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MBA Core : The beginning of society

Earlier man was an isolated island. Whether it be food, wood or water, he would be the one procuring for his needs.

leaders who would ensure that the greater good be followed. Narsee Monjee envisioned the need for leaders in the society and we decided to create such leaders to help industry and society. These leaders would be equipped to understand the diverse field and sectors within and out of the society. A leader who would use the acumen to pave a pathway for society and industry

However he then realized that if he specialized and confined himself to the activity they are good at, people could exchange their commodities and fend for each other. However to work along with each other we needed a society where people were bound to act in the greater good. And to build a society we needed

In the second year, the students are offered to choose from a basket of 65 electives in various areas of concentration likefinance, strategy, economics, human resource, marketing, communications, information technology. The electives are so designed that allows the students to not only prepare themselves effectively for the nuances for various industries but also to improve their proficiencies in various prospective roles To ensure that the institute provides a pool of highly qualified and like- corporate finance, sales and marketing, consulting etc. empathetic professionals, the institute undertakes extensive evaluation right from admissions until final placements. To meet the industry needs of well trained professionals with strong foundation in conceptual knowledge and acumen to apply Admissions: the same in business situations, the institute has initiated a The applicants have to first to undertake NMAT for taking practice of establishing industry led modules. Experienced admissions in MBA Core. These applicants are scrupulously professionals preside over these modules wherein they not only tested on areas of quantitative ability, data interpretation and share live cases with the students but also build on their business language skills. The students are then thoroughly evaluated acumen. through group discussions and interviews. The selection ratio The industry led modules for the second year students are also reflects the rigorousness of the process. enlisted below: Technology Consulting: Cognizant Teaching Pedagogy: Risk Consulting: KPMG The students are exposed to various domains in management Strategic Innovation Management: Wipro like- finance, marketing, human resource, operations and IT in the first year. The teaching pedagogy is planned in a way that Certifications: inculcates application based learning for the students through: To keep with the dynamically changing of the corporate world, Case based pedagogy to induce hands on erudition through the students further their knowledge to better prepare for the real life example challenges posed to them in corporate roles. The same is Workshops to hone the decision making and management accomplished by taking up professional certifications: skills of students Level 1: 28 students, Level 2: 10 students, Level 3: 2 students CFA Academic projects to induce application based learning Guest sessions from industry led professionals Level 1: 2 students, Level 2: 1 student FRM Extensive use of industry databases like- Capitoline, EBSCO CA: 2 students, CS: 1 student, CWA: 1 student Accounting and statistical tools like SPSS, MS Excel etc.
CAIIB: 2 students, JAIIB: 1 student

The flagship program of NMIMS, MBA Core has a long history of producing exceptional leaders. Reckoning the growing needs of the corporate world for professionally trained managers, NMIMS introduced MMS in 1981. This MMS program which was later renamed as MBA Core, has since then been nurturing managers who have gone on to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Course Curriculum
Master of Business Management (MBA) SVKMS NMIMS - School of Business Manage me nt , First Year (2011 -201 2) : Building Integrated Perspective of Management for Leadership Trimester I Trime ster II Trimester III Finan c ial Acco un ting and Analysis Cust o m er Acq u isition and Rete n t ion Micro eco no mics: Fir ms, Ma rkets an d Behav ior Individu al Dynamics and Lead ersh ip Sta tist ical Analysis fo r Business Decisions Corp orat e Social Resp ons ibility Perso nal Communicat ion Marke ting Planning Decis ion Analysis and Modeling Macro eco nom ic An alysis and Policies Group an d Organ izat io n Dynamics Man age m e nt Acco un t in g and Con trol Wr itten Busine ss Com m u nicat i on Busin ess Rese arch Met h o ds Legal Enviro nm en t of Busin ess

Corp orat e Finance Managing Business Operations Stra tegy Form ulation Globa lization and Indian Econ om y In fo rmation Systems fo r Management Hum an Re sour c e Management Written Analysis a nd Co mm unicat i on





SVK Ms NM IMS , School of Bu sin ess Mana g e m e nt Master of Business Ad m ini stra tion (MB A): Se c ond Year (201 1 -2 012)

