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Martn Abadi - Logika BAN (Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic) Hal Abelson Samson Abramsky Hamid Yassin Adem - CASE tool Leonard Adleman - Algoritma RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) dalam kriptografi Manindra Agrawal - Polynomial-time Primality Testing Alfred Aho - Bahasa pemrograman AWK Gene Amdahl - Hukum Amdahl Tom Anderson - Dependabilty, Fault Tolerant Computing Andrew Appel - Buku teks kompiler John Vincent Atanasoff - Penemu komputer elektronik pertama (komputer AtanasoffBerry)

[sunting] B
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Charles Babbage - Penemu komputer mesin pertama kali Charles Bachman John Backus - FORTRAN David A. Bader Anthony Barr - SAS System Rudolf Bayer - B-tree Gordon Bell - DEC VAX, Struktur komputer Steven M. Bellovin -- Network security Dines Bjrner - VDM dan RAISE Gerrit Blaauw - salah seorang pembuat desain dari IBM System 360 Manuel Blum - Kriptografi Grady Booch - Unified Modeling Language, Object Management Group George Boole - Boolean logic Bert Bos - Cascading Style Sheets Jonathan Bowen - Z notation dan formal methods Steve Bourne - Bourne Shell, kompiler portabel: ALGOL 68C Robert Boyer - Pencarian string dan ACL2 theorem prover Jack E. Bresenham - Kontributor grafika komputer: Bresenham's algorithm Per Brinch Hansen ( "Brinch Hansen") - concurrency Fred Brooks - System 360, OS/360, The Mythical Man-Month, No Silver Bullet Rod Brooks Alan Burns - Real-time Systems

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Luca Cardelli - objects Edwin Catmull - Grafika komputer (Computer graphics) Vinton Cerf - Internet, TCP/IP Gregory Chaitin Zhou Chaochen - Duration Calculus Alonzo Church - mathematics of combinators and lambda calculus John Cocke - RISC Edgar F. Codd - formulated the database relational model Stephen Cook - NP-completeness

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James Cooley - FFT Fernando J. Corbat - CTSS, Multics Peter Cousins - EAI, ESB Patrick Cousot - abstract interpretation Seymour Cray - Cray Research, supercomputer Dave Cutler - RSX-11, VMS, Windows NT

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Ole-Johan Dahl - Simula Christopher J. Date - proponent of database relational model Dorothy Denning - security Peter Denning - identified the use of an operating system's working set and balance set, President of ACM Michael Dertouzos - Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) since 1974, Oxygen (project) Alexander Dewdney Vinod Dham-The so-called father of the Pentium processor. Whitfield Diffie - Cryptography Edsger Dijkstra - Algorithms Goto considered harmful Semaphore (programming) Jack Dongarra - Linear Algebra high performance computing Marco Dorigo - Ant-Colony Optimization

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Annie J. Easley Wim Ebbinkhuijsen - Cobol John Presper Eckert Philip-Emeagwali - Superkomputer Douglas Engelbart Andrey Ershov Christopher Evans Dave Evans - Grafika komputer (computer graphics) Shimon Even Eugene Kaspersky

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Scott Fahlman Edward Feigenbaum - intelligence Michael Feldman Edward Felten - security Tim Finin Raphael Finkel Tommy Flowers - COLOSSUS Robert Floyd - NP-completeness James D. Foley Ken Forbus

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Herbert W. Franke Daniel P. Friedman

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Richard Gabriel Zvi Galil Bernard Galler - MAD Hector Garcia-Molina Michael Garey - NP-Completeness Hugo de Garis David Gelernter Charles Geschke Kurt Gdel - Computability Joseph Goguen Adele Goldberg - Smalltalk Oded Goldreich - cryptography, computational complexity theory Shafi Goldwasser - cryptography, computational complexity theory Gene Golub - Matrix (math) computation James Gosling - NeWS, Java Paul Graham Susan L. Graham - Compilers, Programming environments Jim Gray - Database Bill Griswold - Software engineering Ralph Griswold - Snobol string processing languages Ramanathan V. Guha - RDF, Netscape, RSS (file format), Epinions Peter G. Gyarmati - Adaptivity in operating systems and networking

