawfod Game to mike the score 8 to 5. In the following game, normal rules are back in e f k and Jonescan double as soon as he wishes.
Disputes between the players are settled by calling the tournammt director, who will make a ruling. In certain exceptional casts, a panel of experienced playcrs may be convened to m k a ruling ae

THE MAJOR TOURNAMENTS Like golf and tennis, backgammon has a few events whose irnpomce dwarfs the other tournaments. Here are a few of the biggest and most prestigious tournaments in modern backgammon.

p t c r than in rhc World Cup, but the contest itself is always fascinating. Here are the winners of the last 25

World Championships:

: :

ratu lvragr~wturn

: LuigiVilla (Italy)

THE WORLD CUP The most important tournament in backgammon is the World Cup, heid every other year in August in Dallas. What sepatates the World Cup from dl other events is the extreme length of i matches. Each round w in h e main event is a best three out of five, 1P point series. In the Consolation, matches start at 25 points (longer than the finals at most tournaments) and increase to a 29 point final. C e s docks are used to hs time each match and ensure reasonablyspeedyplay (as well as adda little extrapressuse).TheWorld Cup is the most d8icult tournament in backpnmon to win, and in fact, no one but a top world-class pro has wer won the went.
THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The World Championship of Backgammon is held wery July at hew's Hotel in Monte Carlo. The went norrndy attractsabout 400 players. Most participants are from Eucope, although eachabout 30 Amerim n s make the journv. Matches in the main event begin at 17 points and Increase to a 25 point final. W~ththe shorter matches, the luck factor is much

Walter C:oratella (A Lee Genud (USA) : Jacques Mihe1 (Switzerland) : BillRob,ettie (USA : Mike Svnbodny (U . PL--l*- - . - .

: Philip Macmorstein (bermany) sell 1989: JaeRus! (USA) ~ada) I390i: HdEIeiI&& (Car : Michael1 Mqsourg (Germany) 1991 , - ., : lonKcssu (Kuman : I :

k r r a r w Sabet [Itall : Clemen t Palalacci (It : Bill Robrertie (USA -. ... -

Peter Thomsen (D

t: Frank Frigo (USA:

David Ben-Zion (l i: David Nehmad (birael) ': Jerry Grandell (S*d e n ) . i: Michael Meyburg (bermany) ) Jorgen Granstedt (Sweden) : 1: Katie Smlamandre WSA) 1 J o r p Granstdt (Swaden) : t: Mads Andersen (Denmark)


The Pro-Am Doubles Championship originated in The Bahamas. The Bahamas has been the scene of topflight backgxnmon events ever since the very first internationaltournament waso+d there byPrince Alexis Oboicnskyin 1964.Thattournamentgrew into the Obolensky Cup, held during the 1960sand 1970s, but eventually discontinued in 1974.

Here's a l i t of recent winners:

PRO-AM DOUBLES CHAMPIONS Phillip Marmomin 8r RalfLudwig JoeRussell & Bob W : Mads A n d e m & Gi TO Hack Bdlard & Hawey WuEe Balb JerryGramdell & Atrr~anda i

TheWorld Championshipwas heId on ParadiseIsland until 1978,when it moved to Monte Carlo. For about ten years after that, a regular tournament on the international circuit was held every year in January, until the idea of a h@-dass doubles tournament
caught on.

The idea of a Pro-Am doubles tournament was the brainchld of Lewis Deyong, a backgammonpromoter
from London. The format is a doubles tournament of 16 teams, each consisting of a top tour professional paired with an enthusiastic amateur.

In 1998, the Pro-Am Doubles Championship moved toTurnberry Isle, Florida.The followingyear it moved again, hiis rime to La Vegas, Nevada.Although it used to be held in February, it now rakes place in Las V v every November.

Notice that W'YCn u m M aIl the p o d on the board, starting with point numba 1 i the lower left n and going all the way to point n u m k 24 i thc upper n Icfi. Usingthese point numbers, wecan dewibe all the moves of a backgammon gameBackgammon games are recorded using a method called ba&pmmon notation. It's easy to learn, and it lets us replay a backgammon game whenever we want to. Lts see how it works. e'

i 1 shows the starring position of a backgammon game:

In Diagram I, Black is moving d M e . His pimovc from the upper left quadrant to the right auoss the top half of she board, then t the lcfi along the o lawer half ending up in the quadrant on the lower left. Black's pieas always move h m higher numbctcd poinu to lowcr numbered pints.

White5 piemmove i theopposite-direction,countern

dodrwisc. White's piaces end up in xhe upper left

Suppose Black won the optning roll w t a 3 1 (Black ih rolled a 3 and White rolIed a I, so Black would r n m first), and wanted to make his 5-point. In bajrgammon notation, w e would write: 1. Black 31: 815 &5

Thii says: O n the fist roll ofthe game, Black rolled 3 1,

andmdapiecefmmtheS-pointto the 5-point, and anothcr picce horn the Gpoint m the 5-point.

The d t i q position would look like this:

Ifyou've understood chi so fir, congratulations! You've mastered backgammon notation.

k e are a ftw more shorthand notations that you'll see throughout the book. They are as follows:

Rolling doubles. When a player rolls doubles and m v s his ch& oe in pairs, the move Looks like this:
3. White 11: 19120(2) 171I8(2)

Now suppostthatWhite mlleda63, and electedto run with one of his nmr checkers on the 1-point. We'd write: 2. White 6 3 1/10 and the pasition would naw look like chi:

This means White m o d two checkers from the 19point to the20-point,and two more from the 17-point to the 18-point. Hitting a blot. When someone hits a blot, we use the symbol *, like this: 4. Black 63: 2415'

This means Black m m d a chadter from the 24-point to the 15-point, hitting a blot and sending it to the bar.
Bearingof.We indicatethat checkers were borne off with the notation /OK. instance: For 24. BIack 65: 6loff 5Joff This means Black rolled a 65 and bore off rwo check-


That's all there is to it! When you play through the games, wmpare the position on your boatd at home with the d a r m in the book. Within a very short igas time y u l be d i n g the notation flawlasly o'l

1. BlackG2: 24/18 13111. This is the modern way of playing an opening 6-2. Wth dtt 6, Blackmom out to the opposing bar point
(the 18-point), hoping that one of two thinp will happen: either White will fa11to hit this blot and Black wiZl roll another 6 and & r o on the bar point next rum, or White will hit the blot but lave a blot of his own, anda~hirbyBlackdgaiainalotofground

Billy Horn, a New Yorker,w s recognized as one of the very top players in the world for some time. H' es the only player ro win the World Cup twice, in 1390 and 1334. He also won h e Athens tournament in 1394 and the Bahamas Pro-Am i 1991. He mired in n 1398.
MatthiasPauenisoneofthe mnpt German$aytts. Hs best result so far was second place in the i Tarrequebrada tournament in Spain in 1932.

in the race. W~th 2, Black puts a budder on the I 1the point, which can be useful in the future in making the 5-pint, 7-pint, or Ppoint. Black had 4other ways of playing this roll which aren't seen very much anymore in master play. Let$ take a lmk at them. He could haw uiad running all the way with a back man: 24116. This leaves fewer hitting rolls for Whire, so on the d c e it's a saferplay.The problem with the play i s t a it's not consmaive. If Bkdc is hit, he"s ht accomplished nothing, &ie m n if he's missad, he'll still have the problem of getting that blot to safety next turn.

The firstgame we'll study was played in the semifinals of the great Athens tournament of 1994. The match
was to 23 poincs, and Horan was the eventual winner. We're ping to Iwk at Game 5 of the match; at this point Pauen leads Horan 4 to 3.

In Backgammonfir Winners,I discussed the key gods of the first f&v moves of the game. The top priority is to make the strong blocking points on your side of the board. For Black, these key p o i m are rhc 5-poinr, the

4-point, and the 7-point, in that ordm

A second key god (actually just as important as the first) is to make an advanced anchor on the oppnmt's side of the board; in Black's m e , on the 20-point, 2 1point, or 18-point.Achievingbothofthedsta~lyin the g a m ~ a advancad anchor plus one or two BGcy n blocking points -virmdy guaranteesa big early edge.

The strength of 24118 and 1311 1 compared with the running play of 24/16 should now be pretty dear. Playing 24118 starts a kqr anchor; playing 13111 brings a new builder into play for the 5-point and the 7-point. Runningwith 24116 doesn't start fighting for ary key point. That's enough to make it a loser.

Diagram4: White on roH

2. White 5 5 17/22(2) 19124*(2).

A powerfd response by White, making nro innerb o d points while purting Black on the bar.

Another reasonable play which u d to be popular some years ago is simply 1315, using the whole roll to start the 5-point. While not a bad play, it d y requirts Black to throw a one n m t r to create a good un structure. (Assuming he doesn't g hit with a four,of t course).

This is usually the right way to play an early 5-5 if your

opponent has split his back men. (Ifhe still has both men on the ace-poinr, the correct way w play a 5-5 I s to move two men from the 12-point to the 22-point.) It p u immediate pressw on Black, who will be ~ doubltd if he mn't enter his checker from rhe bar.

The Wing among today's top players is that playing 24118 and 1311 1 creates a better balanced position,
with chances for d d o p m c n t on b t h sides of tht board.

3. BIack 52: Bari18. A good roll by Horan secures the viral dchsive anchor,effectivelyequaling the position. Now Black w n turn h attention to building forward blocking i


4. White 5 3 114 12117. Not an especially good roU, but White's play is clearly the best available. the 5, White remakes the 17point, cleaning up a blot in thc proms. With rhc 3, White splits hi back men, trying to make an advancad
anchor of his own on the 4-point.

Is a gocrd tip t c

vnce wwur


-" " uaaunrrif


mak~ an ad1 w vanced ; anchor, I t

becomes w zn more! vital ft)r r you tlo make 4an anchor of your
Why?The reason is simple. Once one side (Black, in this game) makes an anchor, the other side's (White's) chances of winning the game by priming Black's back

D i i 5: Black on roll
5. Black32 13/10 6/4*. A difficult roll with many possible plays. Let's look at some of the possible alternatives, then see why Horan decided on the move he actually made.

checkers has mished. Howwer, Bladc could sciH win the game by building a prime of his own. prevent To himself f o being primed, W h t e must create an rm anchor of his own, and quickly.

First Blackmust decidewhether or not to hit on the 4point with h deuce. If he doesn't want to hit, he has i mo plays: the super-& 1 116,leaving White no shots, and the reasonably safe 1318,lmvingWhite only eight shots (61,16,52,25,43,34,64, 46). A conservaand tive playermightdectmmakceitheroftheseplays, but a top playerwould reject hem quickly. Why?Let$ see.

Top players understand that to build powerful p i -

tions, you must be willing to take reasonable risks. Once in a while, you can build a strong prime by throwing a scrits of perfect numbers, but mostly that won't happen. The dice won't always let you start gama with rolls like 3-1,4-2, and 5-3, filling in your b o d To create g o d positions, you've got to be willing to slot key points (place a checker there which you hope to c m r the following t t ) and attack your un, at opponent when he moves to the points you w n to build. That's winning badcgammon. Suppose, for instance, that Black plays the super-safe 1116. What does White have to be concerned about? He'll be able to make an advancd anchor with any 3, or to run one of his back checkers to safety with an 8 or an 11. H w v r he doesn't have to do either, since oee, he's under no pressure. As long as Bl& p e is completely undeveloped, White a n proceed as he chooses. Top players understand that the super-safestyle leads nowhere.Instead, they tryto put their opponentunder pressure to perform with wery single roll. Now i d look at the merirs of Horan's actual play, 61 4* and 13110. SinceWhite is on the bar, he h s t has to enter. Since he must we halfhis rl to enter, he won't ol be able to play hi rolls to their full tfftct.If he emus without hitting, his position becornw very poor very

quickly. Blackwill be able to cover the Mot on the 4point, and he'lte in great position to make the 5-point quiddy. Whitc could find h i d f facing a powerful
cube in a turn or two.

In addition, Horn has diversified all his checkers. Instead of big s t a h of checkers piled on tht &point and 13-point, he now has d l h checkers in play, i preparing to cavtr or make strong points i the future. n Now suppose White docs enter and hlr. Black M s further behind in the race, but that's not necessarilyso bad. He's quite a bit behind already as a result of White's 5-5throw, and being a Iitrle more behindwon't nocrJsarily affect h chanaes all that much. i

#re% a Ikey secret thalt Iplayers under: r stand: ll



wady a;ubstann rid In thcr race, 11t

. . .

may actually help your -

to fall


The logic bchind this paradoxical insight is that you're likely to lose a straight race in any cw,but being further behind may allow YOU to hold your back p i n t s

long enough to get a shot or two.

Viewed in this light, Horan's play looks much better chan the feeble safe plays. Me's taken conmI of the board and he's dimtingthe tempo. Wth apmr roll on mite's part, ht might win the game in a turn or mo.
Before we l m this position,w need t look at one e o other possible play: the doubl+hit, 614*11*. It might seem that if hitting one checker is good, hitting two checkers is wen be-. Indeed, that's often the case.

Hae, however, it's not such a strong play. Even if White fails to hit the blot on the 1-poinr, he still wants m enter both hs checkers in Black's home board. i
The checker on the 1-point will remain a liability in any future exchange of hits, while if Black covers it, he'll have made a point deep i his b o d and out of n play. Top playets aren't eager to make the 1-point early in the game. You shouldn't be, either.

Diagram 6: Black on roll

7. Black 64: Bar121 11/5*. Entering on the 21-point is forced after which Horan has a choice betweenhitting on the 5-point or hitting
on the 4point. Since the 5-point is more valuable than the 4-point, Horan hits on the 5.
Why is the 5-point moreduable? Look at it this way: if Back makes the 5-point, and White anchors on the 4-point, White's checkers are obstructed behind thm Mocking points (the 5-point, 6-point, and 8-points). On the other hand, if Black makes the Cpoint and White anchors on the 5-point, White's checken are not nearly so blocked. In general, you should t to q make your points in order: first the 5-point, then the 4-point, then the 3-point, and so on.

6 White 53: Bar15 114*. . Entering with che 5 d m White to hit with the 3, gaining some ground in the race. A good throw for

8. W 61: Bad1 4/10*. t e White can'thit the blot on the 5-point, but he picks off the blot on the 10-point instead. 9. Black 64: Bar12 1 1317. Making the 2lpoint gives Black two strongdefensive anchors (the 2 1-point and the 1&point) as a fallback posiuon, It will be very dificult for White so move h i checkers past those two points without leaving some shots later on. With the 6, Black simply slots the next good point, in this cast the 7-point.
10. White 43: 1/5* 12/15. Hitting with the 4 is certainly dear, but the zhree is awlward. White m d d make a saft play by moving 191 22, but that puts a valuable buader out ofplay. On the 1Ppoint, the checker is a builder for both the valuable 2bpoint and the less valuable 23-point. On the 22point, the checker is a builder for only the 23-point.

D i p 7: Black an mll I 1. Bhck 63: Stays out.

Black would have liked to enter, but staying out ist '
too serious. He should be able to reenter next turn.

Instead, White statts the IS-point with one of the s p a on the midpoint. Risky! Not really. Since Black is on the bar, he doesn't have many numbers that h t h enter and hit. In addtion, m t e would have no difficulty reentering a checker since Black hasn't yet kgun to build his home board.

Should White double! No. In order to double, you need to have both a very solid advantage and some threatswhich, ifexccuted, will Eorce your opponent to drop a kter double. This is known as losing p u r market. If you mn't lore your market-that is, if your best won't be enough to make your opponent give up later-then you shouldn't double yet.

In this position, VPhite has an advantage, but it's not going to change very much from turn to t r .A p o d un result for Whitewould be to safety a couple ofhis blots.

Black will then most likely enter his checker from rhe bar. At that point, ifVhite doubled, Blackwouldhave a very dear take. So there's no reason for W h i t e t o double now.

12. White 41: 12116 15/16. The 1Gpoint should be a usdul landing spot as White tries to maneuverhis ch&s toward the home board. H could have made the 15-point instead (1011 5), but e
the 16-point is better.

