Topics For Group Discussions

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Topics for Group Discussions

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Democracy has hampered India's progress. Globalization is good. Computers result in unemployment. Men and women will always be unequal in the workplace. Corruption is the main outcome of democracy in India. History repeats itself. NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) such as the United Nations are ineffective. An India free of the caste system is simply a pipe dream. E-Commerce the best thing for India. Is materialism good or bad? Is Indian bureaucracy the basis of a government's foundation, or simply a poor leftover from colonial times? Is the agrarian economy in India a boon or a bane? Is management education really necessary to succeed in business? What is the role of ethics in industries such as tobacco, gambling and liquor? Should India aspire to be a nuclear superpower? Advertising is a form of brainwashing. How will the introduction of hedge funds and the lberalization of foreign exchange controls impact our market? Is war with Pakistan inevitable? The ends justify the means. What do you think of this firm's (one that is in the news) decision to go public? Is identity more important than policy? Greed is good - it is an essential human quality. The advancement of women's rights is the basis for social development. Is China a threat to the Indian economy? Should the concept of arrange marriage still exist? The environment - whose responsibility is it?

Investment in the game of cricket hinders the development of other sports in India. For: Players need the investment in order to have the best and latest equipment, therefore investment in other sports is needed; we must have investment in order to compete on a global basis since other sports such as soccer are much more popular Against: The Sports Ministry has a fixed budget and needs to allocate money for cricket because it is so popular; if demands for cricket are high, the department has no other option to fund the sport. Corporations will sponsor a game which will give them the most publicity, and cricket is arguably the most important game in India therefore, these corporations will inevitably sponsor cricket no matter what.

Philosophy is simply arm-chair theory. Does philosophy have practical meaning and application in the real world? Is it a relevant and important topic?

the relevance of philosophy in day to day life, its influence on literature (for example, Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Nietzsche, Voltaire); the relationship between philosophy and politics, war strategy, philosophies for happiness, success and enlightenment. Case studies: Look at the influence of Nietszche on Hitler and other various philosophers on politica movements; talk about Indian philosophy and works such as the Gita, Gandhi (satyagraha and other tactics based on philosophy), the use of philosophy in religion, spirituality and molding values/traditions/customs

MBA programs should be taxed at higher rates in India. Consider: given the capacity for those with MBAs to earn higher income, these taxes should be adjusted accordingly; also consider that taxation is a policy which is decided for masses at large - taxes should be fixed and not based on profession; MBAs and other professionals are already taxed a "professional tax", therefore charging an additional higher rate is not required.

Are we raising a generation of burnt out children? The benefits of pushing children to do well is so

that they are prepared for the competitive world and will succeed in the future. They will develop the skills they need and help develop their strengths. You should also consider thecons: childhood is a time to explore the world and develop their own personality and enjoy life. They should not stress, and they should do what makes them happy - that is what ultimately will make them happy in the future. Stress and the pressure of competition can have a negative impact on the children in the future. Consider: the psychology and behaviour of students and of children as their minds develop and learn, competition in the workplace, work ethic, factors of stress on success and achievement, rebellion resulting from pressure, preparation for the real world, various advantages and disadvantages

HOW TO DEAL WITH INCREASING OIL PRICES Shift from Oil to Gas since its cheaper and efficient

Technology Creates Income Disparities Skilled Manpower Shortage in India Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan? Is Swadeshi Relevant for India Today? Privatization will lead to Less Corruption


Advertising is a Waste of Resources Change from Public Sector to Privatization (as in the U.K.) is the Right Answer for Indias Instant Economic Breakthrough Stock Market Crash Sub Prime Crisis in US Consumer is God in Todays Market India will be a Superpower in 21 st Century with 40 Crore Hungry People Public Sector is more a Hindrance than Help to Promote Socialism Should PSUs be divested through Strategic Sale or Public Offer? Steal a Few Lakh and youre a Criminal; Steal a Few Hundred Crore and you become an industrialist Are MNCs Superior to Indian Companies? Will Market Reforms Enrich RichStates Further, while Poorer Ones Lag Further? Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped? Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use? Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned? Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth Is the Business of Business only Business? Is the Patents Bill Good for India? Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month? Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? Is the Consumer really the King in India? Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad Are Indians Less Quality Conscious? Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise? How to Deal with High Oil Prices? Should the Public Sector be Privatized? Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India Why cant India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors? Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population? Is Globalization Really Necessary? A Unipolar World Spells Disaster for Underdeveloped Countries like India Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle! Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable


