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Buyers Guide

Spring Cleaning

101 Restoration

Getting started on your spring cleaning

How to restore your property after a long winter


Floral 411

Kelli Ellis from HGTV celebrates the sights and scents of spring

February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

How to get a

home organized
2 4 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 19 20 20 22 How to get a home organized Getting started on spring cleaning Renovating a rental property Greet Guests With a Touch of Glass Concrete upholds newest building code demands Air-tight insulation delivers big returns Plywood and MDF: Whats the difference? 5 signs your roof might be wearing down The differences between roofing materials Understanding Condensation in Your Home How to floodproof your home Simple ways to soundproof a home Celebrity designer celebrates the sights and scents of spring Is it time to add a half-bathroom? How to hide the TV when its not in use Things to know before building a deck What to look for in outdoor furniture Restoring your property after a long winter Lead Paint Hazards and Older Windows Window guards save kids lives Promote safety around the home
When colder weather arrives, many people stay indoors and fight the harsh weather with hot chocolate and heating systems. Its no surprise, then, that most homes accumulate quite the amount of clutter over the course of a typical winter. The more time we spend indoors, the more junk we seem to amass. Clutter can contribute to the sense of cabin fever many people begin to feel as winter trudges forward. But a few home-organization tips can help make all those extra hours spent indoors during the winter months a little less claustrophobic. Buy a coat rack. Just about everyone bundles up in a warm coat once the temperatures dip. But once you get home and the warm air inside welcomes you, the first instinct is to take the coat off and lay it down on the first chair you see. Instead of tossing all those coats on an armchair or a bench in the kitchen, buy a coat rack and place it just inside the main entrance. This way you will always know where your coat is, and the house wont look so messy with coats strewn about in a variety of places. Have a tray set aside for keys. As clutter accumulates throughout the winter, the chances your keys will go missing increase. Save yourself the frantic search for keys in the morning by setting a tray aside for keys or just hanging a hook on the wall where everyone places their keys. Partition desk drawers. Its easy to fill a desk drawer. Its much harder to remember a drawers contents. Save yourself the stress of rooting through desk drawers by installing partitions so everything is not just lumped in together. This will make things easier to find and will likely prevent you from just adding random items to desk drawers. Bundle all those cords. Nowadays, the average television has roughly one dozen cords attached to it. HDMI cables, video game consoles, DVD players, home theater systems, and, of course, the television cord itself are among the many cords that can make a mess near your television. Bundle these cords with a cord organizer to make wires and plugs much more manageable. Toss the junk mail. Thanks to paperless bank statements and online billing, many people no longer receive important documents through the mail. Instead, mailboxes are filled with junk mail such as advertisements or menus from local restaurants. Rather than placing junk mail on the kitchen counter or storing it in the desk drawer, throw it out as you receive it and you will no doubt notice considerably less clutter almost instantly. Stop losing things to the couch. Few things are as frustrating as a missing remote control. Too often remotes get lost in a sea of throw pillows that, while decorative, serve little purpose. Dont overdo it with throw pillows and designate an area for all those remote controls. Clean out the refrigerator. Another culprit when it comes to clutter is the family refrigerator. Half-eaten meals or expired items can be found in almost every refrigerator on the planet. If youre putting leftovers in the fridge after every meal, then chances are you have lots of leftovers that have passed their prime. Have a potluck night where you eat all of the leftovers. Clean out the refrigerator once a week to ensure that it only contains fresh foods, beverages and additional items. Add storage space. Using drawers and only drawers for storage is a great way to become disorganized. If you have any bare walls, particularly in the kitchen, use them to hang shelves you can use for storage. If the walls are full or not sturdy enough to hang a storage shelf, install an extra shelf or two in the pantry.

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012

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* Home Equity Line Disclosures: Requires a minimum draw of $5,000 at account closing. This offer is for a secured home equity line of credit and your residence is the collateral. Maximum Loan to Values (LTVs) of 89%. Your home must be a single-family, owner occupied residence. Manufactured homes do not qualify. Hazard insurance is required. Flood insurance may be required. Offers not available to existing City National Bank Home Equity customers. The 2.99% Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be fixed for the first six months. Thereafter, rates are based on predetermined margins at or above the prime lending rate as published in The Wall Street Journal and may vary monthly but will never go below a floor rate of 3.74%. As of 2/09/2012, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) ranged from 3.74% to 5.25%. Non-introductory rate requires an 80% or less LTV and proceeds cannot be used to pay off existing City National Bank debt. Maximum APR is 18%. $50 annual fee waived for the first year. Early payoff fee equal to 1% of the credit balance of the credit agreement or $250, whichever is less, if the line is closed within 12 months of opening. A payment of principal plus interest will be required after initial draw period. Offer expires March 30, 2012. Home Equity Fixed Rate Loan Disclosures: The Fixed Rate APR is based on a $50,000 loan with a term of 120 months at a rate of 4.24% which is only available for City National Bank A tier credit customers. Your home must be a single-family, owner occupied residence. Manufactured homes do not qualify. Hazard insurance is required. Flood insurance may be required. Maximum eligible Loan to Value (LTV) is 89%.

February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Getting started on

spring cleaning
When spring cleaning, dont forget to clean and reorganize bookshelves.

Address the windows If the last several months have been especially cold or snowy, then you might not have looked out the windows in quite some time. Unfortunately, those windows might have accumulated quite the amount of dirt and grime while you were huddled inside. When washing the windows, do so on a cloudy day, as the sun can actually cause streaking. In addition, be mindful of what youre using to wipe down the windows post-cleaning. Microfiber rags typically give windows a great shine without any streaking. The blinds and drapes will also need to be addressed, as they have likely accumulated some dust over the last few months. Dust the valance and the frame, and wipe the blinds down with a damp cloth. You can also use your vacuums upholstery and brush attachments to further clean blinds and drapes. Tidy up the bed You likely wash your bed linens regardless of the season. When spring cleaning, toss these linens into the washing machine and dont forget to wash the mattress pads and bed skirting as well. While those items are in the wash, flip all the mattresses in your household. Dont forget the kitchen The kitchen is not immune to clutter, and its especially easy for items to overstay their welcome in the refrigerator and the kitchen cabinets. Look for old takeout containers in the refrigerator that have managed to stick around, and throw these out as well as any items that have passed their expiration dates. While items in the kitchen cabinets might not have an expiration date, it helps to remove them from the pantry and then dust and wipe down the shelves. When doing so, discard any items that no longer seem appetizing.

For homeowners, spring cleaning is one of the annual rites of spring. The return of warmer weather presents the perfect opportunity for homeowners to open the windows, let some fresh air in and tidy up after a few months spent cooped up inside while the weather outside was frightful. But now that spring has arrived, the time to clean up around the house has come. Homeowners about to start on their annual spring cleaning should consider the following before beginning. Get the right tools The right tools wont necessarily be a hammer and nails, but cleaning products that can make spring cleaning more efficient. Rubber gloves, cleaning products (preferably natural products that are good for the environment) and enough garbage bags to discard a winters worth of clutter should all be on hand before you begin cleaning. If theyre not, youll likely need to make a trip to the store while cleaning, which can be time-consuming and prolong the process. Take some inventory Many people have no problem buying new clothes, but they do find it hard to get rid of older items. Part of spring cleaning is tossing old items you no longer use, and that includes clothing. Clothing can take up a significant amount of space, so take some inventory on your wardrobe and decide which items you want to keep and which ones you can afford to discard or even donate.