Sometime in the near future, White will havc to dear his outside blocking pointsand bringthe checkers into the inner board. Points closer to the home board are msicr to clcar than points fatther away. Hence the 16point is preferred to the 15-point. Excellent play by Pauen.
13. Black21: Barf23 8J7. Black enters with the 2 and finally makes a new offensive point with his ace.

Diagram 8: White on roil

14. White 52: 5/12, Pawn runs a ch& to &ty. He could also have safetied a checker with 10117, but h actual play was i her.

By moving the rearmost checker first, Pauen keeps his formation compact and better coordinated.

er who i!

tne ruGw





from ther back cngage I

If White had tried 10117 instead, his rear checker

would be subject to attack, and ewn if it survived the attack, White would bt a big underdog to get the h e d r e r to safety. Notice that if Blackmim this three shot, White should be able to pick up the blot on the 10-point without much dificuly.
15. BIack21: 13/10*. Horan has a choice here. He could build the most valuable point in his home b o d by moving 715 615. There's not much point to a strong blockingposition, however, if there aren't any enemy c h e h to blockHoran correctly sends a White checker back home.

problem is taken care of, White can concentrate on filZing in h 23-point and 20-point. Note that when i the attacking play fails, 'White's advantage evaporates immediately.

setweerI w n a choice I a :ting and buildIna- hit .., -.-, ., tlnIg wlll ti ? fn most (b .-tlona.

Diagsam 9:Black on roll


16. White 63: Barl9. White enters and hops Black's small blockade.

Some might ask, 'Why not the attacking play, Bar13 and 17/23*!" The answer is that White doesn't need to attack here. He already has a good position and a big lead in the race. What he needs to do is get his back checkerto safety, m that hedoesn't have toworryabout Black's building a prime in front of him. O c that ne

17. Black 64: 1319* 10f4. Hitting with the 4 is clarcut. The play of the 6, however, p m t s a difficult choice. Horn could try 21115, aiming to control the outfield Jf his blots survived, he could follow up by making the 9-point or the: 10-point, extending hs growing prime. i
The problem with that play, however, is that Black would have lefi himself veryexposd. Wlth five blots suewn amund and no anchor i White's home b o d n

aluckyhit by White could knock Blackout of the game-

on the very next roll. That's too big a risk to take, especially sinceBlack's two defensive anchors give him excellent long-term chances.
Instead, Horan makes the veteran's choice: he d y slots his $-point, aiming for a small gain if White miss= this shot, while risking vuy little if White hits.
18. White 51: B r 1 12/17. a1 White misses and can't escape, so he is content to bring a builder to bear on the key 20-point. White's game will improve greatly if he can i in that vital landing l l spoc

19. Black 52: 23/18 614. An excellent roll. Black covers the blot in the most efficient way, with a deuce, while with the 5 he mc)w his rear blot to a position where he can bring it around to the 9, 10, or 11-point nem turn. Black has four checkers committed to holding the two anchors for s d more turns, and he needs all the rest of his checkers working to strengthen his gmwing prime.
20. White 55: 12/22(2).

21. BlackZ1: 715 615. An imaginative play by Moran. He'd like to move h i spate checker on the 18-point mund to join in the b a d e for the 5-point, but unfortunately, it's block!. H could play safe with a move like 916 or 917 817. e Instead, however, he deliberately opens up the 7-point . to makt the 5-point! What's h idea? i

Essentially a forced play. With theloss ofthe midpoint, White's mu checker is getting stranded. White will need to extricate it very quickly.

Horan recognizes that he has too Eew checkers on the scene to neady mah a 5-point prime (five points in a row) by waiting ro throw just the right numbers. By f i l b g in the 5-poinr, he uses the few checkers he has t maximum advantage. IfWhite doesn't immediately o throw a 6, Horn can cover the 7-point next turn with any 2, creating a very strong position.

Andwhat ifwhitedmroll a G?That'sacalculatcd risk, of course, but in that cast Horan will fall back on his primary game plan - using the anchors on the 21 and 18-pointsto generate a winning shot late in the p e .
22. White 65: 117*112. White throws the 6 and pops into the oudidd. Black will haw to win from his holding position aftm dl.

24. 'White 52: 12/19. A g o d throw. The checker mmes to safety, and is usefully placed to make the 5-point.
25. Black21: 9/7 817. Horan makes four points in a row. EquaIlygoodwas61

3, starting the 3-point.

23. BIafk44: Bar121 1816. Horan enters and brings another spare to bear on the 3-poinr, the next point he wants to m a t .
ShouldWhite double now?Not quite. If White is able
to mow h checker on the 12-pointto safety b turn, i s s

roll of 6-2 (12113) he'll be in an ideal position M double. Blackwould still have a take based on his chances of hitting a game-winning shot later in the game.
say with a

H w v r there's a ansidtrable chance that White will oee, not be able to safety that chedrer. In particular, all of the folIwving throws would leave that checker in jeopardy: 66,33,62,63,and 21. That's atotalof9 out of a possible 36 dice throws,or 25%! White's proper strategy is to move the checker to safety, then offer a perfectly-timed double. Paucn correctly leaves the cube in the middle.

Diagram 11:White on roll

White wdd reasonably double now, but he chooses to

wait one more turn.

26. White 51: 17123.

White can't dear either outside poinr, so he moves the odd checker to the 2-point.

27. Black 42: 812. Black rcaliy wants to make the 3-point next, but this roll is particularly awkward.

I, wher
uamg your moara and
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lltlngforas hot,^
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to slot and cov



~ u u n v ua m ~ d

Diagram 12:White an mu
28. White doubies to 2.

the low
Apcrfecdy-timeddouble byWhite. Ifhewaits untilhe cleats the 17-point or the IGpoinr, Black would definitely have a pass. As it stands, Bkck is faced with a very difficult decision. 29. Black &. A difficult choice for Horan. Let's take a look at the
considerationsthatgovern the decision t &or o drop.

That's an excellent rule, but here dotting the 3-point involves breakingthe 7-point.Horan decides that's too high a price to pay, so he keeps the 7-point and slots the
2-point instcad.

My preference would be to play 713 and 614. I"d be willing to loosen my position for one turn since ir's unliid&at I will get ashot immediately. (OnWhite's next roll, only 64 forces h i to leave a blot.) Since I probably won't get a winning shot for two turns, I should have time to wvcr the %point.

WHEN TO TAKE A DOUBLE The ram is a factor in most cube decisions, but here the race is a foregone conclusion. The pip count (the number of pips that each side must throw to beat off dl checkers) is 74 for White and 15 I for Black. Black

is not going to win any races.

If Black mnt win the race, then he's going to have to win byfirst h t i g ashot, then containing the checker. itn His chances of getting a shot are a c d y quite good. Barring doubles, W h i t e has only six numbers to clear the 16-point (31,13,61,16,63 and36) andsixother numbers to dear the 17-point (65,56,62,26,52, and 25). If White dears the 17-point before clearing the 16-point, then his chances of clearing the 16-point without leaving a shot are very small.

and Bhck dropped all four games. In that case, he would lose four points. If he took al f u games, l or however, and managed to win only one while losing three, he would lose six points in the three games he Lost while winning back t o points in the game he w won. The result?

A net loss of four points, just as &re. So one win in four games is the break-wen point for taking a double if you can't get gammoned. If you can w n more than i one game in four, you can certainly take,while if your chances are less than hat, you should pass.
In the position we're looking at, Black can certainly win more than one game in four.H' a favorite to get es at least one shot, while he might get as many as two or three shots.Hitting a shot, h m r , doesn't guarantee victory. Black would d l have to contain the c h e c k hehits, andwhilt hc'slikely to do that,Whitcwill haw some chances to escape. M guessis that Blackcan win y this position about 35% of the time. So Black has a dear mkc, right?Not so fsst!Therels one other factor to consider - the gammon factor.
THE QAMMON FACTOR If Black can lose a gammon, he will need to win more than his usual 25% of the t m to justify a take. How ie much more? That depends on his estimate of how

If White leaves a

shot on the l&point, Black will actually be a favorite m hit it! He'd be able to hit with any 5 or any 2, plus a combination shot like 41. Overall, Black would have about a 60% chance to hit a blot on the 16-point or the 17-point (you see the great advantage of holding twa anchors). Also, of i t e zoursc, wen if m cleats the 16 and 17-points, he might still lose by leaving a blot on the 19-point.

How often d m Black need to win this position in order to take a double?In my first book, Badgammon fir WitPnm, I explained that i Black caa't lose a f gammon,he would need to win at least one game in four to take a double. W h y only one in four? Let's quickly review why that's the case. Supposethis position came up four consecutive times,

likely he is to be gammon&. There's a good rule that covers this situation:

l r

w e , we'd need 10% extra wins to balance the 20% gammons. So instead of needing to win rhc position 25% of the time, we'd actually need to have 25% plus lo%, or 35% wins, to take.

every two g;

---ar ywu are In aunaer wf .. . r needtcb win o 4? n sing, You ldltlonall game lto brealt

N wlet's get back to Horan's actual position. Certainly o

it's possible f r Horan to lose a gammon in this o es position. H' got a good chance of gming ashot, but he might never get a shot, or he might miss the shots he gets. If he &ts a shot he'll almost certainly save the gammon if he doesn't win the game, but if he mi= his shots,he's gota reasonablechance ofbeing gammoned.


To see why this rule makessense,look at what happens

when you exchange a single loss for either a garnmon loss or a turnaround win. If the cube is on two, losing a single game costs you two points, while losing a gammon costs you four points. LDsing a gammon costs you two additional points compared to a single game loss. If the cube is on twa and you win a single game, instead of losing you have a two point gain instead of a two point loss. Your net p i n is a d l y four points.

To summarize: turninga loss into a win gains you four

points; turning a loss into a gammon costs you two points. So two gammon losses can be made up with just one extra win.

One way to estimate hi chances of losing a gammon is to compare the number of pips that White has m roll to bear off with the number of pips that Black has to roll to get dl his checkers into hi home board. We figured out White's toml already when we dd our pip i aount; it's 74 pips to tKar OK

This insight gives us a tool for taking the cube in positions where we might get gammond Supposewe were thinking about taking a double and we estimated that we might get garnrnoned 20% ofthe time. In that

To figureout Black's total, compute the number ofpips that each of Black's outer-board checkersmust move to reach Black's 6-point. This gives us a masure of the minimum amount of pippage Black must throw to get all checkers Into his inner board, ready to beat o f In f. t i position,the three checkers on the 21-point must hi move 15 pips each,the two checkers on the I 8-point

must mave 12 pips each, and the two checkers on the ;"point requireone pip each.Thar1s grand total of45 a plus 24 plus 2, or71 pips, just short ofWhite's bear-off total. What this mlculation tells us is that if Black dws not hit a shot as Whiteis bearing in, he is about even money to save thc gammon. Putring all this information together, we can make an educated g c s about the I ikely outcornm of the game. us Black has excellent chances to get at least one shot and might get as many as two.His winning chances are better than 30%, perhaps as high as 40%.

gammon losses, and 30% single losses, which in turn is just a bare take. Thafs cutting it a little dose for my raste, and Black quite possibly might not do as well as 40% wins. I would opt to pass. Horan elects to take, a not uncharacterisic decision for him. He's a wurageous and tenacious pIayer who likes to form his opponent to earn his points. C o r m or not, Horan's decision means the game will end with an interesting and possibly dramatic figfit.

30. White 31: 16/17 16/19.

An excellent shot, clearing the difficult 9-point. If White doubed now, Bhck would surely pass.

If Black can win 40% of the time, White will win at last 60%. I m t e wins 60%, about half his wins will be gammons, or about 30% gammons and 30% single wins.
If White m win a gammon 30% of the time, Black needs 15% extra wins, above his basic 25%, to rake, That means he needs 40% wins, total.
What all this means is that an optimistic estimate of Black's possibilities yields 40% wins for Black, 30%

31. BIack63: 21115 613. Hopping out with the 6 is cleat,since Black needs that checker to build h blockade. Since Black wants as i powerfd a board as possible if and when White leaves a shot, he starts to build the 3-point with his 3.

32. White 11: 19/20(2)22/23(2), Another great shot for White, filling in the gap on the 20-point. This greatly i n the number of rolls that will eventually clmt the 17-point sucmfully. Bhck is in serious trouble d e r White's last t o rolls, w andhehasto start moving quiddyto savethe gammon.
33. Bla& 22: 15111 713. Not a bad r l ,making the 3-point. ol


34, White 66: 1?/23(3) 19JofE White's third p t roll in a row. Now 'Black's chances of hitting a shot arc very small, while his chances of being gammon& are vesy real.

RE emembeIr this r u W hen rac:Ing to : 1 save t de h . gammon, try to brling all your outfleld checkers to the &point. This wlll enSU re that you w B mllnlmum numbel -o Also, *--* - cross rwer fr mn rry ro - - - - - . quadrant to qluadrant whenwer posslblle.
I .

D a r m 13: Black on roll iga

35. Black 61: 18/12 7/6. Much b e ~ c than making Black's I -point. Saving the r
gammon is the wwwhelming priority.

Black's last play achieved rwo crosstrvers, and a h m o d a checker to the 6-point.

36. White 62: 19loE 23/oR. Disaster strikes! After three great mls, White t r w hos the only number that would force him to leave a shot. To play badcgammon successfully, you have to have the mental toughness to adjust to these sudden swings offormne. Ofwum, Horn only has a 30% chance to hit this shot (Bladc hits with any deuce,which is a total of 11 rolls out of 36),but ...

37. Black 52: 21JI9* 18113.

Black hits! Now it's a whole new game. Black's job now will be to cwer the 2-point very soon, followed by making the 7-point. If he can make a full 6-point prime, or get very close to that, he'll be abIe to turn the cube to 4 and double White out.
White's job is simple:enter and e ~ ~ abefore Black can pe budd his prime.

point, exposing another blot.

Now Black i s again in danger of being gammonecl.

39. Black62: Badly. Entering one man is a reasonably good throw for

4 . W h i t e 62: 2/10. 0 White hops into che outfield, raking aim at all Black's juicyblots. Black nowhas 13chances(out of36)to hic 61, 62,63,51,52, 53,and55.

Diagram 14: White on roll

38. White 11: h / 2 * 20121*(2). White foUows up his d l roll last turn with a gmt shot this turn! Note that White had some rally bad numbers. Throwing 13 or 14, for instance, rwuloed in White's entering on the 1-point and breaking the 20-

Diagram 15: Black on toll 41. Black63: Bad19 13110*. Black hits and is back in control.Another huge swing!

42. White 32: Bar12 21124. WhIte enters but breaks his bard, which d n s his chances. Black can now hit w t less chance that he ih may end up trapped on the bar.

White to shoot at. Note too that not hitting White at all is not an option. Black must prevent White from getting into the outfield, if he can.

Should Black be thinking about doubling? Not yet. White still has good chancesof escaping Bladc's blodcade and running home, and he might wen stilI be able to win a gammon with a ludry throw. The time to double wl come later. i l

44. Whitt stays out. Bladis making progress, but he still needs to dose the 3-point before he mn double.

45. Black 53: 18/13 1219. Nice play by Horan. Hi outfield coverage is now excellent while he's blocked'Xrhite's potential winning n u m k of 36.
46. White stays out.

Diagram 16: Black on mII

43. Black 11: 19/18 1019 312*(2). Bhck could have usad thiswhole r l to hit loose on the ol 2-point (6/2*)but his actual play i s better. H has g o d e control of the outfield and no immediate targets for

Diagram 1 :BHck on mu 7

47. Black63: 913 613. A great shot. Now Black is on the verge of doubling.
48. White stays out.

aftcr which Black will make the 7-point. Once he has s x points in a row, an easy matter for Black to dose i it's his board:He just has to move his spares into h home i board, slot his 1-point,and c m r it.

