Ups Constitution

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University of the Philippines Manila College of Pharmacy Taft Ave., Cor. Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila

PREAMBLE We, the members of the University of the Philippines Sandigan, desirous of establishing an organization that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, protect and advise the democratic rights and welfare of the studentry of the College of Pharmacy, UP Manila and aligning ourselves with the Filipino people and the struggle for a just, free and democratic society, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution.
ARTICLE 1. General Provisions Section 1. This constitution shall be known and hereby referred to as the Constitution of UP Sandigan. Section 2. This constitution shall govern the UP Sandigan, its officers and members. Section 3. The UP Sandigan shall establish and maintain the broadest membership of students in the College of Pharmacy, UP Manila. Section 4. The following terms in this constitution shall be taken in the sense indicated below, otherwise expressly indicated or the contrary appears in context: a. University signifies the University of the Philippines, Manila. b. Member refers to any qualified student in the College of Pharmacy, UP Manila. c. Executive Committee or EXECOM refers to the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson for External Affairs, Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Secretary General, Finance Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Finance and the Committee Heads. d. Officers refers to the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson for External Affairs, Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Secretary General, Finance Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Finance and the Committee Heads. e. Majority vote refers to a vote of fifty percent (50%) plus one. f. Sandigan refers to and signifies the University of the Philippines Sandigan. ARTICLE 2. Statement of Objectives Section 1. UP Sandigan shall protect and promote the students and Filipinos rights and welfare. Section 2. UP Sandigan shall unite all students and maximize students participation in all venues of student activities and student leadership to promote a nationalistic and pro-people consciousness among UP students. Section 3. UP Sandigan shall unite with the Filipino people in the pursuit of a truly just, free and democratic society. ARTICLE 3. Declaration of Principles Section 1. UP Sandigan is committed to the pursuit of students and Filipinos rights and welfare. Section 2. UP Sandigan believes that the voice of the majority is supreme and the democratic process for decision-making should be institutionalized. Section 3. UP Sandigan believes that academic freedom is essential in the quest for the truth and justice.
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Section 4. UP Sandigan believes that education is a right. Section 5. UP Sandigan upholds education that is accessible, nationalistic, scientific and mass-oriented. Section 6. UP Sandigan believes that health is a right. Section 7. UP Sandigan believes that education and health should be given priority by the state. Section 8. UP Sandigan believes that there is a need to unite the studentry in order to advance their interests as well as those of the Filipino people. Section 9. UP Sandigan believes that there is a need to unite with the different sectors in the struggle for a truly just, free and democratic society. ARTICLE 4. Membership Section 1. Membership in the UP Sandigan shall be by individual membership. Section 2. All students of the College of Pharmacy, UP Manila who share the principles of the UP Sandigan shall be eligible for membership. Section 3. Applications shall be recommended for approval by the Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs to the Executive Commmittee. Section 4. Eligible members of the organization must comply with the basic requirements before being accepted as regular members. Compliance with the UP Sandigans orientation and education program, as well as with other screening procedures set by the EXECOM and approved by the General Assembly, as well as payment of the membership fee, is mandatory. Section 5. Membership to the organization shall be maintained on the basis of the members resolve to uphold the principles and objectives set forth in this constitution. Section 6. Regular members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of members, including the right to vote and be voted upon. Section 7. Renewal of membership is done annually. ARTICLE 5. Duties and Responsibilities of Members Section 1. It shall be the duty of every UP Sandigan member to: a. Uphold the constitution of the organization and abide its laws b. Abide by all matters decided upon by the General Assembly or EXECOM. c. Pay membership fee and other dues that may be set by the General Assembly. d. Participate in every activity set by the organization and its committees. Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of every UP Sandigan member to: a. Promote and protect the integrity of the organization b. Immediately report any vital information that may affect the organization and the interest of its members. Section 3. Impeachment of members Any member may be impeached by 2/3 vote of the General Assembly for the following grounds: a. Violation of the constitution b. Gross negligence of duty c. Bribery and graft and corruption The highest-ranking officer other than the subject of impeachment shall preside over such proceeding. ARTICLE 6. Organization Section 1. The General Assembly (GA). The General Assembly, which is the highest policy-making body of the organization, shall be composed of all the officers and members of the organization. Section 2. Powers and Functions of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall have the following powers and functions: a. Formulate, revise and approve all policies and programs of action b. Discuss and pass resolutions c. Review reports of officers and members d. Elect, impeach and expel officers of the organization and suspend members
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Section 3. Meeting of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall convene once a month on dates agreed upon by the body. In cases of necessity, the General Assembly may be convened in a special session. Section 4. Quorum / Voting. A simple majority of the total membership of the organization shall constitute a quorum for the General Assembly to do business. Every decision of the majority present in the assembly in which there is a quorum shall be valid as an act of the General Assembly. Each member is entitled to one and only one vote in all sessions of the General Assembly. Section 5. Powers and Functions of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and functions: a. Coordinate and operationalize the program of action set by the General Assembly b. Formulate the policies, adapt resolutions and make decisions for the organization in between sessions of the General Assembly c. Create ad hoc committees and positions as deemed necessary d. Investigate complaints raised by the members and seek proper action Section 6. Meeting of the Executive Committee. The executive Committee shall convene twice a month on dates agreed upon by the committee and when deemed necessary. ARTICLE 7. Standing Committees Section 1. The Standing Committees shall be composed of the following: a. Cultural Committee b. Education Committee c. Propaganda and Political Committee d. Service Committee Section 2. The Standing Committees shall have the following functions: It shall be imperative compulsory for each committee to have at least one major project within its term. a. Cultural Committee 1. Plan, organize and execute activities concerned with programs, presentations and exhibits pertinent to the organization 2. Provide the group with activities for recreation 3. Perform other duties incident to its committee and other duties assigned to them by the chairperson or EXECOM from time to time 4. May plan, organize and execute other activities upon approval by the EXECOM 5. Submit periodic reports to the EXECOM b. Education Committee 1. Uphold academic excellence through activities such as book pools, tutorials, symposia etc. 2. Conduct other activities that may be outside the college such as adopt-aschool or donate-a-book projects 3. Perform other duties incident to its committee and other duties assigned to them by the chairperson or EXECOM from time to time 4. May plan, organize and execute other activities upon approval by the EXECOM 5. Submit periodic reports to the EXECOM c. Propaganda and Political (Propol) Committee 1. Provide educational discussions and leadership training to the organization 2. Participate in mobilization, issue campaigns and information dissemination 3. In charge of election matters 4. Perform other duties incident to its committee and other duties assigned to them by the chairperson or EXECOM from time to time 5. May plan, organize and execute other activities upon approval by the EXECOM 6. Submit periodic reports to the EXECOM
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Service Committee 1. Plan, organize and execute service-oriented activities in the community such as medical / dental missions, community immersions, orphanage / home for the aged / handicapped visits, outreach programs, etc. 2. Perform other duties incident to its committee and other duties assigned to them by the chairperson or EXECOM from time to time 3. May plan, organize and execute other activities upon approval by the EXECOM 4. Submit periodic reports to the EXECOM ARTICLE 8. Officers

