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Thesis Statement : Although cheap, the usage of polystyrene should be avoided by us since it has so many disadvantages in our lives

such as causing numerous disease, polluting the environtment and causing global warming. introduction : Polystyrene, an inexpensive and hard plastic, often be consumed in our surroundings without knowing the harmfull effects of it. Body: I. The toxics contained in polystyrene are dangerous to humans health. A. when we add hot food or drink into polystyrene, the toxic substances will be docomposed and absorbed into our bloodstream. B. The toxics could lead us into numerous diseases. C. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency always warn the concumers about the usage of plastic wrap due to this advantage. II. Polystyrene is hard to decompose A. Polystyrene takes at least 500 years to decompose. B. Polystyrene damage the marine ecosystem. C. In some places, the amount of space used for polystyrene rubbish between 25 and 30 percent. Polystyrene causes global warming A. Polystyrene causes ozone depletion. B. Polystyrenes environmental impacts were second highest. C. Polystyrene has been banned in cities across the United States.


Conclusion : We need some actions to avoid polystyrene consumption due to the harmfull effects of it

Polystyrene, an inexpensive and hard plastic, which was discovered in 1839 is often found in our surroundings. It is used as packaging, and in the insulation of buildings. Polystyrene is also used as food and drink containers, the hard plastic ones and also the soft foamy ones or we usually call it styrofoam. The inexpensiveness of polystyrene often lures people to consider using it instead of using other materials without caring or knowing what dangerous substances contained in polystyrene and what the disadvantages of using it. Therefore, although cheap, the usage of polystyrene should be avoided by us since it has so many disadvantages in our lives such as causing numerous disease, polluting the environtment and causing global warming. First, polystyrene contains the toxic substances styrene, benzene, carcinogens and neurotoxins that are dangerous to humans health. Especially when we add hot food and drink into it, the toxic substances will be docomposed and absorbed into our bloodstream, it could lead us into numerous diseases such as leukemia, anemia and nervous disorder. Due to this advantage, The Canadian Food Inspection Agency always warn the concumers about the usage of plastic wrap: Remove food from plastic wrap, freezer cartons, and/or Styrofoam trays before defrosting and cooking. They are not heat stable and could leak hazardous compounds from the container or plastic wrap to the food. Food Inspection Agency website. Second, polystyrene is hard to decompose. It takes at least 500 years to decompose. Because it is hard to decompose, it will pile up and pollute the environment. When polystyrene is sent to the landfill, it is quickly covered and this process deprives water and oxygen. Polystyrene which is thrown into ocean will damage the marine ecosystem. When polystyrene travels down waterways and storm drains into the ocean, it breaks down into smaller pieces that are ingested by marine life and finally it could harm or kill them. In one Californian study, at least 162 marine species including most seabirds were reported to have eaten plastics and other marine garbage. The United Nations Environment Program estimated in 2006 that every square mile of ocean accommodates 46,000 pieces of floating plastic, some of those are polystyrene. As a result of the impacts on marine pollution and adverse effect to marine wildlife, several coastal cities across the United States, have banned the use of polystyrene food packaging altogether.s Some producers recycle polystyrene by only crushing the old polystyrene to be new ones. In some places, the amount of space used for polystyrene rubbish between 25 and 30 percent. This could be a lot higher in Barbados. Third, Polystyrene causes global warming. Polystyrene products are made with petroleum, which have disadvantageous effects on ozone depletion and global warming. Burning polystyrene releases carbon monoxide and styrene monomers into environment, which can be extremely dangerous to our environment. Polystyrenes environmental impacts were second highest, behind aluminium, according to the

California Integrated Waste Management Board. To save the world, Polystyrene has been banned in cities across the United States, some include: Berkeley California, Malibu California, Oakland California, Portland Oregon, Suffolk County New York, Freeport Maine and Galena Alaska. To conclude this, some actions need to be taken to avoid the harmful effects of polystyrene since there are so many disadvantageous of it. Selecting items which are unwrapped, or wrapped in non-polystyrene materials and avoid burning polystyrene materials with your garden rubbish would be the best actions to save our health and our environment.

Bibliography 1. Anonym. Polystyrene Foam Report. 2. Kristina. Styrofoam. uid=2440736410&topic=2615 3. Anonym. Polystyrene Fact Sheets.

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