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Carver Town Meeting rejects zoning changes for solar arrays

Article 7 falls short of 2/3rds vote
< Wicked Local Plymouth Posted Feb 28, 2012 @ 09:41 AM

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After lengthy and often heated discussion Monday night, a majority of Town Meeting voters supported the petitioned article proposing zoning changes to allow large-scale solar arrays on land zoned for industrial use and up to one acre of agriculturally zoned land.But the article did not muster the two-thirds margin of support required to approve a zoning amendment. After Article 7 failed, voters reopened their discussion of Article 6, changing the wording to extend the period during which selectmen will not negotiate or execute any tax or PILOT (Payment In Lieu Of Taxes) agreement for new solar projects from the end of this fiscal year (June 30) to the end of the calendar year (Dec. 31). Check and this week's Carver Reporter for more on this story and the other items on the Special Town Meeting warant.
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Second student dead from Ohio school shooting Comments (2) SamuelAdams 1 hour ago Report Abuse Welcome to the People's Republic of Carver. mish9382 1 hour ago

Report Abuse Even though Article 7 did not pass last night, I hope that the town administrators and Solar Bylaw Committee heard loud and clear what the residents want.....for the planning board to decide to not move on this article last night at the last moment was a deliberate and planned action so that they could go to town meeting last night and make Eric sound like a monster for trying to put into effect a bylaw that would protect residents until a solar bylaw that everyone could agree upon....if the planning board would have acted on putting a bylaw in place when the state recommended it OVER a year ago, or at the very least when Eric presented this bylaw in NOVEMBER, things would not have been so rushed last night...they tried to deny letting the residents of the town have their own voices last night by trying to say that it couldn't even be done last night....good thing other people in town other than town council know the laws as well....the bylaw committee was formed just 2 weeks ago, when it could have been formed 3 MONTHS ago if the town authorities really did care about the residents...just another reason that things need to change!!! Login or register to post a comment:
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Read more: Carver Town Meeting rejects zoning changes for solar arrays - Carver, MA - Wicked Local Carver

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