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tinchy, ruj 22, 2007 evo ono sto je ajko davala na predavanjima al to nije nikakav dodatan tekst nego

zadaci 1.Federalism is based on multiple__________ and on the _______ between states and nation. 2.American federalism can be divided into three different_________. These are_________. 3.The basic structure of unitary political systems is__________. 4.The American system can be described as a system of___________. 5.The following documents are sources of American federalism:________. 6.In the course of history American federalism had different phases of development, such as:__________________________________7.Dual federalism is characterised by_______________________________. 8.The federal government had ____________________ in the phase of the so-called cooperative federalism. 9.The New Federalism meant increased____________. 10.Clinton`s political approach was based on _________________. 11.The conservatives` vision of the federal government _______________. 12.American liberals view federal power as ____________. KORINAEMA, ruj 22, 2007 3. Articles (definite and indefinite) have been omitted from the passage below. Put them back in the right places. ____ law of ____ country is primarily ____ sum total of all ____ separate laws in existence there: but it is more than that, just as ____ wood is more than just ____ large number of trees arbitrarily thrown together. Most forests which have been planted show ____ certain design or symmetry, which is ____ work of ____ foresters who have been responsible for them. Thus, also, ____ law of ____ country works on certain general principles which give sense to some of _____ legal rules making up ____ law. ____ law is as much ____ living thing as ____ people's language, their clothes, or their habits. It grows as ____ country's economy changes, and it adapts itself to ever-changing tasks. In ____ same way in which ____ philologist has to study ____ language of ____ past in order to understand that of ____ present, so also ____ student of law cannot properly appreciate ____ law of his country as it exists today without paying some attention to its history. THE law of A country is primarily A sum total of all THE separate laws in existence there: but it is more than that, just as THE wood is more than just A large number of trees arbitrarily thrown together. Most forests which have been planted show A certain design or symmetry, which is THE work of THE foresters who have been responsible for them. Thus, also, THE law of A country works on certain general principles which give sense to some of THE legal rules making up THE law. THE law is as much A living thing as THE people's language, their clothes, or their habits. It grows as THE country's economy changes, and it adapts itself to ever-changing tasks. In THE same way in which A philologist has to study A language of THE past in order to understand that of THE present, so also A student of law cannot properly appreciate THE law of his country as it exists today without paying some attention to its history. KORINAEMA, sij 30, 2008 29.01.2008 ENGLESKI JEZIK I. - kod ajko

1. Common law means ____________ (ancient) _____________ (customs), ____________ (judicial) ____________ (precedents) and enacted laws 2. There are two kinds of statutes. ____________ (Public) acts are directed to the ____________ (community) as a whole. ______________ (Private) acts alter the law with respect to particular localities, or give special powers of functions or rights to particular bodies. 3. The Lord Chancellor fulfils the role of a Minister of ___________ (Justice) . He acts as a __________ (judge) when he presides over the judicial committee of the House of Lords. 4. U ovom pitanju je bila tablica, na jednoj strani negdje 10-ak pojmova i svaki je kraj sebe imao slovo (A, B, C) na drugoj strani je bilo 10-ak definicija tih pojmova i svaka je kraj sebe imala broj. I onda si trebo spojit pojmove s definicijama, s time da je jedna definicija bila vika i mora si re koja. Neki od pojmova koji su bili su: - the House of Lords (Gornji Dom parlamenta) - executive (izvrna uloga lorda kancelara/vrhovnog suca) - judicial (zakonodavna uloga lorda kancelara/vrhovnog suca) - justices of the peace (mirovni suci) - litigation itd. (sudska parnica) - s time da je ova suvina definicija bila ona o Donjem Domu parlamenta 5. onda su bili pojmovi na engleskom koje je trebalo prevest na hrvatski (5 pojmova) - the Court of Appeal (albeni sud) - to hold office (zadrati, ostati na svom radnom mjestu) - to adhere to precedent (drati se presedana) 6. pojmovi na hrvatskom koje je trebalo prevest na engleski (isto 5 pojmova) - biti razrijeen dunosti (be removed from office ) 7. Set out in the statutes voted by Parliament and approved by the Monarch is _________ (statutory law) 8. The LSC or Legal __________ ______________ (kod legal aid) ... ovaj zadnji 8. zadatak je sadravo tu kraticu nekog pojma LSC, i onda je trebalo napisat ta ta kratica znai s time da prva rije znai Legal... marinsche, sij 31, 2008 Dakle 1. zadatak umetniti lanove i glagole u odreenom vremenu. Ako je pasiv u zagradi pie da je pasiv.