If Blackgets hit in thisp c e s s , it's no problem:He just reenters h spare, brings it around, and tries again. i
Since it's emremely likely that Black will dose out the single White checker in this position, what we really need to know is this: What is the chance that White can win the game ifhe is dosed out, given that he already has three men oiT? That's a question which backgammon theoreticians have already figured out. T e answer is 11%. That's h not close to the 25%thatWhite needs to take a double, so he correctly passes. 49. Black redoubles to 4. A very dear double now. 50. Whitepasses. Incidentally you may want to memorize the following Etde table. It shows White's winning chances in positions similar to this one when he h s a checker dosad a out but some number of men oE

C n White possibly take this double! Let's see. a

Nact turn Blackwill either r & h 7-point (if he rolls n i some combination of 2s, 4s, 6s) or slot h 7-point and i by sticking a blot there, hoping to cwer next nun. White wl have one chance r escape by rolling a 1-6, il o


men off

V U &



Horan maGcs a daring but questionable take, and Paum rolls very well to ehniiare most, but not all, of Horan's chances. Horn finally hits a desperation shot on the 19-point, and eventually fills in the last k q point in his b o d . With only thm checkers OKPauen has to pass Horan's eventual recube to 4.
Two aspects of this game repay close study. The first is Horan's aggressiveness in trying to build h board i when he has the security oftwo defensive anchors. The second is Horan's placement ofhis pieces to control the ou&dd after hitting his last shot. His control pays off and he is able to catch Pauen's last checker coming

Twc1 men &

Three men off



m m t l

Piv e


These situations come up fairly fquently, and the knowledge contained in this table may make (or save) you a lot of money. Learn it!
SUMMARY An early set of double-fiw by P a m pins Horan in a


defensive position. Horan takes some reasonable chancesto improve his front game, but when thwc fail, he r d e s a holding position with his opponent's 2 1point and 18-point. After hitting achedcerkter,Horan takes extraordinary chances to try m build a prime quidJy, knowing that he can always fall back on his holding position later. Paucn finally escapes, and offers a powerful double a couple of turns later.

Vegas Open in 1931. I' a match to 1I pints, and ts right now the score is Snellings 9,Magriel 8 .

Wdm SneIlinp emerged on the backgammon scene in 1998 and was immediatelyrecognized as one of the world's top players, In the balloting to determine the rankings of the world's best, he was voted #1 it1 1933 and #2 in 1995. He retired in 1999.

In this gamewe'll see swecal examples ofstrategic ideas that we haven't seen before - checker and cube dtcisions that are heavily influenced by the match score. In the a r l y stages of a match, with many points to go h each side, cube and checker play tends to look just r 1ikemoneyplayAt t elater s o h match, withjust h w a few points left for one side or the other, players have to take the score into consideration. Let's see just haw this works for our ~ W O combatants.
PLAWNCI TO THE SCORE At this score, Magriel needs 3 points to win the match, while Snellingsneeds only 2. Magriel's doubling strategy is not very different from a normal money game, or horn a situation m l y in a match. Hi doubles get a bonus in hiis situation, since if he gives a cube and Sncllings accepts, Snellingswill never redouble (as we said, he n d s only two points to win). The terminology for this is that Sncllmgs will own a dmd cube.

%d Magriel is one of the all-timelegendsof backgammon. He won the second tournament he ever entered -the Aruba tourney of 1971 and he's been winning major tournaments ever since. His major victories include badc-to-back Children's Hospital tourneys in 197475,the World Championship in 1978,ha&-toback Bahamas Pro-Ams in 1994-95, and the World Cup Consolation in 1996. H $also the author of the e classic book Backgmmotp, which taught a generation of players about the elements of backgammon strategy.

This game was pkyed in an a r 1 y round of the Las

To see why this is advantageous for Magriel, imagine

thatMagrie1doublesandsnelling accepts.Now imagine that Snellingsturns the game around andbecomes, say, an 80% favorite. In a money game, Snellinp would always win in this situation, since he would double and Magriel would pass. But at t i score, hs

Snellings must play these games out to the finish. Since Sndlings is *onlyu80% to win, Magriel will pull a few of these games out in a last-minute turnaround. There's a compensating sIight downside for Magriel, homer, in that his gammons don't work for him as well as in a money game. If he wins a gammon,he mn win only three points instead of the usual bus. The net rcsult is that Magriel can double slightly sooner than in a money gatne, but not by very much.

1 White 21: 12/14 19120 . Whitest- his all-important 5-point (the20-point in the diagram) while unstacking the midpoint. This is the preferred method of starting the game witha2 1 for almost all the world's top players. If Black doesn't roll a 4, White will make the 5-point and be off an early to edge. If Black does hit, White is at least guaranteed a complex game.
A play which has become popular in recent years, especially among weaker players on the tournament circuit, i s 12/14 1/2. Whire declines to slot the 20point and, by splitting, makm slotting difficult for the opponent. Although this might be o b j d d y asstrong as Magriel's play, it has a great drawbadc it creates much simpler positions, whereit'shard ro outplayyour opponent.

If Snellings gets

the early advantage, his s t r a w is quite a bit different from normal. Firsr of all, i f SneIlings doubles and Magriel takes, Magriel will redouble to four automatically. [Since Sneliingsneeds only two points to win the match, Magriel would lose the match ifhe lost the game with the cube on two, so he might as well put it on four, thus giving himself a chance to win both the gatne and the match at once).

If you war
Notice that 8SnelEing-swins a gammon with the cube centered on one, he wins the match outright. This implies that if Snellings gets an early advantage with same gammon chances, he's usually rigfir to go for an d o u b l e d gammon rather than double at all. In fact, that's exactly the scenario we'll see in this game.

ke a mart

in the backgammonworid, eate an~d le

master complicated posi-

- -



e l
. -

2. Black65: 24113 Correct-There's nothing better to dowith this roll than simply run to the midpoint. I've seen some players tty 24/18 1318, but that's overplaying the position.

lke whaI? the dice givt U. Don't tryfortrs much o

Escapingache&sin the opening is a simple but useful objective.

MagrieI's play, 115, spreads out the rear checkers to cover thewhole board, making it difficult for SneKngs to play safely next rum. My own preference is for 12/16, This play maximizes White's buildingchances in the areaofthe boardwhere White already has an advantage. I think this is the play most likely t lead to a quick knockout. Both plays o have their merits, however, and this is really a stylistic question.

4. Black 64: 24114* 14n excellent shot, escaping the k t checker wMe hitting at the same time. Early edge to Snelling.

Diagram 19: White an roll 3. White 41: 19120 115 Covering the 20-pint with the ace is of course completely dear. The play of the four offers a few options.

5. White 22: Bar14 12/14*116

A great comeback, entering, hitting, and building.

The first two deuces, Bad2 and 12/14*, are clearly forced. With the Sart two, I prefer 115, building a solid anchor, to Magriel's play 214 and 14/16Magtiel's play offers more flexibility and more future p o d rolls; the other play offers a solid asset for the rest of the p e .
6. Black 42: Barl21 6/4* The only safe play here, Bar121 and 816, is hopeless, leaving Black with no position and White with a M y developed game and plenty of attacking chanws.

~ning,d y
ght for
rai ther tha~




IMPORTANCE OF CONNEC7MW Although Magriel has metal blots spread around the board, notice how h checkerssupporteach othet The i checker on the 16-point is guarded by the checkers on the 12point and the 10-point.

and hope '

The chedceron the 10 is guarded by the chmker on the

5, which i turn is guarded by the checker on the 1n point. No matterwhich blot Black is able to hit, White will have at least a single return shot.This connectivity is the mark of well thought-out development.
8. Black 33: Bar122 8/5*(2) J3110* Unless this happens! Doubles from the bar i the early n

IfWhite throws poorly, Black will hpoi& to make a second point and get right back into the game.

7. White 64: Barl4*/lO A p d shot,hitting and leaping into the outfield.

game will usually turn the game around,and that's the case here. Wirh two enemy checkers on the bar and another blot to shoot at, Black is firmly in conml. Should White have triod to gtmd against this possibility? Absolutely not. In the opening you're trying to build solid yet flexible positions, taking into account your opponent's most likely rolls.

ainst thr2 Tr - . 35-1 long shots wilE only

drive you Into a cramped
and ultimately loslngstyle

Diagram 22: Black on roll


>n'tfall Into that

Is thii a double for Black? Both sides fiave a twoNo.

point board and four blots. Black has a nice edge since he's on roll, but it's still too soon to double.
10. BIack64: 1014* 814 A firs-rate play by Snellings. There was a tempting
alternark of 8/4* 22116* hitting two men, but SneMing's play is better. M t the double hit, Snellings e would lose all of his advantage if Magriel then reentered with a four. Snellings play illustrates a key prin-

9. White 43: Bad4 k 1 3




EouM, 1 4
it asset,


Manen~ asam WIII w o r m rwr

12. Black42 Bat121 13/11 With the four,Black I& up a permanent asset. With the two,.he begins to develop the checkers on the midpoint. Good play.

wlu the n
W hile


a t

ry asser t

one next turn.

13. W h i t e 6 5 2/11* A strong hit, and of course White had no other consuuctive play.
14. Black 32: Bar/22* 13111* Afmeshot. Black is firmly in control ofthe gameagain.

11 White 62: Bar12 16122* . White must hit to keep Black off balance.

15. White stays out. A dreadfid position for White. Should Black double?

Diagram 23: Black on roll

Diagram 24: Black on mu

The answer is no. Ti might surprise many players hs

who are usad ta money play but not tournament play. Let's sat why Black does better to leave the cube i the n

PIAWNOI FOR AN UNDOUBLED GAMMON What makes this position so strong for Black is not that he will win almost all the games. It's that many,if not most, of his wins will be gammons. By leaving the cube in the middle, he d win the game and the match when he scores a gammon win. (Runember, Black needs only rwo points to win the match, while White

So BlacKs c o r m strategy is to leave the cube alone, attack Whioe's blots,and uy to &eye a blib closeout. At the very least he could pin Whire in an ace-point game or a deuce-point game, which would still o& good gammon chances. Suppose Blackgoes ahead and doubles anyway. Should White give up the game in that case? Intcrcscingly, White should rake quickly! This might seem counterintuitive at first. If Black's game is so strong that he should play for a gammon,how could White be thinking about talung?To see why, we have to consider the match score again. Suppose Black doubles and White drops. Black will then l a d in the 1I-point match by a score of 10 points to 8, and the n x game will be the Crawford game, et when White will not be able to double.
E order to win the match, White will have towin the n Crawford game, making the score Black 10 -White 9, and then double and win the next game. In other words, White will have to win two straight games to win the match. If the players ate evenly matched, White's chances ofwinning one game are just 50%, so his chances of winning two straight are 25%.
On the other hand, suppose Black doubles this game.

needs t r e . he)

O the other hand, should Wute enter quiddy from n

the bar and turn the game around, a s long as is t ' undoubled, he'd win only one point, quaking the

nn- a d n

ght to 1 4 ways rl! e r rbe alomb and t




White takes and immediately redoubles to four. Then

the match will be decided by whoeverwins or loses this game, with gammons being irrelevant. Are White's
chances better than 25%in that case. Y :indeed! In w fact, I would estimateWhite's raw winning chances in this position to bt in the 30-35% range. White will often make an ace-point, deuce-point, or 3-point game, and sometimes he will dmlop a full backgame.

There will dso be games where Bkck's attack simply &ls outright and White is able to win by budding a prime of h own. Overall, playing for the match right i s here would be by fir White's best choiae.
16. B l d 5 3 : 1318 613* Playing for a gammon, Black naturally attacks on the 3-point and b r i n ~ the reserves. up

Diagmm 25: Black on roll

20. Bladr51: 1317 White gets a lucky break as Black Eails to cover the 3point. Baks play not only brings a newwver number lc' for the 3-point, but prepares to make the bar if the a d slows down.
21. white Hay out.

17. White 43: k / 3 * A good shot, slowing down B l d s momentum.

18. BIack52: Bar123 8/3*

The attack continues.

19. White stays out.

22. Bladc42: 713 1119 With the 3-point made, Black next taka aim at the 2p i n t or thc 7-point. The 2-point is more impormnt right now, but, k i n g farther away fium Baks spare lc' checkers, it will be more difficultt make. o

23. White 2 : Bart I. Bar12 1 A great shot! If Magriel can enter his last checker quiddy, the game may start to turn around.

Diagram 27:Black on roll

26. Black64 h / l S A strong and subtle play by Snellings. If the battle is now for the Zpoint, one might reasonably e x p t Black to play 913 with his 6, bringing anotherattacker within direct range of the 2-point (noticethat he must enter from the bar with h 4, and therefore 612 i not i s a option). n
25. W h i t e 32: Barl2* Another good roll for White. BlacKs attack is rapidly running out of steam.

Diagam 2 : Black on roll 6

24. Black 65: 1312* Black continues the assaulr on the 2-point.

Snellings,however, sees that he is nowvery unlikelyto win the battle for the 2-point, and a checker placed on the 3-point might be i danger of playinglide role in h the rest of the w e .

If the checker i Heon the 9-point, it has the potential s

oflater making the now more valuable 7-point. This is h e kind of subtle yet deadly accurate play that separates the world-dass professional f o the merely rm dented amateur.

31. White doubles to 2. The game has turned around completely in the last three turns. Now it5 Black that has two men on the bar with more vulnerable blots in danger. As we say, That's b+mon!" The nature of the game is such
that massive sudden swings of fortune are relatively commonplace.

28. Black stays out.

Avery big change on the last two rolls. The position is now starting to swing in Magriel's favor.

29. White 64: 17/23* 19/23 Very strong roll. White makes another inner point while putting a second Black checker on the bar.

T he good player nR U h~ a'e 1 t km fmrtitude to :adjust t:o e -. . these swings witmout 10sr contra4. In

Building that mental mindset

30. BIadc stays out.
or break a prime.

is as much a part of becoming a top player as masreringwhento dot apoint

Back to our actual position. As I said in the introduction to this w e , White's doubling strategy in this situation is more or less the same according to normal strategy principles.

H can profit from a gammon,althoughnot as much e

as in a money game (a gammon here earns him only one exua point rather than two).This is a reasonable money double with two Black checkers on the bar, so White sends the cube over.

Diagram 28: White on roll

32. Black takes. Also reasonable. Black has an advanced anchor (the 2 1 -point) and a strong home b o d with some VPhite checkers blocked. IfWhite doesn't throw a 5 or a 6 this turn and Blackenters a checker, he'll be in good shape.

33. White 55: 17/22*(2) 2$7 12/17 A great shot, in fact, White's best number. Three fives are clear: making the 22-point on Black's head and hopping out to the 7-pint from behind Black's prime. The last five, howwer, might seem unusual m some players. Why play 12117, exposing himself to a roll of 44 by Black, instead of safely playing 15120 or 7112)

The answer is that White recognizes that he's not going to be able to get all his men home before Black finally reenters from the bar. In that case, he's going to n d some steppingones in the outfield to get home safely, and the 17-point rates to havery useful steppingstone. So White sat the point now. trs
34. Black 54: h / Z l All Black can do for now is roll and hope for the best. If he enters fairly quickly, he can get back in the game. If he dances for several turns, the game could be o w .
35. White 42: 7/9*/13 White now has triple caverage for the 17-point, which is his next god.

Diagram 29: White on roll

3 . White 66: 1/7(3) 12118 7 A tremendous shot, getting all of h men out from i behind B U S blockade. White's now in exccllent shape.W~thi Iast six, he stam the 18-point. If he can h make the 17 and 18-point before Black enters, he should bt able to get home with ease.
38. Black stays out.

39. White 21: 13/15 17/18 40. Biack41: Barf24 BarlZI A great roll! With all checkers in, Black mn now

b t e n to hit any loose blots that White chooses to


Diagram 30: White on mu

41. White 21: 7110

White begins to maneuver his men on the 7-point home. The 719 718 play gives better outfield m m a g e but laves too many blots if something goes wrong.

42. Black 33: 24121 613 512(2) A bad throw. Black ps q u d and the first crack appears in his home board.
43. W h i t e 41: 7/11 10111 White's checkers piggyback their way t m d home.

44. Black51: 21116 312 Black could play safe with something like 611 312, but that's an awful play. With his home board shattered, Black would have little or no chance of winning even if he hit a lucky shot later. Snellings correctly contests the outfield while he still has a b t e n i n g board.

45. White 65: llE16*122 Hits and goes r safety. Wth the game mostly won, o White has no need to leave extra shots in the outfield. From now on, he should play as safely as possible.
46. Black stays out.

