Wali, Sarah

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Sarah Omar Wali Adress: 7 Ahmed Wafiq Apt 10 Roxy, Cairo Mobile: EG(+20)109-320-3723 US (347-443-8577. Email: waliosarah@gmail.

com website: sarahwali.com twitter: sarahnews

WORK EXPERIENCE Founder, Product and Operations Manager CitJo Cairo, Egypt October 2011 Present Founded and created citizen journalism site that monetizes content by providing a professional platform for citizen journalists to contribute their content. Responsible for the maintanance of the integrity of the CitJo brand by developing a vetting and verification system, managing the operation structure and building business relationships with major news organizations. Executive Producer 25Jan Cairo, Egypt February 2011 Present Directing and guiding two shows in a new channel aimed at a post-uprising audience. Find highest trending topics on Twitter in Egypt and develop 30 minute show to discuss topics as they relate to social media users for show Hashtag. Direct a documentary style show about a doctor who had been shot during the 18 day uprising as he explores the progress of change in the country. Freelance Video Producer Reuters Cairo, Egypt January 2011 Present Write script, record voiceover and edit breaking news stories from all over the world for Reuters. Egypt Stringer Radio Netherlands Worldwide Cairo, Egypt November 2010 Present Secure, record and translate interviews for various shows in the English news lineup. Pitch and produce pieces for the internationally acclaimed show The State We re In. Freelance Writer Arabic K@Wharton Cairo, Barcelona, Abu Dhabi May 2011 Present Write feature length articles on breaking business news. Investigate business trends in the Middle East and Europe and research academic works on story topic. Freelance Production Associate/ Producer, ABC News Investigative Unit New York City, NY January May 2011 Assisted all correspondents and producers covering Arab spring with reporting, translation and background for online and broadcast pieces. Broke story of U.S. made tear gas canisters used on protestors in Egypt. Provided extensive translation, background information and reporting for investigative reporter Brian Ross on Osama Bin Laden death story. Columbia University Fellow, Arabic K@Wharton, UAE July 2010 February 2011 Produced both print and broadcast business pieces for the website Arabic Knowledge@Wharton. Investigated business trends in the Middle East, and researched academic works on story topic. Secured interviews with high-level businessmen and government officials. Displayed a thorough knowledge of cultural norms and their impact on business practices in the region. Staff Writer, IBA Media Cairo, Egypt June December 2010 Researched, reported and wrote at least four feature articles per month on social, political and economic issues in Egypt for both Egypt Today and Business Today. Investigated high-profile stories to provide untold angle. Reported on controversial issues affecting Egyptian society. Managing Editor The Caravan, Cairo, Egypt. February - May 2009 Managed all aspects of design and production for The American University in Cairo s school paper, the only bilingual weekly newsmagazine in Cairo. Refocused coverage to include controversial student topics and investigative pieces that challenged the university s administration.

Intern, Daily News Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Summer 2008 Reported and wrote breaking news and feature length stories on taboo social subjects in Egypt in this daily subsidiary of the International Herald Tribune. Wrote stories on God, sexuality, drugs and other controversial topics. Story on female sexuality was the most emailed fort three weeks running. AUC Journalism Fellow, Adham Center for Broadcasting, Cairo, Egypt and Doha, Qatar June 2008 One of two undergraduates selected for an intensive 20-day graduate level journalism fellowship. Reported and wrote a story on police brutality in Egypt published by the Huffington Post. Interviewed bloggers, government officials and alleged victims. Gained access to and was expelled from the Ministry of Interior s Human Rights conference on the topic, an invitation normally reserved for national papers. Producer, Adham Center for Broadcasting, Cairo, Egypt January - May 2008

Produced all aspects of an award-winning film on Sudanese refugees in Egypt, Mujajaheen (Displaced). Wrote proposal, secured funding, found and interviewed subjects, filmed in dangerous areas of Cairo under tight police scrutiny and oversaw editing. OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE Account Manager, Ultimate Staffing Services, Washington D.C. Executive Recruiter, Global Recruiters of Alexandria, Alexandria, VA Human Resources Manager, American Halal Meat, Inc., Springfield, VA

April 2006 May 2007 Feb. 2005 May 2006 Sept. 1998 Sept. 2002

EDUCATION Columbia University School of Journalism, New York, N.Y. August 2009 - May 2010 Master of Science, digital media concentration with coursework focused on neighborhood reporting, national reporting, developing interactive graphics and covering the Middle East peace process. The American University in Cairo, Cairo Egypt September 2007 - May 2009 Bachelor of Art in Mass Communication and Journalism, journalism concentration with coursework in print, digital media and documentary filmmaking. Coursework also included Arab media law, Arab history and anthropology, development, politics and poverty. Transferred from George Mason University. George Mason University, Fairfax VA September 1998 May 2000 Undergraduate coursework in law, international relations, computer science and financial accounting. SKILLS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES Language skills: Fluency in English and Arabic written and spoken. Program skills: Advanced level in Final Cut Pro, Avid Liquid, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. Competency in Java, HTML, C++ programming, Adobe DreamWeaver.

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