2. zadatak - Umetnuti pravne izraze u tekst. Izrazi kojih se sjeam su bili Govern legacy court the judiciary lawyers rule 3. zadatak. Pie definicija na engleskom i ti mora nadopisat ta je to. 4. zadatak. Prijevod teksta. To je po meni bilo jedino jednostavno. Par osnovnih reenica... suresha, vel 18, 2008 za nadopunjavanje 1. tri funkcije koje obavlja lord chancellor 2. od eg se sastoji ujedinjeno kraljevstvo (dvije praznine) 3. neto s obzirom na teritorij, dvije vrste prava, tog se zbilja ne sjeam 4. pridruivanje slovima s nazivom brojeve s definicijama (bili su judicial presedent, a statue, criminal law, neto s dravnom pomoi tipa doplatak, ....) zadnji zadatak: criminal law is part of _____ concerned with the _______ of offences defined as _______ by the law edit: prijevod na eng - oteena stranka, primati savjete (?) od klijenta laika axl 12.09.2008. 1. Dopuni reenice. 8 bodova a. The Chambers of the European Court of Human Rights decide about admissibility of the individual application or State application. b. The sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia is inalienable, indivisible and untransferable. c. The bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. 2. Dopuni reenice koristei ponuene odgovore. 8 bodova (podcrtane rijei su ponuene u tablici iznad zadatka ratrkanim redoslijedom) The term federalism is used to describe a system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units. Federalism is the system in which the power to govern is shared between the national and state governments, creating what is often called federation. 3. Prevedi na hrvatski. 10 bodova a. the values of the constitutional order vrednote ustavnog poretka b. the allocation of powers raspodjela vlasti c. the sole power of impeachment iskljuivo pravo opoziva s ciljem svrgavanja s dunosti predsjednika ili visokih civilnih dravnih dunosnika u SAD-u

d. precedents binding on other judges presedani koji su obvezujui za ostale suce e. to know the court's reasoning poznavati nain sudskog zakljuivanja 4. Prevedi na engleski. 10 bodova a. pridravati se ustava i zakona to abide by the constitution and law b. nepovredivost vlasnitva inviolability of ownership c. sastavljati zbirke sluajeva to compile the casebooks d. podnoenje albe making of the appeal e. usvojiti prijedlog zakona s dvotreinskom veinom to pass a bill with a two-thirds majority 5. Dopuni potpuni naziv dokumenta kojeg su lanice Vijea Europe potpisale 1950. godine, a koji je stupio na snagu 1953. godine. 4 boda The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 6. Prevedi na engleski. Pazi na stil. (*shall) 5 bodova Sudbena vlast je samostalna i neovisna. (Iz Ustava Republike Hrvatske) Judicial power shall be autonomous and independent. (From the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia)

legal_neverland 28.01.2009. 1. Common law means ancient customs, ------- -------- (judical precedents) and enacted laws. There are two kinds of statutes. ---------- (public) acts are directed to the -------- (community) as a whole. ------------- (private) acts alter the law with respect to particular localities, or give special powers pf functiones or rights to particular bodies. 2. tablica s sedam pojmova s jedne strane i osam definicija koje je trebalo spariti s tim da je jedna definicija ostala bez pojma. nije trebalo odrediti pojam, ali on je bio House od Commons. neki od pojmova su bili judical power, executive power, house od lords, J.P.s, litigation... 3. pojmovi s engleskog na hrvatski (5 pojmova) be removed from office to adhere to precedent 4. pojmovi s hrvatskog na engleski (5 pojmova) graansko i kazneno pravo odstupiti od presedana ostecena stranka 5. set out in the statutes voted by parlament and approved by monarh is ------- (statutory law) 6. Criminal law is part of-------- ( public law) concerned with the --------------- ( ) of offences defined as---------------- ()

