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Virginias Early &Current History

Virginia's history is part of American history. To be a Virginian in many ways is like being a historian. The reason is that every inch of Virginia from the cities, the rural areas, the mountains, the suburbs, and the exurbs are filled with fascinating, exciting history. We have places like Towne Point, the MacArthur Memorial, the church where Patrick Henry gave his famous "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech, and the Virginian Zoological Park. The original inhabitants of Virginia have been Native Americans. The Native Americans developed their great cultures from the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mayans, and to the Mount builders in ancient North America. For thousands of years, Native American tribes lived in the Tidewater region. There has been the prehistoric habitation in the Pocahontas Island back in ca. 6,500 B.C. By the end of the 1500's, 3 major groups of Native Americans lived in Virginia. They were based on language families. The largest group is of course the Algonquian tribes. The Algonquian peoples lived all over the Mid Atlantic and Northeast regions of North America. They numbered in over 10,000 people. The Iroquoian and the Siouan lived in the interior of Virginia as well. The famous Powhatan was in the Algonquian tribes like the Chesepian, Chickahominy, Doeg, Nottoway (I've been to the Nottoway area in real life. I've seen the Nottoway River. I've seen Southampton County High School. I've seen farms, cows, deer, etc. I have relatives that live out there in that area near Southampton County, Virginia), Rappahannock, etc. Of course, the Jamestown settlement came via English settlers in 1607. Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement of people in the North American continent. By that time, the Algonquian tribes ruled most of Virginia east of the fall line. The fall line is the boundary between the Piedmont and Tidewater Virginian regions. It's found in Richmond, VA and that is why Richmond has those large hills at certain places that I've seen in real life.

Virginia now recognizes 11 Virginian Native American tribes. The European colonists worked with the Native Americans at first. Later, the colonists wanted more land to export tobacco (or the cash crop of the UK. The tobacco exhausted the soil and the wooded land that the Native Americans needed to supplement their food crops. This caused conflicts. There was the Indian massacre of 1622 and the war of 1644. This war was under the leadership of the late Chief Powhatan's younger brother named Chief Openchancanough. Infectious diseases like smallpox and measles decreased the Powhatan and allied

tribes' populations. Some Europeans used such diseases as a means of biological warfare in order to kill st people basically. In the 21 century, the Pamunkey and the Mattaponi were the only 2 tribes to maintain th reservations originally assigned under the English. The 400 anniversary of Jamestown in 2007 was a historic time indeed. Jamestown was the first permanent European settlement in Virginia. Many innocent slaves were used in Virginia to cultivate the tobacco crop in order to have trade and profit. As for the Europeans, the Spanish were one of the first in the modern age that came into the New World from Europe. Juan de Villalobos and Francisco de Silvera were spent by the Spaniard Hernado de Soto in order to find gold. They entered into Lee County back in 1540. Angel De Villafane explored the lower Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia in 1561. In 1584, there was the colony lead by Sir Walter Raleigh. It was a British colony in NE North Carolina. Slavery caused more boundaries to be made among black slaves and the white population. The Virginia Colony was one leading part of promoting economic exploitation, slavery, and imperialism in the Old plus New World. It was the wealthiest and most populated British colony in North America. Elite planters ruled the colony and elections were democratic in some sense. The Virginia Company of London was a joint stock company. It was ruled by the local Anglican Church. This is why the Baptists were persecuted since the Baptists refuse to baptize infants and submit to an organized Church of England.