Beat the rugs Area rugs have no doubt collected dirt and dust over the last several months. Though vacuuming these area rugs might be enough during the year, take advantage of the pleasant weather and take the rugs outside to beat them and rid them of dust and any other particles the vacuum might have missed over the last few months. Empty and clean the bookshelves Bookshelves are one the biggest collectors of dust in many homes. Open the windows in the home and then remove books from the shelves. Once the books have been removed, dust the shelves and wipe them down with a damp cloth. And dont forget to dust the books and reorganize titles before returning them to their newly cleaned shelves. Spring cleaning is something all homeowners must do to keep their homes healthy and clean. Spring cleaning is annual event at many households, and a few simple strategies can make it go much more smoothly.

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012

Carpet Options Abound for Floor-Focused Homeowners

Shopping for carpeting? It's not simply a matter of going into the store and just choosing "carpet." There are many different varieties of carpeting from which to select, each with its own unique characteristics. Depending on the room's use and the homeowner's needs, there could be a carpet that fits with what's desired. * Cut pile: This is one of the most popular types of carpeting. When most people think of carpet, this is what they envision. This carpeting is formed by cutting looped carpet fibers at the top with yarn bundles standing up vertically. * Berber:Berber has thick, durable loops that are good in high-traffic areas. This carpeting limits footprints and vacuum marks. The downside is that loops can be snagged and unravel. Also, berber carpeting may trap in dirt. * Level-loop: Similar to Berber but looser in weave is level-loop. It is also good in high-traffic areas and will not trap dirt as easily as berber. * Cut and loop pile: This carpeting has a variation of secured loops and cut fibers for added texture. This will be a medium-durability carpet. * Textured:Textured carpet has a soft feel and is one of the carpeting styles growing in popularity. These carpets may have embossed patterns and come in solid colors. * Saxony: This soft carpet is medium-durability and will show footprints and vacuum marks. Saxonies are tightly twisted cut piles that are heatset straight. Saxonies consist of two or more fibers twisted together in a yarn. * Frieze: A highly twisted cut-pile carpet that is good in high-traffic areas. The short fibers curl in different directions to hide footprints. * Plush: These carpets are lightly twisted, uniform-colored fibers that are soft and usually found in formal rooms. They will hold footprints and show vacuum marks. Homeowners looking to revamp their rooms can turn to the versatility of carpeting for many of their needs.



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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Renovating a rental property

When the economy struggles to the point of recession, few people benefit. However, there are some businesses that thrive during a recession, using the circumstances to their advantage and actually growing business in spite of a sagging economy. One such business is rental agencies or property management companies. Even landlords with a single investment property tend to do better during a recession, when individuals might be fearful of buying a home or simply unable to afford it. Such individuals still need a place to live, however, and landlords benefit as a result. One of the best things a landlord can do during a recession is to pay more attention to their rental properties, ensuring the properties are in tip-top shape so they can get the most out of each unit at a time when the rental market is most competitive. This might require some renovations, which landlords should be making periodically anyway, regardless of how strong or tenuous the economy might be. so whenever a tenant moves out, but landlords whose buildings have a high turnover rate likely wont need to repaint every time a tenant moves out. When adding a new coat of paint, choose a light, neutral color to give the property a fresh, inviting look. Replace the carpeting. Carpeting is another area prospective renters are instantly drawn to when viewing an apartment. New carpeting is always attractive to potential tenants, and landlords wont have to break the bank to replace the carpets when an existing tenant moves out. Instead of expensive carpeting, choose a medium grade carpet with a neutral color, ideally beige or light brown, which can hide spills or stains should the next tenant prove messy and move out after the original lease terms are up. Before laying carpet, dont forget to lay down quality padding underneath. Such padding makes the carpet feel softer and of higher quality. Upgrade the appliances. Perhaps nothing evokes a stronger response from prospective renters than a propertys appliances. Outdated appliances make renters speculate as to what else might be outdated and if the building is well taken care of. On the other hand, newer appliances, particularly stainless steel items, create a contemporary feel and give the impression, true or false, that a landlord wont allow the building to grow dated or fall into disrepair. When shopping for appliances, choose ones that are more basic so any eventual repairs wont be too complicated or costly. Newer appliances enable landlords to charge more rent for a given property, and many renters would agree that such properties are worth the extra money. Install new windows. Older buildings tend to have creaky or drafty windows, which not only makes the property colder during the winter months, but it also drives up utility costs as renters are forced to turn up the thermostat to combat drafts and cold air entering the unit. New windows can eliminate such drafts and reduce utility costs, something landlords can use to their advantage when discussing the property with potential tenants. Landlords might even be able to earn tax breaks when installing new, energy-efficient windows. Discuss if any such breaks exist with the local municipality. When it comes to renovating a rental property, landlords can make a handful of small renovations that, while relatively inexpensive, enable them to earn substantially more money from each unit over the long haul.

Relatively minor renovations to rental properties can earn landlords substantially more money over the course of a typical lease.

Update the paint. Apartments are typically empty when shown to prospective renters, and any issues with the paint job are very noticeable during such viewings. If the paint is outdated or there is any fading, update the walls with a fresh coat of paint. Its ideal to do

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BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012

Greet Guests With

a Touch of Glass
The trend of using decorative glass to create dramatic entryways continues to grow as homeowners choose to stay in their homes longer and remodel for extended personal enjoyment. Adding a touch of glass with a new front entry door can be one of the most effective and economical ways to enhance a homes curb appeal. Beyond aesthetics, a new entry with decorative glass can add value to the home. According to a national home valuation study conducted by ThermaTru and TNS, an independent research organization, simply installing a new entryway door has been shown to increase the perceived value of a home by more than $24,000 on average. Manufacturers offer a wide21260 array of choices for entryways incorporating decorative glass doorlites, sidelites and transoms. These choices allow homeowners to create a custom look for the home while making a statement about the homeowners personal sense of style. The recently-introduced Avonlea and Maple Park decorative glass options from Therma-Tru (available at are perfect examples of the beauty decorative glass can add to the home. With its fluid lines and free flowing leaf pattern, the Avonlea glass package is inspired by nature and features bronze water and clear baroque glass with black nickel caming. The Maple Park decorative glass option creates a peaceful, comforting design
Spring Home Improvement 1

element for the home. With its water and granite glass married with clear bevels and a soft arc, the Maple Park glass creates a Craftsman-inspired look, well suited for all types of homes. Entryway systems that incorporate decorative glass also offer the added benefit of allowing more sunlight into the home without energy loss, making for a more attractive, more energy-efficient interior. Some of the most stunning designs are available in impact-rated versions that provide added home security and protection from severe weather conditions, such as high winds and heavy rain. Other decorative glass options include vented sidelites to allow both air and natural ventilation into the home.
7:30 AM

Decorative Avonlea glass in an energy-efficient fiberglass entryway.