che.guevarra 28.01.2009. 1. Three forms of the state power are ________, ________ and _________power. (executive, judicial, legislative). 2. Solicitors and barristers have different ________, different ______ ___________ and different relationship to the clients. (education, right of audience). 3. ________ law and ________ law are parts of English law. Law voted by the parliament is called _________ law. They are set out in new __________. (Common, statutory, statute, statutes) ...tako nekako... 4. povezivanje pojma s definicijom: pojmovi: LCD, judgement summons, judicial precedents, criminal law, rules of equity, statute law ili book (ili oboje), supplementary benefit, Family income benefit/suplement - pojam koji nije naveden, ali definicija je. 5. legal terms: to abide by the law - ponasati se u skladu sa zakonom administrative and constitutional law - upravno i ustavno pravo judicial independence - sudska neovisnost to depart from a precedent - odstupiti od presedana the right of audience - pravo zastupanja na sudu 6. prijevodi stvarati sudske presedane - create judicial precedents sudovi stvaraju obicajno pravo - the courts create common law doktrina podjele drzavne vlasti - the doctrine of separation of (state??) powers biti odgovoran (jedna rije) za nemar - LIABLE for negligence dobiti upute od klijenta laika - receive instructions from lay client kaznjavanje prekrsaja - punishment of offences 7. Definition of LAW from the textbook: ...rules of ________ imposed by a _________ upon its members and enforced by the ________. (conduct, state, courts) gnaaah 01.06.2009. Prof. Matijaevi, grupa B eng II Prevedi na hrvatski: 1) Commercial courts keep a register of companies. 2) The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia transposes the provisions of the UN Convention of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms. 1) The first 10 Amendments of the US Constitution are known as BILL OF RIGHTS. 2) The case method teaching was developed in HARVARD Law School. 3) In US elections people vote for members of the ELECTORAL College which then directly elects the President and the Vice President. 4) The procedure before the European Court of Human Rights is ADVERSARIAL and public. 5) The Virginia plan included PROPORTIONAL representation of the HoR and Senate.

Zdk. di je zadano prvo slovo i di su objanjene rijei: 1) PETITIONER is the party that lost in the trial and RESPONDENT the party that won it. 2) Decision of the judge that is the same as the decision of the others is an IMPATRIAL decision. (valjda je ovo tono) 3) The sovereignity of the RC is inalineable, INDIVISIBLE and UNTRANSFREABLE. 4) The method used before case method teaching was DOCTRINE based. 5) neto je bilo s onim IMPEACHMENT ... ko je optuen za to je ohmah relieved from DUTY. (tako nekako) *viki* 10.09.2009. Matijaevi, eng I I.zadatak: 1. Procedural law is rules which determined how a care is administrated by courts. 2. Labour law regulates issues of imployment, dismissal, the rights and duties of workers and employers. 3. A magistrates' court is a first instance court only. 4. In the UK complex criminal cases are heard in crown courts, while civil cases are heard in county courts. 5. Criminal law is law relating to acts committed against the law which are punished by state. 6. Statute law is law enacted by Parliament. 7. There are two types of lawyer in the UK: barristers and solicitors. 8. The highest appelate court in the UK is The House of Lords. II.zadatak: 1. If a regulation (legal act in general) becomes absolute, amendments (changes or updates) may be proposed, which means that its provisions (stipulationes) are revised. 2. Magistrates are lay (not professional) judges who are not payed for their work. 3. The British Parliament has two chambers (houses). The members of the House of Commons are elected (chosen by vote), while the members of the House of Lords are appointed (destinated by an authority). The UK has no written constitution. (the supreme legal act) 4. Common law is based on judicial precedents (previous court decisions). Those of higher courts are binding (must be followed). Those of lower courts are persuasive (do not have to be followed). 5. Civil law is also concerned with matters that may give rise to a claim (lawsuit) by a natural or a legal person for compensation (restitution of damage) or an injunction (court order). III.zadatak: Ponuene rijei, treba ubaciti. 1. A criminal proceeding is initiated by a warrant of arrest or a summons, which is served on the person charged with a crime. 2. The right to liberty and security speaks against unlawful arrest or detention. 3. Bills are proposed by the Government and debated in Parliament. 4. Probate deals with the division of the property of a deceased person, i.e. wills and testaments. 5. Morgan Jones wrote lies about the MP and was slapped with a defamation.