SEZs: Boon or Bane? Retailing is killing the Neighborhood Kirana Shops Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India Foreign Aid is a Dangerous Drug: Stimulates in Small Doses but becomes Fatally Addictive in Larger Ones Are Co-operatives Relevant in Todays Global Environment? All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy Nice Guys Finish Last A Person should not be too honest; Straight Trees are cut first Cleanliness is a Fundamental Responsibility of an Indian Citizen Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus In Todays World, Everything is Uncertain except Death & Taxes Good Things Always Come from Good Thinking Is God Male? Is Love Precious or Poisonous? There is No Right Way of Doing the Wrong Thing Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Food Comes First, Ethics Later Rules are Meant to be Broken Every Cloud has a Silver Lining Do Beauty and Brains Go Together? A Ship Docked in Harbor cannot face the Storms Cricket as a National Obsession is a Detriment to Other Sports Modern Day Sport in Industrialized Society is an Industry Are Cricketers to be blamed for Match Fixing? Six Billion and One Bronze! Is T20 Cricket killing Real Cricketing Skills? Cricket in India has lost its Sheen If Winning isnt everything, why do they Keep the Score? Is it Necessary to Rename Indias Well-Known Cities in the name of Indianization? Reservations in the Private Sector Presidential v/s Parliamentary Form of Government in India Should Tainted Ministers Allowed to Contest Elections? Doctrine of Limited Nuclear War is an Ill-Convinced, Illogical, Irrational & Extremely Dangerous Concept Democracy is Hampering Indias Progress Indo-US Nuclear Deal Congress v/s Left Religion should not be mixed with Politics Value-based Politics is the Need of the Hour What India needs is a Dictatorship? Should Women have Reservation for their Upliftment? Corruption is the Price we pay for Democracy


Retirement Age for Politicians Politics is Run by the Barrel of Gun Need for Good Leaders in India The Way Forward for India is to Join Hands with Pakistan on Nuclear Matters Should We Pursue our Policy of Dialogue with Pakistan? Voters, not Political Parties, are Responsible for the Criminalization of Politics Reserving Seats for Women in Panchayat not only a Farce but Distracts from Developing a more Genuine Voice of Women Necessity of Women Quota Bill for Women Empowerment Is our Political System Reason for our Backwardness? Rules & Regulation Breed Corruption Is Paperless Office a Reality or Not? Individual Brilliance Certainly makes a Difference Flexi Timings or Fixed Timings Which is better at Work? Unrest in Countries around India India at 60: A Senior Citizen? Should Guys Expect their Educated Wives to be Virgins? Are Live-in Relationships better than Marriage? Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants in India Exit Options for the US from Iraq Is India Aping the Western Obsession with Celebrities? Universal Disarmament is a Must Doctors Accountability to Improve Health-Care Brain-Drain has to be stopped Is Swapping Terrorists for Hostages an Encouragement to Plane-Hijackers? Nuclear War cannot be won and should not be fought Conditional Access System for Cable TV Watchers: Boon or Bane? How safe is Unmarried Fairer Sex? Should Sting Operations be Carried Out? Should Research on Human Cloning be banned? Is India a Soft Nation? Is Dependence on Computers a Good Thing? Capital Punishment should be Banned or Allowed? Indian Army as a Career Option Are Peace and Non-Violence Outdated Concepts? How to Deal with International Terrorism? Beauty Pageants are a Must, Corruption is a Necessary Evil for Success in Any Sphere, What is the Difference between People who do Things Rightly and People who do Right Things? Secularism has become a Tool to Justify the Wrongs done by the Minorities Borderless World: A Myth or Reality?


