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The Five Cs of Champions

H.D. Weddel, Asst. Principal, Bend H.S. Bend H.S. Chat n Chew Clinic January 13, 2007 I. Character the foundation of any successful team without character, cant count on each other; if cant count on each other, cant build a team 2 paths facing each of us character or compromise; faces both players and coaches per Ad Rutschman, Linfield College, football is one of best classrooms for teaching & developing character teamwork, commitment, handling adversity, punctuality -- will we turn teachable moments into opportunities? Lou Holtz 12 covenants @ South Carolina -- consider difference between covenants and contracts Who has been a coach that you played for, coached under, with, or against that modeled character for you? Why and how? II. Confidence outward skill and inward integrity be a coach & man of competence What do you need to know or do better as a coach? Where are you going to get it? III. Commitment have to teach it more because it isnt modeled anymore Virginia Military Institute: climb Horse Mtn.; if last, your unit has to do it over again; if teammate gets hurt, carry him up What player have I coached comes to mind who modeled commitment? IV. Cohesion scene from Gladiator as one in the arena pride in group/unit that enables you to rise above you shine because of the group, not vice versa V. Consistency eliminates foolish penalties develops security in the team (or a marriage) makes kids stronger thrives on sacrifice and self-control its about maturity What area was I most inconsistent in this past season?

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