6. The accused entered a guilty plea and the case was closed. 7. The number of civil disputes that end up in courts is under 20%. 8. Offences triable either way include some drug related offences, acts of violance against the person and teft. IV zadatak: Prijevod. The procedure start in the Commons and largely similar procedure is followed in the Lords. Bills may be returned to the Commons for revision and amendments and the procedure may be repeated. The Lords may not reject a bill, they can only delay its enactment for up to a year. When the final agreement is reached and the final version of the bill is approved, the bill is given to the Royal Assent . V.zadatak: Napravi pasiv. 1. The Supreme Court overruled the verdict. 2. Parliament has amended the Courts Act three times. 3. The police is searching the premises of the company. 4. The Counsel will cross-examine the witnesses after the break. 5. The court received 350 claims in April. 6. The Queen opens the Parliament at the beginning of each session. 7. The MPs were debating the environment protection bill. Nicolier, 31.1.2010. Husinec Od gramatike je bilo umetanje glagola i the, a, an na odgovarajue mjesto.. Taj zadatak je nosio 8/45 bodova.. Ostatak se temeljio na prezentacijama, neki osnovni pomovi, nita teko... U drugom je trebalo dodati rijei koje nedostaju u definicijama, u treem povezati pojmove s definicijama, a u etvrtom i petom prevesti po pet pojmova s hrv. na eng. i obratno... Nije bilo teko zgmetropola, 03.02.2011. Pismeni Matijaevi 1. zadatak - nadopunjavanje, znaci moras staviti odredjenu rijec u recenici s tim da nemas nista ponudjeno 2. zadatak - isto to, samo kaj ti on da prvo slovo, a u zagradi imas ili sinonim ili objasnjenje 3. zadatak - isto ko i prva dva, samo kaj imas ponudjene rijeci koje trebas uvrstit. Mislim da je jedna il su dvije viska tak da treba i to pazit 4. zadatak - prijevod s engleskog na hrvatski, mislim da je to najlaksi i da se lagano moze pokupit 12 bodova. Koliko znam svaka recenica nosi 3 boda *tearsinheaven, 14.2.2011. Evo to je bilo na pismenom danas kod Soanac, eng 1, moda nekom pomogne. 1. zadatak - umetnuti glagol (pasiv, past ili present simple). Bilo je lagano jer je naveden glagol i samo ga treba prebacit u neko vrijeme ili pasiv.

