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Women, children and people with disabilities I. Terms 1. discrimination- prejudiced outlook 2. accordance- agreement or conformity 3.

aspiration- strong desire to achieve something high or great 4. humanity- the human race 5. responsibility- reliability or trustworthiness

II. Summary

1. Similarly, in many countries a charter for women which would put an end to an actual discrimination and would establish relationships of equality in rights and of respect for their dignity is the object of study and at times of lively demands. 2. We do not have in mind that false equality which would deny the distinction with woman's proper role, which is of such capital importance, at the heart of the family as well as within society. - Octogesima Adveniens 3. But it is fitting that they should be able to fulfill their task in accordance with their own nature, without being discriminated against and without being excluded from jobs for which they are capable, but also without lack of respect for their family aspirations and for their specific role in contributing, together with men, to the good of society. Laborem Exercens 4. These laws undertake the protection of life, health, strength, family, homes, workshops, wages and labor hazards, in fine, everything which pertains to the condition of wageworkers, with special concern for women and children. - Quadragessimo Anno 5. Thedisabled person is one of us and participates fully in the same humanity that we possess; It would beradically unworthy of man, and a denial of our common humanity, to admit to the life of the community, and thus admit to work, only those who are fully functional. 6. Women must be accorded such conditions of work as are consistent with their needs and responsibilities as wives and mothers. -Pacem in Terris 7.Far from being content with a purely passive role or allowing themselves to be regarded as a kind of instrument, they are demanding both in domestic and in public life the rights and duties which belong to them as human persons. 8. Women now work in almost all spheres. It is fitting that they are able to assume their proper role in accordance with their own nature. It will belong to all to acknowledge and favor the proper and necessary participation of women in the cultural life. Gaudium et spes 9. We also urge that women should have their own share of responsibility and participation in the community life of society and likewise of the Church. Justice in the world 10. In many countries the law recognizes the equality of men and women, the participation of all citizens in political life, and equal rights for all. -ICFL

III. References

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