47. White 51: 7113 Moves closer to home wKde keeping double cove rag^ of the vital 1 G and 17-points.

dfiutthan expected.Meanwhile,the ch& ifcl

on the 11-point is now under diect attack. Actually, it's not as easy to safety that checker as you might imagine...

D i q 33: Wh;te on roll

51. White 21: 11113 13/20 Oops. White has to leave a direct shot. In fact, 11 of White's 36 numbers failed to get that checker to safety (21, 12, 51, 15,32,23,64,46,66,33, and 55).

49. 'White 51: 13/19 Now that Black is in from the bar, Whltte Ifas m b very z careful leaving blots around. Since he d t safety the checker on the 1I -pointwirh this roll, he picks UP the
checker on the 13 instead
50. Blacks: 21/17(4) A great shot. White is still a substantial favorite, but clearing the 15-point in a r l or two may prove more ol

Although White has to leave a d i m shot, he does have a choiceofwhere to leave the shot. Most pIayers would automaticallymove 11/14, bringing thecheckcrdostr to home. Magriel makes the bmcr play, 11 J13 19/20. Do you see why laving the checker on the 13-point is

White's first prioriry is playing the roll as safely as possible. Moving 11/14 allows Black to hit with 15 numbers: all threes (I 1 numbs) plus 52,25,12 and 21.Moving 11J 13 13/20also gives Black 15 hiall foursplus 53,35,13,and31. Sointermsofimmediate safety the two plays are quivalmt.

55. White 66: 18124(2) Forced play, but by giving up the 18-point, White har fewer rolls which clear the 15-point safely.

The next consideration is to see if either move gm i Black an awkward number to play. Here there is a difference. If White plays 11114, any Black roll which does not hit can be played safely by moving off the 17point.

In contrast, if White plays 1 I I13, Black has a problem with the roll of 21. Black won't want to leave a direct shot with 17/14 (he might get gammon4 if he got hit), so instead he will d e n his board a little by phying 31 1 211.That's not a big concession,but there's no reason that White shouldnt try for that sequence. h x u a t e play by Magriel.
52. Black51: 17111 Black rnissts,so he starts to move builders into position to remake the 5-point.

Diagram 34: Black on mU

56. Black 11: 915 The fartest way to m k a key point is to first slot it, ae then cover it later.

53. White 61: 13119 22123 Home free. Next job is to d a the 15-point. That er won't be easy.

5 . White 61: 15/22 7 Another f o r d play, and now here's a potential winningshot for Black. He can hit with any two or six, or I1,51, 15, or 33, a total of 24 numbers out of 36. A hit isn't guaranteed to win, however, b u s e Black's 5point is still open.

54. Black 53: 1719

beat off against contact (Black's ownership of the 21A key miss. Now the win is pretty much assured for White. There's also still some chance Black could be
point creates contact as White tries to clear the 19 and 20-points)is to strip down to two men on t elast point h (the 19-point) as quickly as possible, then dmr that point with a good t h m .

Usually however, safety is not the o d y issue. In this case,White also has to think about the possibility of winning or not winning a gammon.T e best way to h win a gammon is almost always to bear off c h e k as fast as possible. Thatconsiderationargues forMagtiel's actual play, 15/20 2210ff.

e race Ito

Diagram 35:White on roll

59. White 53: 15/20 22Ioff VPhlte actually has three ways to play this apparently

win orsave tns gammon Is e vff a ~n

That's the mse here. G o d play by Magriel.
60. Black 64: 17111 17113

simple mll. Besides his a d play, he could try 15/20! 23, k i n g no men off but leaving three men each on the 19-point and the 20-point, or 15/20 19/22, leavingfew men on the 20-pointand just two men on the 19-point. Which is best?
HOW To BEAROFF If White's only concern were safety, the right play would be 15120 19122. In general, the safest way to

61.White 21: 23ioff 24/off but Magiel's As before, 19/22 is actually the safwt w i v e h o f f technique is correct. He's trying for a gammon to w n the match, and he may get it. i

65. White 63: 19loff 19122

Diagram 36:Biack on roll

62. BlacIcbl: 1115 7/6 Black could play 1316, wasting no pips in his race to save the gammon. Snelling's a d playwastes one pip, but it's correct since making the 5-point greatly enhances Bladis winning chances in case he docs hit a last-minute shot (in this position, Black is only about 8% to hit ashot as White tries to dear the 19- and20points).

Diagram 37: Black on mll

68. Black43: 21117 916 Black could stickaroundf r another turn, hoping that o White would t h m 61,5 1, or 41, which would give Black a chance to hit a winning shot. However, an unlucky sequence could then easily wst B l d the gammon,so he's right to run.

63. White 65: 19loff 2 0 l d

6 . B l d 44: 2115 4
This roll pretty much guarantees that Black will save
the gammon.

69. White 44: 20124(2) 22/0ff(2)

White wins a sin& game worth 2 points and takes a 10-9 lead.

SUMMARY Pay close attention in this game to the interaction between match score and cube h & g on the part of both players.
SneZLings starts out with a early advantage. In a n position in which he would easily double in a money game, however, he declines to turn the cube, since he has the possibility of winning the match with an undoubled gammon. When the advantage suddenly shifts the other way, however, Magriel insmndy doubles. He remgnizesrhat giving h e opponent a cube which can't be retuned becauseof the match score entitles him to double quite aggrcssiwly. Magriel goes on to win the game and take a 10-9 lead in the I 1-pointmatch. H d SnelIingscarcless1ydoubled a {as many players would have) he would have lost the entire match in this game.

3. White 62: Barl2 1/7*

In and hit. White's opening play of a 62 has succeeded since he's now gained considerable in the race.

Mike Svobodnyis the only player to havewonboth the World Championship in Monte-Carlo (in 1984) and the World Cup (in 1992).He's one of the most feared pros on the international circuit.
This game was taken from a ransolation match in Ehe World Cup of 1988. At 'the time of &is game, Magriel was leading 12-9in a 25-point match.

1. White 62: 117 12/14 This is the standard opening play with a 62, splitting the back men to make an advancadanchor, while vsing the deuce to bring down a builder.
2. Black 21: %I?* 13111 Hitting with the ace is of course clear. With the deuce, it's slightly better to get another cover number for the blot than it is to split the back men.

Diagram 38: Black on roll

4. Black21: Bat123 817* The first d y d i f f i d play of the game. Magriel's play, entering and hitring, is certainly reasonable, but it does l a v e two exposed blots. More importantly, it breah the 8-point. The &point Is a key openand as a rule y )U c If nt to bra=kit ju: d st

tb ,In.

I"" l8e.

Two otherp o d plays cometo mind. One is Bar124 151 11, which makes a new and potentially valuabIe point. The drawback here is h t Black leaves three men on the24-point,which is a d andinflexibleformation, usually to be avoided I the early game. n
PVC VOUR CHECKERS WHERE THEY BELONG The other try is Bar123 615, which keeps the 8-poinr, diversifiesthe backcheckers, and begins to unstackthe 6-point. It's by fat the prettiest play, but it does ltave two blots vulnerable to threes and fours by White. Howwer, the other plays all have dtawbadcs as well. Here's my rule for t h e situations:

a nice point to own. I think a dearly better play was Bad3 12114.

Actually maklng polnts Is paring I


doubt, I
- --


The checkers on the 6-point should certainlybe making the 5-point, so this play gets my vote. 5. White32 k t 2 12/15 I don't like this play. I' too early ro make h e 2-point, ts which can easily h o m e a uap later on as Bhck s~atts to fill in a prime. The 14-point, on the other hand, i s

6 Black 51: 1318 615 . A bold andveryingenious play by Magriel! He runakes the vaiuable 8-point, then slots the key 5-point, leaving White a double shot: threes to hit on the 5-pint and fives to hlt on the 7-point.Although the play may

look wild, the idea behind it is grounded i very solid n logic.

on thc 14 and 15-points. As a consequence, I would just consolidate now. Wh~te would still have a flexible position, but with less chance of an accident.
8. Black31: Bar122 6/5* Right. Wd four men back, and White's having no iL

Note that White is very well placed to start building key points like the 20point, 2 1-point, and 1 %point.IfWhite stops to hit one of B U S blots, he can't build his own key points.
Black is already behind in the race, so falling a bit W e r behind is not a big risk

b o d and lots of buildkg numbers, Black must hit and keep on hitting.

IfWhite doesn't hit either of these blots, Black will build a powerhouse position very quickly.

That said, it's still worth notingthat Blackhad another reasonable, if una$venfurous, choice: the simple 817
23118, building the 7-point while moving out to the opposing bar. Magriel's play, homer, is characteristic of his uncompromising style.

7. Whlte 31: 215* 313 One strength of Magriel's last play is that Svabdny is forced to hit with this MU rather than make the 20point. I don't agree with the play of the ace, however. My preference is just to button up some of the blots with 14115. Mere's my logic: for the nem dturns, White and Black are going to I exchanging hits. It's x quite. u d i y that White will ever have a whole turn free to make use of the building potential of the blots

Diagram 40: White on FUN

9. White 55: W S * 12/22* 17/22 A great shot! Svobodny rolls the first double and consolidateshis advantage. Black may faoea c u b turn next roll.

The chance oFbemming a huge favorite in one turn.

White has both criteria here, and he should double.

11. White 32: 17/20* 19/21* Excellent play by Svobodny, He hits on the two inner points to make it more dificult for Black ta anchor. If Black h l s to roll a fow or a five, the game is over (Whitewl doubIe and Black must pass). Even if Bkdc il does rl a four or five he wo&thave budt an admaad ol anchor - he'll need at least one more roll for that.

Diagram 41: White on roll

White could thinkabout doubling now, but his game is worse than it was a turn ago b e a u x h' on the bar. es

White should double now. ALE of his rolls hit at least one c& h and most rolls hit two checkers or make the 20- or 21-point on Black's head. Some of these sequencesare utterly devastating for Black, and almost all of them leave White firmly in control. Black wuld get a good back game out of this position, but he might also end up with seven mcn trapped on the 24point. POUBLING IN THE OPENllNCP When you're thinking of offering a double in the opening, yodre generally looking for twa criteria:

A solid, dear advantage right now, coupled with ....

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8 9101112

Diagram 42: White on roll

~ytims you are contern3

Now White d&tely doesn't have a double, as he's i running out of ammunition to build h board.

~r, you neea a muca mrgg=!radvan ha~d your 1

a n if yo!A

: play. o

15. White 43: Bar14 17/20* In backgammon, you always have to be alert to the slight changesinapositionthat signalaswitchtoanew strategy. On moves I I and 13, I liked White's play of hirting and laving blots on the 20- and 21-points. Now, though, it's time for White to change w s .
WHEN TO CHANQE PUNS The super-aggressive plan he pursued before was justSedwhenWhite had plenty of outfield buildersd y to cover the blow if they weren't hit. With four of his own men sent back, however, White n d ;to realize that a long game is in order and a quickknockout is no longer possible. The right idea now is to consolidate

13. Wbite 64: k / 4 14/20* The same idea as w t White's last play, and equally ih correce. Again, if Black fails to roll a four or a fiw, White will double and Black d pass.
14. Black 65: Barl20*

with Bar13 17/21.

ayed w
very mo7

ders or :es nej a

of plan.

g fr a I o
Diagram 43: White on n l I

16. Black 11: Bar124 E d 2 3 615* Great shot byMagriel!With Black's back game firmly i place, White won't be thinkifigabout doubling for n some rime now. Hitting with the ace is correct since it cuts down on White's chances of m&ng the 20 or 2 1points.
17. W t e 63: Bar13 15/21 Essentially forcd. White at least ernfireworks with a three-point board.

DUPLICATTON By making the 7-point:and posting a builder on the 6, heduplicatesWhite's aces (Whitenowneedsaca tohit oh the 5-point and t make the 20-point), cutting o down on Whiris total of effective numbers. If he had chosen instead to 1115 1318, White would need aces to cover the 20, and different numbers (threes and fours) to hit on the 7-point.

from the
hen polcsible, try to duplicate y'our op1 construcltlvs nua
Another play was 24/18 23/18, but this would have k e n bad on several counts. Not only does it fail to build a front position (the 5-point through the 8point are Black's front pition) but:by giving up one of the two back-game anchors, it raises the specter that M i t e may resume h anack. i

Diagram 44: Black on roll

18. Bkdc65: 137 1116 Black has several choices with t l u s roll, but Magriel findsthe best play.

19. White 53: 12/20 Nice roll and well-playd White has a solid edge now, with Black's men trapped further back than White's

B l d is playing what's called a two-way game here. If White throws an awkward number, say 44 or 33 or 43, Black may be able to win by keeping White's men trapped. On rhe other hand, ifWhite pops out andhits t e blots, Black may be able to build a well-timed 1-2 h back game with good winning chances later. It's a fun, flexible strategy which leads to interesting games and
good winning chances.

Diagram 45: Black on roll

20, Black31: 13/10 615 Another excellent play by Magriel, He could hit thc blot on the 12-point, but with four Whitemtn already m p p d , making the 5-point is fir more irnpomnt.


e seven

men already rn your home r more i r b c to serengmen your prime nd still n th

- -

Diagram 46:White on roll

21. White doubles to 2. A pretty reasonabledoubIe accordingto the principles we discussed &r Blacks 1 t move. Wlute has an 0h edge, since his prime is farther advanced than Black's. In addition, he has lots of possibilitiesof increasing h i advantage this rum.




All h sixes and ones hit, and he mn a s hit with 54 i s lo for good measure. A hit here will pretty much end Black's chances of winning going forward, that is, by trapping White behind a b r prime.

Although hi&g will push Black into a back game, it's not cleat how strong that back game will be. Black might develop good timing, or he might not.All in all, a good double.
22. Backtakes. Sure. White hits with 22 numbers, but he misreswith 14, and Black is cmainly doing well in that case. He also has chances to develop a well-timed ace-deuce back gamc,while the gamc w uldtake orher directions as well. There's too much play left to give this one up.

Diagram 47: White on rolI

25. White 11: 314 19121 13/14

A good roll but an odd play, There's no advantage to leaving a checker back on the 3point. White should rm play nno men f o the 3-point to the &point, mdy to hop over Black's prime with fives and sixes,then move the other two aces from 13 to 15. This is what we call a nullo play - a play with no possible upside.

23. Wife 31: 12/13* 19/22 A pretty good result. Himngwith a sixwas better,since
it also released a back man, but White will setde for this number. ,

34. Black sa out. tp It's looking like Black may be forced into a back game.

26. Bhck 51: Bar124 1015 Black needs both anchors to play a badc game, s o jumping out with 23118 is a very bad play.

27. White 55: 419(3) 9/14 Ironic- themisplayoff e ace last turn may actually be impormc.

D-y aktention to the play . -

every nl

one mis

r@ could

y costly

1 2 3

7 7


Diagram 49: Black on roll 30. Black 42: 18112* T h i s puts a semndcheckerbehindafour-prime,which might actually hold up in this position. Breaking the prime to make the 3-point (713* 5/31 is much more problematic. It commits Black to a hrwardamcking strategy as the alternative to h back game, but if the i attacking game fails, the back game timing is likely to be much worse. This is a key concept.

Diagram 48: Black on roll

28. Black 51: 24/18 Very good Black escapes a checker, which helps his timing and oudidd control, while p m e ~ n g both back game points.

1you're 4 IF

29. White 53: 9/14 9/12 This play i s pretty much forced, and it has the merit of duplicating sixes.

nlng In a back game, don't




31. White 5 : Bar14/9 4

A dear play. White needs to escape whenever he can.

with 24118 23118.This play, however, opens up the possibility thar White will make the 23-point himself,
laving Blackwith just the 18-point and the 24point. This position iswell-known to be awry weakdefensive formation, little better &an j w t the 24-pointby itself.
MagrieSs actual play clearly looks best.

33. White 52: 14/19 9111 White has to leave a loose checker somewhere in the oudield, so he minimizes Black's hitting possibilities by leaving a blot seven pips away from the 18-point.

Diagram 5 0 Black on roll

32. Blaclr 65: 24/18 1217 A smooth play. Bhck also has ta get spare checkersinto the oudield whenever possible, so 24118 seems dear. Leaving the checker on the 18-point gives g o d autfield coverage, so if White d e n t hit with a four, he os' may have to leave an awkward shot.

