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I. VOCABULARY 1. Day-to-day phrases 2. Question words 3. Work 4. Questions about travel 5. Free time activities 6. Frequency adverbs and expressions 7. Irregular verbs 8. Past time phrases 9. Relationships 10. Connecting words 11. Employment 12. Looking for a job 13. Word building (noun endings or, -er, -ion...) 14. Types of films 15. Past participle 16. Music 17. TV nouns and verbs 18. ed and ing adjectives 19. Verb-noun collocations 20. Verbs and prepositions 21. Character adjectives 22. Prefixes and opposites of adjectives: =un, -im, -in, -dis...


1. Verb forms and questions 2. Subject questions 3. Past Simple 4. Past continuous 5. Have to / had to 6. Present continuous and present simple: activity and state verbs 7. Present perfect for life experiences 8. Will for prediction; might; will be able to 1

9. Future plans and ambitions 10. Comparisons


1. Finding things in common (So, Neither) 2. Starting and ending conversations 3. Apologies, reasons and promises 4. Agreeing, disagreeing and asking for opinions 5. Offers, suggestions, requests 6. Telephoning IV. SUGGESTED TOPIC QUESTIONS 1. Tell about yourself (personal details, family, job, study, free time, future plans...) 2. Do you have a good job? Tell about your job. 3. What do you usually do in your free time? 4. Do you think speed dating is a good idea? Why? / Why not? 5. What are the good and bad things about fast food? 6. Do you like reading? What do you usually read? When is your favourite time for reading? Why? 7. - Is it more difficult to be unemployed when you re younger or when you re older? Why? - Is unemployment a problem in your country? Can people in your country get unemployment benefit? - What s the best way to find a job? 8. Which job(s) would you like / hate to do? Why? 9. Do you prefer working studying in the morning or in the evening? Why? 10. Do you like films? What kind(s) of film do you like? Why? Which is better watching a film in the cinema or on video/DVD? Why? 11. Do you like music? What kind(s) of music do you like? Why? 12. - Do you like watching TV? Which types of TV programme do you like? Which don t you like? How much TV do children watch in your country? Who decides what to watch children or the parent? What are the good and bad things about watching TV? the

Which types of TV programme are popular in your country? Which aren t very popular? Would you like to live without TV for a week? Why? / Why not?

13. Do you think people should pay for education? Why? / Why not? 14. Which invention was the most important, do you think TV, cars or computers? Why? 15. What can a robot do? What can t a robot do? Would you like to have a robot? Why? / Why not?

16. At what age do people usually retire in your country? What s the best and worst thing about being retired, do you think? 17. Would you like to go on holiday in space? Why? / Why not? What are the best and the worst things about a space holiday, do you think? Do you think it s a good idea to spend money on a space programme? Why? Why not? Imagine you re going on a space holiday. You can take three personal possessions. What are they?

18. What do you think about doing charity? Have you ever raised money for a charity? If yes, what did you do? 19. Which is the most difficult to be: a child, a teenager, a middle-aged person, an elderly person? Why? Which is the most difficult to live with? Why? 20. Which soap operas are popular in your country? Why are they popular, do you think?


I. Personal Identification 1. When is your birthday? 2. When is your date of birth? 3. Where were you born? 4. Where did you grow up? 5. Where is your hometown? 6. Are you married? If Yes , how many children have you got? 7. Where do you live? 8. Do you like living there? 9. Would you rather live in the countryside or the town? 10. Do you still live with you parents? 11. What do your parents do? 12. When did you graduate from university? 13. Where do you work? 14. Do you live far from your company / school...? 15. How do you usually travel to work? 16. How long does it take you to travel to work? 3

17. What do you like / dislike about your job? 18. Why did you choose it? 19. Would you like to work for a foreign company? Why /Why not? 20. How many people do you work with? 21. What are they like? 22. How many hours a day / days a week do you work? 23. Tell about your future plans. II. House and Home / Family 1. Tell about your home. 2. How would you like your home? 3. How would you like to decorate your house / your living room...? 4. Do you want to have a house of your own or do you like to live with your parents? 5. Do you want to live in the same house with your brother s / sister s family? 6. Have you ever changed your house? When / Why did you change it? 7. Describe the region you are now living? 8. Do you often eat out? Why / Why not? 9. What do you usually do in the evening? 10. Do you like to stay at home all day or do you like to go out for work? III. Education 1. Do you think education is important? Why? 2. Why do teachers have an important position in society? 3. Would you like to see any changes in our educational system? 4. Did you have to wear a school uniform at your high school? 5. What was your best subject at high school? 6. When you were at high school, what extra-curricular activities did you do? 7. Have you ever cheated on an exam? 8. Do you think English education at elementary school is a good idea? 4

9. Do you have to take university entrance exams in your country? Are they stressful? 10. Do you feel that the majority of university students in your country study hard? IV. Free time and entertainment 1. What do you usually do in your free time / at weekends? 2. What are you hobbies? 3. What kinds of books do you like reading? 4. What kinds of music do you like listening to? 5. Do you like watching TV? How many hours a day do you watch TV? / How much time do you spend watching TV? 6. What are advantages / disadvantages of TV? 7. Which TV programmes / channels do you like watching? 8. What is the most popular TV program in your country? 9. Are there many educational TV programs for children in your country? 10. Do you often go out? Where do usually go? 11. Which popular leisure activities can you enjoy in you city? 12. Do you often chat with your friends on the phone? How often? 13. What is your favourite thing to do to relax? 14. What do you like to do on a sunny / rainy day? 15. Do you like film/movies? 16. How often do you go to the cinema? 17. Do you like Vietnamese / Korean / American... films? 18. What kind of film do you like? 19. Who is your favourite actor / actress? 20. Do you like singing? 21. What kinds of songs do you like singing? 22. Is karaoke popular in your country? Is it expensive? 23. Why do you think karaoke is so popular in your country? 5

24. Do you usually go to karaoke? How often? 25. Do you like reading? 26. What do you usually read? 27. Do you read newspapers or magazines every day? 28. Which newspapers magazines do you usually read? 29. Which section of the newspaper do you read first? 30. What are the names of the most popular newspapers / magazines in your country?

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