Year of The Water Dragon: #7 FIGHTING STAR Is in The NORTHWEST (292.5° - 337.5°) : Bad!

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#7 FIGHTING STAR is in the NORTHWEST (292.5 337.5): BAD!

! Peace must be maintained AT ALL COSTS especially during the 7th lunar month. Serious relationship issues must also be resolved quickly this year.

Year of the Water Dragon

January 23, 2012 February 9, 2013

#8 EARTH STAR is in WEST (247.5 292.5): GOOD! Victory over competition can be realized if you tap this sector. Love life can even be enhanced here!

#9 FIRE STAR is in the NORTHEAST (22.5 67.5): GOOD! Tempering disagreements between the old and the new will result in excellent money luck and celebrations. LUNAR MONTH EQUIVALENT (2012) January 23, 2012 February 21, 2012 February 22, 2012 March 21, 2012 March 22, 2012 April 20, 2012 April 21, 2012 June 18, 2012 June 19, 2012 July 18, 2012 July 19, 2012 August 16, 2012

As the Water Dragon comes in to take over, waves of powerful yang chi will be shared indiscriminately infecting everyone with bubbling energy. This cosmic energy can be harnessed not only to neutralize even the most persistent bad things but also create the beginnings to the realization of good things. Be warned though for those who have failed to pay heed to the lessons of the previous year. For the Water Dragon can be quite unforgiving and equally promise a nastier surprise! Greed and selfishness these are what we must do away with. For though plenty of opportunities will come our way not all can bear fruit. By tempering our wants and effecting harmony around us not only can we secure ourselves from natural disasters but man-made as well. In this way too we can truly taste sweet success.

August 17, 2012 September 15, 2012

September 16, 2012 October 14, 2012 October 15, 2012 November 13, 2012 November 14, 2012 December 12, 2012 December 13, 2012 January 11, 2013 January 12, 2013 February 9, 2013

The Dragon has affinity with the Monkey and the Rat. It is in harmony with the Rooster. However, it is in conflict with the Dog.

Artistic, talented, charming and opportunistic. 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 Luck is with you this time around! Progress in both business and career can be realized this year. Even the doors for opportunities abroad have opened! But be warned that you need to first cultivate more patience and an even more enhanced powers of observation. For unwanted friends and temptations litter the road ahead. Inability to detect such can even result in serious family and personal relationship issues. Be reminded too that your health must be safeguarded at all times. Never trade it off just to achieve your objectives early. Travel safety must also be prioritized during the 2nd and 4th lunar months.

#1 WATER STAR is in the SOUTH (157.5 202.5): GOOD! This area will provide some fortune especially for those who support children.

#2 SICKNESS STAR is in the NORTH (337.5 22.5): BAD! AVOID using this area for cooking, eating and most especially resting or sleeping more so by children and elderly. It is best advised to leave this area undisturbed.

#3 CURVED TONGUE STAR is in the SOUTHWEST (202.5 247.5): BAD! Arguments, stress, lawsuits, legal problems, raised tempers and conflicts can be expected from here. Be extra careful too when driving in this direction as traffic accidents are bound to be high.

Calm but stubborn, industrious and reliable. 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 Not much luck is still forecasted for you this year. Results may seem disappointing despite the effort and even health may experience discomforts especially during the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th lunar months. Family life must also be attended to especially in the area of maintaining communication. This must be a priority for it will be your haven and even the ticket to get yourself out of a rut. Do your best to be attentive and cool as you go forward in your endeavors and you should still come out okay.

#4 WOOD STAR is in the EAST (67.5 112.5): GOOD! Studies and research can benefit much those who tap this location.

#5 DIFFICULTY STAR is in the SOUTHEAST (112.5 157.5): BAD! AVOID THIS AREA AT ALL COSTS! Do not place your bed or desk here as double misfortune is promised. Do not also break the ground at this area and avoid using any door here for this year.

