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What is CLAM?
CLAM (Cultural Literacies Across Media) is a unique course (CAAH 201) specifically designed to supplement and enrich your study abroad experience. With CLAM, youll be immersed not only in the culture you are living and studying in while abroad, but also in a media-rich and hands-on 3-credit online course that helps you stay in touch with your friends and family back home, learn multi-media production skills, tell your study abroad story, and satisfy Clemsons cross-cultural awareness requirement!

Most people think of literacy and being literate as being able to read and write well you can certainly do that! But in todays world, literacy has morphed into the many literacies made possible by digital technology. You, no doubt, are moving in and using the digital world constantly, but CLAM will enhance your digital literacy skills while you simultaneously create and develop your cultural literacy by examining personal, professional, and local political topics.

CLAM, along with your study abroad program, gives you New cultural lenses Experience with new literacies and media 3 hours of credit (CAAH 201) Cross-cultural awareness credit Memories to last a lifetime

CLAM is collaboratively supported by multiple offices across campus: College of Architecture, Arts, and Humanities; English Department; Office of International Affairs: Study Abroad; and Pearce Center for Professional Communication.

Media and the ways we communicate are changing almost daily. With CLAM, youll use state-of the-art tools and learn valuable media production and multi-media writing skills through hands-on practice. Your class projects and assignments are designed to result in real world products that teach and inform others about your study abroad experience. You get to share your experiences in real-time across various types of media and understand how they function in the cultural context.

Nothing adds to your college experience like living and learning in a new and exciting environment. Dont miss the chance to make study abroad part of your Clemson Experience.

Capturing a culture a world away...

Its all about Culture, Literacies, and working Across Media: CULTURE
Culture is a funny thing a bit elusive and hard to define. It might mean one thing to you and perhaps have quite another meaning to someone else. Is culture just in museums? Or books? Or is it in our heads? Or in our hearts? Or is it some ever-changing mixture of many parts? No matter what it is, being in it, surrounded by it makes all the difference. Its one thing to read about Londons Westminster Abbey or Indias Taj Mahal; its quite another to stand inside them or talk to a Londoner or an Indian about what those buildings mean to them. The famous Mexican author Carlos Fuentes wrote Culture consists of connections, not of separations. CLAM teaches you how to connect to the culture you are experiencing. You get to tell your story of being in, experiencing, and learning something new, fresh, and exciting. You get to network and experience culture as only travelling abroad lets you.

Contact the Study Abroad Office to find out more: 864.656.2457

Cultural Literacies Across Media


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