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35 People to Watch in 2012

Author: Howard Berger, Managing Partner, Realcomm
Realcomm is pleased to announce the "Top 35 To Watch in 2012." This list represents both individuals and teams of individuals who are commi?ed to furthering the use of innovaAve technologies in commercial, corporate, insAtuAonal and government real estate sectors. It is their insAnct, passion, determinaAon and persistence that will conAnue to cause posiAve change and growth in our industry. The "Top 35 to Watch in 2012" list was developed to recognize the achievements and vision of those who are not saCsed with the status quo and dare to do something about it. It's not always easy to stand up and challenge "the way things have always been done" and suggest new, someCmes risky alternaCves. With the new paradigm shiM towards automaCon and technology changing the way we manage and operate commercial real estate, it is the commitment of these visionaries that will pave the way for future success. We'd like to congratulate our 2012 "Top 35 to Watch." Their conCnued determinaCon and passion for process improvement will be the foundaCon for posiCve change and growth in our industry! The following organizaCons represent those rms we feel will make a dramaCc impact on the market in 2012! Accenture - Kreg Schmidt, Jay Hedley, Patrick Chilco? American Express - Susan Chapman, Jerry Bernie CBRE - Don Goldstein, Dave Pogue, Ma? Burnham, Xavier Menendez Forest City Charlie Rau, Kevin Vertrees GSA/PBS - Bob Peck, Larry Melton, Phil Klokis, Frank Santella IBM - Dave Bartle?, Greg Peterson Intelligent Buildings - Tom Shircli, Rob Murchison Jones Lang LaSalle - Dan Probst, Chris Browne, Dave Johnson Liberty Property Trust - Steve Messaros, Fred Dougherty, Chris Herrick MicrosoL - Darrell Smith, Jay Pi?enger NOI Strategies - Glenn Murray, Tama Huang RealFoundaOons - David Stanford, Chris Shaida, Dan Sterk, Paul Chen Simon Property Group - David Schacht, Joe Chiape?a Yardi - Anant Yardi, Brad Setser

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