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Rabun 1 DeVareon Rabun Mr.

Johnson LNG 332 19 January 2012 Annotated Bibliography The subject of this research paper on F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams is related to the common people beliefs of the American Dream. Dexter Green represents the male American Dream idol who has all the money he could ever want but gets his heart broken by a mistress name Judy Jones. With the information from Fitzgeralds point of view on what the American Dream, the information from all five sources and details about the author, I will prove that the main character in this short story is the typical American Dream. Liukkonen, Petri. F. Scott Fitzgerald. 2008. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. This article by Pert Liukkonen gave me a little more in site on Fitzgeralds like, to help me answer my questions. Also, this article points out key ideals that supports the thesis and add major details to my paper. The article serves as a layout of Fitzgeralds life, and allowas me to elaborate on his reason for writing the Winter Dreams short story. Fitzgerald, F. S. "Winter Dreams." University of South Carolina. Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina., 21 Jan. 1998. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. This is the short story itself. Its has many great sources which I use throughout my paper. This is were I will take many quotations to support my thesis. The fact that Dexter is set with money and not the girls of his dreams completely complements my thesis. From the first paragraph of the story I can tell that Dexter is about his money. F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography. UNet Users Home Pages. 2011. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. This website helped me a lot with finding out that Fitzgerald is as a person. This gave me some back ground information on why he wrote such a remarkable story. This also gave me an in site on what he believes is the true American Dream. The fact that the American dream category is so widely discussed in all of his stories gives a very reputable voice to speak on the subject. Prigozy, Ruth. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Gale, 2003. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. This article by Ruth Prigozy provides decent information regarding my short story.

Rabun 2 Prigozys analysis takes you a step deeper into the life of F. Scott Fitzgerald and shows what he think the true meaning of an American Dream. Prigozy makes precise comments and show jaw dropping facts on Fitzgeralds life. This article helps me a lot with my paper. Willett, Erika. "The Sensible Thing: Biographies." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service, 2011. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. This article by Erika Willett provides great information regarding my short story. Willetts key points about the American Dream theme mapped out plenty detailed facts for my paper. This site lets me know that Winter Dreams isnt the only story that Fitzgerald wrote that connects to the American dream theme. This article was very helpful to my paper.

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