Borderless World: A Threat? Advertisements Cheat People, Hence Should Be Banned Security Cameras & Privacy Do NGOs in India Really Work for Others OR Work for their Own Vested Interests? Should Animals be used for Testing New Drugs & Medical Procedures?Rivers are our natural resource. All states have equal rights on them. How effective are Indian B-schools? Should Management Education be subsidized? Private Educational Institutions: Good or Bad Is Reservation in Higher Education Only Alternative for Social Equality? E-Learning: A Substitute for Classroom Learning? Foreign Universities in India Should the Government Set-up More IITs and IIMs, OR should it be use the Money for Primary & Secondary Education? Privatization of Higher Education Should Sex Education be really made Compulsory? Government Control in Higher Education is Interfering and Not Required Do we really Need Education to be Successful? Are Ethics just Business Pretence? Positive Attitude and not Knowledge is required for Business Success Indians Perform Better as Individuals than in Groups/Teams Are Leaders Born or are they made in Business Schools? Will Mumbais Film Industry ever evolve into a Truly Modern Corporative One? The Rush for MBA is really a Rush for Big Money Can One Contribute to the Social Sector while Being Employed in the Corporate World? Rise in MBA Salaries is Not Sustainable in the Long Run We Need More Entrepreneurs than Managers MBA in India is highly Over-rated Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies; they have Another Way to go. The Salaries that MBAs Get is more than they deserve Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising? Do Women make Good Managers? Retention of Employees Does Morality have an Essence in Corporate Life? Women are better at Multi-Tasking Whether Hard-Working or Smart-Working is Desirable? Is Management Education Required for Business? Role of Ethics in Business Should GD be Part of Campus Placements? Is Management an Art or a Science? Management Education in India


Is Remixing Good Trend in Music? The De Vinci Code: Truth or Lies about Christ Influence of Online Social Networks on our Youth Do Celebrities have a Right to Privacy? Should Prostitution be made Legal? Arranged Marriages are better than Love Marriages Should there be a Restriction on Permissiveness Being propagated by the MTV Culture and Foreign Media Conventionalism and Modernity: The Ever-going Debate Individual Freedom and Civil Society Classical Music Heritage and the Growing Pop-Culture Excessive Depiction of Sex and Violence in Films Women Empowerment A Cause for Increasing Divorce Rate in India Women are not fit for Defense Services The Impact of MTV on Our Psyche Do Banning Girls Entry into Pubs, Celebrating Valentines Day, Holding Fashion Shows and -New Year Parties Save Our Culture? Should there be Limits on Artistic Freedom (the Controversies on Movies like Water, Fire, etc.)? Beauty Contests Degrade Womanhood Euthanasia: Is Mercy Killing Justified? With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia, Censorship is the Need of the Hour Rapists should be given Death Sentence Foreign Television Channels are Destroying Our Culture Should FTV be banned? Worsening of Female to Male Ratio in India Censorship in Movies & Our Culture Should Dance Bars be banned? Morals & Values among Indians is Degenerating Effect of Television on Youth Should Smoking be Banned Completely? India shall Adopt Chinas Model of Growth Corruption is an Inherent Part of Democratic Set-up Its not Politicians but Bureaucrats who are Responsible for Decay in Public Services Existing Model of Growth will lead to Greater Digital Divide Reservation a Tool for Creating Social Divide or Rectifying for Past Problems Should Education be privatized? Terrorism and India Is there a Need to Protect Indian Culture? Privatization is Boon or Bane Global Impact of a Local Problem like Sub-prime Crisis Globalization, in Long Term, will Cause More Harm than Good in View of Job Losses

Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India

Are we raising a generation of burnt out children?

Advertising is all glitter and little truth.

Is bureaucracy a hindrance to economic reforms in India?

Film-makers are indulging in cinematic Fortitution in the name of folk culture.

Under Indian parliamentary democracy it is impossible to ensure balanced regional development.

Corruption is the main outcome of democracy in India.

In an over-regulated society corruption is inevitable.

For the poorer sections of society, a state controlled economy is better than a liberalized economy.