Early European exploration and colonization caused the redistribution of the worlds population. That means that millions of people from Europe and Africa voluntarily and yes involuntarily moved into the New World. There was trade between the Old World and New World that dealt with agricultural resources, etc. Some Europeans settled into America because some human beings desired religious freedom. Back then in some places of Europe, you could be arrested and jailed because of your religious views. For example, The Puritans wanted religious freedom in Europe. The Puritans opposed the dogma from the Church of England. They felt that the Anglican wasn't pure enough to be an example of faith & truth. So, they traveled into New England to form their covenant community (based on the principles of the Mayflower Compact and Puritan religious beliefs). Ironically, many Puritans were intolerant of those that didnt share their religious views like Native Americans. Rhode Island was founded by dissenters fleeing persecution by the Puritans in Massachusetts. The Middle Atlantic region was settled by the British, Dutch, and German speaking immigrants. These people desired freedom and economic opportunity. Some came into Virginia because of economic reasons. Some of the early European Virginian settlers were cavaliers (or they were in the English nobility and they wanted large grants in eastern Virginia from the King of England). Some poorer settlers lived in western Virginia or the Shenandoah Valley (in the mountains, there was farming, hunting, trading, and small-subsistence farming). Various indentured servants worked on the tobacco plantations for a time to pay for passage to the New World. Back in 1607, Jamestown was formed by the Virginia Company of London as a business venture. Most Native Americans lost their original lands and fell victim to diseases carried from Europe. Most Native Americans were basically exterminated by imperialists and sinners. Slavery increased when the Native American population decreased and landholding places existed in the Southern colonies. The first Africans in Virginia were bought into Jamestown against their wills in order for them to work on tobacco plantations. This occurred in 1619. The African slave trade grew from plantation economics and labor shortages. The colonies possessed unique social (including economic & political) characteristics in the New England region, the middle colonies (inside of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware), and the southern colonies. Each of these colonies had different resources and soils that influence their economic development. One example is that New England worked on shipbuilding, fishing, subsistence farming, and manufacturing. The reason is that huge plantations werent in existence inside of New England. The middle colonies dealt with shipbuilding, small scale farming and trading. The south colonies developed crops in tobacco, indigo, cotton, rice, tobacco, and other cash crops. Colonial life all over the place had people believing in private ownership of property and a free enterprise system. The middle colonies had a more flexible culture. For example, the middle colonies had Quakers, Jewish people, Presbyterians, and a strong middle class that developed their own cultures and social structures. Virginia during the colonial period was control mostly by the Church of England. Virginia had close ties to Britain. Large landowners in the eastern part of the state ruled most of the colonial government in Virginia (with their allegiance to the British crown). Really, the southern colonies in general had a strong allegiance to the British Empire. Now, the colonial period in America didn't comprise of peaches and cream. Terrorism, slavery, and other evils existed in early America period.

The Great Awakening caused more yeoman farmers and planters to join Baptist and Methodist churches. The Great Awakening was a religious movement that caused more people to place a renewed focused on improving their personal moral lifestyles. Virginia took a leading role in promoting the Revolutionary War against England indeed. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, and even James Monroe were from Virginia. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. We know of Jefferson's flaws and all. One thing that many Founders were correct to promote is the idea of religious freedom. A human being has the right to believe in what he or she wants without persecution from an ecclesiastical authority. France funded and militarily aided the colonists against the British Empire.