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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Home Building News

Concrete upholds newest building code demands

Building codes are enforcing energy efficiency in many parts of the world. A legally enforced building code specifies the communitys acceptable level of safety, function, and comfort and some jurisdictions have mandated a requirement of 35 to 40 percent improvement. Many states are also steadily improving their sustainable practises with advancements in insulation, air infiltration, and window daylighting. Of equal value, the construction industry is now producing materials and methods that are even more efficient than mandated. So if youre building or renovating, be sure to follow the guidelines in your municipal building code. A savvy homeowner today knows that eco-responsibility pays dividends, some of them pretty quickly and others cumulatively, year after year. Replacing wood, for example, has so many spin off benefits, says Todd Blyth at Nudura, the manufacturers of an advanced version of the insulated concrete form (ICF). By building a house with concrete instead of wood framing you could immediately benefit by lower energy bills. Youd get to live in a stronger, more comfortable home, build equity for resale value, and throughout your lifetime, make a significant contribution to the good health of the planet. The system is highly rated due to its ability to deliver both energy efficiency and occupant comfort. This system for building concrete walls is in high demand across the United States and Canada. Builders receive workplace benefits too, Blyth continued. Built like Lego, the pre-assembled, interlocking blocks assure adherence to building code requirements; the ICFs require less shipping space and manpower than other methods; and the construction time is much faster than building with wood. Busy builders and eager homeowners benefit equally from this efficiency.

How It Works
The forms are designed with monolithic concrete sandwiched between two continuous layers of expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam. The foam material isolates the concrete and significantly reduces the flow of heat through the wall, Blyth explained. It stabilizes the internal temperature from day to night fluctuations and provides a largely self-regulating environment. This faster method of construction creates a solid concrete wall. As a result, you will need less energy for mechanical heating and cooling, delivering cost savings throughout the year. A home built with this concrete system stands to be stronger, provides greater safety, offers greater sound resistance and would be far less prone to mould, cold spots and drafts. Insulated concrete forms ( are an option, so be sure to discuss this method with your builder.

Home Improvement Tips:

Air-tight insulation delivers big returns

Household energy-efficiency is now more important than ever when selling a home. Purchasers are able to rate one residence against another, so if you want top dollar for your house some day, its worth investing along these lines with upgrades and renovations. If adding rooms or finishing the basement, for example, take a look at the most energy efficient materials and methods, says Todd Blyth at Nudura, a company that has spearheaded an advanced version of the insulated concrete form (ICF), as well as do-ityourself materials. The newest renovation method, called Nudura Insulation Technology, is ideal to insulate foundation walls, inner and outer walls, plus flat, or cathedral ceilings. For both interior and exterior walls, you use a shiplap system of expanded polystyrene (EPS), which allows large 4 X 8 foot sheets of this foam to be installed without any gaps for air leakage. Its easy to cut, easy to install, and the performance value is up to R14. Drywall can then be attached directly to the embedded fastening strip allowing the electrical wiring to be easily run. Superior insulation will reduce home heating costs and it will also prevent excessive noise, drafts, and unexpected cold spots from room to room. In response to energy conservation, environmental responsibility and consumer demand, construction practises have advanced significantly in North America over the past few years. Today, for example, people are building their homes with insulated concrete forms, not wood, and very recently, similar eco-efficiency possible ( for home renovations.

Occupant comfort
Residential enjoyment is also top-ofmind in our choice of renovation fixtures, features and materials.

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012

Landscaping projects
How to Hire a Landscaper
A well-designed landscape can increase privacy, improve property value and enhance the livability of your home. A well-chosen landscaper is key to making the whole project go smoothly. 1. Decide what areas of your lot you want to landscape. 2. Consider your lifestyle. Do you need a flat open area for children to play in, or a fenced-in area for gardening out of the reach of the deer? Do you want to increase your privacy from the street or neighboring houses? 3. Sketch out a plan that meets your needs and wants. Or consider hiring a landscape architect if your project is large or if you're having difficulty deciding what you want. 4. Ask friends and relatives for recommendations of landscapers, or look in the yellow pages. It may be good to note the names of several firms from trucks that work frequently in your neighborhood. 5. Discuss your proposed design with the landscapers. Consider their suggestions, particularly if you're uncertain about the layout you want. Tips & Warnings Make sure that you know the size and appearance of the plantings in the contractor's bid. Many trees and shrubs are quite small when first planted. Don't forget fencing, patios, pathways and similar fixtures as part of your overall plan. You may use a different contractor for some of these items. Make sure that your contract includes a warranty for the replacement of shrubs and trees that die after planting. To save money, consider supplying your own trees and shrubs and contracting out the labor only. You may be able to get better material prices this way.

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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

5 signs your roof might

be wearing down
have warm, humid summers. If algae is a problem on your roof, spray washing with a mixture of water and bleach can effectively remove it.

The differences between

roofing materials
A roof is the primary defense a home has against the elements. It provides protection against wind, rain and snow, as well as shields the interior from the blazing heat. A compromised roof cannot do its job properly. There are many different roofing materials available these days each of which carries with it a certain length of usefulness. Most roofs can last anywhere from 25 to 40 years, depending on the material composition. Homeowners may know its time to replace a roof without even venturing out on the roof. Ceiling leaks or discoloration can indicate its time to replace a roof. Check for sagging ceiling material on the top floors of the home if there is no attic. Wet or darkened wood or rusty nails in the attic could be signs. Rafters may channel leaks away from their original source, so its best to do a thorough check anytime wetness or discoloration is evident anywhere in the home. Once the decision to install a new roof is made, homeowners must decide between the different roofing materials. Research is necessary to find a roof that will be the right price and meet the homeowners needs. Here are common roofing materials. Asphalt shingles: This is the type of roof most homeowners first think of when envisioning a roofing project. The three-tab asphalt shingle is the most commonly used roofing material. The economic value it offers is why this roof is one of the most popular. However, even though shingles are available in many different colors, homeowners seeking something unique may want to select a different roofing option. Architectural shingle: Similar to an asphalt shingle, the architectural shingle is made to be thicker and the layers are staggered to give the roof a more architectural look. These shingles are only slightly more expensive than asphalt shingles, which still makes them a good value. Wood shakes and shingles: Instead of asphalt, wood makes an ideal roofing material thats also pleasing to the eye. Over time wood will weather to different shades, which can help the home blend in with the environment. Wood shakes can be expensive to install, and will require periodic cleaning to remove mildew or moss, and may need reoiling for preservation. There are also fake wood shingles that are made of composite materials that may offer the look of wood without the maintenance. Slate: This hard, stone material is very strong and sheds snow and ice very well, which is why it was often used on homes in the Northeast. However, the weight of slate, which requires a more substantial roof structure, and the cost make it less popular among todays homeowners. Metal: This material is an ideal choice for industrial applications or on agricultural or country homes where snow is frequent. A metal roof can range from relatively inexpensive galvanized steel to lofty copper that is pricey. A properly installed metal roof could last 50 years, which makes it a good value. Ceramic: Ceramic tile roofs may be among the most expensive due to the craftsmanship and the installation required for these heavy tiles, but their life expectancy is 60 to 80 years. Chances are youll only have to do this type of installation once in a lifetime. Many people are drawn to ceramic roofs because of their beauty. They are commonly found on Mediterranean-style homes in warm climates. Most tiles are waterproofed and hard-fired so they wont absorb moisture, also making them safe to use in northern climates. In general, a roofing job is not a doit-yourself undertaking. It will require an experienced and licensed contractor. A trusted roofing contractor can be found by exploring listings on the National Roofing Contractor Association Web site at

2. Buckling shingles
Like algae, buckling shingles are another unsightly problem on a roof. But buckling shingles are more than just an eyesore, they actually might indicate significant problems. When shingles buckle, thats typically because hot air from the attic is forcing the shingles away from the home. Buckling shingles also indicate that the roof is poorly ventilated, which can take years off the roofs life expectancy while driving up home cooling costs along the way.