#6 MILITARY STAR is in the CENTER: GOOD! Expect some consistent fortune this year here as well as the arrival of unexpected help. Manila, Philippines

2012 version 1.1


3. The Three Killings or San Sha is the MOST SEVERE of the annual afflictions! For 2012, this affliction moves to the West (142.5 to 217.5.) When seated at the dining table, sofa or offices avoid having your back towards the Three Killings direction. The centre of this annual affliction is always located in the North, South, East, or West. It is known to be the most severe of the annual afflictions! A disturbed San Sha is associated with poor communication, arguments, robbery/theft, problems with the law (libel, slander etc), misfortunes and illnesses. 4. The 5 Yellow Star or Wu Huang is seen as troublesome and volatile. For 2012, this affliction moves to the Southeast (112.5 to 157.5.) Associated unfavorable characteristics of a disturbed 5 Yellow Star are losses, health and relationship problems, misfortunes and mishaps. If this sector is by an entrance, window or door, one remedy is to hang a wind chime with 5 hollow metal tubes to help weaken this star - as Metal drains Earth in the element cycle. The Metal Element can be used freely in this sector, as it drains the Earth Element. You can also use a metal object between the property and the direction facing the 5 Yellow. Avoid elements that enhance the Earth or Fire Elements which make the 5 Star stronger.

Proud, courageous, impulsive and aggressive. 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 Unpleasant months are sighted ahead thus be warned to be a bit patient more. Caution must also be exercised to the fullest on your investments as serious losses will happen if you fail to do your homework properly. Health must also be attended too for illness hounds you this year. Pay careful attention to what you eat and drink. Yet, despite these seemingly unfortunate year frown not for help will arrive. Friends and other people will go out of their way to assist you. The 5th, 9th and 10th lunar months can provide a measure of relief for you just be reminded to save and not splurge your blessings yet.


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Shrewd, diplomatic, cultured and affectionate. 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 Mixed blessings are what are in store for you this year. Time and effort must be utilized to their fullest combined with clear focus to overcome the difficulties ahead.

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Maximize your inborn talent in connecting with people and keep below the radar for now. This way you get to avoid being entangled in conflicts and achieve more. For anger, stress, depression and other negative feelings will only worsen what health problems you have now. The key to surviving this year is to learn to be content else losses will be more than the sum of your gains. Borrowings and illegal activities must be avoided as an option as it will only drag you down further. 3 Remain positive despite the circumstances for just as how the Dragon saved the Rabbit then so will new friends help you when you need it most. The 6th, 9th and 10th lunar months are the time you should do more effort in your endeavors.

1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 Luck isnt with you yet this year so its wise to exercise the utmost caution in all matters. Be very attentive in how you deal with other people else you may find yourself with a lawsuit. Hardwork and patience are going to be what you need to arm yourself with to realize gains. This is not the time to be lax in such matters for you may suffer sizeable losses. THE FOUR ANNUAL AFFLICTIONS 1. The Grand Duke Jupiter or Tai Sui is at Southeast 1 (112.5 - 127.5.) If you are considering making changes in your home or workplace to this area this year, strike the first blow in another sector and then move to the Southeast. Then complete the renovations in another sector but not at the Grand Dukes position. Avoid facing the Grand Duke sector when you are sitting. If you sit facing the Grand Duke this is regarded as offensive or confrontational and you may experience a lack of support, loss, disharmony, demotion, defeat and obstructions in your path. The best direction to face when seated is away from the Grand Duke as this will support you through the year this applies to your home and office. In general apart from the direction you face, the best way to respect the Grand Duke is with calmness, stillness and quiet time for 2012. Keep the Tai Sui quiet, tidy and in a good standard or repair/decor for the year. Associated negative effects if this sector is disturbed are blood related illnesses and problems with authority figures at work, law, police and in relationships. 2. The Year Breaker or Sui Po is at Northwest 1 (292.5 - 307.5.) An undisturbed Year Breaker sector should not become a problem for the year. Save any major changes in this sector until the year changes as the sector moves out of the Northwest.

Witty, perfectionist, generous and aristocratic. 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 A mixed cycle of positive and negative are up for you this year. Obstacles lay ahead but these can still be overcome by you. The serious threat lies on envious friends and bad people waiting to steal your cake. Though blessings will do come in keep in mind this is not yet the time to splurge on unnecessary expenses. The one thing you cant scrimp on is on travel safety especially for your family. Caution and observation is a must on the 2nd, 5th, 6th and 10th lunar months. These are the periods when you are most likely to be victimized if you fail to read the signs. This should be a good year though to highlight your family and romance. Domestic differences will happen but are easily settled.

Proud, determined, wise and mysterious.

In line with the Grand Duke Jupiter/Tai Sui, it is favorable to sit facing the Year Breaker/Sui Po and having your back to it should be avoided. Avoid sitting on the Year Breaker/Sui Po location, this is not regarded as favorable. The negative associations of a disturbed Year Breaker/Sui Po are weaker than the Grand Duke Jupiter/Tai Sui position.