Playing 24113 doesn't really leave White my bad rolls. If White doesn't hit the blots on the 12 and 13 points, he will either move from the 3 to the 9-point, or just
move the checker on the 9-point to safety.

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8 9101112

Diagram 51: Black on r l ol

34. Black32: 18113 A reasonable play, mming in the outfield while keep
ing his prime intact.

A somewhat different p h is to make the 18-point

BACK GAME SsRaTEaY Another, and completelydifferent, ideawas the dating 714 513*! This move can work in two ways. If White replies with a poor shot like 5 1 or 61, his back chedrcr could get stuck bdmd Black's prime. If White hits both blots, Black's back game timing could improve.

35. White 64: 3/13* White hops out (finally) and hits. A good shot.

36. Bkk62: Bd23/17

Clear-cut. Blackesqes for more timing. Notice how Black is able to preserve his position by being hit, reentering, and moving into the outfield.

Remember, if you're play. in!

;game, ; and you r

checKers aren4 corn 't

This tecl

Plletely tri~ P P = !~ V may you be! better off havlng more

checlrers nlr, smce YOU

" . reclrcularmg

is calla!d




and it's fundams a well-played back wunws.


old your
37. White 66: 11/17*13/19 14120(2) A completelyforced play. Strategically, how-, this is a bad roll for White.White's men are essentially home, and Black's timing is still I fine shape. Black will be n ableto wait for awinningshotwhile he builds his home board, and he shouldn'tbe in any danger of movinghi men to the low poinrs in his board prematurely*

On the other hand, it's not at all dear that Magriel needs to make such a wide-open play. White may have difficulty extricating his chedrer after normal moves, ping to play so I prefer Magriel's actual play. If back games, though, you need to be aware of the possibility of plays like 714 and 5/3*. Under the right circumstances, they may cerrainly be correct.

That's the i d 4 way to build up thc board.

41. White 52: 20loff 19121 Taking off a checker with the five is forced; with the two,White prepares to dear the 19-point next turn. 42. BIackbl: 23/16 Ti roll isnt useful for extending the prime, so Black hs springs another ch& into the outf~eld.
1 2 3 d 5

7 8

Diagram 52: Black on roll

38. Black 21: Bar123 514

Correct As we've seen in our previous rwo games, Black's proper strategy is to slot rhe next point of his prime (in this case the 4-point) then m e r the n m rum, while preparing to slot again. He'll do t i u t l hs n i he has made the strongest pmible home board.
39. White 4 3 17121 19/22 The safest way to bear off is to quickly strip down xo two ch&rs on the rearmost point, then dear that point on the next roll. By that rule, this is the safestway for White to play 43.
Diagram 53: White on roll

43. White 31: 19/22 19/20 Correct. White clears the =most point A very good roll. His next job is to dear the 20-point. 4. Black54: 16/12 813 With the five, Black covers his slotted point, giving

40, Black 22: 814 713 Black covers, then sloa the next point of the prime.

him awrysuong5-point prime. Itwill be vcrydifficult for W h i t e to mxpe B l d s blockade, should he get hit later. W h the four, Black brings up the next builder. l
45. White 22: 20122(4) ~orced, course, but also an excellent shot, clearing of the 20-point.White now has plenty of spam and o d y two points to dear.

aces can be played from the 21-point to the 22-point. The only other number, deuces, mt be played at a l ' l. Bymovingoffthe 23-point, Magriel gives-te a way to play a rwa - from 21 r 23, leaving a blot! o

er this nmotif it$9 a key Idea In clefendifi8 1

many posrtsons



opponenrs numuers actu-

aIly play.
47. White 65: 2110fl72)

48. Black22 12/10 1418 l 3 W s next p l is to extend his 5-point prime into a a full Bpoint prime.
D i q 54:Black on roll
46. Black 63: 23/14
CRWTING snom An excellent play by Magriel. LookatWhite's position. Notice that he can play almost all his nurnks safelyThrees, fours, fives, and sixes bear off ch&s, while

Uauallv. the easiest way B extentl a prima is to slr he back o the Iprime. f

That's especially true if a shot is coming soon. Black slots the back of the prime and prepares t cover with o
a deuce.

49. 'White 66: 21/off(3) 22/off Another gmt shot by White. Now he has only one point left to clear.

White rolls an ace or a deuce. In this variation, however, Black gets only one shot. IfWhite, for example, leaves a shot by rolling a deuce and Blackmisses i ,Black will enter high in the board t and lose any later shot vigorish.This is by fat the weakest play.

H e couldrun tiam the back point with24116. This gives a single shot next turn ifWhite rolls a deuce, and a double shot ifWhite rolls an ace. Homer, the two loose blots arc much more vulnerable now rhat Black has lost the security of a solid point. The rolls of 11 and 22 are real crushersforWhite,whilc21, whichWhitewould play 311*loff,is also good. This play is too risky.
Diagram 55: Black on roll
50. Black 53: 1012 Black has a bunch of plays here. The key decision he has to make is this:What's the right arrangementofhis thtee back c h d e r s that generates the most chance of hitting White?

Running off the front point with 23115 is a little better. Although Black can't get any double shots in rhi variation, he will get a single shot if mt rolls an ace, and this shor wiil repeat if ie White doesn't then r l a second ace. This isn't a ol bad play.

Here are his four plays:

He muld run with two men, 231 18 and 2412 1. T h i s minimizes the chances h a t Black will get backgamtnoned, w h i i guaranteeing a shot if

Best ofall is to leave all the checkerswhere they are and just pIay 1012. He gets a double shot if White rolls a ace, and p m e s the option of n splittingoffthe 24-pointlater. Also,he preserves hislater chancesofgetting a shot ifWhite rolls 21 or 22.

Excellent play by Magriel.

51. Vlrhite 51: 2210ff 22/23* Finally? Now Black has a chance to turn the game

cube?Let's take a look at how this position is likely t o


The most likely probabiliry is that Magriel will wmplete his 6-point prime and eventually doseout White's checker, but without hitting a second checker. In this case, with White$ a l d y having eight men 0%Black will be a slight favorite, probablyin the neighbarhood of 60%to win (if White had borne offnine checkers before being hit, then he would still be the favorite these are good facts to remember.)

around by hitting this shot.

52. Black 52: Barf23* 712 And he does! Withhis very best number, in k . t Black hits and simulmncouslycovers the deuce-point.

53. White stays out.

If White expo= a second checker, and Black hits it, and Black then doses out both chedrers, he will be a huge favorite - actually considerably more than 90% to win.
There are a few other odd variations. Black might n e w complete his prime, and White might enter and escape. That's obviously wry bad for Black Alternatively, Black might hit a second c h 6 , bur White might anchor both checkers on the 1-point. Black's abaut 75% to win if that happens.
Diagram 56:Black on roII
DOUBMNQ AFFER A BACK M E So -should Blackdoubleor not?Theansweris hatit's still a little premature to turn the cube.AlthoughBlack is a favorite in almost all variations, there's nothing happening in the position that will make Black a huge

54. Black doubles ta 4. An interesting double by Magriel. He's cerrainly bewme a favorite in the game, but is it time to turn h e

&rite. Remember our discussion of doubling in the previous two games. In order to o&r a gooddouble, it's not enough to just be a favorite in the position - you also have to have a threat which, if carried out on the next rum, will make you such a big favorite thatWhite would have to pass your double. Nothing like that is happeningyet in this position. White has an easy take, and hPil have an easy mke next nun in almost w r y

As long as White is on the bat, Blacks strategy is srraightfod+r as we say in backgammon, *A rnarrer of technique." His f i r s goal is to complete a 6point prime so that White's checker will not be able to escape. Ta do this, Black will leave the c h e k slottd on the 7-point, and prepare to cover it.

!re%a gooa rule for dou-

lng in un men In aoumr, aon-t


Right now he has ones to cover from the 8-point. By moving to the 15-point, he also gives himself eights to cover. Nmt turn, he'll move the checker on the I5point to within direct range ofthe 7-point (someplaae where a single number on a die could cover), and then start his other checkers moving.
The faint of heart might now inquire, *Isn't Black risking a loss if White rolls a 16 from the bar?" The answer is, not rally. First of all, 16 is a great shot whether Black has a checker on the 7 or not. Second, men if White rolls the 16, Black will have plenty of chancesto hit the chackeras it tries to come around the board. And finally, the long-run danger that would result from nwer making a 6-point prime outweighs the short-run risk of a 16.

~ U W W .

rect. hold uarv

lt's a very

le asset

55. White rakes. Avery clear take on White's part, althoughhe's now an underdog in the game. His chances won't dip below 25% until Black hits asemnd checker, and that>a ways off.
56. Black 53: 23/15

Plays h a t masters make routinely, likt leaving the bar slotted in this position, look bold to the uninitiated. Once you understand the reasons behind the pIay, however, it's not bdd at all, simply logical.

57. White stays out.

61. White stays out. By the way, Wh~te quite happy t~ smy on the bar h is r as long as possible! Why?He has noihing to gain by
enteringnow, sincehe can't escape. But ifhedoes enter, he might then &ow an ace or a deuce, exposing a new

checker to a hit.
As we saw bebre, Black canonly become a big favorite in this position by hitting, then dosing out, a second checker. If White sits on the bar long enough, Black d eventuallybe forced ;to d s his ace-point, and that l oe variation will then never occur.
62. Black 43: 23/16 Black comes closer.

Diagram 57: Black on roll

58. Black31: 817 15/12 Mission accornplkhd. Black has a full prime, so White cannot escape once he enters. B M s next job is to bring a spare c h e h into position to slot the acepoint.
59. White stays out.
60. Black 51: 1217 24123 From the 7-point, B k k can move the spare ro the acepoint with any 6. Now he starts the next back checker moving.

63. White stays out.

64. B W 44: 161-4 713 Black should be able to slot and eventually dose his ace-point without difficulty, bur:numbers l i e 44 and 55 can spell trouble. Bkdis checkers could be forced into a position they don't rally want to be in. No real
danger yet,


65' White stays out.

66. Black61: 24117 Black wantad to roll a thtee or a two, to slot the ace-

point, but he still has plenty of time.

67. mt sa out, it t y

70. Black 54: 16J7 This is almostBlacksworstroll. He can't cover the onepoint, and he a n t wen get a new number to wver-If he can't roll a six or a two next turn, he may have to brwk his prime without ever dosing h bard. i
71. White stays out. Nine dances in a row!

72. BIadr43: 714 713

An amazing sequence. Black has been forced to break h arefully constructed &point prime. Now White i really does want to roll a ace! n

73. White stays out. Oops. Ten dances in a row.

Diagram 58: Black on roll
68. Black31: 411 17/16 Finally Black gea to slot.

69. White stays out. White has stayed out for eight consecutive turns! That's very unlikely. The odds of that o c m i n g are about 17-1 against, as a matter of fact. However, it's been a very lucky break far White. He's never had to a p s e a second checker, and B1ack"smen are almost all the way home.

Diagram 59: Black on roll

7 . Bkck32: 7/5 4/1 4 Black finally w e t s the ace-point, but makes a slight techniml error in doing s .B m r w;is 714 31 1, leaving o Blackwith aneven number ofcheckerson thetwo high points.After B l d s actual play, the rolls o f 66 and 55, which should be h best shots, actually leave a blot on i s the 5point.

) r

In most s
br br

e e

D i q 60: White on roll

79. White 63: Bar19 After a long time on the bar,White finally enters. To kOK, White will have t cross two quadrants to get o h checker into the home board, then bear off seven s checkers.That's a total of nine crossovers. (A crossover is just a move of a dLecker &om one quadrant to anorher, or off the board. Counting crossovers is a quick way of getung an estimate of who's ahead in the race). Black, meanwhile, is on r l needing 13 crossol overs.
It looks like White is ahead, but remember that Black is pretty much guaranoed to bear off two checkers each turn, while if White rolls small numbers, he may

yourself with an even numon your


75. m mt mwc. t e '


32: 5/off

77. White mt move. '

78. Black 62: 6/off 614

fail to get a crossover.

80. Black 53: 5/off SloR A good roll, taking men off the highest points. 81. White 33: 9/21. Exmilent!White should 'be able to redouble next turn.

If both sldes are, bearln! II

01T, and you haIve botlh

fewer checkers and fewer .* are alml PI


a 1


82. Black 63: Slaff 3/off

84, Black takts. No.This is a dear pass. In general, ifyou d in the pip count,you need fewer checkers thanyour opponent in order to take. This is even more true when most checkers are off the board, as here. Black will actually win this position less than 20% of the time, not the 25% he needs to take a double.

Even though Black mlls a large double in the beatoff andWhitedoesnt,Bhckstillloscsthegame, asuresign
of an incorrect take.

Diagram 61: White on roll

85. White 22: Zlioff 22/24(2)
Avery dear redouble. White has seven men left, Black has nine. White also leads in the pip count,22 to 24.

8 . White 41: 2 1 f 241off 7 20f

89. White 65: 221ofq2)

White wins 8 points. SUMMARY: The game begins with an all-out svuggle for controlof key points, characteristic of modem backgammon at its best. Svobodny jumps out t an arly lead, but o mi= a chance to give a good double on move 11. Over the nem few moves Magriel's position improves as he builds a block of his own.
Finally Svobodny gets to o h another good double as Magriel i s forced to expose a couple of blots. A quick hit leads to Magriel's playing a classic, well-timed 1-2 back p . Magriel shows p o d defensive tdmique in opening the 2-point at just the right time. His good technique pays offas Svobdny leaves a shot and gets hit. Magriel quickly redoubles and completes a full prime, but Svobodny stays on the b r and thwarts Magriel's plan a to catch a second checker.
Svobodny eventually enters from the bar as soon as Magriel opens h board. H gets around quickly i s e enough to win by one rl. ol

has to take certain risks. Hi blots on the 16 and 15points are exposed to hits if Black throws any eight or mine. Al told, Blackwill be able to hit a blot about one l time in t h e .
Joe Sylvcstes burst onto the backgammon scene by winning the World Amateur Championship in 1983. He has since won many Amaim tournaments including the Reno tournament from which this game is taken. He has an especially h e record in the World Cup, winning World Cup I in 1988 and finishing second in World Cup IV in 1994.

This gamewas played in the finals of the Reno Master's tournamenr of 1992. Sylvester was leading 5-1 in the 25-point match, which he e v e n d l y won, 25-22.
1. Wkite 43: 12116 12115 In top-flight backgammon today, there are several popular ways of playing an opening 43, each with its own adherents. The idea of Snelling's play is to bring down builders to make the kqr 20-point, 21-point, and 18-point.To achieve this buildingpotential, White

Two other phys uy to achieve a balance between budding and splitting with a bit lcss risk. The play which has b a n most popular for the part 15 years or so is 115 12/15. The checker on the 15-point gives White some new point-making numbers, like 62,5 1, and 63, while the split to the 5-point preparts to make the most valuable anchor. The c h d e r on the 15-point is exposed only to nines, so W h i t e is less likely to fall behind in the race after this play.
S P L l P r e l W G IN THE OPENINQ A new play, which has been gaining popularity in the last few years, is 114 12116. For building purposes, the checker on the 16-point is actually a little more valuable than a checker on the 15-point, as it generates more new point-making combinations.

The idea of splitting to the Cpoint rather than the 5point is part of a new theory of splitting: Dm't split to thepoint cbatyuropponmtMOSTwanf~ d e , ifyou t o &ma ckodcc. The point that Black most wants to make in this position is his 5-point. If you split there, and he points on you, he's accomplished twa objactives at on= puttingyou on the bar and making the best point

in hii b o d .

If White splits to the 4 p i n t insttad, Black can accomplish one o b j d w at most. He can point on Wire, or he can make h best point, but he mn't do i both at once.

Glven a choice between h Br blot on slae rn tne moam ana makI1


olnt, y IU e hlt.