Section 1. Terms and Election of Officers. Each officer shall serve for one (1) year from his proclamation up to the proclamation of the next officers. The Executive Committee, composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson for External Affairs, Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Secretary General, Finance Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Finance and Committee Heads, will be elected by the General Assembly. Section 2. The officers of the organization shall perform the following duties and functions: a. Chairperson 1. Preside over the meetings of the General Assembly, officers meetings and EXECOM meetings 2. Speak for and on behalf of the organization 3. Supervise the affairs of the organization 4. Fill vacant positions with the prior approval of the General Assembly 5. Undertake measures and assume powers that may be necessary in matters requiring immediate action, wherein the body cannot convene, subject to subsequence b. Vice Chairperson 1. Assume the duties of the Chairperson in case of the latters absence, temporary or permanent incapacity, resignation or impeachment 2. Assist the Chairperson in the performance of his/her duties 3. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time Vice Chairperson for External Affairs 1. Lead and represent the organization in community-related activities 2. Work hand-in-hand with the Propaganda and Political Committee 3. Work hand-in-hand with the other committees in community-related activities Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs 1. Be responsible for the recruitment of members 2. Keep records of all members and directories 3. Renew organization accreditation 4. Renewal of membership of all members 5. Protect and promote the cohesion of the members c. Secretary General 1. Notify the general membership of all the meetings of the organization 2. Secure important documents and records of the organization 3. Make periodic reports of all the activities of the organization 4. Turnover records and reports to the incoming officers 5. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time d. Finance Secretary 1. Plan, organize and execute fundraising campaigns 2. Keep in safe custody all funds and keep records of all financial transactions of the organization 3. Supervise the general financial transactions of the organization 4. Submit a financial report when requested, otherwise annually
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Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time incident to his/her office e. Assistant Secretary for Finance 1. Assume the duties of the Finance Officer in case of the latters absence, temporary or permanent incapacity, resignation or impeachment 2. Assist the Finance Officer in the performance of his/her duties 3. Be responsible for the inventory of all properties of the organization 4. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time Section 3. The Standing Committees shall have their own set of officers and shall be described hereunder: a. Committee Head 1. Represent his/her committee in the EXECOM 2. Plan, propose, organize and head all activities specified under their respective committees upon approval by the EXECOM 3. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time b. Assistant Committee Head 1. Assume the duties of the Committee Head in case of the latters absence, temporary or permanent incapacity, resignation or impeachment 2. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time c. Secretary 1. Keep a record of all the proceedings of all the meetings of the committee 2. Secure important documents of the committee 3. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time d. Treasurer 1. Collect funds, dues and fines from each member of the committee 2. Keep financial records of the committee 3. Submit all collected funds, dues and fines to the Finance Secretary 4. Secure funds from the Finance Secretary for project execution upon approval by the EXECOM 5. Perform other duties assigned to him/her from time to time Section 4. Impeachment of Officers. Any officer may be impeached by 2/3 vote of the General Assembly for the following grounds: a. Violation of the constitution b. Gross negligence of duty c. Bribery and graft and corruption The highest-ranking officer other than the subject of the impeachment shall preside over such proceeding.


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