2. zadatak - neke rijei su navedene u pitanju, treba ih po kontekstu umetnut u reenicu. Nije preteko, samo treba paljivo proitat par puta. (bilo je neto o presedanima, obiter dictum i sl.) 3. zadatak - navedene su 4 definicije legal termsa, mi samo trebamo prepoznat koji je i napisat izraz. Meni je bilo jurist, common law, unitary state i offence, ini mi se. 4. zadatak - prijevod nekog ulomka iz knjige s eng na hrvatski. Meni je bio onaj iz 2. lekcije (''The division between public and private law is...'') Sve u svemu, nita preteko. Za usmeni smo se prijavljivali ovisno o tome kak nam pae. joejoejoe, 30.05.2011. Soanac Pitanja su bila jednostavna za one koji su proli zadatke iz prezentacija, jer su dva zadatka bila iskljuivo iz prezentacija. 1. zadatak: Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms: The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) ___(draft, passive) by the Concil of Europe, a body set up after the Second World War to achieve unity among its members in matters such as the protection of fundamental human rights. It ___(draft, passive) in the light of the atrocities that ____(take) place before and during the Second World War and in its preamble the Convention ___(remind) the High Contracting Parties of the common heritage of political traditions, ideals, freedom, and the rule of law ____(share) by their governments. Further, the preamble ___(state) that the Contracting Parties should resolve to take steps for the collective enforcement of certain of the rights ___(contain) in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, this being one effective way of ___(ensure) future peace and stability. The Convention ___(sign, passive) by the High Contracting Parties in 1950, and ___(enter) into force in 1953. Rjeenje: The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) was drafted by the Concil of Europe, a body set up after the Second World War to achieve unity among its members in matters such as the protection of fundamental human rights. It ws drafted in the light of the atrocities that took place before and during the Second World War and in its preamble the Convention reminds the High Contracting Parties of the common heritage of political traditions, ideals, freedom, and the rule of law shared by their governments. Further, the preamble states that the Contracting Parties should resolve to take steps for the collective enforcement of certain of the rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, this being one effective way of ensuring future peace and stability. The Convention was signed by the High Contracting Parties in 1950, and entered into force in 1953. 2. zadatak: Fill in the missing words: admissibility comprises, enforcement, merits, strike out, applicants applications breaches Party victims violation

The Court lies at the heart of the ____ of the Convention and ___of Committees, who consider the initial ___ of applications and have the power to ____cases from its list, and Chambers of the Court, who decide on the admissibility and ___ of the application. Applications can either be brought by member states on behalf of individual victims of ____ by another High Contracting ___, or from individual___ claiming to be victims of a ___ of the Convention. With respect to state ___, a member state may bring an application against another state in relation to individual ____, either its own citizens or those of another state. Rjeenje: The Court lies at the heart of the enforcement of the Convention and comprises of Committees, who consider the initial admissibility of applications and have the power to strike out cases from its list, and Chambers of the Court, who decide on the admissibility and merits of the application. Applications can either be brought by member states on behalf of individual victims of breaches by another High Contracting Party, or from individual applicants claiming to be victims of a violation of the Convention. With respect to state applications, a member state may bring an application against another state in relation to individual victims, either its own citizens or those of another state. 3. zadatak Ima definicije, mora napisati pojmove. Rjeenja: hearing tribunal plaintiff constitution ... (moda jo jedno, ne mogu se sjetiti) 4. zadatak Ima ovaj tekst na engleskom (poetak ustava) i mora prevesti na Hrvatski. Rjeenje je: Republika Hrvatska jedinstvena je i nedjeljiva demokratska i socijalna drava. U Republici Hrvatskoj vlast proizlazi iz naroda i pripada narodu kao zajednici slobodnih i ravnopravnih dravljana. Narod ostvaruje vlast izborom svojih predstavnika i neposrednim odluivanjem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nije bilo teko. Obratite panju na zadatke iz prezentacija. Proite ih barem jednom. Nije potrebno ako odlino znate engleski, ali je u svakom sluaju olakavajue. Nemojte me optuivati da sam imao rjeenja unaprijed. Prva dva zadatka su copy-past iz njezinih prezentacija, a rjeenje zadnjeg je kopirano iz ustava. njem 1: 1. zadatak- dopuniti tekst frazama 2. zadatak- dopuniti tekst glagolima 3. zadatak- prijevod sa njemakog na hrvatski- veinom one reenice koje smo zapisalo kao wichtige Ausdrcke 4. zadatak- prijevod sa hrvatskog na njemaki