Hittingamomplishtsr w o g d things:yougainground in the race, and you escape one ofyour back checkers. Making a point accomplishes only one g o d thing. Two good t i g art bmcr than one g o d thing hn

3. White 51: Bad5 15/16* Entering and hitting is clear. Tlu game i s about even.

Diagram 62: Bkck on roll

2. Black 53: 24116* Black could &o make his 3-point with this roll, but he chooses to hit instead. That's right.

Diagram 63:Black on roll

4. Black 54: BarllG* Black hits, although there's another good play: Bar120 24/20 (making the 20point in thiswayi s known as *A Barabino," in honor of Rick Barabino,who has rolled this number in many game-savhgsituations).Hitting here is right, however, for the same reason as in the comment to m m 2.

5. White stays out. White rolls 66 and stays on the bar. A badbreak, as that was the only number that wouldn't let him enter. One reason that hitting is so pawerful in the early game is that these disaster shots arc always lurking around when you're on the bar.

i 2 3 - 4 5 6

f a ~ i o i i 1 2

Diagram 64:Black en roll

8. BIack doubles to 2. A m n g double. Black is ahead in ail key phases of rhe game. He has a big lead in the race (1 56 pips to I89), he has escaped a chadEer while W u t e has four men back, and he has plenty of builders in position to work
on h prime. Making the 5-point is virtually a sure i thing, and the bat or the 4-point should follow soon.

6. 8 i c 2 : 615* 13111 1lk1

Simple and very strong. Sylvester unsmch hi two big points, puts a second White &checker on the bar, and prepares to build the 5-point. It's hard to do more with a single roll. 7. White 62: k t 2

A fine double by Sylvester.

9. White takes. Just bemuse Black has a

double doesn't mean White should drop. Next turn White wilI likely face just a two pointboard.ThatmeansW h i t e shouldhavenotrouble entering and starting h own development. White i could crate a high anchorgame, a massiveback game,

or a counter-prime of his own. He's certainly an underdog, but there's plenty of play left. Good take by Sncllings.
10. Black55: 16/11 1313 813 A constructive shot, although it's one of the few numbus that doesn't make the 5-point. Black maGes the 3-point and the 11-point, preparing for more

12. Black43: 815 6/2* S y h t e r c o r d y goes for the throat. H goal now is b topmmt W i t e f i m csiublkbing a smndanchor its d t h m Goad That second anchor would give White a full-fldged back game, with winning chances in the 35%to 50%range, depending on howwell-rimed the back game turned out to be.

progress next turn.

11. W h i t e mays out. Dancing now is much more serious &an dancing two nzms ago. That dance just gave Black a healthy initiative; thls turn on the bar may give Black the time to pin

If Black can capture the bpoint and force W h i t e to play just a pure ace-point game, White's winning chanccs will be in the 20% to 30%range. That's a big improvement for Black, and it certainly justifies attadcing on the tpoint until Black nrns out of ammunition.

White into an ace-point game.

13. W t e 32: Barl2* Whke's m m will bt forced for some time. Here he can only enter one checker from the bar.
14. Black42 k t 2 3 6/2*

Aswe indicatedbefore, Bladrwill attadconthe 2-point until someone makes that point, after which the batde will shift to other fronts. It's often the w e that a point becomes so valuable that both pIayers throw aZI their energies into an all-out struggleto make the key point. Games which hinge on sruggles for key points ate usually the most complex and demanding.
Diagram 65: Black on roll
15. White 64: Bad4

know how c use their checkers efficiently, and this o play is a good example.

17. White stays out.

D i q 66: Black on roll

16. Black64 8f2 I117

First mission accomplished: BIack has made the 2point. Now a new struggle develops over the &point. IfWhite can malu the 4-point, he'll have what's mild a 1-4 back garne. That's nor one of the strongu back ~~, but it will still be far more dangerous than a simple ace-point game.
USlNQ CHECKERS EFFICIENTLY The checker Black placed on the 7-point is a builder for the 4-point, but it's also a slot for the 7 itself. If White makes the 4-point, the 7-point will be the next battleground. Playing 1 117 has accomplished two objectives with one play, as opposed t a play like 1319, which o

Diagram 67:BIack on roll

IS. Black32: 714* 1119 Hits on the Cpoint and brings a checker w t i direct ihn range to cover. There was another reasonable way to accomplish the same objective: 714* 614, after which the chechr on the I 1-point wodd be a r for the blot on the 6-point.The plays ate about equally good.
19. White atays out.

only provides a builder for the 4point. Top players

BIack 65: 914 1317 Black has won the fight for the $-point, and he now slots the last point he needs to make: the 7-point. Once he makes that, Whiteas chchcckers will h locked i n behind six points in a row, and Black can then start moving his badc men around

24. Black31: 7017 21/20 Black completes his 6-prime with the three and continues moving in back.
25. white stays out.

2 . White smy-s out. 1

26. BlacL61: 20113 This escapes one back chedcer.

22. BEafk32: 23121 13/10 Playing 13/10 provides two cover numbers fot the 7point (sixes and threes). Since Bkck can't do better than that, he gets the back checkers moving with the
23. White stays out.

Diagram 69: White on roll

27. W t e I I: Barll(2) 19/20(2)

A p t shot,and suddenly it's a much more interesting middlegame.Although Black is miZL favored to get his back chedter to safety eventually, White is back in the game and can start building a prime of his own.
Diagram 68: Black on roll

28. Black41: 1319 24123 Here's an example of how things can get awkwatd quickly. Black of course will keep his 6-prime as long as possible. Note that since the prime keeps four of White's checkerspenned in, White has only 1 1 checkers left t play with. That's not enough to complete a o prime of his own, even w t optimal placement. ih
Since Black won't move the 12 checkers that make his prime, he has to play the four from the midpoint, leaving a blot there. It will be costly for him ifthis blot gets hit; he'll then have to escape two checken from behind White's position, while having only the spate on the !+point to mwt in case ofan awkwatd number.

29. White 32: 12/15 19121 An excellent play by Snellings. He has several safe plays availableto him. He could try the simple 12/17, or 121 15 17119,or12114 17120.Moftheseplaymarginally increase his building opporruniua at the cost of, at most, a couple of indirect shots. Why did he instead choose to leave a direct shot on the 21-point at a time when Bladis board is so strong?


A PRIME QUICKLY Part of the answer is contained in my comment to a previous play. White just doesn't have very many chedrers left to build a prime of h own. With four i checkers already trapped, he has o d y 11checkers left. That's just enough to build five points with a spare left wer. In ordm to build a prime, White's going to have to tlse h checkers very efficiently. The most efficient i way to use your checkers is to put them righz on the points you want to make.

White's second problem is time. Black has only one checker to escape. Pretry soon he's going t thmw a o numberwhich will get him out ofWhite's home board. For aprime to be useful, W h i t e d l havem build it very quickly. Time constraints provide another argument for dotting and covering White just doesn't have the luxury of waiting around to throw p e r k numbers.

Diagram 70: White on roll

The last factor to be considered is the downside of

slotting. What happens ifWhite slots but gets hit?Thc downside, of course, is that White's more likely to get gamrnoned in that case. But notiaethat with four men already back,White is likely to get gamrnoned anyway if he loses this game. The best way for White to avoid ~ being gammoned is to w i the game, and the b a t play for that is Snclling's play, 19121 and 12115.
30. Black 51: 1318 23/22 Playing to the I-point gets one checker out of danger, while moving up to h e 22-point g k two numben m escape (sixes and fours) rather than just one (frves).

in fact probably the most dificult play to find in dl the

games in this book! Last turn White, at some risk, slotted the 2 1-point. Now he rolls a number that not only w v e r s the 21-point but d m so while leaving a good distribution of builders. Playing 17121 stems so

obvious that 9 out of 10 top players would make the move in a flash. Ya Snellings h s e s to cover the blot, and instead l m m it exposed while making a different blocking point. Whafs going on?
WKINa THE R I Q W WlNTs The slight problem with making the 21-point is that it's rally no longer an effective blocking point. A& 17121, Black can leap into the ou&dd with aM fours and sixes, after which White will have to hit or else revert to a straight ace-point game.

1 2 3 4 5 b

7 8


Diagram 7 1 :White on roll

31. White31: 15/18 17118 This unassuming little move is an incredibly p

Makhgthe 18-point, on the other hand, forms amuch better blockade. Now Black has only sixes to leap, while his other big numbers (fives, fours, and threes) a e stopped. If Black has r play those numbers on his t o side of the board, he'll have to give up the 7-point pretry soon. In fact, Black redly has only one spare turn.Amll of54,fbr instance, E o ~ eBlack to mave the s checkers on his 8 and 9-points inm his board. Nem turn, fivcs and fours will make him brak his 7-point. What Snellingsre&& is ta it's so hugely imporrant ht for him to break Black's 7-point that it's worth taking

t play,

the e m a chan~e bemg hit. Once the 7-point goes, of White can move back into the outfield with some of those checkers on rhe 1-point, and the timing of the game will once again hvor him.

A very difficdt play to find, and a marvelous e~amplc of Snding's talent for the p e .
32. Black 53: 916 813 The plan starts to pay off as Black is now stripped of builders.

33. White 42: 12118 White keeps h blockade in place and prepares to i make the 2 1 -point.

Diagram 72: White on roll

'Bladt55: 7/2(2) There goes the 7-point! Now any six leavcs White in arcellent shape.

35. White 33: 12121 18121 Not a six,butWhite is able to male five pointsin a m . Notice howefkiently he has used his checkers since he entered f o the bat. rm
36. Black 51: 615 No 5. Since B l a c k d t play f m , t i Isn't such abad roll. He hs preservahis positionfor anotherrollwhilewaithgh
a six.

37. Whiw 63: 1/10 A great shot, keeping his prime while covering the oufield.

38. Black 62: 22114 Running for home.

Ti is a typical sintation hs

roll he stays on the bar keeps his prime horn brmking. in prime against prime

39. White 31: 10/14* Halt! Black goes back behind the prime.
40. B M stays out.

h e winnler is us,ually th

layer wlho can keep hl

&LA I*---.-&

1 1 and c 1s I be esp



43. White 53: 17/22 17/20 White's timing is getting c r i t i d . Now he needs a six
very soon.

Black scnys out.

41. White 44: 18/22(2) 14122 White's last two rolls were very good, but this shot gobbles up most ofhis remainingtiming.Therewas no way to preserve fiveconsecutive points, so White stto fill i his bard. n 42. Black rstays out. Dancing is actudy not so bad for Black, since every

45. White 43: 20124 21124 Just small enough to keep his board i n t a d

46. Black stays out.

IN sl
k, b,

s t prime

lrways t0

dcular numbers. hold yo1 vPU'II , 4 lr be posrlblaB P rime as ' .

48. Black stays out.

Diagram 74:White on roll

49. White 52: 20122


idea pays o f as he has t mow only two pips. f o

47. White 11: 22/23(2) 19/20(2) At four turns without a six, White's position finally fu
KILLING NUMBERS Fortunately for him, this rolls cracks in the least destructiveway.Whitekeepsafivepoint board, and by breaking the &point, White kills fives. On subsequent turns, White wi8 hop with sixes, but he won't have to play fives since he has no checkers left on his 6-point. Thii has the effect of preserving his prime longer.


'Blackstays out.

Diagram 75:White cln roll

51. White65 1/12 W e n t . The checker on the 1LpointwillbuyWhite a few rnoce turns, helping him keep w h a t ' s left of h i

52. Black stap out.

53. White61: 118 Another greatshod One more sixandWhitewill be the favorite.
54. Black stays out.
55. White 51: 8/13 12/13 Making Ehis point has h e advantage of blocking a 66 by Bl& w i h would.otherwise be a winning numhc ber.
1 2 3 4
5 b

7 8 9101112

Diagram 76: White on roll

56. Bladc65: Bad14 After eight turns on the bat, Black finally enters. If White doesn't get an ace or a six, Black will be in control again.

5 . White 51: 13/14* 13/18 7 White has a choice with this phy After hitting, he could keep the chedGer ping and slot the 1Ppoinr with 13114*119. In some situations, this more bold play i correct, particularly if White could turn the s
cube after Black dances.

This isn't one of those situations, SinceWhite stillhas to escapeone more c& h from behind Baks prime, lc'
doubling if Black stays out is nor an option here. SneIling's more conservative play is dearly correct, wen though White probablywon't ever m k the 19ae point.
58. Black stays out.

59. White 51: 14/19 lSlP9 But the dice always have surprisw in store!White r h o his k t number, closing the b o d . Now he's a dear

sible throws fall into three main categories: Group A -White's best numbers. With 11 of his 36 rolls, White rolls a 6 and hops Black's prime. These nurnbers are terrific for White. H e becomes more than a 95%favorite in the game, In this group, White's very happy if he has already doubled.

Group B -White'sworst numbers. W~th of 14 his 36 numbers, White bre& a point in h i board, giving Black a chance to enter. These numbers are all fives except 65,the 43 roll, and m d u m doubles: 44, 33, and 22. After any of these rolls, the game becomes a race to see who can roll a 6 first. With Black now the first to shoot, he becomes the favorite in the game.
Diagram 77: White on roll
Group C - I n - h e e n numbers. W~th 1 1 the remaining numbers,small numbers l i i 41,3 1, and 21, White's position deteriorates but his board m a i n s dosed. After a roll like 32, for instance, White's board will break on the following turn on a y roll that does not contain a 6 . n
So, can Black take?The answer is yes. In fact, the take is quite easy. Black becomes a favorite in the game as smn as White's board breaks;, and ifs more likely that will happen next rum than that White will escape.

61. White doubles to 4. For the first time in the game, White is a favorite, and
Snellings immediately doubles! Es the double correct?

6n Black accept?Lts mke a closer look e'

T understand this situation, we have to take a dose o bok at how White's different numbers play next turn. Grouping similar numbers together, White's 36 pos-

C nWhite double!Actually Whiteshouldwait a turn. a T h e inducement to double is that White can become a huge favorite ifhe ralis a 6, If not, he bacomes aslight underdog. On balance, White does a lide bmer waiting. The doubling cube can be very useful t~
White i variations like the fonowing: n White breaks hii 1Bpoint. Black stays out. White rolls a 6, leaping into the outfield Black rolls a 6,corning in on the 19-pointand waiting for Wute to come around.

63. W t e 6 1 : 118 A fine roll. Now the game is just about m r .

6 .Black mtmove. 4 '

In thest variauons, White will be very happy that he can offer a powerful double later at an o p d time.
1 2 3 4

7 8 9101112

This particular sort of position arises fairly frequently. A good rule of thumb is h i s :

Diagram 78: White on roll

more e If! you havt:

.. numuers than


then dou numbers, I

erwise wadt.

65. White 41: 8/13 Notice that White leaves h spates on the 20 and 22i points where they are. For the safest possible bear&, you want your spares on the high points i yout board n rarher than the low points. This will give you dmum flexibility for playing your later r l s ol.

66. Black can't mow.

42. Black takes.

67. White 54: 13/22 A forced piaY White hasn't achieved a particularly

good bearoff because he has an d d number (five) checkers on b two highest points. This will forceh i i to expose a blot if h next roll is 55 or 66. However, i given his rolls, there was no way ta avoid this situation.

72. Black can't m a

Diagram 80: White on mu

7 . White 2 : 19120 19/21 3 1 This play is an error.

Diagram 79: White on roll
69. White 11: =off 20121 Small doubles are very useful in the bearoff since they allow you to ratrange your spares as you please. Now White has an even number of men on h high points. i

Although it's slightly safer than the simple 221off (becauseit allows Black to enter immediately and get out of White's hair), safety is not the only consideration. It's wrong because of two other factors: It's not the best play for the gammon. Vlrhlte has some small chancesofwinningapmmon in this position, and playing 221off maxirnim those chances by keeping a dosed board.

70. Black can't move.

7 .White 31: 21/& 1

It's not the best play for the race. Opening the 19-pointgives Black the chance of rolling66 and getung badr in the race. 221off bears offanother checker and makes the race even more secure.

Incidentally, the safest play of dl is the simple 20122 21/22,which, however, is lastlikely towinagammon.

The net result is that 221off is slightly better, although

rhe plays are close.

74. Black stays out.

24 23 22 21 2 19 0

In most bearoffs where the possibiliry o contact stdl f r m i s safety is only one goal. It has to be weighed ean, against the d u e of more dangerous plays which haw a better chance ofwinninga gammon.These decisions ate often quite dXcult, because the chances o f either losing or winning a gammon are pretty s a l ml.