The money being put into cricket is harming the development of other sports. (SCMHRD)

The formation of European Union has a drastic effect on India's trade.

Women's empowerment will lead to social development.

Computers result in unemployment (FMS Delhi)

With IT replacing middle level management, soft-ware jobs are more lucrative than MBAs (S.P Jain)

Do you think accent holds you back? Would you prefer everyone speaking uniformly? (XIM Bhubaneswar)

Men resent women power at work place (NMIMS)

Youth in India are becoming greedy by the day (MICA)

MBAs should be taxed at higher rates in the country (IIMB)

India should be reorganized into smaller states.

Managerial skills learnt from classroom can never match those learnt from experience.

who is responsible for eve TEASING: Boys or Girl.

Banning smoke in public place is a right decision good!

Should INDIA Change Its National Game?

Should India stop trade and all relations with pak?

freshers are better then laterels!

western culture adopted by india fair or not?

Religion is a private matter and should be no concern of the state.

Is corrupt but efficient politicians better than honest and in-efficient politicians.

Beauty contests do little to improve the stature of women.

Only one supwer power is better then two for world.

Women empowerment - A cause for increasing divorce rate in India

MNS-cultural bullying / Localization

Mobile phone a ban or a boon.

Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy.

He who knows how to be poor knows everything.

Foreign Television Channels Are Destroying Our Culture.

Euthanasia: To Do Or Not To Do.

Education and Success - Is There A Correlation?

Valentine day is harming our culture.

A ship Docked in Harbor cannot face the storms.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Small is beautiful.

Growing BIG is boon or ban?

Idea to make India a superpower in 2020.

Obama's visit to India-gain or loss.

Intrusions in privacy is more important then security.

Kohinoor must be returned to india.

Life may start getting happier after 50.

Penalty shoot-outs are an unfair way of deciding football matches.

Social network Boon or Ban.

The government should stop funding the IITs and the IIMs and, instead, divert the funds to primary education.

Profit is the only business of business.

Democracy has hampered India's progress.

Principles of Mahatma Gandhi; are they valid today?.

Growth and integrity are poles apart.

Satyagarh by Baba Ramdev. Growth and integrity are poles apart. Government should reduce defence expenditure and spend more on social sector. The UN has not served any purpose in the last decade. Religion is a private matter and should be no concern of the state. Is corrupt but efficient politicians better than honest and in-efficient politicians. Beauty contests do little to improve the stature of women.


To sustain India's integrity it is necessary to devolve more power to states. Women reservation in parliament is against the tenets of democracy. Computers result in unemployment. The parliamentary form of democracy has failed in India. Consumer satisfaction should be achieved at any cost. Managers do not add value to the society. Democracy is the only way to a sustained economic growth. Should youth indulge in politics? Liberalisation in 1991 was a forced one. Democracy is a luxury in India. Business Ethics. Infrastructure and India. Effectiveness of economic embargo on Iraq. The parliamentary form of democracy has failed in India. Consumer satisfaction should be achieved at any cost. Managers do not add value to the society. Corruption is the main outcome of democracy in India. The formation of European Union has a drastic effect on India's trade. Knowledge is the awareness of one's ignorance. Virtue has its own reward. Is the job of a manager to do the right things or to do things rightly? Coke and Pepsi should be driven out of India. Can religion be kept out of politics? Religious fundamentalism is more dangerous than regionalism. International embargo: the US is going too far. India-Pakistan relation: has it reached a point of no return? 'Tryst with destiny' ' has India redeemed its pledge? Is India ready for e-commerce? Has the time come to eradicate the nuclear weapons? All education should be exclusively provided by the government. Tryst with destiny - Has India redeemed its pledge. Indo-Pak relations ' more rhetoric, less substance. Money is the sixth sense. All Education should be exclusively provided by the government. Indo-Pak relations ' point of no return. Is bureaucracy a hindrance to economic reforms in India? Under Indian parliamentary democracy it is impossible to ensure balanced regional development. For the poorer sections of society, a state controlled economy is better than a liberalized economy. Industrial growth in the next millennium will depend a lot on how we tackle the environmental issues. Food comes first, ethics later. In India democracy is nothing but politicised monarchy. New Delhi should not be the capital of India. Industrial growth and environmental care do not go hand in hand. TV commercials should be banned. To survive in the civilized world one needs to be hypocrite. Money is the sixth sense without which one cannot enjoy the other five. Advanced mathematics has no value in life. Efficiency and corruption go hand in hand. Welcome back socialism. Information Technology. TV Commercials should be banned. Politics and economics go together. Winning is not the important thing, it is the only thing. It is all the fault of the politicians. We need more management schools than primary schools. The medium of teaching in schools should be English. Efficiency and corruption go hand in hand. Advanced mathematics is of no use in every day life. Welcome back socialism. To survive in a civilized world one needs to be a hypocrite.