Virginian History from the end of World War Two to the present is just as important as Virginian history from thousands of years B.C. to 1945. The history of Virginia is world history and its a part of American history too. For better or for worse, Woodrow Wilson and George C. Wilson are famous Virginians. They are well known in our national and international affairs. Wilson was President of the United States and he supported Jim Crow segregation. He was wrong to support Jim Crow. He promoted his failed League of Nations plan. The League of Nations was an attempt to create an alliance of nations in order for the world to embrace world peace and reject wars (like WWI). The League of Nations failed since it wasnt really powerful and it was very short lived. George C. Marshall promoted the Marshall Plan in Post-War Europe. The Marshall Plan was about the USA and Western nations to send funds and loans to European nations that were ravished by WWII. These loans helped to rebuild the damaged areas of continental Europe plus the UK. The Marshall Plan worked, because the plan was comprehensive and the plan was well received by European nations. After WWII in Virginia, segregation still existed. Therefore, African Americans demanded equal treatment and equal rights in America. The Civil Rights Movement in Virginia and in the nation was strong. Still, the status quo still oppressed the rights of human beings (after WWII). Civil rights workers wanted integration or the full equality of people of every race in the use of public facilities and services. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision that separate but equal public schools were unconstitutional. All public schools in Virginia were ordered to desegregate. Virginia used the policy of Massive Resistance (led by controversial reactionaries like Harry F. Byrd Sr. The Byrd political machine is famous in Virginia) to resist the court ordered integration of public schools. Some schools were closed down, because many prejudiced and racist folks wanted to avoid integration. The Virginia public schools were finally integrated by the 1960s and the early 1970s. Therefore, the policy of Massive Resistance failed. To understand Virginian history, you have to learn about historical figures from the twentieth to twenty first centuries. Maggie L. Walker was the first African American woman in America to establish a bank (and become bank President). A lot of folks realize the history of Harry F. Byrd Sr. He was the governor of Virginia and was known for a Pay As You Go policy. He wanted this policy to create road improvements and he modernized the Virginia state government. Oliver W. Hall was a lawyer and civil rights leader. He worked for equal rights of African Americans and all Americans. His power was an influence in the Brown V. Board of Education decision. Arthur R. Ashe, Jr. was the first African American winner of a major mens tennis singles championship. He became an author and was an eloquent spokesperson for social change. He died of AIDS and inspired numerous folks to promote treatment and solution to the HIV/AIDS illness in the world. In Virginia, we hear stories about Arthur Ashe all of the time. A. Linwood Holton Jr. was the governor of Virginia that promoted racial equality. He appointed more African Americans and women to positions in state government than previous governors. Of course, L. Douglas Wilder was the first African American to be elected governor of a state in America. It was a historic time. I remember vividly when he was governor of Virginia. Wilder back then and now is a very popular politician. Hes a great role model for not only African Americans, but for all people. Soon, he became mayor of Richmond, Virginia, which is where some of my relatives live & work at.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Virginia is heavily militarized. I love Virginia and Hampton Roads. I do respect real people born and raised in Virginia. Yet, I don't want to be exploited as some guinea big of war. War is evil. I have to show the truth. I live in Virginia and I notice the military everywhere here. The culture of the military is strong here in Hampton Roads. People become sensitive about the military here. As for me, I just keep it real. No man gave me my rights except my God. I will never fight for some immoral wars. That's not part of my game plan. The military industrial complex uses fear and political correct to promote a fake patriotism. It's the worship of self, it's the worship of arms, and it's the worship of materialism. This system isn't about the worship of the one true God. Now, the Pentagon headquarters is located in Virginia. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff lives in Quarters Six at Fort Myer in Arlington. The Army and Air Force chief of staff live on Generals Row in Fort Myer. Norfolk, VA has the largest naval base on Earth. The NATO is headquartered in Norfolk, VA (as found the U.S. Joint Forces Command). That is why foreign students from France, Belgium, and all over Europe are in Hampton Roads schools. Langley Air Force base is found in Hampton. Even in Charlottesville, there is an AT and T site that some believe that military used to use. DARPA and the Defense Intelligence Agency are located in Virginia. Oceania is located in Virginia Beach. Army recruits are all over the nation like in Short Pump, VA. There are 161 military contractors in Charlottesville alone. Virginia is home to SAIC, DynCorp, Mantech, MPRI, CACI, and BAE. Xe (Blackwater) is moving to Arlington from its location just across the North Carolina line, a location at which the Virginia Beach Police train, and from which many Blackwater employees commute to live in Virginia Beach. L3 Flight International Aviation is in Newport News. The American Type Culture Collection in Manassas supplied anthrax to Saddam Hussein. Eisenhower was talked out of saying "military industrial congressional complex," but the meaning nonetheless came through. So, I am nearing 30. I don't believe in war or in the military industrial complex at all. I don't believe in disrespecting anyone, but I do believe in bashing evil, bashing unjust militarism, and bashing fake patriotism. In a lighter note, we should not denigrate anyone personally in a foul way whether they are in the service or not. I am controversial and that's me with absolutely no regrets. I am not sorry about believing in truth. I have no regrets.

Now, Virginia has its own state and local government. The Constitution of Virginia handles its state legislative, executive, and judicial branches. That is why it is easy to see that actions taken by the state and local governments in Virginia have a direct impact on the everyday lives of Virginia. What is about to be shown is how the 3 branches of the state government is organized and their duties (or functions). The executive branch of Virginia is made up of 3 major statewide elected officials. The Governor is the chief executive officer of the state. He is responsible to oversee the state bureaucracy (or government). The Governor can prepare the biennial state budget. He can oversee the execution of state laws and policies. He proposes legislation and appoints cabinet secretaries. The governor has other functions too like the following: heading up various state agencies and members of policy setting boards plus commissions. Governors can serve for a four year tem, but they can't serve 2 consecutive terms. Like the President, the governor can exercise veto power. The lieutenant governor presides over the Virginia Senate. The Attorney General is to act as a lawyer for the state. He issues non-binding advisory opinions on legal issues and defends the state in legal matters. The General Assembly is a famous term for the legislative branch of Virginia. The General Assembly is the oldest continuous legislative body in the America. The General Assembly is a bicameral (or two-house) law making body. It confirms the governor's appointments, enact laws, pass the budget, and levies taxes to fund the budget. The Senate is made up of 40 members who serve single-member districts based upon population. Senators are elected to the four year terms. The House of Delegates is made up of 100 member representing single member districts based upon population. Members serve two year terms.