3 18 17 16 15 14 1

76. Black 66: Bar/l A great shot, but Black will need a fewmore to get back
i the game. n
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2

wnen In aoum, Dear ow

Diagram 8 1 :White on rou

35. White 21: 20121 22/24 Again, White makes a slight error. This play is safer than the alternative221ofE However, 221offis slightly better bemuse it leaves a position which is nonetheless quite safe and which is much more likely to win a gammon.

7 . Black 55: 51ofY3) 611 8

Another p t shod White has 11 checkers left against Black's 12,so he's s u l l a big favorite. Bur Black is now within striking distance.

79. White 32: Uloff 23loff

80. Black 31: 3loff I/off

81, White 61: 201off Woff

82. Black 62: 61off 21off
7 16 15 14 13

proved distribution may n m r matter. White's actual play is considerable better than 21 loE21122, which some players might have chosen.

84. Black65 41offI2)

85. White 52: 2lloff 2310E A single double now could win the m e for Black

86. Black 52: Slog 210ff

Diagram 82: White on roll

83. White 41: 2Iloff 241off

InI genera11, you s

IDiagram 83: White on

ways bear checkers off

with direct numbersrather than try to improve your di Lureroll!9.

87. %e t

51: 2Ilofl 22123

I the bearoff, try t keep checkers spread out on n o

The extra checkers off ate permanent, while the im-

different points. White's play lets him bear off both checken next tum with 23 (out of 36)numbers. The blunder 2lIoff 21122, purting both men on the 22-

point, only lets White get offwith 17 throws.

89. White 42: 2lloff 23loff Perfect! This roll might have lost the game had White misplayed roll 87.
W h i t e wins 4 points.

Sylvester gets o f to an early edge, doubles at just the f right time, and then displays perfect technique in pinning Snelling into an ace-paint game. Study Sybter's plays in this phase of the game carefully, since this situation sises frequently in backgammon.

Snellings finally works up some counterplay with a timely throw of double-aces.Realking drat he needs m b d d a prime quickly to get more than a simple acepoint game, he m a t t s counterchanceswith excellent plays at moves 23 and 3 1. SnehngS prime holds and he is eventually able to free his back men.
Lookat the last fewrnwes of t egame for some lessons h in balancing s p e d and safetywhen bearing offagainst contact. These plays are difficult and will repay dividends later with careful study.

Michael Harris was one of the top English players during the 1980s.

2. Black 42: 24/20 13/11* Hitting is dear, of course. With the four, I like to split to the 20-pointwhile my opponent i s on the bar, since he can't then make a point on my head unless he rolls doubles. Meanwhile, I've s t d avaluable anchor and controlled the outfield as well. I'm off to a good start in this game.

This game was played during round 16 at the 1987 World ChampionshipinMonte Carlo. The matchwas to 21 points, and Robertie held a 9-8 lead.
I. White 64: 1/11 One of the two popular ways of opening the game with a 64, This move mostly escapesone checker and brings some strength to White's outfield, making it difficult for Black to escape a checker.

The other play, which J prefer, is to split to the barpoint with 117, then bring a builder into play with 12/ 1 .M idea in the opening is to fight tbr key anchor6 y
inglblocking points, while postponing running until later.

Diagram 84: White en roll

3. %te 61: Bar17 Apoorshot, but thercino otherway toplay it. White can't play 1211 8 since rhe chBckerwould be exposed to a double shot. By moving out to the 7-point, he p m n t s me f o hitting and makingan inner point at rm
the same time.

eneral, a loose six in

opening shou[Id be ed to the!opposllng bar-

polnt rather than 6P your o m bar-point. The down.

aU I F -Id-

5. White 53: Bad5 17120* White enters and hits, fighting f r control of both 5o points. In modernbackgammon,the 5-point is the key t successful opening strategy You must battle for the o 5-points rather &an surrendering one or another to your oppncnt. This is true even if you risk falling
behind in the race as a result.

Is less, while the up-

. .-



A passive play like Bar122 1.318 leaves White worse off on both sides of the board while still facing annhilation if Black can get an attack going. In the long run, actively fighting for the 5-points is the last risky way to play the opening.

l hit with the six, while the two makes a new point.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9101112

Diagram 86: Black on roll

Diagram 85: White on roll
6. Bladc42: Bad23 24120* Here Black has to choose which 5-point to fight f r o.

Which 5 Poiat? Besides the play I made, fighting for White's 5-point, I wuld have played Bar121 715*, fighting for my 5point. In rhis cast, the play I madc is better since it guaranrats a gain in the race while contesting apoint.

Rememkr this basic rule:

A lplay that does t 1 . -*a - things 1 aerrerrnan a play s ; Just 01 thl i tY

. ..


1 2 3 4 5 6


Diagram 8T: White on roll

9. White 21: 29121r 20121

White has many choices with rhi move. Hi play is obvious, making the 2 1-point while leaving no shots. h i d e s this move, Whia could try:
12/13*19/2l*,hitungmmen.Thisplaywi~ look great if Black docsnt roll a fbur or a five coming back. Otherwise, it won't accomplish much.It's probablytheweakestreasonablechoice.
19/20 19/21*, rnaking the20-point.This play has the great virtue of m&ng the most valuable point on the board, at the cost ofleaving a return shot.The realmeritofthe play is that this is likely t be a wry long game o

7. White 51: Bar15 19120* White makes one 5-pointwhile fighting h the other r and unsracking his pile on thc 19-point. A nice roU.
8. Black 64:Barf21 1317 Not the bat, as I really wanted to hit back on the 20point. Now W h i t e may be able to grab both 5-pints, a p t result for him. As a consolation prize, I gzt my bar point. I didn't like giving up the midpoint, but the 7point is key to building a blockade against White's back men.

long game the v a l m nf
ng point

10. Black stays out.

A strong point, by definition, nullifies certain possibiieies for your opponent each roll. The longer the game, the more effective the strong points are.

I I. White 52: 12/17 12/14 White brings more builders to bear on the 20-point and the 18-point. He also complem the job of unsmcking the midpoint and bringing his checkers into play.
Right now, the game is a b u t even. White has the better mrucnue, but Blackleads in the race and has the makings of a blockade.

TO HIT OR N T TO HIT O Another possibilityis 19120 12/14, hittingno checkers, but diversifying off the midpoint.This is aaudly my first choice. The hit here doesn't a c w m p l i much since Black has no threats which need to be prevented. The non-hirting play actually gives White the best board control.

The non-hit is a hard play to find, since there are so

many hitting plays available.

~ ' v e al ready

good pa~sit'lon,

Diagram 88: Bhck en rou

12. Black55 k l l 5 23/13 A nice shot, and my position improves dramatically. I remake the midpoint and escape the last checker. A lot now hinges on whether Whtc mn now hit with a one

:ructural play may me

,e imputrtant t
ie hit.

or a three. If White hits, we will still have a complex game. IfWhite misses, the gamewill become a holding position with White anchored on the 5-point and waiting to get a shot later i the game. n

a brealahroughat the time and have since beenadopted by all the top players, They remain as valid today as when the book was published.
Let's look briefly at Magtiel's criteria and apply them to

the situation at hand:

(I) Compare the strength of the innet boards. If your inner board is stronger, make a b l d play If his inner board is stronger, make a & play. Here White has the stronger inner board. This argues for a bold play.
(2)See who is ahead in the race. Ifyou are behind in the race, make a bold play. Otherwise, make a safe play.

Diagram 89:White en roll

13. White 6 3 12115* 14/20 White hits with the three and then has a choice on how to play the six. H can't move h back men, and e i s breaking the midpointwith 12118 doesn'tlook appding. The choice is between the s f 15121 and the boid ae 14/20.

Herethe pip count is White 155, Black 141 after White's play White trails in rhc race, so a bold play is called for.

(3) Who has more men back?If you have more

men back, you are inclined ro play boldly. Ifyour opponent has more men back, you ate inclind to play safe.

BOLD PLAY VERSUS SAFE P U V Some 20 years ago, Paul Magriel, i his great work n Backgammon, developed the criteria for deciding ktween a safe play and a bold play, Those criteria were

Here Whire has three men back, while Black has

only one man back (on the bar). This a r g w for

a bold play from White.

All three criteria argue for White to play boldly. The

overall sttategic idea is that White, behind in the race with more men back, i s very likely m have to play some sort of holding game or back gamc in order to win unlesshe can quickly build a counteringprime against BlacKs single checker.

m t s

Sice he must build this prime quickly, however, he to slot the key points rather than wait to roil them naturally, which is likely t take several more o

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2

moves. Hence the slot is best. Very nice play by Harris.

14. Bladc41: BarfZQ* Ohwell. Unlike in chess, in backgammon you only get rewardd for your good plays a percentageof the time. White made a good play, but it didn't work. That's

Diagram 90: Black on roll

The answer is no. Black has an advantage, since he's

way ahead in the race. But the game could still g t very e wmpiicated, and Bladrhasno home-board pointsyet. A double would be very premature.

15. White stays out.

16. Black 31: 817 613

White danced. Should Black double?

Ti roll shows just haw quickly a good-looking hi position can deteriorate if you have no inner board

I cant move the back checker, so I have to leave a blot somewhere.The right idea is to preserve all the points I own and throw away one of the useless checkers stacked on the 6point. If that gets hit, it may reenter the game and go to a more consuucrivc position.

17. White 42: Bar14 1/3* Clear-cut. White catches up a little in the race.

givingup the midpoint,but at least my 1 1-point serves some of the functions of a midpoint.
19. White 41: 12/13*/17 White hits and makes a little more progress. He doesn't really like putting the checker on the 17+pint,but 121 I3* 12116 looks a little too lmse with nebulous btne6t.s.

Diagram 91: Black on roll

18. Black65 Bart20 1317 The five is forced, then E need to find a g o d six. Since there are no "good" sixes, I need to find the least damaging six. Playing 20114 is out of the question: I need the anchor here, and White would have ones, thms, fives, and twos to hit me i f 1 ran.
Playing 711 puts a checker out of play, which I rally don't want to do in this complex position. It seemslike I'm going to need all 15 oEmy checkers in play to win
the game.

Diagmm 92: Black en rE oE

20. BIackSl: Bar124 20/15* An interesting roll. If I play Barl20, my only ace is 71 6. That's certainly not constructire. On the other hand, since I'm still ahead in the race, Ikn looking for a chance t make a break for home, and thii could be o m y best shot.

That leaves 1317 as the least evil choice. I don't like

Breaking the anchor now is much less dangerous than it was last turn.k u s e of the duplication,White only has ones and threes to hit me.

22. Black61: 20114 15114 Black makes the 14-pointand mkes aim at h 9-point i and 10-point. White wants m recirmlate; Blackwants to shut the door on recirculation.If Black can make the 9 or 10-points, recirculation gets more difficult and White's game could get cramped. 23. Whke51: 5/10 17/18 With two back-game poina made and recirculation easy for the time being, White has no worrEcs about being hit. This is a game White is going to have to w n i later. Meanwhile,White can just slot the points he wants and s if he can make them. Good back game m play by Harris.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Diagram 93: W h i t e on toll 2 . White 42: Bar14 315 1 hit, so he buiids the 4-point, giving him a 4 5 back garnc, and moves his spare to the 5-point, ready to leap out with fours and fives.

W h i t e can't

When playing a back game, it's vital not to get extra checkers stuckin your opponent's inner board. Checkers not needed to holdvitalpoints should keep flowing into the outer boards. This process is called rmirculation, and it's crucial for maintaining good timing.

Diagram 94: Black on roll

24. Black 65: 24118* 712 The hit with the six is dear. Although White dwsn't really mind being hit, I cant allow myself to get blocked in. If that happens, I could still lose going

f o d
The play of the five should be less d a .Why deliberer ately sacrifm a checker with 712, when I wuld just keep my back checker moving with 18/13) o undcrT smnd this play, we'il have to look a little more deeply
into back game strategy.

This scenario doesn't look too promising for me. If I'm ludcy, I might roll some small doubles and deac some of my points successfully. If Im d l y lucky, I'll wen ' win a gammon & way. Mort likely, though, Il get a 'l cheder hit and stuck behind Whire's prime at a time
when my own position is in ruins. That's the basic strategy for a successful back game, and here, with no home board at all, Iin vulnerable to that strateg

I need a better plan of

there's one available.


Fortunately for me,

BACK QAME STRATEQtY First, let's lookat what happens if 1 try to rush my men home as quickly as possible, let's say after 24118*113. White will reenter, perhaps on my 1 or 2-point, and leave his blots on the 10and 1>points. He'll tryto s o lt the 20-point or the 22-point, building h b o d i quickly.In order to get my checkers on the 14 and 13points home, Il need to hit one of h blots, perhaps 'l i

Take a look at my spare cherkerson the 6point and 7point. Right now, those spares are useless to me. I cnt a' use them to make the 4-point or the 5-point since White won't break those points until he can bit a winning shot. Making the 1-point or the 2-point will put them out of play. Suppose I could move those chackers backwards. If I could mwe them back to the 13-point or 15-point, thcy would become builders for the key Bpoint and 10-point. If l could dose those points, I'd haw m t e squeezed! Then there might be a real chance of t r a p ping some White checkers behind my prime and keeping them trapped until his board collapsed. How do J move checkers backward? By recircdaring them, just as White has been doing with his checkers.

both blots. These checkers wl enter my board easily, perhaps i l making a t h d anchor on the Zpoint or the 3-poinr. After that, where will I put my checkers? I'll have to make big stacks on the 6, 7, and gpoina, while perhaps dumping a blot or two on whatever points are left open in my board. Meanwhile, White will build the 20 and 22-points.

So I'm going ro stm dumping those spares onto the

open points in my board. IfWhite hits them when he reenters from the bat, I'll come around the board and take aim at the really imporrant points in the psition - the 9-point and the 10-point.

This strategyhas some built-in risks. I might get some checkers caught in White's home board just as he makes a small block. If I roll awkwardly at that point, I might lose a prime versus prime game.
That's a risk I'm willing to mke. I'm going to create an extraordinarilycomplexposition, and I'm expectingto outplay my opponent when that happens. As for the possibilityof bad luck, I'll take my chances.Thais part of the game of backgammon.
25. White 63: Bad3 12/18* White enters, missing the blot on the deuce, and natudly rehits.

Diagram 95: Black on roll

26. Bladr61: BarllR*

A good r i ,preventingWhite fmm blocking me and ol sending another White checker back. To make my strategywork,I want to hit White, despitethe fact that White's playing a badE game. It's the only way I can get my checkers recirculated. That's what makes this position different from a normal back game.

In a normal back game, White is trying to be hit and I a trying to avoid hitting. In this position, White is m h e r off not hitting or being hit. Howwet, many players in White's position would not realize this.

27. White 51: h i 5 17118* A mistake, for the reasons outlined in the last cam-

ment. I thinkWhite should haw played Bar15 19/20, just building h board. i

31. White 31: Bar13 17118* As before, I think White is pursuing the wrong idea. He m't contain t e Black checker, and he has enough h men back to ensure g o d timing. Instcad he should play Bad3 19120.

32. Black stays out.

Diagram 96: W h i t e an roll

29. Whitt5E: 10116* This is a serious error. White doesn't suspect what's happening and is playinginto Black's hands. Instead he should play 5/10 314. Making the 10-point would provide a bridge for White's sparesto circulate into the ourfieid,while playing314would get the spare ready to teap with a five or a six.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9101112

Diagram 97: White on roll

33. White 65: 4/10 5/10

Ag~eat shot, whichWhite plays correctly. By grabbing

30. Black 43: BarllS*

As we've seen before, I'm happy to keep hitting. It wilI provide me with more opportunities to recirmlate

a point:in the middle ofBlack's prime, he g i m his back checkers a permanent avcnue of escape. This is much

better than making the =-point, his other option.

34. Black 54: Bart l6*

Im continuingwith myplan, akhoughWhite'slastroll ' was a rwl setback for me. Still, the more White men I send back, the h r .