3. Granule loss
Granule loss is typically a byproduct of normal shingle wear and tear that results from inclement weather, such as hail. Older roofs might experience granule loss, but granule loss can also occur on a new roof if a defective roofing product was used. Any granule loss, even if slight, should be addressed, as the side effects of granule loss include a weakened roof and leaking. If granule loss is not addressed, the consequences could be severe the next time a storm occurs.

Should a roof exhibit any signs of decay, homeowners should address those issues immediately to avoid further damage.
Replacing a roof is a costly venture few homeowners look forward to. According to Remodeling magazines 2010-11 Cost vs. Value report, the national average cost of a roof replacement is nearly $22,000, a costly endeavor considering the tenuous nature of the economy. Whats more, homeowners who choose more upscale roofing materials can expect to spend almost $40,000 on their roofs. Such costs make it no small wonder that many homeowners fear the dreaded diagnosis that their home needs a new roof. While theres little homeowners can do to reduce the cost of a roof replacement, there are warning signs homeowners can look for that might indicate a roof replacement is on the horizon. Recognition of these signs can help homeowners be more financially prepared should the day come when the roof needs to be replaced.

4. Mold
Unlike the warning signs already discussed, mold is not visible on the outside of the home. Instead, homeowners should look in the attic of a home to see if there is any mold growth. If there is, the roof is likely leaking, and the health risks of mold growth in a home are substantial. Mold is not necessarily easy to detect, so a professional inspection might be in order if mold growth is suspected. If a professional determines mold is, in fact, present, then the mold will need to be removed and all options, including a roof replacement, must be considered to keep mold from coming back.

5. Roof rot
Perhaps the most discouraging sign a homeowner can see on his or her roof is roof rot. Roof rot appears when a roof is in considerable decay and, if not addressed, its consequences can stretch far beyond the roof, damaging other parts of the home thanks in large part to water getting through the roof. If roof rot is either not noticed or just ignored, it wont take long for water to get through the roof and blaze a destructive path through the rest of the home. Homeowners might fear a full roof replacement because of the cost associated with such a project. But if ignored, problems with a roof could eventually prove far more costly than the price of replacing the roof.

1. The presence of algae

If the roof has lots of dark streaks and stains clinging to it, that is likely algae, which can grow on the roof for quite awhile. Algae does not necessarily do any damage to a roof, but it does do some damage to a homes physical appearance, as algae on the roof is not very pleasing to the eye. Algae is most often found on the roofs of homes located in climates that

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


Understanding Condensation
in Your Home
What do houseplants, a boiling pot of pasta and your shower all have in common? They all add moisture to your homes interior. And, while some humidity in the home is good, excessive moisture can be uncomfortable. We often get calls from homeowners who are concerned that their windows are sweating or leaking either inside or outside the home because they see moisture on the glass, says Christopher Burk, technical product manager at Simonton Windows. In reality, thats simply not the case. While condensation may collect on the interior or exterior of energyefficient windows, the units are really doing their job by helping serve as a barrier in the home. Burk points out that windows do not cause condensation they simply prevent the moisture in the home from escaping to the outside. If the inside glass surface on double- or triple-glazed windows show excessive moisture, you can be reasonably sure that the moisture is also collecting on your walls and ceilings, says Burk. This means you should take steps to reduce the humidity level in your home by using exhaust fans and dehumidifiers.

you take a five minute shower, you produce another half pint of water vapor. Even the simple act of cooking dinner on a gas stove can produce two and a half pints of water vapor. Invisible water vapor is everywhere in the home, says Burk. The key is for homeowners to monitor the levels of moisture in their homes and then take steps to manage the humidity levels.

and crawl spaces are well ventilated and free from obstructions. Store firewood outside. Freshlycut wood can consist of up to 45 percent water, which adds water vapor to the home. Even wellseasoned firewood generally has a 20 to 25 percent moisture content. Open curtains and blinds to allow more air circulation around your windows.

What Can a Homeowner Do to Help Reduce Condensation?

Water vapor is part of our lives and our homes. To help control the amount of condensation in the home, experts at Simonton Windows recommend the following tips: Use kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans. If you have a humidifier, set it to the correct outside temperature. If your home is overly humid, or if you have a damp basement, use a dehumidifier. Properly vent clothes dryers, gas appliances and stoves. Open a window in the bathroom. Make sure your attic, basement

Worrisome Windows
Homeowners with the most cause for concern are those with older, less efficient windows. Windows are just like any other major part of the home, says Burk. They wear out over time and need to be replaced. If your windows have air leaks, dont close properly, or are failing to act as a solid barrier to the environment, then its time to consider replacing them with energy-efficient windows. Burk also recommends knowing the difference between condensation on the glass and between the glass panes of the window. If you are seeing moisture,

Where Does Condensation Come From?

Youd be surprised how much water vapor homeowners create themselves on a daily basis. A family of four can add a half pint of water vapor every hour to the home just through normal breathing and perspiration. And, if

fogging or cloudiness between the panes of glass in your window, this is a strong indication that the seal of your window has failed and its time to replace your window, says Burk. In operable window units, a failed seal can often be corrected by simply replacing the sash. However, seal failure reduces energy efficiency and the unit will not work as effectively to help you keep energy bills low and enjoy comfortable living in your home. While condensation on the interior or exterior of the glass is manageable, moisture between the glass needs swift attention by homeowners. The experts at Simonton Windows offer several free consumer booklets on how to know when its time to replace your windows, energy efficiency of windows and selecting windows for a new home. The company has also introduced the new brochure, Understanding Condensation in Your Home. Consumers may call 1-800-7466686 to request free copies of these brochures or visit the companys Web site at on/Tips/ for more information.

