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Now's time to speak up!

Why I point out Command expression as our first lesson in this Tutorial is because this sentence is the key of opening all grammar lesson in English. I have been doing intensive research and I would like to ensure that this lesson will be effective in learning online. DEF. : Command expression is a context which is used to make someone or thing to do what we want. There are two types of command :

1. Verbal Command 2. Nominal Command

Verbal command is a command which uses "Bare-Infinitive" in the beginning of this expression. For examples:

Do it! Come here! Stand up! Sit down! Close the window! Come on over! Come back here! Write the story! Read the novel!
All expressions above describes the commands. The expressions are built by one core-element, that is, Bare-Infinitive (e.g. do, come, stand, sit, close, write and read, etc). Remember that bareinfinitive, here, is in Lexical-meaning-verb form. So, there are three answers when someone asks us what kinds of verb must be used in building a command expression, in Verbal Command? The answer should be: 1.Bare-Infinitive, 2.Lexical-meaning-verb, and 3.Present form verb. Study this follows!

Read the books!

/Read/ is a bare-infinitive. /Read/ is a lexical-meaning-verb. And, /Read/ is a present verb form. When you answer is like that, no body will argue.

Nominal Command is a command which uses "BE" in the beginning of this expression. Take notice that the /BE/, here, is not like /is, am, are, was, were, been, or even being. This /BE/ is a real kind of "BE". For examples:

Be carefull! Be deligent! Be a man! Be on time! Be there immediately! Be smart! Be mine! Be a good teacher!
Take notice that /Be/, here, needs a complement. A complement must be in Adjective, Adverb, Pronoun or Noun phrase form. On the other hand, you can place another except VERB. Remember that /Be/ which is being used is a structural-meaning-verb not lexical-meaning-verb. This rule is a Must to obey!.

When someone asks us to do something, we sometimes feel lazy to do that. Make different!

Come here! Come here, please!

The two expressions looks the same. However, the word /please/ has created a new colour. When the word /please/ is placed there, the command becomes "Polite Command". /Please/ can be used in the end or in the beginning of a command expression. Come here, please! or, Please Come here!

Beside the discussion above, we can make a command expression by using a word "MUST". For examples:

must come here on time. You must tell me something.

you Take notice that you should place Bare-infinitive after the word /must/.

We also can say : You

must be on time!

In the sentence above, there is /be/. The pattern of the expression is similar to the previous pattern.


When you feel that you have already understood the pattern and how to build a command expression, now's time for you to practise it. 1. Make a short expression of command, e.g. Stop running! 2. Combine no (1) with the simple sentence, e.g. I want to inform you something. So, Stop running! When you feel that you can make the sentence (like : /I want to inform you something. So, Stop running! /), try to place another. Then practise it orally. Find your best partner to practise it!.More sentences you make, More perfect you will get. Don't forget that you have to practise it regularly when you want something to do by your friend or someone else in English Language.

Study this follwing example: Don't go away! Do not let you down! Don't forget! Don't leave me alone! Don't cry, babe!
All sentences above are called "Prohibition" because they describe how to forbide someone else to do something. So, it differs from the command expression which asks someone else to do something. There are two kinds of pattern in this lesson, they are:

1. Verbal Prohibition, and 2. Nominal Prohibition

Verbal prohibition is a sentence of prohibition which uses lexical-meaning-verb inside. To express the prohibition we should combine the word /do not/ or /don't/ before the verb.

For examples:

Don't lie to me! Don't blame me! Don't try to touch me! Don't stop trying! Don't make yourself stupid!
Nominal prohibition is a sentence of prohibition which uses /BE/ after /Do not/ or /don't/. after that you have to place a complement in the end.

For examples:

Don't be jealous! Don't be lazy! Don't be Careless! Don't be crazy! Don't be a fool! Don;t be bad guy!
To make them more polite, place the word /please/ in the beginning or in the end of the sentence. For examples:

Please don't go! Don't go, please!

or, Please don't be a liar! Don't be a liar, please!

Those patterns are the fixed rule that should be obeyed as a pure pattern in English. Besides, you can also express the prohibition by using /no/ instead of /don't/ or /do not/. Then, change the verb into -ing form verb (Here, the ing-form is called "Gerund" which will be posted in this blog as soon as possible).

For examples: No smoking! No kidding! No climbing!, etc. To express heavy prohibition you can also use the word /musn't/ in a simple sentence.

For examples:

You musn't be late, linda! You musn't stop singing!

Take notice that all sentences will be said or called like that when the sentence contains, at least, one subject and one verb. what about the command or prohibition? Let me explain you that command or prohibition expressions have a subject, that is, /YOU/. For examples:

(You) get out! (You) don't copy! (You) be easy! (You) don't be noisy!