9 8 Precautions must be done prior to travel and health concerns especially on 7th and 10th lunar months. Safety must be your utmost priority.

must be avoided too at this time. The 3 , 7 , 8 and 10 lunar months are when such will make their presence felt even more. Health concerns remain a top priority all throughout the year so pay heed to this warning. Watch not only your intake but equally the other departments related to your personal health.





Hardworking, popular, optimistic and capable. 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 This is not the shining year you expect it to be. Hardwork and patience are what you need to get past the problems with regards to career, business and finances. Yet, be sad not for a bright ray of light leads you to opportunities to and from directions you think are still beyond your reach. Just keep in mind that equally do harmful friends wait for your unguarded moment to steal what youve worked hard for. Such undesirables will make themselves felt more during the 2nd, 5th, 6th and 12th lunar months. Health is going to be require much attention this year so pay extra attention to that. Elder family members must be attended to not just for their health but equally on safety too.

If your birth year ends in 4 and 5, you are a Wood type. If your birth year ends in 6 and 7, you are a Fire type. If your birth year ends in 8 and 9, you are an Earth type. If your birth year ends in 0 and 1, you are a Metal type. If your birth year ends in 2 and 3, you are a Water type. As this who are better sign.

year is a Water year, those Metal types will generally fare than others of their animal Fire types are advised to be prepared as best as they could as they will face lots of challenges ahead. It will also be slightly negative for those of the Earth types while Wood types will have a slightly positive year. Lastly, Water types will be in their element and may do quite well provided their animal sign is compatible with that of the Dragon. They, the Water types, are still advised though not to be too trusting, over-extending oneself and being greedy this year.

Quiet, practical, ambitious and determined. 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 Its going to be another mixed fortune year for you. Pay close attention to your daily activities especially in the management of finances.

Put extra effort in pushing with your business plans though dont do drastic alterations for now. Maintain focus on the present path. What you need to watch out for is becoming a guarantor to unworthy people. These are what can do serious harm to your investments. 5 Maintain a good health watch and pay extra concern to the elders of your family. Security is also of concern especially at home and during travels. The 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 11th lunar months are danger periods with the 9th lunar month requiring highlighting romance a bit more.

Effort and perseverance will pay off handsomely this time around may it be in career or business. This is not the time to be lax on such matters. Be warned though that harmful people will pest you much this year. These will try to tempt you with sweet offers. Falling into their trap will affect not just your hard earned fruits but equally family matters. The 1st, 5th, 7th and 8th lunar months are when you should be on the alert for such. Pay extra attention too to personal health and safety. The 10th lunar month warns too that water-related activities and travel must be kept to a minimum if not totally avoided at all costs.

Honest, responsible, reliable and conscientious. 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 Contrary to popular belief, the Dog isnt in for a totally bad year. There will be periods where fortune can be realized. Just remember to set your sights on realistic goals and pay careful attention to matters at hand. Initiating new projects is ill-advised this year. Such will cause you more harm than good. Extra effort must be made to all present endeavors else you gain ill-repute. Health concerns are still going to hound you this year so pay careful attention to that. Food safety and sanitation must be enforced. A warm home is your refuge this year during those periods of tests. The 3rd, 4th, 8th and 10th lunar months are when you will realize investing in a loving family is the real reward in life.

Lively, opportunist, devious and amusing. 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 A favorable year for you as helpers and lucky stars abound on your sector. Advancement in career is foreseen. Business will have a quite satisfactory result. Though the unlucky months will be few and can easily be weathered. What you need to work on is to reform from your bad and abusive habits as these are what will create you harm. The 4th, 5th, 7th and 9th lunar months are when you should focus on these to avoid conflicts especially in the affairs of the heart.

Charming, independent, logical and dislikes pressure. 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 Favorable and unfavorable months continue to occupy your year this period. However, because of the chi brought in by the Dragon this year those of the younger generation can experience more success than those of the older generation.

Honest, loyal, supportive and avoids taking risks. 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Expect good things to happen on family matters but not so to finances this year. Other aspects of life will be riddled with mixed fortunes so it pays to be extra attentive this year. Dedication to work will what is required for you to counter the bad stars. Your major threats will come in the form of harmful people that will try to fool you out of your hard-earned money. Risky investments and speculations 7

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