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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

How to floodproof
your home
Homeowners know no home is perfect. While the notion of a dream house is nice, every home eventually experiences a problem or two. Many problems are bound to occur sooner or later, but there are a few that diligent homeowners can prevent. One of those preventable problems is flooding. Any home with floor drains or plumbing fixtures below street level can flood, and this can be due to inclement weather, such as heavy rainstorms, local sewer system backup, or groundwater swelling. Flooding can even occur in the spring when melting occurs as the air temperature increases. While homeowners wont be able to control the weather, they can take steps to floodproof their home. Do some preventive landscaping. If the ground around the homes foundation slopes toward the house, make some grading changes so that the ground slopes away from the home. Insulate the heating ducts. Some home heating ducts are under the basement floor. In such homes, homeowners should make sure these ducts are properly insulated and watertight. Make sure the vents all lead outside the home. The weather can cause moisture issues, but some moisture problems can come from inside the home as well. Clothes dryers and bathrooms are both internal moisture sources, and these sources should always be vented outside the home. Clean gutters and downspouts. Gutters and downspouts should be cleaned to ensure water is effectively being diverted away from the home. Clean gutters and downspouts in the spring after a long winter, and do so again in the fall to keep fallen leaves from blocking the flow of water. Downspouts should extend four feet from the outside wall of the house. Inspect the home at least once a year. Before buying a home, buyers often hire a professional inspector to ensure the home is safe and sound. But the inspections should not stop once buyers sign on the dotted line. To prevent flooding, homeowners should inspect their homes foundation for cracks once a year. If the home has a chimney and fireplace, check for cracks there as well. If any cracks are discovered, consult a professional immediately. Clean out basement drains. Basement drains should be cleaned annually from the house to the street. If the drains are still slow after cleaning, then clean them more than once a year. When leaving the home for an extended period of time, turn the water valve off. Homeowners worried about flooding can calm those fears when going on vacation or another long trip by turn the water valve off at the source. This ensures that, should a line break while no one is home, water will not pump into the house. Floodproofing a home can save homeowners from potentially costly repairs and unsightly damage to a homes interior.

Cleaning gutters and downspouts is one way to prevent homes from flooding.

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BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


Simple ways to

soundproof a home
Advancements in technology have made it easier than ever before for homeowners to create a mini movie theater in the comfort of their own homes. The affordability of home-theater systems and bigscreen televisions, once deemed a luxury only available to the superwealthy, has made it possible for everyone to enjoy theater-style entertainment at home. But one thing that can put a damper on those home-theater plans is external noise. Movie theaters are soundproof so customers cant hear noise from the nearby freeway or their fellow moviegoers oohing and aahing in the theater next door. Private homes, however, are not so soundproof, so homeowners must take it upon themselves to soundproof their homes to create the ultimate home-theater experience. The following are some of the ways homeowners can do just that. Add some layers of drywall. An extra layer or two of drywall will block sound coming from neighboring rooms. Simply add a layer or two of drywall to the existing wall. Install double-paned windows. If its noise from outside the home thats ruining your home theater experience, then consider installing double-paned windows with acrylic frames. Such a job can be costly, so if its going to be a budget-buster, then sounddeadening drapes are a cheaper alternative that can also be effective. Decorate the home with sound-absorbent items. Another way to soundproof a home is to decorate the house with soundabsorbent items. Furnishings with substantial cushioning, carpeting and fabric on the walls will each absorb sound, reducing the transfer of sound from room to room. Upstairs rooms should be carpeted to further reduce the transfer of sound. Install soundproofing tile on ceilings. Soundproofing tile on ceilings is another effective way to reduce the transference of sound from room to room and keep external noise out of the hometheater room.

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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Celebrity designer
celebrates the sights and scents of spring

Kelli Ellis is an interior

designer for all seasons. But when spring rolls around each year, she is truly in her element. An award-winning celebrity interior designer, textile designer and design psychology expert, Elliss work is everywhere, from television (as a featured designer on TLCs Clean Sweep, HGTVs Takeover My Makeover, and Bravos Real Housewives of Orange County as well as guest spots on NBC, CBS and ABC) and the Web (as eHow.coms interior design expert) to print media (as the monthly design advice columnist for the Orange County Gazette). Known for her love of flowers and floral design, Ellis also serves as a spokesperson for the Society of American Florists. For Ellis, spring offers endless opportunities to update and refresh interior spaces with touches of color. While she always recommends starting with a neutral foundation that includes walls and major pieces of furniture in shades of white, beige or brown, Ellis loves to add seasonal flourishes by changing up accents and accessories. With a neutral foundation, explains Ellis, you dont have to invest a lot of time or money to refresh. Once you have the basics those pieces of furniture that you absolutely love and will stand the test of time the skys the limit in terms of changing accents such as valances, pillows, rugs, candle holders even the matting on a picture. A neutral foundation

opens the door to a new look with minimal changes. According to Ellis, one of the best and easiest ways to add seasonal color and refresh a living space is with fresh flowers displayed in a variety of containers. Fresh flowers not only enliven a room and bring in the sights and scents of the outdoors, they are perfect for playing up color and color combinations.

picked quality to a casual or country home; and monochromatic arrangements ooze modern. The key, notes Ellis, is to pair flowers with both their containers and the indoor environment in which they will be seen. Next comes color. While Ellis leans toward monochromatic arrangements of white flowers stargazers, lilies, roses and orchids are among her personal favorites she nevertheless appreciates the pop of color that can be achieved with bolder blossoms. When choosing flowers for a particular spot or room, Ellis advises looking at complementary colors those that are on the opposite side of the color wheel. For example, if the walls are a warm shade of yellow or gold, a container filled with blue flowers, such as hydrangeas, delphiniums or sapphire orchids, makes a bold statement. And in the green room? Try flowers in shades of purple and violet. I think the greatest thing in the world is to bring your own vase or container to the florist and ask for something special that works with it, she reveals. Not every florist has a vase that suits your taste or will work in a particular spot, so I take in my containers and say, I want something blue. Then Im both surprised with the result and certain that it will work with the dcor. To learn more about Ellis and her latest projects, visit her online at

A lot of people are afraid of color in their dcor, so a less scary way of introducing color is with flowers and vases, Ellis notes. Fresh flowers can go with any type of dcor and generally last as long as your mood, so there are endless opportunities to experiment without making a long-term commitment.
Decorating with flowers begins with choosing a container that is in sync with the season and the style of your home, counsels Ellis. There are so many container options for every type of dcor, Ellis says. If your home leans toward country, think about using old decanters, tins or even wooden boxes. For contemporary homes, glass vases with clean lines work best. And for traditional homes, go with urns or ornate vases. The same principal applies to the flowers themselves. Mixed flowers tend to be more traditional; bunches of local flowers lend a homey, just-

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


Is it time to add a

When it comes to renovating a home, homeowners expect to spend money. No home renovation or home improvement project is free, but some are less costly than others. The addition of a half-bathroom is a popular project among homeowners, and it wont necessarily break the bank. If converting existing floor space into a half-bathroom, such a renovation can cost as little as a few thousand dollars, making the addition of a powder room one of the few home improvement projects where the value added to the home exceeds the cost of the renovation. Before deciding to add a half-bathroom, it helps to consider some of the pros and cons of the project.

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The addition of a half-bathroom is a project that often makes practical and financial sense.

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Convenience: A halfbathroom is often added on the homes main floor or in the basement or attic. This makes it more convenient for guests to use the restroom during a dinner party or when coming over to watch the big game in a basement home-theater area. Problem-free: Halfbathrooms are smaller because they dont have a shower or bathtub. That means common bathroom problems like mold and mildew are not as big a concern as they are for full bathrooms. More choices: Because mold and mildew arent likely to present a problem in a half-bathroom, homeowners have more options at their disposal when choosing floors and countertops.