All commands or prohibitions use the subject /you/. It is impossible to forbide or ask someone to do something when the subject is not /you/. They come here! or, She don't take him away!



Because the subject of command or prohibition is always /you/. The subject is understandable or understood in usage. For this, /you/ is omitted. However, when the omission is set, and when someone uses /you/ in the command or prohibition, the use or /you/ creates an emphasized command or urgent prohibition. ADDITION: You can use "Ever" or "Never" in prohibition pattern.

For examples:

Don't ever come here anymore!


Never come back here anymore!

All sentences above are similar, the differences are in the expression /don't ever/ which is substituted to /never/ (without /don't/). These expression are heavy prohibition. PRACTISE IT! Now's time to practise the prohibition. Step-1 : Make a full and good prohibition (either in verbal or in Nominal pattern) Example:

Be self-confident! Step-2 : Combine the Prohibition with command. Example: Don't blame yourself and be self-confident! Step-3 : Combine the step-2's sentence with the simple sentence. Example: I tell you, linda ... please be self-confident and don't blame yourself! Note : The order of each sentences depend on the context. After that, try to speak it out and creates a new and full sentence like above. Good luck!


USAGE: Present Continuous Tense is used to express something being done or still going on at this moment or right now. KEY: Use the combination of Be-Present and the ing form verb (present participle form)! VERBAL SENTENCE Study this following formation!

For Examples; I am reading a novel She is watching TV now They are helping their parents in the farm Many people are gathering in the hall Listriani and Ririn are playing hide-and-seek with their friends My uncle, Hairoman, is typing a letter for his friends Imran is building a house. The Present Continuous Tense also talks about something being done in a process of time or action, likes; Mr.Ancah is studying in Indonesia University. He takes English Department. He is in his bedroom right now. He is learning phonology. The first sentence tells us the process of action/activity, and the second one tells us about something being done right now. It means that he doesn t go to Campus right now because he is learning phonology in his room. Study this follows!

The sixth-year students of SDN Druju 2 are going to Borrobudur Temple next month. The sentence above talks about the plan to go to Borobudur temple in the future time next month. It means that they are not going there right now. There are some verbs which can be used to express the future action in the context of present continuous tense. They are; see, visit, go, come, leave, For Examples; I am going to her house tonight. My father is leaving for Australia next week. They are seeing their mother-in-law tomorrow. To make a negative sentence, put not behind the Be-present, likes; The girl isnot cooking in the kitchen. We aren t having a party tomorrow, right? *) Notice that the word Having is not the same as the have like in this below; I have a pen. (saya punya sebuah pena) That will be wrong when we say; I am having a pen. (Wrong!) Compare the two of sentences below! (i) I think the food is very nice and delicious. (right) (ii) I am thinking the food is very nice and delicious (Wrong) There are many verbs which can be formed into this tense, they are; like, have/has, blame, doubt, apologize, realize, seem, appear, look like, touch, etc. Put the Be-present at the beginning when we would like to make an Interrogative sentence! For Examples; Are you having a meeting with the Manager? Is he talking about his problem? Are they singing I have a dream on the stage? What are you doing? How are you doing? (this question is similar to How are you?) NOMINAL SENTENCE KEY: Nominal form of Present Continuous Tense is the same as the Nominal sentence in the Simple Present Tense.

No Smoking (dilarang merokok) No Entry (dilarang masuk) Don't touch the screen (jangan sentuh layar) No littering (jangan buang sampah sembarangan) No Left Turning (dilarang belok kiri) No Right Turning (dilarang belok kanan) Don't pick the flower (jangan memetik bunga) Don't come late (jangan terlambat) Don't make a noise (jangan membuat kegaduhan) Do not leave the room dirty (jangan biarkan ruangan kotor) No parking (dilarang parkir) No hunting (dilarang berburu) No cutting the trees (dilarang menebang pohon) Open your book! = Buka bukumu! Open page 14! = Buka halaman 14! Stand up, please! = Silahkan berdiri! Have a seat! = Silahkan duduk! Clean the whiteboard, please! = Tolong bersihkan papan tulis! Open the door! = Buka pintu! Open the window, please! = Tolong buka jendela! Come in! = Masuk! Listen and repeat! = Dengarkan dan ulangi! Don't make a noise! = Jangan gaduh! Don't be late! = Jangan terlambat! Come forward! = Maju ke depan! Keep silent, please! = Diam! Sweep the floor, please! = Sapulah lantai ini! Put off your shoes, please! = Tolong buka sepatu kamu! Submit! = Kumpulkan! Take one and pass around! = Ambil satu dan bagikan ke yang lain!

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