Women's empowerment will lead to social development. Is corrupt but efficient politicians better than honest and in-efficient politicians. In one GD a paper clipping from one of leading newspapers was given and candidates were asked to read for 5 minutes and after that 15 minutes was given for discussion. Paper clippings were : Chinese goods - dumping or marketing. 'A means of political awakening'. The interviewer is checking whether the candidate can grasp the idea fast and discuss in detail on the topic. The money being put into cricket is harming the development of other sports. IT boom in India. Large Dams are a must for India's development. Leaders should be followers first. Should the Government ban India from playing cricket match in sharjah? Justify. Why more girls choose Human Relations Management. Advertising and ethics. IT: What does the future hold? Recommendation? Conscription should be made compulsory. Why is patriotism lacking in India? What Ails India more ' corruption or Overpopulation. What should India do to preserve its IT command over the World. India should not aspire to be a nuclear super power. Bureaucracy is root cause of India's social and economic problems. Do B-Schools make business leaders or mere managers. Infrastructure alone cannot improve India's standing in the International arena Globalization is bad for Indian companies Infrastructure development is of prime importance for India in the next millennium All nationalized banks in India should be privatized Total Liberalization is the only way for economic development in India In a country like India, Public sector is vital for national development How much should India depend on IMF for loan Is India's expenditure on hi-tech areas justified from the social and economic point of view India as you visualize in the year 2010 The finance minister has not done anything for the common man India's should emphasize more on SSI & MSI for employment The fruits of economic policy can be reaped only if there is a strong political system In the long run, the current economic policies will lead to MNCs dominating the Indian economy and society Growing consumerism is an indicator of the nation's economic prosperity Invasion of MNCs is a drain on the resources of India Family run businesses are the backbone of Indian Economy Brain Drain is good for the country All higher education in India should be privatized Standardization of Textbooks is the best tool for national integration The govt should stop funding IITs and IIMs and instead provide the funds to primary education The present education system perpetuates inequality Pollution is a price you pay for economic development Developed Countries are damaging the eco-system of the earth Urban pollution has been blown out of proportion Economic development at the cost of Ecological Degradation Is cloning of humans ethical What should be the objective of a company ' profits or customer Are ethics and business compatible Entry of MNCs & their business ethics Principles of Mahatma Gandhi; are they valid today? Social justice and equity is more important than economic equity and justice The constitution of Indian needs to be re-looked at


