Essay Monosilane and Aluminum Chloride

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INTRODUCTION Silicon is the fourth element of the third period and is second only to oxygen in abundance in the earth crust. The atomic number of silicon is 14 and the distribution of its extra nuclear electrons among the first three energy levels is 2,8,4 and has 4 valence electron. Aluminum is the third element of the third period. It is also the third most plentiful element in the earths crust (about 7,4%) and the most abundant of the metals. It and many of its compounds are great in practical importance. Silicon and aluminum have ability to produce compound. One of the compounds of silicon is monosilane, and then one of the compounds of aluminum is aluminium chloride. Monosilane is colorless gas which used in industrial and medical applications. For example in industrial, silanes are used as coupling agents to adhere glass fibers to a polymer matrix, stabilizing the composite material. Aluminum chloride is also used in the production of aluminum, in the metallurgical industry and as a flux in aluminum smelting, in the production of rubber, lubricants and wood preservatives, and in cosmetics as an astringent, active ingredient in antiperspirants. In this essay will shows about typical of chemical bonding, molecular structure and the properties of monosilane and aluminium chloride. DISCUSSION Silane or Monosilane Monosilane has molecular formula SiH4. In this case, monosilane consists of one atom of silicon ad four atoms of hydrogen. Monosilane can be prepared by treating magnesium silicide with 20% hydrochloric acid in an atmosphere of hydrogen. . The equation like below: Mg2Si + 4 HCl 2MgCl2 + SiH4

Silicon atoms are able to share electron with each other. Monosilane has one atom of Si and four atoms of Hydrogen. Silicon has four valence electrons and bind electron and hydrogen has one valence electron. The Lewis structure of SiH4 is:

H H Si H H
The type of chemical bonding is covalent bonding, because there are electron pair and bond together. SiH4 has molecular formula like below:

Aluminum chloride Aluminum chloride is the main compound of aluminum and chlorine. The Lewis structure of AlCl3 is

Cl Al Cl Cl
AlCl3 consist of three atom chlorine and one of aluminum atom, so forming covalent bonding. Covalent bonding is a type of chemical bonding characterized by pairs of electrons are mutually shared (joint venture of electrons) between atoms are bonded. In short, attraction and repulsion stability that forms between atoms when they share electrons. So, the molecular formula of aluminum chloride is:

Cl Al Cl Cl

Aluminum chlorides is prepared by dissolving Al(oh)3 in conc. HCL passing gaseous HCL through the solution at 0C. The precipitate is washed with diethyl ether and dried. Alternatively, it is prepared by hydrolysis anhydrous AlCl3 in cold dilute HCL.

Properties of the compounds SiH4 (monosilane) properties Physical properties: Molar mass Appearance Melting point Boiling point Density The physical properties of Monosilane 32,12 g/mol Colorless gas 88 K 161K 1,44 g/L

Monosilane are flammable substances. Monosilane ignites in air spontaneously. SiH4 + O2SiO2+2H2O Free from oxygen, they may be kept indefinitely but when warmed strongly they decompose: SiH4 Si + 2H2 Monosilane does not react with water under normal conditions. In the presence of alkali base hydrolysis readily occurs. Thus reactions with caustic potash solution yield potassium silicate with evolution of hydrogen. SiH4+ 2KOH+H2O K2SiO3 + 4H2 With solutions of strong bases, the decomposition is more rapid, and the by product is metallic silicate rather than silicic acid SiH4+2NaOH+H2O Na2SiO3+4 H2 AlCl3 properties

Aluminum chloride in physical properties comes from solid and it is a poor conductor of electricity in the liquid state. The solid has a low melting and boiling point. The melting point is 192.4 C and boiling point is 120 C. It is pale yellow/white in color. Molar mass of Aluminum chloride is 133.34 g/mole with density 2.48 g/cm3. In chemical properties, Aluminum chloride is a strong Lewis acid which is capable of forming stable Lewis acid-base adducts even with weak Lewis bases. AlCl3 forms AlCl4- in the presence of chloride ion.AlCl3 is prepared by the exothermic reaction of the elements, chlorine and aluminum. It is also available commercially in large quantities. Aqueous solutions of AlCl3 behave similarly to other aluminum salt which contains hydrated Al3+ ions. AlCl3Al3++3ClDecomposes to alumina when heated at 300C 2AlCl3.6H2O2Al2O3+6HCl+9H2O React with caustic soda solution forming gelatinous precipitate of aluminum hydroxide , yield aluminum monobasic stearate, al(OH)2[OOC(CH2)16CH3] when its solution of sodium stearate.

The similarities between monosilane and aluminum chloride In both compound there are covalent bonding because silicon and aluminum have valence electrons and have ability to bind other atom. The differences between monosilane and aluminum chloride Monosilane Aluminum Chlorine This compound consists of silicon and This compound consists of aluminum and hydrogen. Monosilane is gas form. Have Lewis structure chlor. Aluminum chlorine is solid form. Have Lewis structure

H H Si H H

Cl Al Cl Cl

Have molecular structure

Have molecular structure

Cl Al Cl Cl

Monosilane has 4 valence electrons, and bind 4 Aluminum has 3 valence electron and bind 3 atoms, that are hydrogen atoms. Monosilane has molar mass 32,12 g/mol Boiling point of monosilane is 161K Melting point of monosilane is 88K Conclusion Each compound has different molecular formula. Besides that, some compound can have similar type of chemical bonding, especially in this essay use monosilane and aluminum chlorides. They have similar type of chemical bonding, but have different molecular structure and molecular formula. They also have different binding because it depends on valence electron. atoms, that is chlor atoms Aluminum chloride has molar mass 133,34 g/mol Boiling point of aluminum chloride is 393K Melting point of aluminium chloride is 465,4K

References: Anonym. 2010. Aluminum Chloride Chemical Formula.. Provided on http://tutorvista. accessed on 2010 Anonym. 2010. Silane. Provided on accessed on 9 October 2010 Jones,W Norton. 1954. General Chemistry. New York: The Blakiston Company. Patnaik, Pradycot. 2002. Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals. McGraw-Hill:USA.

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