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Math/CE MC Ex.

CE MC Ex.1 - Unit 1 Percentages
Section A
1. A blanket loses 10% of its length and 8% of its width after washing. The percentage loss in area
is [CE 91]
A. 18.8% B. 18% C. 17.2% D. 9%

2. A man borrows $10 000 form a bank at 12% per annum compounded monthly. He repays the
bank $2 000 at the end of each month. How much does he still owe the bank just after the
second repayment? [CE 91]
A. $6 181 B. $6 200 C. $6 201 D. $8 304

3. 3 kg of a solution contains 40% of alcohol by weight. How much alcohol should be added to
obtain a solution containing 50% of alcohol by weight? [CE 91]
A. 0.3 kg B. 0.6 kg C. 0.75 kg D. 1.5 kg

4. P sold an article to Q at a profit 25%. Q sold it to R also at a profit of 25%. If Q gained $500,
how much did P gain? [CE 91]
A. $250 B. $320 C. $333 D. $400

5. A sum of $10 000 is deposited at 4% p.a., compounded yearly. Find the interest earned in the
second year. [CE 92]
A. $16 B. $400 C. $416 D. $800

6. By selling an article at 10% discount off the marked price, a shop still makes 20% profit. If the
cost price of the article is $19 800, then the marked price is [CE 92]
A. $21 600 B. $26 136 C. $26 400 D. $27 225

7. A merchant marks his goods 25% above the cost. He allows 10% discount on the marked price
for a cash sale. Find the percentage profit the merchant makes for a cash sale. [CE 93]
A. 12.5% B. 15% C. 22.5% D. 35%

8. Which of the following gives the compound interest on $10 000 at 6% p.a. for one year,
compounded monthly? [CE 93]
A. 12
06 . 0
10000 $

B. ( ) 1 06 . 1 10000 $

06 . 0
1 10000 $ |



+ 1
06 . 0
1 10000 $
9. Originally
of the students in a class failed in an examination. After taking a re-examination,
40% of the failed students passed. Find the total pass percentage of the class. [CE 93]
A. %
26 B. %
C. 40%

D. 60%

10. Mr. Chan bought a car for $143 900. If the value of the car goes down by 10% each year, find
its value at the end of the third year. (Give your answer correct to the nearest hundred dollars.).
[CE 94]
A. $94 400 B. $100 700 C. $104 900 D. $115 100
Math/CE MC Ex.1
11. A wholesaler sells an article to a retailer at a profit of 20%. The retailer sells it to a customer for
$3 600 at a profit of $720. Find the original cost of the article to the wholesaler. [CE 94]
A. $2 304 B. $2 400 C. $2 880 D. $3 000

12. Find the interest on $P at r % p.a. for n years, compounded half-yearly. [CE 95]
A. P r P
$ %) 1 ( $ +

B. P r P
$ %) 1 ( $
C. P
$ %)
1 ( $ +
D. P
$ %)
1 ( $

13. The marked price of a toy is $120 and the percentage profit is 60%. If the toy is sold at a discount
of 20%, the profit is [CE 95]
A. $21.00 B. $24.00 C. $33.60 D. $48.00

14. Shop A offers a 10% discount on a book marked at $P. Shop B offers a 15% discount on the
same book marked at $Q. If the selling price of the book is the same in both shops, express Q in
terms of P. [CE 96]
A. P Q
= B. P Q
= C. P Q
= D. P Q

15. The length of a rectangle is decreased by 20%. If the area remains unchanged, find the
percentage increase of its width. [CE 96]
A. %
12 B. %
C. % 20

D. % 25

16. There are 1 200 students in a school, of which 640 are boys and 560 are girls. If 55% of the
boys and 40% of the girls wear glasses, what percentage of students in the school wear glasses?
[CE 97]
A. 47% B. 47.5% C. 48% D. 52%

17. Find the interest on $10 000 at 16% per annum for 2 years, compounded half-yearly. Give the
answer correct to the nearest dollar. [CE 97]
A. $1 664 B. $3 456 C. $3 605 D. $7 424

18. A man bought a box of 200 apples for $ 500. 10 of the apples were rotten and the rest were sold
at $ 4 each. Find his percentage profit correct to 2 significant figures. [CE 98]
A. 34% B. 38% C. 52% D. 57%

19. In a class, students study either History or Geography, but not both. If the number of students
studying Geography is 50% more than those studying History, what is the percentage of
students studying History? [CE 99]
A. 25%
B. %
C. 40%