Space: As their name implies, halfbathrooms are much smaller than full bathrooms. As a result, they tend to feel cramped. Value: Though an inexpensive halfbathroom addition might recoup its value and then some at resale, the project wont add as much resale value to a home as a full bathroom addition might. Loss of storage: If storage around the house is sparse, homeowners might be better off keeping the area designated for the half-bathroom as a storage closet instead of a bathroom. Once the pros and cons have been weighed, homeowners who want to go forward with the project should then check with their local municipality to ensure the codes and requirements wont restrict their project. Size or window restrictions might curtail the project or limit what homeowners can do, which might change their minds on the project altogether. The addition of a half-bathroom often makes practical and financial sense. But before making any addition, homeowners must weight the pros and cons to make the best decision possible.

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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

How to hide the TV

No longer.
Whether our Duette honeycomb shades are raised or lowered, the cord length remains the same. Introducing Duette with UltraGlide, the revolutionary lifting system now available from your local Hunter Douglas retailer.

when its not in use

People have a love affair with their electronics, which play an integral role at households across the globe. Statistics from Nielsens Television Audience Report indicate that the average American household has 2.86 television sets, despite having just 2.5 people. It is also estimated that those in the U.S. will have watched the equivalent of 9 years worth of TV by the age of 65. Canadians spend 1,500 hours each year watching TV, and 128,000 Canadians have a TV in the bathroom.
Though TVs are located throughout the typical household, homeowners dont always appreciate the look of a TV and how it fits in with their design scheme. That is why many seek ways to camouflage a television when it is not in use. Furniture: Television armoires and cabinetry are some of the most basic ways to hide a TV. The unit is housed behind doors that are closed when the TV is not on and can be opened and recessed when its time to watch a show. These pieces of furniture can match other items in the room and create a flawless appeal. Cover up: Wall-hung flat screen televisions can be camouflaged with a piece of artwork or another wall decoration. Many times the TV is recessed into the wall, and the canvas or mirror is mounted on a device that can move it out of the way to reveal the screen. On the move: There are mechanisms that can lower or raise a TV from a hidden location, whether in the floor or ceiling. The TV can descend or ascend vertically, or a hinged device can flip the TV up or down, depending on need, much like a small LCD television that mounts on the underside of a kitchen cabinet. Under the bed: People have long embraced the under-the-bed storage options, but what about using that space for a TV? Homeowners who have $10,000

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There are many ways to mask a television when not in use. Homeowners can explore different options, depending on their particular budget and the available space.

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BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


Remote-operated devices can raise or lower a television into position depending on need.

lying around can purchase a mounting device that stores the TV under the bed, and then raises it into position at the foot of the bed with the touch of a remote control. Track TV: With a system of trackwork, a television can swivel out of a hiding spot in a closet, cabinet or soffit and move into position on a pole connected to the track. Both manual and motorized tracks can be installed for a few hundred dollars. Canvas cover: A less expensive option than some of the motorized devices available, a shade or tapestry on a manual device (think the window shades that you

tug and the shade rolls up onto itself) can also conceal a television. Lower or raise the shade as needed. Smaller scale: Smaller TVs are easier to camouflage. Think scale when placing a TV in a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. Simple decor accessories may do the trick of hiding the TV from view. Although most people cant get enough of their television viewing, the caveat is they dont want the television to be an eyesore when not in use. Different concealment strategies can help mask a TV when it is not in use.

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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Things to know

What to look for in

before building a deck

house. If the back of your house sits in the blazing sun all day, then its probably best to build the deck elsewhere, and thats perfectly alright. So long as the property and permits allow, decks can be built on the side of a home as well, and putting a deck on the side might be more comfortable. Decks dont have to be made of wood. Its easy to assume all decks are made of plain wood. However, decks can be made out of a wide variety of materials, natural or synthetic. Pressure treated wood is perhaps the most popular material for decking because its not very expensive. But manmade materials that are a mixture of recycled plastic and wood bits or sawdust are also popular because they require no maintenance. But homeowners should know that manmade materials can get hot in the sun, which will require those enjoying the deck to wear shoes. Expect to do some digging. If youre going to build your own deck, expect to do some serious digging. Local building codes will dictate how deep you will need to dig for the pier footings, which support the decks weight. Just how deep youll dig depends on your climates specific frost line, but its safe to assume youll get a workout in when digging. The deck can have multiple levels. Though many people associate decks with one level, its possible to have a multilevel deck if you simply dont have enough room to build a deck that will be big enough to meet all of your needs. A multi-level deck can break up those long flights of stairs while ensuring you will always have somewhere to go to escape the sun on a hot day. You will want to protect the deck. Decks are a costly investment, and you will want to protect that investment. If youre building a wood deck, keep in mind the sun will beat down on the deck for most of the year. You can protect the deck by painting it. Paint provides sunscreen for the deck, stopping the sun from breaking down the material. Once youve finished painting, apply sealant, whether its oil- or water-based. Dont forget fasteners. Fasteners will hide the screws for aesthetic appeal. But not all woods and fasteners are the right fit, as certain woods are only compatible with certain fasteners. Find out which fasteners make the right fit ahead of time. Because fasteners conceal the screws, they also make it possible to go barefoot on the deck. A deck makes a great addition to many homes, but homeowners should learn as much as possible about decks and what goes into building them before making any decking decisions.

outdoor furniture

Outdoor entertaining areas have always been popular among homeowners. The ability to entertain friends and family or simply relax by yourself is something homeowners cherish, particularly during the warm weather seasons. Finding the right furniture to match your outdoor area, be it a deck, patio or poolside lounging area, is essential to making the most of this special area of the home. When shopping for outdoor furniture, consider the following. Weight: Unlike furniture inside the home, outdoor furniture will be moved around quite frequently, such as to protect it from inclement weather or changing seasons. As a result, the weight of the furniture bears importance. While you dont want furniture thats too lightweight and will blow away any time a strong gust of wind comes along, its a good idea to choose furniture that isnt too heavy. This makes it easier to move should a storm suddenly appear and it wont require the entire household to help move the furniture into and out of the garage when inclement weather arrives. Comfort: The whole idea behind an outdoor entertaining area is to have a relaxing place to spend time outside. So be sure to choose furniture thats comfortable and can handle the elements. Metal furniture, for example, might be durable, but such furniture can also get very hot if out in the sun. Versatility: Many homeowners enjoy changing their homes interior dcor from time to time, and it can be just as enjoyable to do the same to a homes exterior dcor. That said, look for furniture that can be accented with a variety of accessories, so you can change the look of your outdoor entertaining area easily. Protection: Protecting exterior furniture from the elements should be a priority. When shopping for outdoor furniture, figure out if protective covering is available or if it will need to be custom made. The latter alternative can be quite expensive, so you might want to consider more generic furniture that comes with standard protective coverings to make it more affordable.

Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau Housing Survey indicate that homeowners annually spend billions of dollars improving outdoor living areas.
One of the most popular ways to do just that is to add a deck to a home. Decks are beneficial in many ways. Grillmasters love decks because they make the perfect place to set up a grill and a table and cook for family and friends. Those who simply love being outdoors find decks the perfect place to relax and soak up some sun or idle away the

evening hours.

But homeowners who want to build a deck should know a few things before that process begins. Permits are necessary. Unless the deck is going to be especially small, you will likely need a permit to build it. Before buying any materials or consulting any contractors, make certain you know which permits you need and how to get them. If the proper permits are not secured before the project begins, you might have to tear down the whole project and start all over again. Decks dont have to go on the back of the

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


Restoring your property

after a long winter
Mowing the lawn too early in the spring is both unnecessary and potentially harmful to the lawn.

One of the best things about the dawn of spring and the return of warmer weather is the chance to get out of the house and get some fresh air. For homeowners, this is the perfect opportunity to assess any damage the previous months did to yards and develop a plan restore properties. Dont jump the gun. The first warm day of spring might seem like a great time get out in the yard and get your hands dirty. But its best to wait until the grass has completely dried out before getting to work. Raking on wet grass increases the risk of tearing out grass, which can cause bald spots and the growth of weeds down the road. In addition, stepping on the grass while the ground is still wet can compact the soil, which can slow drainage and block the lawns roots from breathing. Patience should prevail with regard to mowing the lawn as well. A lawns roots will not start to grow until the average everyday temperature routinely reaches 40 F, so mowing too early is both unnecessary and potentially harmful to the lawn. When the temperatures regularly reach 50 F, then homeowners will likely start to see their lawns growing. Remove debris thats piled up. Debris has a tendency to infest a yard over the course of the winter months. Fallen branches, stones and even trash can accumulate in a yard, putting those who spend time in the yard at risk of injury once the warm weather returns. For instance, bits of twigs and pebbles that are blown across the yard during a windy winter can be embedded in the yard, making the yard less of a haven and more of a hazard. Once the grass is dry enough to walk on, walk around the property and remove any debris thats piled up over the last few months.

Employ a pre-emergent weed killer. Homeowners who routinely spend their summers agonizing over weeds throughout the yard should consider applying a pre-emergent weed killer around the beginning of spring. Its important to do so around the end of March or early April, when the weeds have not yet had a chance to grow. When applying, follow the dosage instructions provided by the products manufacturer. Such instructions often recommend a second application right before summer begins. Remove thatch. Once the grass has dried, you can begin to remove thatch thats built up over the winter. Thatch is potentially very harmful to soil, blocking sunlight, air and moisture the soil needs to ensure a lawn looks lush and healthy. Thatch removal does not necessarily need to be an annual task. If thatch buildup is insignificant, then it can be done every other year. Just use a dethatching rake to make the job much easier. Aerate, particularly if the yard is a heavy traffic area once the warm weather arrives. If your yard transforms into a childs wonderland upon the arrival of spring and summer, you might want to revive the soil by aerating. When the yard gets heavy usage, its easy for soil to become compacted, which makes it hard for air and water to reach the lawns roots. That can eventually make for a less-thanappealing lawn. So if your yard is the place to be come the warmer months, aerate in the spring to loosen the soil and make it easier for the lawn to withstand the months ahead. No matter how harsh the winter months might have been, spring is a great time for homeowners to restore the property around their homes.


February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Lead Paint Hazards and Older Windows

dust has settled, can be especially at risk. Toddlers put their hands in their mouths and after playing on the floor near a window, they can easily transfer the lead dust into their mouths. The ingested lead travels through the bloodstream to a childs developing brain, causing many types of neurobehavioral damage. According to Nevin, one of the most important long-term investments a homeowner can make for the overall safety of a family is to replace older windows, using the EPA-approved lead safe renovation guidelines. Replacing older windows is one of the best ways to reduce lead risks, says Nevin. Make sure to use only a contractor that is certified in lead-safe work practices and strongly consider the use of ENERGY STAR qualified windows, like the vinyl replacement windows offered by Simonton Windows. These windows are a healthy choice for replacing older single-pane units. Theyre energyefficient and a good value for the investment. We advocate that replacing older windows coated with lead-based paint with vinyl windows is a sensible step for homeowners who want to create a healthier home environment, says Gary Pember with Simonton Windows. We believe Ricks research substantiates the replacement of all windows coated with lead-based paint as a way to dramatically help reduce lead dust within that home. Nevin explains that, according to his research funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH), homeowners need to understand there are four key steps to completing a lead-safe window replacement strategy for the home. First, they advise replacing all singlepane windows with ENERGY STAR qualified windows, says Nevin. Second, stabilize any significantly deteriorated paint. Third, perform specialized cleaning to remove any lead-contaminated dust. And finally, perform dust wipe tests to confirm the absence of lead dust hazards after the clean up. Research results can be obtained at

Window guards save kids lives

was subsequently written by Clapton for his son. Children are often insatiable in their curiosity and desire to see what is happening in the world around them. Goings-on outdoors can be fascinating, and it is not farfetched to see children leaning up against windows and screens to get a better view of outdoors. A window screen can easily dislodge and provides no barrier from a fall. Parents and guardians of young children should add window protection to the list of safety gear they use to childproof a home. There are many varieties of window guards that attach to windows and provide a measure of security against falls. Some of these safety devices are bars or grills that install into place but can be easily removed by an adult in the event the window needs to be used as an emergency evacuation point. Window gates can be used on larger, swing-out windows to form a barrier for children. There are also locks and latches that restrict how much a window can be opened. Some areas of the country have made it law to have window guards on second story windows where children under age 10 are in residence, particularly highrise apartment buildings. Even falls from ground-floor windows can cause injuries. Its important to check with a landlord or with a municipal office about the requirements with regard to window guards. In addition to the installation of window guards, there are other safety steps that help prevent window-related falls. Keep furniture away from windows. Children can climb on the furniture and have better access to windows. Keep beds away from windows, especially in a childs bedroom. Children may horse around on a bed and bounce through an open window if the bed and window are not far apart. Routinely inspect the hardware and construction of the window to ensure it is secure. Periodically check the fit of a window guard to make sure it is properly installed. Do not open windows wide in childrens rooms. A few inches is all thats needed for fresh air. Make sure children know they are not allowed to play next to open windows or to try to climb up to windows.

Windows can be a safety hazard for young children. But window guards can prevent falls.
The weather is warming and that means windows are being opened to let in fresh air and warm breezes. The advantages to open windows are many. But one particular disadvantage is the safety hazard open windows present to young children. More than 5,000 American children are injured each year after falling out of windows, says the Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus. Twothirds of these children are toddlers, and a quarter of all injured are hurt seriously enough to require hospital admittance. Montreal Childrens Hospital says they treat roughly 10 children a year who have fallen from a window. Due to toddlers high center of gravity (a head that is particularly heavy), most topple over and land head-first, which can have devastating effects. Falls from windows can cause serious injuries and even death. However, the accidents are largely preventable. Many recall the tragic 1991 incident when musician Eric Claptons son, Conor, fell to his death from an apartment 49 stories up in a Manhattan highrise. Conor, age 4, allegedly darted past a housekeeper who had left the window open after cleaning and fell out of the window. The song Tears in Heaven

Vinyl windows are a healthy choice when replacing older single-pane units.

