SB1890 / HB213 Final Appeal To The Speaker of The Florida House - 02282012

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OF THE HOUSE. Dear Representative Cannon, As Speaker of the House and a Member of the majority party in the Florida House of Representatives, this is an Appeal to you to use your position as Speaker to prevent a huge legislative error, that if not stopped will impact negatively upon the residents, property owners and Citizens of the United States who reside in this State. The writer of this letter is a founder member of The Hanging Together for Justice Foundation, a charitable foundation that is dedicated to stopping the relentless march of Banksters fraud that is destroying thousands of Floridian families financial stability, turning children out of their homes. This Foundation also has a wider agenda, that of restoring to America and to the State of Florida the effectiveness of the Constitutions of the United States and of this State. Our expressed views embrace the equally strong views of many other consumer groups, not least of which is Mortgage Justice. We have monitored all those Committee Meetings except those that have violated the Sunshine Laws and it is strikingly obvious that the House over which you preside as Speaker and the Senate for which you have no responsibility are corrupted to the core. In any Democracy, especially a Democratic Republic that has as the heart of its structure inflexible, rigid constitutions, it is unthinkable that the views of the people are treated with such contempt in order to satisfy the criminal actions of the corporations who, in truth have already taken over and corrupted the best political structure in history the United States Constitution. If you monitor the video of the Meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mr. Ron Gillis appeared to give testimony and began his presentation with a statement that the Senator and Representatives who were sponsoring the two companion Bills were a disgrace. Mr. Gillis, was absolutely on point and had a perfect right to express those views, especially in these circumstances where the magnitude of the lies being presented as truths by Representatives Passidomo and Stuebe and Senator Latvala was huge. At the Senate Hearing of the Banking and Insurance Committee today, it was first of all obvious that the two people who had the strongest points to make, namely Woody Ryan and Ron Gillis were deliberately prevented from making their presentations, despite having made their third journey to Tallahassee in the last week. Watching this fiasco from my computer I could not believe the refusal of the Chair of that Committee a Bank President with a massive conflict of interest to allow Ron Gillis wife to waive her presentation in support to allow her husband to use her time. Woody Ryan, who also had previously made a meaningful presentation to a Senate Committee, was also prevented from speaking by the simple political trick of setting a time certain to vote on this unconstitutional Bill in order to prevent any record of the issues by those people. 16211 Shenandoah Circle, Fort Myers, Florida 33908 Phone 239-466-3815 1

In every submission that this Foundation has put before every Senator and Representative I have made reference to you speech on the opening day of this Session. Mr. Cannon, either the words you uttered during that speech were political rhetoric, designed to enhance your own political standing, or they were spoken from the heart and were a sincere expression of belief in right and wrong. In particular your references to the Founding Fathers and their wisdom and to the separation of powers and to the inviolate nature of the governing laws of both Federal and State Constitutions, if sincere must motive you to use your powerful position in the House to persuade enough of your political cohorts to vote against this monstrosity. Senator Latvala had the brass necked effrontery to state in the Banking and Insurance Committee today that the amendments to the Bill had answered the questions raised in the letter written by Attorney Trawick His letter was put in the hands of all Senators and House Members via email over last weekend. One of the amendments to which both Latvala and Passidomo referenced in those assurances was to not only keep the retroactive and most glaringly unconstitutional parts of both the Senate and the House Bills intact, but to separate that retroactive part of the Bill from the prospective parts of the Bill and make the retroactive parts into immediate law upon its passing, whereas the prospective parts that also favor the Banks against the Homeowners has been left to become effective on July 1, 2012. Not only does the amendment filed in the Senate and the House at 9.45 this morning not take care of the concerns expressed by this legal expert, it makes it considerably worse and thus the assurances given by Latvala and Passidomo are sentient lies. During the debate today, we observed that some true Republicans were very concerned about the haste to push this unconstitutional law through the legislature. Indeed, it was also noticeable that the only Democrat who voted for this Bill was the Deputy Chair, who is an Attorney who holds office as an officer in two branches of government in open violation of Article II, Sections 3 & 5 of the Florida Constitution. Similar patterns of occupying offices in two branches of our State Government have been apparent in the House Committees who have debated these constantly changing Bills. Senator Richter is the President of a Bank and has a massive conflict of interest If the House votes this outrageous and unconstitutional Bill into law every person who votes in favor of it has committed a serious crime against the residents of this State. As was raised at the Hearing in the Senate today, the strength of opposition and the factual and legal evidence put before the various committees is unprecedented in this Session of the Legislature. Only a corrupted body would not take a deep breath and set up an emergency committee meeting at which all the protesters who have been trying to be granted enough time to present and document their evidence that almost all bank foreclosures are fraudulent. There is no doubt that this is the crime of the century. This letter is being emailed to you in haste and it is my hope that you meant what you said in your speech to the Opening Session of the House. If you care about the future of Florida and of America you will do everything in your power to

16211 Shenandoah Circle, Fort Myers, Florida 33908 Phone 239-466-3815

persuade your fellow Representatives to vote this junk law out as soon a it appears on the agenda of the House, which is rumored to be tomorrow morning. If you are a true Republican and worthy of the support of Republican voters support you will act to stop this Bill from being enacted. However if you are a RINO that will be obvious as will the voting patterns of your fellow Representatives. This is the first of a series of letters which will be fully published on the Internet. Hopefully, it will reach enough people who will seek further information so that they can compare what their Representatives said during their corporate sponsored campaigns to their actions upon being elected. Mr. Gillis was absolutely right when he described the sponsors of these Bills as a disgrace and the Chair of the House Subcommittee who ruled that he was out of order was wrong. Any elected representative who votes this unconstitutional and obviously corrupted Bill into law is a public disgrace and we the people have every right to expose corruption in our elected Representatives and Senators. If you want to avoid being accused of acting disgracefully that is a simple matter all you need to do is distance yourself from corruption and always remember that there is no right way to do a wrong thing. We put it to you, if it is true that this unconstitutional Bill is being voted upon on the floor of the House tomorrow, when the strength of the opposition is well known by all the Committee members who have heard the various, albeit, curtailed testimonies of many people and that the Bills sponsors have repeatedly lied to both the House and the Senate, you know that this is a blatant move by supporters of government by corporations against the wishes of the people of Florida. These words are penned by a 76 year old great grandfather, who spent his infancy dodging the bombs that rained upon his home town of Plymouth in England and who was taken to see the Pathe News documentary of the horrors of Hitlers death camps that confronted the allies in 1945. Americans are reminded that Hitlers Nazi Germany and Mussolinis Fascist Italy were the work of government by corporations. My parents made me promise that I would be watchful and whenever I saw the rise of tyranny that I would do everything in my power to oppose and stop those horrors from ever happening again. Nobody ever thought that when Hitler was building the peoples autobahns and manufacturing the peoples car that he was also plotting to strip his own people of their rights, using the tools of divide and conquer and that he was preparing to exterminate millions of his own people. Legislators, we are watching you. Please stop supporting government by corporations and act for the people, as is your duty as Floridians and Americans. The Hanging Together for Justice Foundation, Mortgage Justice and on behalf of the thousands of our Members and of our fellow residents and Americans.

16211 Shenandoah Circle, Fort Myers, Florida 33908 Phone 239-466-3815

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