Computerization in India may lead to labor unrest Technological growth is more important than social cohesion for the advancement of a nation Excessive computerization is stealing jobs from the people Our country needs more MBAs than technocrats Professional management is a must to attain targeted growth Indian Management should find its own ethos, American & Japanese paradigms wont work Public sector should be handed over to independent professional managers Will the mushrooming of MBA institutes in India produce professional managers Management graduates are more interested in salaries & jobs rather than management as a course Can India still boast about being a secular country The demand for foreign brands has overtaken that for our home grown brands Vada-pav vs. Mc Donald Burger Communism has lost its relevance Cinema is at most entertainment with a degenerating effect Journalism should be out of the premises of censorship In our society, leadership should be entrusted to the youth ad not to the old Educated Indian lacks national commitment Beauty contests don't fit into the Indian culture Terrorism is like a virus ' very easy to spread, very difficult to contain Television! An idiot box or knowledge provider Are we producing a generation of burnt out children We have exchanged our golden heritage for a pair of blue jeans TV and Cinema have more evil effects than beneficial Is cricket hampering the growth of other sports in India The making of great sportsmen requires a good infrastructure The future of Indian Sport Indo-Pak differences are so deep-rooted that Kashmir is only being used as an excuse. Violence is a prerequisite for progress. Underdevelopment ' fate, mismanagement or oppression? Our country needs more technocrats and less managers. Management education is a luxury for a poor country like India. Ends justify the means. Is war with Pakistan inevitable? Will computerization make a robot of all human beings? Women make better managers than men. Do computers dehumanize society? Success comes not so much by solving problems as by exploiting opportunities. All higher education in India should be privatized. What will the present budget be like? Management education should make job seekers job creators. To prevent India from disintegrating, more autonomy should be given to the states. What will the present budget be like? Management education should make job seekers job creators. To prevent India from disintegrating, more autonomy should be given to the states. Talk of social responsibility in the private sector is sheer hypocrisy. Political crisis and the Indian economy. Corruption is an economic lubricant, and hence may not be all that bad. The Indian economy is in shambles. GDs as a means of selection by the IIMs are a farce. Is greed an essential human quality? Pollution control is a luxury for India. Engineers joining management is a national waste. The pen is mightier than the sword, but fanaticism is the mightiest of all. Has the Indian political structure outlived its utility? No one studies for an MBA. Everyone studies for a job. Parliamentary democracy is an obstacle in the path of growth of the Indian nation.


Do we need graduate engineers at all? Benefits of professional integrity. Bilateralism vs multilateralism. Ecology and tourism. Technical Modernization and job employment do not go hand in hand. Can politics be delineated from sports? Can International boundary be dissolved? India makes nuclear bombs, but cannot make quake resistant houses. Role of money in elections. Fast changes in Information Technology' excitement or agony? India makes nuclear bombs, but cannot make quake resistant houses. Role of money in elections. Fast changes in Information Technology' excitement or agony? Modern cinema is a boon to the Indian society. Reservation is necessary for social transformation. Education or empowerment leads to a quicker. Conspiracy is a very common form of political behaviour. The pros and cons of having a credit card. A chain gang is a modern form of slavery. Why drinking and driving is dangerous to yourself and others. Passive smoking is equally harmful. The economic boycott causes most of the problems in Cuba. International trade barriers work. City curfews help to prevent juvenile crime and to protect youth from victimization. The U.N. is mainly based on diplomacy and enhancing relationships. Affirmative action draws people to work they never considered before. Sustainable urban living without the use of excessive natural resources must be our future. Are there extraterrestrials who influence events on Earth? Marijuana has a medical value. Direct mail is a special form of junk mail. The pros and cons of a female President. Online dating chats have nothing to do with a search for a soul mate. Should schools distribute condoms? Most people support embryonic stem cell research. Life imprisonment is a good alternative to capital punishment. What is wrong with child labor? The Nostradamus Code Breast Implants Bribery in Business Computer Viruses Bigamy Hidden Persuaders Moral Majority The Hippocratic Oath Political Correctness Vegetarianism discussion topics general gd topics gd topics great stuff abstract gd topics

post your gd topics mba mba gd topics 2011 gd topics for mba students recent gd topics 2011

Leadership - What necessary changes are needed in your community organization and how do you want to lead the process? Malpractice Insurance - Doctors walk out on the job to protest the rising malpractice insurance costs. What to do about it? Work Ethics - Can we shape workers who have the sense that they serve the company 'nd community? School Violence - What are the real causes of violence and bullying in Schools? Recycling - Sort out how to make money with recycling. Dropouts - Individual attention in safe schools and smaller classes; is that the way to stop students to drop out? Iraq - What are the best exit strategies?



Speech Privacy - What are the best technologies to safeguard the right of free speech privacy on the internet? Minimum Wage - Why should we have a minimum wage or why not? Burnout - Should everybody check his or herself of burnout signs? How?

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