Diagram 99: Black on roll

Diagram 98: White on roll 35. White 33: Bar13 10116* 17120 A big mi&. The loose hit breaks the key connecting made last turn. IfWhite can't quickly point that-te r m k the 10-point, he could be in serious mouble. eae

36. Black 52: BarlZO* 6/4* Hirting on the 20-point is dear. I could continue on and hit on the 18-point, bur my actual, play is better. By himng with one of the dead spam on the 6-point, I haw a chance to reactivate that checker. Since W i e ht now has two men on the bar, he cnt avoid hitting me a'
if he rolls a two or a four.

37. White 64: Bar/4* F o d , but now I have another checker in play.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2

Diagram 100: Black on roll

38. Black 11: Bad24 14/13 11/10*(2) A g m t shot with many ben&a:
Hitting anothercheckerwillforceWhite to hit me if he rolls a deuce. Switching from the 11-point to the 10-point brings my points doser together, giving me a stronger blockade. Splitring from the 14-point to the 13-point gives me two builders for the key 9-point, the next blocking point I want to make.

Diagram 10 1: Black on roll

40. Black double t 2. o I thought t h s was a v q m n g double and just barely, if at all, a take. My plan has been very successful. I've sent eight checkers back and broken the connection between the two halves ofWhite's position. I've managedt reckollaretwo of the few d d checkers I used o to have on the &point and 7-point, and I might still be able to recirculate the other two.And if I make the 9point, my game will be completely uushing.

T e v e n t against doubling is that many p l a p s h

o v e r h a t e the strength of back games and tend to take too o h n .Following that logic, I might be able to

take a roll, improve my psition some more, and still get a rake later on. But it's risky tryingto get too greedy. I've got good chances for a -n o this game, so I'm going to get the cube moving now.

41. W h i t e ralce~.. Courageousbut very dangerous.Still, White does have some play left. I m g t have taka also, bur very ih

very point I want to make. This would be a11 right if White were bumned up around the board, but unfortunately he has four other blots besidesthisone. lf 1can hit on the 9-poinr, I'll probably hit somewhere else as well;with two White checkers on the bar, White won't be able to hit me back on the P p i n t .
A better idea was Bar/] 511 1, or even Bar/] 16/22*.

42. Biack32: Bar122 614* Playing 20/18* w t the deuce is a little safer for me, ih but I want to recirculate yet another hacker.

44. BIack42: 1319* 20118* As predicted. In manyvariationsI'll be able to coverthe 9-point next t u n , with a crushing bl& 45. White 43: Bad3 k14*
A good shot, putting me on the bar.That curs down on my m r numbers.

Dirmgram 102: White on roll

43. White 61: Barll 319 Another s m d mistake. White sticks a checker on the

Diagram 103: Black on roll

46. Biadr21: Barf23 10/9 I cdt make five in a row with this number, but at least I can make four consecutive points.

47. White 62: 4110* 16/18* Afineshot Now White hassometime togct a h m e n beyond the barrides.
48. &la& 22: Bar123(2) 14f la* A great comebackshot.I don'twantWhite makingthe 10-point, so E hit there, rather than on the 18-point.

Better is Bad1 18/20 19/20! making a 3-point By block of h own, White would give Black a few i problems. Suddenly Black's small numbers don't play well with five of his checkers in White's home board. Black needs to k p his back checkers moving, and cven a 3-point bhck could prove a red nuisance,
SO. Black42 22118*/16 Black hits and moves to the 16-point to connect to the slot on the 10-point. If Im not hlt, I can make a 5' point prime with any six. That should lock up the

P e n
51. White 21: &I3

Diagram 104: White on roll

49. White 11: BarlP 3/4(2) I don'tlike thismove, althoughit looks consistentwith the previous play. White's just been given an unlikely opportunity, and he needs to take advanof it.

Diagram 105: Black on roll

52. Bladc 44: 16/10 24120 Making fivc in a row gives me an iron grip on the position. My next job is to d w o y White's fonvard position.

Don't hit any more checkers;hope that W h i t e rolls some foursand fives so that h checkers on i s the 19-pointmove down to the 23-pointand 2 4 point.
53. White 42: 115 214 White m s get checkers to the 5-point, so he can ut release as many as possible with s k .

One thing I don't want to do at this point is hit any more checkers. Up to now, I've been hitting checkers with the idea of keeping White offbalance and unwordinated, unable to prevent me from making the key outside points. T a job is done; I've chided White's ht position intotwo hatves, withfivecheckersin h home i board and 10 behind my prime.

54. Bladr32: 23118 H d n g toward the Il-point.

IfWhite could get all 15 o f h i checkers sent into my inner board, he'd have a p r c q g ~ o game again. As I d h r e i and took down my points, he'd r e l m his n checkers into the outfield and budd a prime somewhere in the outer baards. Then he'd be a red threat if he hit a checker.
MOPPINO UP Ideally, E wanc to keep his army separatd into the two existing sections so that the pieces can't cooperate. My next gads are:

Diagram 106: White on roll

Release my back checkers.

Make the 11-point for a f 6-point prime. d

55. White 62: 5111 U4 E would play 511 1 315. Releasing as many checkers as soon as possible is the key. Trying to keep three back

game points is probably too optimistic.

again recirculated. It wan't work if Black knows what

he's doing, which isn't always the case.

56. Black43 18/ll*

A good shot. Fighting for the 11-pointis top priority, wen if it mans hitting another White checker.

BO. Bladc21: Bar124 18/16 Avoiding the hit, and pingreadyto cover the 1 I with sixes and fives.
61. White 55: 19/24* Eorcad, but not all that bad. Notice that White can't play any more fives or fours, which slows down his

57. White 52: Bar15 19/21 White is trying to hold onto the 3-pint as long as possible.
58. Bkdc53: 23118 20117 This gives me sixcs and swens to make the 11-point.

62. Black 41: Bd24*/20 I didn't want ta hit, but I can't avoid it.

m 107: W h i t e on roll

57. White 32: 19122 21123* We call this the lumikaze play. White breaks apart his home board in an attempt to get his ch& hit and

1 2 9 4 5 6

7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2

Diagram 108: Black on roll

64. Bladr41: 16/11 Click! The last door shuts. Now it's just a question of how far White will have to advance before I open up my prime. bxge numbers are now good for White, since he can't play them.

67. White 11: 315 4/5 22/23 That uses up a lot of White's spare pips. He can only
tolerate one more deuce. 68. Black42: 1319 18/16 Another good throw.
69. White 62: 315 Not the right deuce, I think J would have played 22/ 24, keeping the extra back point. TO. Black 2 2 1618

71. White 64:

can't move.

65. White 31: 21124 213 PIaying this way kills threes. Now White has to play only ones and twos; with luck, he can preervc his remaining points unul my prime gives way.

66. BIack42: 17/13 20118 Small numbers are good for me - they enable me to hold my prime longer.

1 2 3 4 5 b

7 8


Diagram 110: Black on roll

72. Black 43: 916 7/3* I'm just trying to keep my prime as long as possible. I don't care whether the checker on the 3-point gets hit

78. BIack32: 917 613

b q i n g the 5-prime for as long as possible is still useful. If White rolls an ace before he rolls a six, he'll have to make yet another concession.

79.White 33: can't move.

74, Black22: 1119 ll/7 3/1* My prime finally cracks, but it's done most of itswork Hitting on the I-point makes 66 a &ad, rather than a great number for White.
80. Black 65: 812 712

7 . W h i t e 52: Earl5 22/24 5


81. White 51: 415 White rolls his ace and h s to strip the 4-point. That a gives me another avenue to attack his position.

76. Black 31: 713

77. White 54: cadc move.

Diagram 112: Black on roll

82. BIack64: 713 7/1

This is it.
Diagram 111: Black on roll

ATTACKING A STRIPPED POINT By 'breakingmy prime in the middle, I force White m play any three from the 4-point. Any three except 63 will break that point d m .

83. White 31: 4/7 415 Oops. Now White's dawn to a single holding point, which I should get by easily. In addition, I now have
great gammon chances.
84. Black 66: 10/4(2) 9/3(2) Good for clearing points and good for winning the

85. White 51: 7113 Gets that checker out of danger, but White is still hurting. He'll need to hit a shot just to havc a chance

Diagram 113:Black on roll 88. Black 5 : 814 813 4 Thar's it. I now need 15 crossovers t btar off all my o checkers,while White needs 3 1 to get offthe gammon. It's a lock.

m saving the gammon.

86. Black 43: 612 613 I can't dear the &point, so the &point will have to do.

87. White 62: 5/11 13/15

SM U :

This game began with a struggle for both 5-points. White won the battle for the defensive 5-poinr, but had to concede groundin the race. Black, however,was

not able to build any inner-board points. During the hitting bade which followed, White w s able m a construct a 4-5 holding position.

Rather than play a back game where 'White had excellent timing,Black recirculated some chedrers to build up greater outtield control. m t e w s & a g to give up key outside connecting points to attempt to build a prime of his own. Eventually Black was able to consolidate control of the outfield and build a prime, trapping 10 o m i t e ' s men.When h remainingmen i were f o r d onto the low points in hs board, White i loa any serious chances of winning.

PLILWNG IN TOURNAMENTS Afier yau'vefinishedmding this book, you'dprobably like to try your hand at playing in a backgammon tOUrnCImMt. That's not hard to do. T e e are b d hr clubs all around the country that run tournaments on a weekly or a monthly basis. Visit a dub near you and introduce yourself to the dimtor. M s clubs run ot tournaments in separate sections, one for beginners and one for m r experienced players, so don't worry oe ifyou'venever played in a tournament before. Justhop in and give it a try!

hce-to-face competition, it's now possible to play backgammon matches over the Internet. In hct, there are now two separate Internet backgammon d u h in operation!

For tl-te best graphics and quidmt response time, try GanesGrid. Use your web browser to log on to, and folIow the instructions for downloadingthe GamesGrids o h e . Then just follow the direczions to connect. Another choice is Gammon Village, at
IMPROWNG YOUR QAME I"m often ashd, "1s there any magic tc~ getting good at backgammon?"My answer is yes. There are rwo magic ingwdients: Study and Practice. If you've read this book, you'w already made a good start on studying. You'll still want to review the five games sweral times. Each time you pIay the game over, you'll pick up some new ideas. But studying is only half the battle. You still have to practice.W~thoutsceadypractice, withoutrestingyourself and your growing abiities, you won't rcally absorb the lessons o f this book. So find a l & dub, visit o frequently, and play as much as you can. You'll be a m a d at: your steady progress.Good luck!

For alisr ofdubs and tournamentsaround the counuy, send $1.00 m The Gammon Press, PO.Box 294, Arlington, MA 02476. Most major cities have one or more active clubs.
WKCIAMMON ON THE INTERN= In the unlikely went chat you live far away from a locd dub, or if you just prefer the idea of electronic play to

White's home b o d pointr 19-24.

Barabina - A mll of 54 from the bar, used to make the deknsive 20-pint. Bar- Thewmidstrip runningdownthe center ofthe board between the 6 and 7-pointr on one side and the 18 and 19-pointsan the other.Checkers which have been hit have to go to the bar. They must reenter thegamenextturn in theopponent's home board.
Bar Point In our diagrams, B l d s bar-point is the 7point. White's h-point is the 18-point.

Backgammon is full of its own colorful terminology. Here are some terms you wifl want to remember:
Advanced Anchor - An anchor on the opponent's 4-

point or 5-point.
Anchor A defensive point in h e opponent's inner board.

Back Game - A defensive position in which the defending side holds two or more points in the opponent's inner board. The best back game points to hold are the 1 and 3, the 2 and 3, and the 2 and 4. The worst back games are the 1 and 4 or the 1 and 5. Any position with three back
game points is very swng.

Bearoff The section of the game where players bear off checkers from their inner boards in the find race to victory

Back Position

The defensive position on your opponent's side of the b o d . In our diagrams, B i d s back position would be h points in i

Builder A checker placed so that it bears on vital points which n d to be made in the future.
Conndvity The arrangement of checkers so that they are in direct range (six pips or fewer) of each other. Connected checkers defend each other and are easily made into points.

Cmwfnrd Gsme I tournament play, the Crawford n Game occurs when one side is one point from

victory. In this situation, the doubling cube cannot be used. After the Crawford Game, ifthe match is s in progress, the cube a n be used d

following turn you will have different numbers on the dice to accomplish different objectives. A good offensive maneuver. See also duphtion.
Double To turn the doubling cube one notch, thereby doubling h e value of the game. The player who has been doubled has the oprion of accepting the cube and playing for twice the i s value, or ddining and paying h opponent the original stake. Once a player has accepted a double, he "owns"the cube and only he can double again.
Downside - What you lose i you take a risk and f baddires. See also upside.

Cmsmwr - The movement of a checker from one quadrant of the board to another, or off the

board h r n the home board.

Crossww Count - The total number of crossovers

required to b a r off all checkers. Once all the chackers are in the home board, the crossover count is 15 or less.

Dead Cube I a tournament match, a cube is said to n

be deadwhen the player owning the cube has no

reason to wer doubie. For example, a player who is two points from winning the match and who owns a 2-cube will nevcr double, since he mn win the match with the cube at its current level. Direashot-Ashot atacheckersLtorfewerpip away, so that the chedrer can be hit with a single number on the dice.

Duplication - Playing your mow so that your opponent needs the same numbers on the dice to acmmplish different objectives, thus ensuring that he has fewet rls working for him. A good ol defensive maneuver. See also diversification.
Front Position The collection of blockingtattacking points in your own home board. In our diagrams,Black's front position is his points in the area of points 1-8.

To break all contact, so that the p i t i o n becomes a pure race,

Diversi6cation Playing your move so that on the

Full P

k - Six points in a row.

Gammon -Winning the game by bearing offall your checkers before your opponent h s borne offany a chedrers. The player winning a gammon wins twice the value of the cube.

Longshot -An unlikelybut powerfd r l .The chance ol ofrollingasingle double, Iike 66, is 35-1against. The chance of rolling a single nondouble, Iike 65, is 17-1 against.
Losing Your Market - To have both a very solid ahantage and some h a t s which, ifexecuted, will fbrce your opponent to drop a later double.

thing P o d To attack by building forward points, constructing a prime, and putting your opponent on the bar.
Home Board -The quadrant of the board to which a player needs to movehis checkersfor thebearoff. In our diagrams, points 1-6 are Black's home board, points 19-24 are White's home board. Also known as the Inner Board.

Midpoint - Black's midpoint i s the 1 I p i n t in our diagams. White's midpoint is the 12-point. A good strategic point to hold in the early game since it provides a lm&g spot for the back checks and controls the outer board
Money Gamc- Agame played for money,in which the cube can always be turned, if available. Tournament play differs from money play in that many situations arisewhereaplayer mnt (orshouldnt) turn the cube. Good tournament players must be d e n to these situations.

Inner Baard - see Home Board.

Knmikaze P a Breaking points in o e s own inner ly n' board in h o p of getting the checkers recirculatod. A back game strategy.
hint A vital point which conveys a big advantage to whichwer pkyer mn make it first.

Nullo Play

W i g Numbers -To play your roll in such away that some numbers on the dice can't be played next turn. A useful way to slow down h e deterioration of your position in a priming battle.

A play that can't be better than an alternative play, no matter what the sequence of dice rolls is. Making a n d o play is the worn possible logical blunder.

Outer b a d -The points numbered 7-18, which are not part of 4th- side's inner b o d .

Permanentb -An asset which can't go away after a single lucky t h m by the opponent.

Undoubled Gammon In tournament play, winning a gammon with the cube still centered at 1. An undoubled gammon is worth two points. Upside What you gain if you take a risk and it
succeeds. See also downside.

Pip Count -The total number of p i p needed to be rolldon thedice to b u offallyour chackers. It's e calculated by multiplying the number of a point by the number of checkers on that point, and adding the to& together. At the start of the game, both sides' pip count is 167.

-A collectionof mnsecutive points blocking in your opponent's men. Sx pointr in a row is i called a f l prime, and i s the strongem possible ul blockade since the opponent can't jump wer it n with a y possible number.

Rechdation Keeping c h e h in play by having them hit and then reenteringthe game from h e opponent's home board.

SIot Placing a blot on a point with the idea of making the point next turn. Sauctural Play - A move which buiids strong points.
T I-The ability to hold your keypointswhile you are waiting to get a shot. In general, the f a d e r behind in the race you are, the better your timing.

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