The Virginian judicial branch is made up of four levels of courts. Judges are elected by the state legislature for a specific term. The Supreme Court reviews decisions of lower state courts. One is the court of appeals that reviews lower court decisions and state commissions. The circuit courts have original and appellate jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases. General district courts have original jurisdiction in misdemeanor traffic cases and lesser civil cases. Juvenile and domestic relations courts have original jurisdiction in cases involving juveniles. So, the state government of Virginia has a clear outline and its very power in my state of birth. I am a Virginian as you realize already.

Now, we know that there is value in diversity. Diversity can be greatly beneficial to society where there is equity. When you have true equity of opportunity and access for all, diversity is fine in any society. When you have systems of inequality, discrimination, and oppression, then you will have conflicts. When you have the total, complete freedom of association, then human beings can live good, normal, healthy choices. Yet, in order for a real society to come, we have to address racism, inequality, and discrimination. There is still housing discrimination in America. Changing laws are important too. When you change laws and change institutions to make society more egalitarian, then even some reactionary human beings can change to be more receptive toward authentic justice. Giving all human beings educational opportunities, nutrition, and real economic power can benefit all of the people. Even Tim Wise is right to point out the following information: "...They are facial structure, skin color, and hair texture. Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome and those genes have never been shown by any geneticist on the planet, any biologist on the planet, to be connected, or what geneticists call concordant, with any other trait known as intelligence or known as temperament or behavior or ethics or morality or

any of those kinds of things. So even though individuals absolutely have certain genetic predispositions towards everything from certain diseases to the ability to sing, to play music, to jump high, to run fast, theres no reason to believe that those things would cluster on the basis of this thing that we now call race...." That is why we need to continue to advance freedom and not only that. We should advance a radical, revolutionary change of the current system in this world. There huge disparities in income, wealth, education, etc. ought to be eliminated. People of color especially in America have been oppressed and we deserve that justice. Also, racism is not just overt hatred or Jim Crow acts of terror. Racism can be subtle in unfair biases and stereotypical thinking about certain people groups. Racists now ascribe to the lie that cultural flaws exist collectively in minority communities, therefore it is used to justify some in believing in the lie of the inferiority of minorities. Progress in America has slowed, because since the 1970's, we have a decline in heavy industry, we have a real dollar decline, and we have the glamorization of reactionary policies in America. Therefore, the poor now have a harder time coming into the middle class even. Benefits are eroding and jobs are hard to come by. Even for the modern criminal justice system to ban ex-offenders from voting for life even after they have paid their debt to society is unjust. The Sister Michelle Alexander is right to point that out in her book entitled, "The New Jim Crow." Welfare is the new scapegoat that reactionaries use as a means to justify neo-liberal propaganda. The reality is that most black Americans never received benefits from most of these programs. Even at their height, programs like AFDC/TANF never reached more than perhaps 8 percent of black Americans at any given time (now its about 4 percent). Only about 18 percent of black Americans receive food stamps. So, to assume that such programs will cause some cultural dysfunction is fantasy. Also, various Scandinavian nations have higher rates of social spending as a share of their GDP of all income earned. Yet, this massive welfare system for Scandinavia has not caused a massive economic tragedy there at all. The reality is that nutrition for the elderly, rural housing insurance, adoption assistance, Pell Grants for college, disability payments for disabled children, green technology, etc. are not sins at all. They are blessings. Many of the Great Society programs were beginning to work until budgets were cut and the economy shift from manufacturing to a more service economic system (in the 1970's).

Today is 2012, so we desire solutions and not just the exposing of our problems in the world. We don't have to agree with every single issue. Yet, in 2012, people from across the political spectrum want to find common cause on increasingly more issues. There are points of agreements that conservatives, libertarians, liberals, progressives, and independents can all unite it. One is election reform. There should be fair and equal ballot access. A lot of people desire an instant runoff voting for Presidential, U.S. Senate, and gubernatorial elections. Also, there is nothing wrong with hand counted paper ballots for all elections. The new voter ID laws has already restricted many people to either vote or have the swift time to have real voting assess. I oppose these new laws wholeheartedly. We can agree on monetary reform. He can end all derivatives and liquidate all ill gotten assets of people like criminals from Wall Street. We should replace our current debt-based money system with a debt free money system. No-interest filled money can be spent on the production and repair of public goods plus infrastructure (like roads and bridges), jobs, and even a national dividend. Some want new international agreement to have a fixed rate for national currencies. In foreign policy, we can all agree to abolish the CIA (as this group has been involved in