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Philipp Matthus Hahn - kalkulator mekanis Joseph Halpern Per Brinch Hansen (lihat B, "Brinch Hansen") Wim Hartman Juris Hartmanis - teori kompleksitas (computational complexity theory) Johan Hstad - computational complexity theory Les Hatton - Kerawanan dan kegagalan Software Martin Hellman John L. Hennessy - Arsitektur komputer Danny Hillis - Connection Machine Geoffrey Hinton C. A. R. Hoare - Logic, rigor, CSP John Henry Holland - Algoritma genetik Hermann Hollerith Douglas Hofstadter - menulis Gdel, Escher, Bach, AI Herman Hollerith - Pembuat mesin kartu berlubang pertama untuk IBM John Hopcroft - Kompilator Admiral Grace Hopper - Kompilator, COBOL Alston Householder

David A. Huffman - Kode Huffman

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Jean Ichbiah - Bahasa pemrograman Ada Kenneth E. Iverson - Bahasa pemrograman APL

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Ivar Jacobson - Unified Modeling Language, Object Management Group Ramesh Jain Jonathan James David S. Johnson Stephen C. Johnson Cliff Jones - VDM Michael I. Jordan Bill Joy - Sun Microsystems, BSD UNIX, vi, csh

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William Kahan Robert E. Kahn - TCP/IP Avinash Kak Alan Kay - Dynabook, Smalltalk Richard Karp - NP completeness Narendra Karmarkar - Karmarkar's algorithm Jacek Karpinski Marek Karpinski - NP Optimization Problems Ken Kennedy - Compiling for parallel and vector machines Brian Kernighan - Unix Stephen Cole Kleene - Kleene closure, recursion theory Donald Knuth - The Art of Computer Programming, TeX, Literate programming Andrew Koenig - C++ David Korn - Korn shell Kees Koster - ALGOL 68 John Koza - Genetic programming Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Robert Kowalski Thomas E. Kurtz - BASIC

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Monica S. Lam Leslie Lamport - Algoritma paralel Butler W. Lampson Peter J. Landin Joshua Lederberg Manny M Lehman - Laws of Software Evolution

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Douglas Lenat - Artificial intelligence, Cyc Leonid Levin - computational complexity theory J.C.R. Licklider David Liddle Barbara Liskov - Bahasa pemrograman Ada Lovelace - Bahasa pemrogram pertama Nancy Lynch

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Zohar Manna - Fuzzy logic John Mashey Yuri Matiyasevich - solving Hilbert's tenth problem John McCarthy - Lisp programming language, Artificial intelligence Douglas McIlroy - pipes Chris McKinstry - Artificial intelligence, Mindpixel Marshall Kirk McKusick - BSD, Berkeley Fast File System Lambert Meertens - Algol68, ABC programming language Bertrand Meyer - Eiffel Silvio Micali - kriptografi Robin Milner - ML Marvin Minsky - Artificial intelligence, perceptrons, Society of Mind Dr. Paul Mockapetris - Domain Name System (DNS) Cleve Moler - numerical analysis dan MATLAB Edward F. Moore - Mesin Moore (Moore's machine) Gordon Moore - Hukum Moore (Moore's law) J Strother Moore - pencarian string dan ACL2 theorem prover Hans Moravec Joel Moses - Macsyma Stephen Muggleton

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Mihai Nadin - Anticipation research Frieder Nake - Pioneer in computer arts Peter Naur - BNF, Algol 60 Roger Needham Bernard de Neumann - Massively parallel autonomous cellular processor, software engineering research John von Neumann - Early computers, von Neumann machine Allen Newell - Artificial intelligence, Computer Structures Max Newman - COLOSSUS and MADM Nils Nilsson - Artificial intelligence Jerre Noe Emmy Noether Peter Nordin - Artificial intelligence, genetic programming, and evolutionary robotics Donald Norman - User interfaces and usability Kristen Nygaard - Simula

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John K. Ousterhout - Tcl Mark Overmars - pemrograman mainan (games programming)