5. zadatak- gramatika6. zadatak- dopuniti tekst pisces 26.06.2011. eng 2 matijaevi: ima 4 zadatka, nema gramatike. jedan zadatak ti je prevoenje reenica s engleskog na hrvatski (lagane reenice), jedan je nadopunjavanje rijei, onda jedan isto s nadopunjavam rijei, ali ima prvo slovo napisano, i zadnji je ubacivanje ponuenih rijei u tekst. uglavnom sve iz prezentacija, usmeni je ok, hoe povisit ocjenu. uglavnom se bazira na USA, a malo manje na onaj dio o hrvatskoj. tako je bilo na roku 30.5. kad sam ja ila, al mislim da je gotovo isto bilo i 13.6. pa ne bi trebalo bit neke razlike. sunnygirl, 28.08.2011. javornik - ima zadatak sa ubacivanjem rijei,prijevod sa hrv na eng (1 rije ili 2) i obrnuto,prijevod 2-3 reenice sa eng na hrv, u prvom semestru je bio i 1 zadatak sa gramatikom. ui po njenim prezentacijama jer je sve iz njih,a one su opirnije od knjige kod Husinec... 1. umetanje lanova i glagol stavit u odreeno vrijeme 2. nadopunjavanje 3. povezivanje rijei sa definicijom 4. kolokacije sa hrv na engl 5. kolokacije sa engl na hrv Neki zadaci zadatak je izraze spojiti s pojmovima : Authority, court, govern, judge, law enforcement agency, lawyers, legal action, legal system, legislation, rule, the judiciary, tribunal 1. A body that is appointed to make a judgement or enquiry 2. a countrys body of judges________ 3. an act or acts passed by a law-making body - legalislation 4. behaviour recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority_____ 5. legal proceedings_______ 6. an official body that has authority to try criminals, resolve disputes, or make other legal decisions_______ 7. an organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially the police - law eforcement agenc 8. a senior official in a court of law______ 9. The body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process ______ 10. the control resulting from following a communitys system of rules_______ 11. members of the legal profession - lawyers 12. to rule a society and control the behaviour of its members-govern 1. Court 2. The judiciary

3. Rule 4. Legal action 5. Legislation 6. Tribunal 7. Law enf. agency 8. Judge 9. Legal system 10. Authority Why do we have laws and legal systems? At one level, laws can be seen as a type of rule which is meant to govern behaviour between people. We can find these rules in nearly all social organizations, such as families and sports clubs. Law, the body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions and legislation, is used to govern a society and to control the behaviour of its members. In modern societies, a body with authority, such as a court or the legislature, makes the law; and a law enforcement agency such as the police, makes sure it is observed. In addition to enforcement, a body of expert lawyers is needed to apply the law. This is the role of the judiciary, the body of judges in a particular country. Of course, legal systems vary between countries, as well as the basis for bringing a case before a court or tribunal. One thing, however, seems to be true all over the world starting a legal action is both expensive and time-consuming. parliament, legislature, preoceedings, adjudication, constitution, legislative, statutory (or statue) law, statute, voted, approve, monarch, legislator, sovereign, statute book, case, invalid, judiciary, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, justice, civil servants, judge, the House of Lords, civil liberty, issue, the Speaker, executive, judial independence, puisine, puisine judges, ciurcuit judges, circuit, recordes, stipndiary magistrates, justices od the peace (J.P.s), law officer, M.P., superior judiciary, barriter, the Consolidation Fund, the House of Commons, peer, superior courts, tenure, the Court of Appeal, Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, address, public school.
System of checks and balances - Sustav

provjera (konica) i ravnoteze...

5 zadatak na 9. strani criminal, family, internal, adjectival, constitutional, civil, international, substantive, revenue, administrative primjeri bez lanova: english law, common law, public law, private law, roman law, statute law S lanom uvijek the uvijek idu sloenice tipa: the croatian legal system , the english legal sytem... ili The united kingdom, the republic of croatia, the prime minister, the lord chancellor, the high court -s imenicama u mnoini pravilo je da imaju lan the ili nemaju lana

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