unjust spying and war crimes for decades as documented by Patriots for years), end the war on terror and protect our civil liberties at home (like the abolishing of the Patriot Act, the Military Commission Act, Presidential Directive 51, and other unjust laws). The post 9/11 police state expansion has been a disgrace. Ending the Drug War with all of its corruption, hypocrisy, and police state thuggery has been supported by human beings from across the police spectrum. As for energy police, antitrust action is needed to break up the oil cartel, there should be an expansion of alternative energy, and protecting the environment is vital to help the Earth. Individuals from across the political spectrum would love to abolish corporate personhood and abolish corporate welfare. There is nothing wrong with promoting national sovereignty as well since many countries have the right to oppose the North American integration agenda. That is why many progressives & libertarians (like me) disagree with NAFTA, want to end the Patriot act, want to cut wasteful military spending, want to end unjust wars, want to withdraw from the TWO, and desire to at first audit the FED. Yet, corporatists Democrats and corporatists Republicans oppose these goals since they desire the oligarchy to continue unabated.

In order to make more meaningful change in the world, we have to find what our common ground is and effect change in the globe. Even in 2012, more folks are opposing the international bankers' austerity agenda that will cause havoc in the world. Both major parties have promoted it like the Republicans under the cover of "balancing the budget." Many times when a balanced budget came about, there was a recession. We should have legitimate concerns about debt, but we can't call any deficit as an impossible feat to live a more economically viable life. It's very hypocritical for some to advocate more radically spending on the war on terror, while advocating radical cuts in our domestic services.

In Closing:
For years, people have exposed Austrian economics. Now, even Henry Makow has written about this issue. In 2012, a revolutionary thinking is arising. We aren't going to accept establishment views no matter how it is wrapped up into. I woke up for a while about what Ron Paul and his Austrian economic agenda were really all about. The philosophy of libertarianism has been influenced by many people like Bernard de Mandeville. Peter Goodgame has written about this issue as well. Mandeville believed in following man's carnal desires. Ironically, Satanism believes that man's carnal desires is liberating for man instead of following spiritual righteousness. De Mandeville's "Fable of the Bees" outlines his views conclusively. The elite from the foundations to other groups fund libertarianism. For example, Mises (an architect of modern libertarianism) allied with the globalist Coundenove-Kalergi. Coundenove-Kalergi was a pro-Jesuit agent desiring an European Union like system in the world. Ok, Mandeville was born in the Netherlands in Rotterdam at 1670. He moved into England during the William of Orange's accession to the throne. He was linked to the Blasters and the occult Hell Fire Clubs of the late 1700's England. He wrote satire too. Free marketers like Freidrich von Hayek praise Mandeville as a mastermind and a great psychologist (whose views were before or anticipated those of David Hume, Adam Smith, and Charles Darwin). He loved the Fable of the Bees. Modern Austrian thought came from Carl Menger. Mandeville believes in self interest and the material well being. Austrian economist and theocrat Gary North loved "The Fable of the Bees" as the most important poem in the last 300 years. Mandeville wanted liberty for man to pursue his basest material and carnal instincts. He viewed evil, selfishness, and licentiousness leading into prosperity. That sounds like Satanism to me. According to Mandeville, "Evil is the grand principle that makes us social creatures, the solid basis, the

life and support of all trade and employment without exception." Even Romney said that: "...I'm not concerned about the poor..." Hayek, Mises, and definitely Ayn Rand dismissed altruism and solidarity as hindrances to a society's economic success. In other words, gaining money is more important than loving humanity. That's false since tolerating vice in society can corrupt it. David Rockefeller helped Ludwig von Mises. Mandeville think that there must been poorly educated laborers to maintain a nation's wealth. Following in Mandeville's hoof steps, Mises emphasized that "men are born unequal and that it is precisely their inequality that generates social cooperation and civilization."