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Christos Papadimitriou Kamran Parsaye, Programming Language Semantics, Intelligent Databases David Patterson Judea Pearl - Artificial intelligence, Search Alan Perlis - Bahasa Perl Radia Perlman - Spanning-tree protocol Simon Peyton-Jones - Functional programming Gordon Plotkin Amir Pnueli - temporal logic Willem van der Poel - computer graphics, robotics, geographic information systems, imaging, multimedia, virtual environments, and games Hayden Porter Emil Post - mathematics Jon Postel - Internet Franco Preparata

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T. V. Raman - Accessibility, Web Technology, AsTeR, Emacspeak, XForms XML Events Brian Randell - dependability Raj Reddy - AI David P. Reed Gustavo Restrepo John C. Reynolds Joyce K. Reynolds - Internet Adam Riese Dennis Ritchie - C, UNIX Ron Rivest - RSA Azriel Rosenfeld Guido van Rossum - Python programming language Rudy Rucker - Writer, Educator Steven Rudich - Complexity Theory, Cryptography Jeff Rulifson James Rumbaugh - Unified Modeling Language, Object Management Group

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Carl Sassenrath - Operating systems, Programming languages, Amiga, REBOL Jean E. Sammet - Programming languages Thomas Sterling - Creator of Beowulf Clusters Wilhelm Schickard Doug Schmidt Dana Scott - domain theory Ravi Sethi - Compilers, 2nd Dragon Book Adi Shamir - RSA Claude Shannon - information theory David E. Shaw - Computational finance, computational biochemistry, parallel architectures Scott Shenker - networking Edward H. Shortliffe - MYCIN (Medical diagnostoc expert system) Herbert Simon - AI Daniel Sleator - Splay tree, Amortized Analysis, Link-Cut Trees, Persistent Data Structures Robert Sproull Richard Stallman - GNU Project Richard Stearns - computational complexity theory Guy L. Steele, Jr. - Scheme, Common Lisp Christopher Strachey - denotational semantics Michael Stonebraker - database practice and theory Bjarne Stroustrup - C++ Madhu Sudan - computational complexity theory, coding theory Gerald Jay Sussman - Scheme Bert Sutherland - Graphics, Internet Ivan Sutherland - Graphics

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Andrew S. Tanenbaum - Operating systems, Minix Robert Tarjan - splay tree Demetri Terzopoulos Larry Tesler - human-computer interaction, graphical user interface, Apple Macintosh Avie Tevanian - Mach kernel team, NeXT, Mac OS X Ken Thompson - Unix Walter F. Tichy - RCS Seinosuke Toda - Computation complexity, recipient of 1998 Gdel Prize Linus Torvalds - Linux Joseph F Traub - computational complexity of scientific problems John Tukey - FFT Alan Turing - British pioneer, Turing Machine

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Jeffrey D. Ullman - Compilers, databases, Complexity theory

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Leslie Valiant - computational complexity theory, computational learning theory Andries van Dam - Grafika komputer, hypertext Srinidhi Varadarajan - System X: VirginiaTech's Power Mac G5 Supercluster Vernor Vinge - penulis cerita Science fiction

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Philip Wadler - Pemrograman fungsional David Wagner - Kriptografi Jan Weglarz Joseph Weizenbaum - AI, ELIZA Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Maurice Vincent Wilkes - Microprogramming, EDSAC Manfred K. Warmuth - Computational Learning Theory James H. Wilkinson - Numerical analysis Sophie Wilson Shmuel Winograd - Coppersmith-Winograd algorithm Terry Winograd - AI, SHRDLU Niklaus Wirth - Pascal, Modula, and Oberon languages Stephen Wolfram - Mathematica William Wulf - Compilers, President of National Academy of Engineering

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Tao Yang Alec Yasinsac - keamanan atau keamanan komputer Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

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Lotfi Zadeh - Logika samar (Fuzzy logic) Egon Zakraj ek - Pioner dari negara Slovenia Konrad Zuse - Perintis perangkat keras (komputer Z3) dan perangkat lunak dari Jerman

[sunting] Lihat pula

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