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ASUS R Router MA Clone Setup Pr AC e rocedure

Intr roduction: :
This document d s describes ho to set up a ASUS wir ow an reless router (such as RT r T-N16, RT-N13U, RT-N N15, etc.) to connect to t Internet if your cable modem doe not renew an IP address to the es your ASUS route due to MA binding. r er AC

1. Connec ctthecablemodemsn networkcab bleintoyourdesktop/n notebookPC C.

2. Openawebbrows serandnavigatetoafe ewwebpag gesandconf firmthatth he cablem modemhass successfully yconnected dyourPCto otheInternet*.

Note: If your PC is not connected to th Internet, try and re f he , eset your cable c modem mbyunplug ggingthepo owertothe ecablemod demforafe ewseconds and thenpo oweritback kon.

3. Usingth heWindow wscommand dprompt,findthe12d digitMACad ddress (Physica alAddress)assignedto oyourPCan ndcopyitdown.
ForWind dowsXP/Vista/7users: 1. 2. 3. Click kStart>AllPr rograms>Acc cessories>Com mmandPrompt Acommandprom mptwindoww willappearand dtype:ipconfi ig/all. undertheEth hernetadapte erLocalAreaC Connection,f findthe"Physical s Scrolldownandu ress"(itisint theformatXX XXXXXXXX XX). Addr

4. Remove ethecablemodemsnetworkcab blefromyou urdesktop/notebookP PC andinsertanetwo orkcablefro omyourASUSroutersLANportto oyour desktop p/notebook kPC.

5. OpenanInternetb browserand dtypeintheaddress 1(routers s defaultaddress,ifyouchange edit,please eusetheon neyouassig gned).

6. Typea adminfort theUsername,admin nforthePassword,an ndclickOK K. (admin/ /adminareroutersde efaultloginU Usernamea andPasswo ord,ifyou changedthem,ple easeusethe enewone.)

7. GotoA AdvancedSe etting>WA AN>Interne etConnecti iontab,thenscrolldown w tothes sectionlabe eledSpecial lRequireme entfromISP P.

8. IntheM MACAddres sssection,t typeintheMACaddressthatwas copieddow wn fromstep3andcli ickApplywhenfinish hed.

9. Afterth herouterfin nishesapply yingtheset ttings,insert tthecablemodems networkcableinto otheWANp portofyour rASUSrout ter,andconnectyour desktop p/notebook kPCtooneofroutersLANports.

10. Gototh heNetwork kMap,click ktheInterne eticon,and dwaitafew wsecondsor r pressR Renewand dyoushouldseeavalidIPaddressandConnectionStatus: Connec cted.

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