I disagree with Mises completely, because all men are created equal.
Anarcho-capitalist Murray Rothbard didn't accept Mandevillie's views, but he wanted parents to have a legal right to not feed their child (or starve them) for having a free market in children. The libertarian Ayn Rand believed that man must have a duty to him primarily and do what he wishes (not to help others). Ayn Rand admirer Ron Paul shows occult hand signs, and is linked to a Masonic GLO. When you see Marxism and Austrianism, you see a pattern. Both ideologies oppose nationalism, some of their members have hostility toward religious expression, and they support unrestricted free trade. Marxism/Communism and Austrianism are 2 sides of the Hegelian Dialectic. It's more powerful than the Left/Right paradigm since more people are escaping that paradigm daily (but not on economic issues). Libertarianism is right to promote individual liberty and freedom for human beings. Libertarianism (in my opinion) is wrong in denying that public power can help humanity or that any strong government intervention is wrong. Some have exploited libertarianism as a means to advance social Darwinianism or a dog eat dog philosophy. This doesn't mean that the government should control all aspects of society. That's tyranny. Yet, the government should protect people's liberty, have defense, use taxes, build up vital infrastructure, and promote the general welfare of the people. That is why if Ron Paul takes 1 trillion dollars out of the budget, this will cause a deflationary depression overnight. People will take to the streets. The poorer 99% will pay for this policy as well. Now, we live in a new era of politics. People want to be free. They desire to free in America. They desire to be free in Europe when the Berlin Wall fell down. There were revolutionaries who fought to defeat apartheid in then fascistic South Africa. Then, Mandela came to be the first black African President of South Africa. During the 1960's, students and the youth fought for liberation in South Africa, Asia, and America. Today, many followers of the Occupy Movement have protested to demand economic fairness, and end to the war on terror, and real populist solutions to our present economic inequality. The insurgent workers in Wisconsin even began a new revitalization of the labor movement. For years, the labor movement has been dormant. Not anymore, since labor groups are strongly

advancing the call for collective bargaining all over the nation. I am an egalitarian. In other words, I believe that all human beings are equal in the qualities of mind and character. There are, in the human race, people who are unjust, just, wise, and ignorant people. There is a common humanity and the inherit dignity of the human personality. That is all the more reason for us to not degrade a human being, because of his or her physical differences, personality differences, socioeconomic differences, preferences, or backgrounds. Therefore, a person being different is no sin. We should not only love our neighbor as we love ourselves, but give all of our neighbors equal rights & equal treatment under the law. Decades ago, there was huge Jim Crow racism and exploitation. That experience was cruel, nefarious, and outright repugnant. Today, racism still exists in the world and we should fight against it now. Yet, our issues are more complex now in 2012. We live in a world where folks of every ethnicity are wearing unique clothes, unique hairstyles, and they are living in unique lifestyles (in an unparalleled fashion). This is especially common place inside of this New Atlantis of the United States of America. There is economic injustice affecting a wide spectrum of people. This economic suffering affects the poor, people of every color, and people of every background or preference. There are people struggling to pay for health care. Some folks have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to corporate insurance companies just to survive. There is an exorbitant amount of school debt that folks have to pay. We have to deal with trade issues. Before Dr. King died, he created a multiracial coalition to promote the interests of the dispossessed. Dr. Martin Luther King's Poor Peoples Campaign even desired an Economic Bill of Rights to allow the federal government to be made accountable for its crimes against the poor in the USA. I do make critiques on the liberal establishment on occasion. I do not condemn sincere progressives in the Occupy Movement that want to make progressive changes in American society. Likewise, I have a profound respect for individuals that desire to maintain the right of innocent human beings to bear arms and to love individual liberties in general. Therefore, I will always place my views in a national and intentional context. Even Malcolm X before he died made a radical critique of capitalism as a foundation of racism (like Dr. Martin Luther King believed. Dr. King felt that we should embrace a people oriented society instead of a thing oriented society). Modern day Goldwaters like Ron Paul may be correct on various issues, but they are not accurate on their denials of public solutions being vital in helping the human race. For charity and private industries alone can never solve poverty or promote full individual liberty. You need active public and private services available for the people in order for humans to develop their own standard of living. True human rights ought not to be divided into 50 different interpretations (among the 50 states of America), but it should be uniform across the board in the American nation including the world. Freedom ought to be demanded. Dr. King indeed was right to promote "...a RADICAL REDISTRIBUTION or economic and political power." The government is by of, and for the people, so people have the right to make demands on the government to genuinely make solutions in the world. I have to do what is right. When you show the

truth, your thinking becomes more resolute, it becomes clearer, and more able to discern reality.

By Timothy

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