D. 60%

20. A man bought two books at $30 and $70 respectively. He sold the first one at a profit of 20%
and the second one at a loss of 10%. On the whole, he [CE 00]
A. lost 1% B. lost 10% C. gained 1% D. gained 10%
Math/CE MC Ex.1
21. A bank offers loans at an interest rate of 18% per annum, compounded monthly. A man took a
loan of $20 000 and repays the bank in monthly installments of $4 000. Find the outstanding
balance after his first installment. [CE 01]
A. $16 000 B. $16 240 C. $16 300 D. $18 880

22. 40% of the students in a class failed in a test. They had to sit for another test in which 70% of
them failed again. Find the percentage of students who failed in both tests. [CE 01]
A. 10% B. 12% C. 18% D. 28%

23. The simple interest on a sum of money at r % p.a. for 4 years is equal to the compounded
interest on the same amount at 4% p.a. for 4 years compounded half-yearly. The value of r,
correct to 2 significant figures, is [CE 02]
A. 2.1 B. 4.2 C. 4.3 D. 9.2

24. The cost price of a toy is $100 and the marked price is $140. If the toy is sold at 10% discount
of the marked price, the profit is [CE 02]
A. $26 B. $30 C. $36 D. $50

25. Johns daily working hours have increased from 8 hours to 10 hours but his hourly pay has
decreased by 25%. Find the percentage change in Johns daily income. [CE 03]
A. A decrease of 6.67%
B. A decrease of 6.25%
C. 0%
D. An increase of 6.67%

26. A sum of $8 000 is deposited at 1% p.a. compounded yearly. Find the interest earned after 4
years. Give the answer correct to the nearest dollar. [CE 03]
A. $303

B. $320

C. $324

D. $325
27. The marked price of a book in 20% above the cost. If the book is sold at a 10% discount on the
marked price, then the percentage profit is [CE 04]
A. 2%. B. 8%. C. 10%. D. 18%.

28. Peter sold two flats for $ 999 999 each. He lost 10% on one and gained 10% on the other. After
the two transactions, Peter [CE 05]
A. gained $ 10 101.
B. gained $ 20 202.
C. lost $ 10 101.
D. lost $ 20 202.

29. The number of a certain bacteria increases by 10% per hour. If there are 80 000
bacteria, find the difference between the numbers of bacteria 2 hours ago and 2
hours later. (Correct your answer to the nearest integer.) [CE new]

A. 15 273
B. 29 333
C. 30 684
D. 34 348

30. The quarterly rates payable for a flat are $650, find the rateable value of the
flat. (Suppose the rates percentage charge is 5%.) [CE new]

A. $3 250
B. $13 000
C. $25 000
D. $52 000

Math/CE MC Ex.1
31. Mr. Chan paid $1 980 for the quarterly rates of his flat. If the tax rate was 5.5%
per year, what is the rateable value of his flat? [CE new]
A. $3 600
B. $14 400
C. $36 000
D. $144 000

32. The gross profits of a corporation are $176 000 and the operating expenses are
65% of the gross profits. If the profits tax rate is 16.5%, calculate the profits tax
payable by the corporation. [CE new]
A. $6 933
B. $10 164
C. $17 600
D. $18 876

Net chargeable income Rate
On the first $20 000 2%
On the next $30 000 9%
On the next $30 000 17%
Remainder 20%

According to the table above, the salaries tax payable by Joyce is $5 480. Find her
net chargeable income. (correct to nearest hundred) [CE new]
A. $14 000
B. $27 400
C. $61 900
D. $64 000

34. The monthly rent of a house is $8 500. Find the property tax rate if the allowance
is 20% of the annual rent and the owner of the house pays $13 872 as the property
tax for the year. [CE new]
A. 15%
B. 16%
C. 17%
D. 18%

35. The property tax of a flat was $45 000 for 2001/2002, find the annual rental
income. (Suppose the allowance is 20% and the property rates is 15%.)
[CE new]
A. $300 000
B. $335 000
C. $375 000
D. $900 000

Math/CE MC Ex.1
36. Mr. Chan is the owner of two flats A and B. For the financial year 2000/2001,
the property tax of flat A was twice that of flat B. For the financial year
2001/2002, the annual rental income of flat A and that of flat B decreased by
16% and 13% respectively. If the annual rental income of flat B in 2000/2001
was $36 000, find the difference between the property taxes of the two flats
for the financial year 2001/2002. (Suppose the allowance is 20% and the
standard tax rate is 15%.) [CE new]
A. $129.6
B. $1 080
C. $3 499.2
D. $4 374


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. C
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. D
27. B
28. B
29. C
30. D
31. D
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. C
36. C

~ End of Unit 1 MC ~

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