Trimester IV Summer Internship ** S trat eg y Im plem e n tat ion Management Consu lt ing R isk Co nsulting I Management Consu lt ing Te chnology Consulting Business Em ergency Pre pa r e dn ess & Environme nt Disaster M an a ge me nt an d S tra t egy Managing B usiness T urnaround Bus iness Ana lytics Str a te gy Modu le Com m unicat ion Negoti a tion Skills Com p ulsory Cour ses Emerging M arket Econ omies Market O rganization of In fra stru cture Sector Int e rna tion a l Finance Inve st m e nt Analysis and Portfol io Manage m ent Q u a ntita tive Te ch niqu es in Finance Strategic C ost M a na g ement Advance Financial S tate me nt Analysis Comme rcia l Bank Manag e men t

Trimester V Environme ntal Manag e m ent Manageme nt Consulting S tra tegy M odule Stra t e gic Alliance Business Sim u la tion Str ateg ic Inno vation Manageme nt

Trimester VI

Intellectual Pro perty Rights Entrep r e neurs hip and New Venture Dev e lopme nt


Network E conomics Economics of In du strial Organization Manageme nt of Fin a nc ial Ins tit ution Strateg ic Financial Manag e m en t Fixed Income Sec ur it ies Risk M an a ge me n t a nd Deriv atives P roj ec t App rai sa l a nd Financing M e rge rs & Acq uisition s, Corporate Restru c turing and Va luation Corporate Tax Planning Organiz ation The o ry, Struc tur e & De sign Le a r ning and Deve lopme n t * Com pe nsa t io n & Be n efi ts * Change Ma nage m en t a nd Org a niz a tion Develo pment * Work Shop * Assessment Te chniq ues in HR Forens ic Acc ounting Comm odity Markets Behavi oral Finance Private Equity and Venture Finance In su r an ce M an ag e me nt

Finance Area

Hu m a n Resource and Behav ior al Sciences

Behavioral Dynamics in Or gan iza tion Employee Rela t ion s & Lab or La ws * HR Selection & Recr uitme n t * Pe r forma nce Ma n a ge m ent * Le arning t o Lead Work Shop * Human Resource Audit Asse ssm ent Cen te rs

S tr a teg ic HRM Hu ma n Res ource Infor m a tion Sys tem Ta le n t Manageme nt Inter na t io na l HRM Em otional Intelligence De velop ing Abilities f or S uperior Per forma n ce Wo rk Sh op * HR Met ric s Appreciative Inquiry

Info rm ation Sys tem

Business Analys is IT Infr astr uc tu re Manag em en t a nd IS Au dit & Co ntrol Gen er ating Bus iness Value Thro ugh IT Cons u me r Be haviour Pric ing Stra tegy Ma rketing R esearch S ales Mana gem e nt In tegr a te d Ma rke ting Com m unic ation Retail Marketing Services M arketing Brand Management

Marketing Area

ERP Syste m s: Te c hn ology Plan ning a n d Imp lement ation Business An alytics us ing Data Mining Too ls Sof tware Pr oject Manag e m ent Inte rna tio na l Ma rketing Distr ib ut ion B 2B Marke tin g S ervice M ar ketin g Cust om er Rela tionship Manag e m en t Ma rketing S tra te gy Med ia Planning B rand Management Internet Ma rke tin g

E-Business Business Dynamics of t he IT Industry Techn ology Ventures

Cross Cultur al Ma r ke t ing R etail Bra nd M a na g em e nt M a rk eting Im pleme nta tion & Mea sur em ent Socia l Mark etin g Inn o vations in Marke tin g Customer Relationship M an ag e m en t Sales Promotion Marketing of Finan c ia l Ser vices Business a t the b ottom of the pyramid M a nu fa ct ur ing Stra te gy World Class Manuf ac tur ing Ma na g ing Techn ology Advance Supply Chain M an ag e m en t

Advanced Method of Data Analysis Ser vice Ope ra t ions Operations a n d Management Decision Lo gist ic s Ma n age m e nt Sciences P roduct ion Planning a n d Cont ro l Valu e a d ded com puls ory wo r kshops

Model ing for Dec ision Making Supply Chain Manageme nt To tal Qua lity Manageme n t Proje ct Manageme nt

Seminar / Gu est Lec ture / CEO series (3 Se ssions each trime ster IV /V/ VI)

No. of C redits to be chose n: 5

No. of Cre dits to be c hosen :5

No. of Cred its chosen: 5



** Summer Internship:Non-credit compulsory course. However the candidate needs to satisfactorily complete the project as an essential partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of MBA degree Figures in bracket represent number of credits. Each full credit will be of 20 sessions. Each session of 1 hr & 30 min. Courses marked with * are essential to study for concentration in that area.

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