If your home was built before 1978 and you still have the original windows, its time to seriously consider replacing your windows especially if you have young children or a pregnant person living at home. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the routine opening and closing of windows in homes built prior to 1978 can disturb lead-based paint around the windows, causing paint dust and chips to be released into the air. These lead particles are so potentially dangerous that the EPA now requires contractors to be trained and certified before they can perform any renovation, repair or painting projects that may have previously applied lead-based paint. Research indicates that the everyday activity of opening and closing windows creates friction that then allows invisible lead dust to enter the air, says Rick Nevin, a consultant to the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH). Young children, who crawl on the floor where the lead

BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


From Bland Backyard to Beautiful Vacation Destination

The best vacations lift us out of the frenzy of our lives, whisking us off to faraway places that relax and rejuvenate us. Yet a great vacation can also be a great financial strain as well -- and really, how relaxing is that? Especially since once the trip is over, there's typically little to show for all the expense beyond a few snapshots you can post on Facebook. So how do you meet the pressing need for a stress-reducing change of scenery without wiping out your savings in the process? The solution may actually be simpler, and closer, than you think: Open your own back door, and begin imagining the leisure possibilities right beyond your doorstep! Instead of throwing a bunch of money at a short-term getaway, consider investing a portion of it into transforming your back yard into a personal relaxation oasis. Don't be put off by how big a task that sounds. Start out simple, making additional changes as finances allow, and inspiration strikes. Yet landscaping is really only setting the stage -- you still need some kind of show-stopper to complete your yard's transformation. Pools and decks are whopping financial commitments. There is, however, a less bankbreaking path to backyard-relaxation bliss:

Invest in the very symbol of relaxation itself. Invest in a hammock and hammock stand. "Repeat customers are always telling me the best mini-vacation they've ever bought has been a hammock and a hammock stand," says J.R. Pelletier, manager of, an international leader in hammock sales. "A good hammock can feel as if you've just caught a flight straight out of your stressful daily life." Plus, a quality fabric hammock can make your yard look as pretty as a vacation postcard as well. Recent advances in all-weather synthetic textiles have vastly expanded design and color options for fabric hammocks. "It used to be fabric hammocks were just drab," notes Walter R. Perkins III, CEO of The HammockSource, the world's largest manufacturer and seller of hammocks. "Owning one meant watching what little color it had fade like a flower by summer's end. But today, a quality fabric hammock can be a show-stopper for your yard, for many seasons to come." Your favorite patch of yard is finally the primo spot for unwinding, a personal relaxation space for letting your mind wander to all those distant getaway places you might one day like to go. But for now, you're pretty content right where you are, aren't you?


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February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Promote safety
around the home
In the classic film The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy famously uttered the phrase, theres no place like home. Now, several decades later, that sentiment remains very dear to peoples hearts. The elderly and children are the age groups most susceptible to home accidents. Research by the Harvard Medical School has found that accidents and the chance for fatalities increases dramatically over the age of 65. However, accidents can occur in any age group, and making safety changes around the house is a proactive step to avoid accidents. Here are some of the common injuries that occur around the home. Slamming fingers in doors and windows: For small children, severe injuries even amputations can result from slammed fingers in doors and windows. Falls: Falls, especially down the stairs, cause more trips to the emergency room than any other accident in the U.S. Cooking injuries: Burns and scalding from cooking top the list of injuries at home. Cuts from a knife while preparing food are also leading dangers. Electrocution: All it takes is a faulty outlet or a frayed cord to provide a shock, one that can prove fatal. combination of certain safety items on hand and precautionary actions, home-related injuries can be reduced. Fire extinguisher: This can be kept on hand for minor fires. Smoke alarm: These alert to the presence of smoke, which could be indicative of a home fire. Carbon monoxide alarm: These alarms are a necessity to detect carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas that can cause death if inhaled in high amounts. Carbon monoxide alarms are frequently installed by furnaces and bedrooms. Adequate lighting: Since falls are so common, having lights on landings and entryways can alleviate falls

While homes are sanctuaries for many people, a home can be dangerous. The U.S. Home Safety Council states that every year, nearly 20,000 people die and 21 million medical visits are needed due to home accidents in the United States. The Huron County Health Unit says that the majority of injuries that occur in homes in Canada are attributed to falls. The same can be said for those living in the United States.

Safety items
In some towns, cities and provinces, laws mandate a home be equipped with certain safety items. Others are smart choices to have on hand. Although not all injuries around the home can be foreseen, the majority of them are preventable. With a







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BUYERS GUIDE February 29, 2012


The Berkeley County Health Department is distributing


Smoke alarms are a vital part of home safety.
due to the inability to see. Radon detectors: Another gas that is difficult to detect by smell or sight is radon, which may be leaching from surrounding soil into a home, particularly problematic on the lower level of a home. Wire organizers: Bundles of wires behind televisions and other electronics can be tripping hazards and cause shocks or electrocution if touched in an improper way. Storage devices can keep them safely tucked out of sight. First aid kit: A medical kit will have all of the supplies necessary to treat minor injuries. Grab bars: People who have mobility issues can install grab bars in hallways and bathrooms for extra support. Door and window guards: A number of safety devices exist for windows and doors, including foam protectors that prevent slammed fingers or hands. Fire escapes: Those who live in multi-level homes can invest in retractable ladders that attach to windows and provide an emergency point of exit. Accidents around the home are prevalent but often preventable.

Do you know the Radon Levels in your home? Did you know that 50% of homes in Berkeley County have Radon Levels higher than 4 pico curies/liter? Did you know that Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths in the U.S. each year? ...if not ... Then pick up a free, confidential Radon Test Kit.


Radon is colorless, odorless gas that seeps into homes and can cause lung cancer at the same rate as smoking one pack of cigarettes a day.

Dont delay....Call today!!!

Test Kits will be Available at the 2012 Eastern Panhandle Home Show or at the Martinsburg office 400 West Stephen St., Suite 204, Martinsburg, WV
For additional information call 304-267-7130 during normal business hours or visit

525 Northern Ave. 800-537-8230


February 29, 2012 BUYERS GUIDE

Stk#11918 Bluetooth, Keyless

Spectacular Summer Savings on

2012 KiaRadio, Bluetooth Forte LX 2012 Kia Soul Auto, Sirius, Auto, Sirius


Auto, PW, PL, Keyless, Sirius Radio, Bluetooth

2012 Kia Sedona LX

AWD, PW, PL, Keyless, Sirius Radio, Bluetooth Stk#12021

2012 Kia Sorento LX

Sale Ends 3-15-12



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*On Select In Stock Models. Parsons Kia and the Buyers Guide are not responsible for typographical errors. Ad must be brought in prior to sale. Sale price not valid after purchase. See Dealer for Details. Prices include owner loyalty and KIA financial incentives for qualified buyers with KMF 506 program. Prices do not include taxes, tags, freight, a $199 processing fee.

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