Practice Teacher's Placement Report: Department of Social Policy and Social Work

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Department of Social Policy and Social Work

Practice Teachers Placement Report

Name of student: Degree and Year of Entry: Name of Practice Teacher: Placement Agency: Type of Placement: First/Final placement (delete as applicable)

Placement Start and Finish Dates: Name of University Tutor: PRACTICE TEACHERS RECOMMENDATIONS: (i) At Interim Stage (ii) At end of placement Provisional Pass Provisional Fail Pass Fail

Practice Teachers Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dates of supervision Dates of Direct Observations Statement of confidentiality A brief description of the agency context Sources of evidence used Assessment of student specific to the six Key Roles in the National Occupational Standards (see Placement Handbook) 7. Assessment of student in relation to the GSCC Code of Practice and Values Requirements (see Placement Handbook) 8. Comments on quality of students placement report 9. Areas for future attention 10. Overview of the student as a developing practitioner 11. Recommendation Signature Sheet

Procedures for submission of the reports

In line with the Universitys guidelines, your report must be typed. It should be in Arial 12 and single spaced with a line gap in between paragraphs. You can obtain an electronic version of this report format from the departmental website Two signed copies of the full report (i.e. including that of the student) must be submitted by the student by the due date in the same way as for all written assignments. It is the students responsibility to ensure that they obtain and hand in their Practice Teachers report along with their own. Clearly it is your responsibility that you provide them on time. If there is any difficulty encountered with meeting the deadline for submission, please advise your students Tutor at the earliest opportunity.

STRUCTURE OF REPORT The required structure of the Practice Teachers Placement Report is as set out in the Contents list above. The same format should be used for the interim as for the end of placement report. Rather than producing a wholly separate end of placement report, we ask you to update your interim report with the students progress. We ask you to do so under the appropriate headings but using either italics or a different font to differentiate the time in the placement to which the evidence refers (i.e. before or after the interim point). Reminder: Your student is expected to present their draft report to you in advance of the due date so that you can draw on their evidence for the report that you compile and so that you can comment on the quality of their report in your own report. We have specified this date in the Initial Practice Learning Agreement; you will need to negotiate an earlier date with the student if required.

1. DATES OF SUPERVISION 2. DATES OF DIRECT OBSERVATIONS (3) for fuller guidance on the requirements relating to Direct Observations, please see the Placement Handbook. 3. STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY Please confirm that you have paid due attention to confidentiality of service users, carers and other staff. State how you have disguised service users and carers details. You may use numbers, letters of the alphabet (e.g. Ms B, Mr K. Note: you must not use the actual initials of the person) or false names. Other staff should be referred to by role, not name (e.g. Education Social Worker, Care Manager etc). Please ensure that you and your student use the same system. You can each use the same confidentiality statement if you wish. 4. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE AGENCY CONTEXT 5. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE USED Please list the different means that you have used to obtain evidence for your assessment of the students learning and development against the Key Roles and Values Requirements. These are likely to include some or all of the following: Direct observations Supervision sessions Feedback from service users Feedback from colleagues or outside services Written exercises Report writing while on placement

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6. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT SPECIFIC TO THE SIX KEY ROLES IN THE NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS AND THE GSCC CODE OF PRACTICE AND VALUES REQUIREMENTS (see Placement Handbook for fuller details of all of these, including the breakdown of Key Roles into Units) You are required to provide evidence under each of the six Key Roles and the Values Requirements but we do not require you to break down this down into the separate Units unless that is your preferred way. It is important that you draw widely from the students work, citing more than one piece of work under each heading by the time that the end of placement report is completed. You must also draw evidence specifically from the direct observations. Please remember to refer to the ways in which the students standard of practice has improved, including their use of theory and research and their understanding of social work values as well as commenting on their direct work skills. You should also comment on evidence that has come from outside of their direct work for example, in supervision or through the use of written assignments. This is especially important for those areas that have not been demonstrated through direct work. At interim stage As the student may be at a relatively beginning stage of development, your evidence is likely to reflect that and include comment on their potential to develop further. At end of placement stage Rather than producing a wholly separate report, we ask you to update your interim report with the students progress. We ask you to do so under the appropriate headings but using either italics or a different font to differentiate the time in the placement to which the evidence refers (i.e. before or after the interim point) KEY ROLE 1: Prepare for, and work with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities to assess their needs and circumstances

KEY ROLE 2: Plan, carry out, review and evaluate social work practice, with individuals, families, carers, groups, communities and other professionals KEY ROLE 3: KEY ROLE 4: KEY ROLE 5: KEY ROLE 6: Support individuals to represent their needs, views and circumstances Manage risk to individuals, families, carers, groups, communities, self and colleagues Manage and be accountable, with supervision and support, for your own social work practice within your organisation Demonstrate professional competence in social work practice

VALUES REQUIREMENTS Your evidence in this section can be presented either as a composite section that takes into account the separate requirements or you can provide evidence under each heading, according to your preference. 1. Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers 2. Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and carers 3. Promote the independence of service users while protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm 4. Respect the rights of service users whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people 5. Uphold public trust and confidence in social care services 6. Be accountable for the quality of their work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving their knowledge and skills Social workers must: a. Have respect for: users and carers, regardless of their age, ethnicity, culture, level of understanding and need the expertise and knowledge users and carers have about their own situation b. Empower users and carers in decisions affecting them c. Be honest about: the power invested in them, including legal powers their role and resources available to meet need d. Respect confidentiality, and inform users and carers when information needs to be shared with others e. Be able to: challenge discriminatory images and practices affecting users and carers put users and carers first 7. COMMENTS ON THE QUALITY OF THE STUDENTS PLACEMENT REPORT The students report forms an important source of evidence for your recommendation. We therefore require you to comment on the quality of their report, including how well its professional standard reflects their other written work on placement. Our Service User and Carer (Placements) Group has told us that they value high standards of grammar and expression in student placement reports, given that good report writing skills are so important for them as users and carers. Remember that you can (and should) require the student to revise any sections of their report that you consider to be below standard.

8. AREAS FOR FUTURE ATTENTION For Interim reports only (first and final) Areas which have not yet been addressed from the Initial Practice Learning Agreement should be detailed here together with plans made to address them. Occasionally there will need to be a statement acknowledging that circumstances mean that some cannot be achieved in full. For First placement end of placement reports only Any National Occupational Standards that have not been met during the first placement should be clearly identified here and on the accompanying Tracking Sheet so that they can be incorporated into the IPLA for the final placement. However attainment of a level of competence appropriate to first placements under all Key Roles must be demonstrated. For Final placement end of placement reports only Recommendations should be included here for areas to be covered in the students continuing professional development after registration. 9. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDENT AS A DEVELOPING PRACTITIONER This section provides the opportunity for you to describe the students overall development as a practitioner and your overall assessment of them as a social worker, team member, reflective learner and so on. 10. RECOMMENDATION At the interim stage, your recommendation will be for a provisional pass or fail. At the end of placement stage, you are required to make a clear recommendation for Pass or Fail.


Name of student: Student Date:

Name of PT: Practice Teacher Date:

Note: Signatures signify that both parties have read the report. Any disagreements about its content that cannot be resolved should be indicated below and also signed against:

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