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Lesson Plan

Topic: Properties of Water

Teachers: Eric Meyers, Ms. Rosemarie Wilson 11, 2011

Date: July

Subject: Unit: 2


Unit 2: The Chemistry of living things Topic: Properties of Water Focus: Density Lesson Type: Inquiry Lab 3.1.1 organic chemical compounds the properties of water (polarity, density, cohesion, adhesion, and universal solvent 3.1.2 chemical activity in organisms 1.5.1summarize data/measurement/observations1.3.1 develop and demonstrate skills in using lab and field equipment to perform investigative techniques. 1.5.6 read a technical selection and interpret it appropriately.

Core Learning Goals:


Students will be able to: Describe the unique properties of water Demonstrate safe laboratory techniques Demonstrate ability to pose scientific questions Demonstrate ability to suggest investigative approaches to provide answers to scientific questions. Define and give examples of density
DRILL/Focus Question: Use Your Science Writing JournalYou have just started a summer job at BWI airport. You see this jar in a plastic bag sitting on the Floor. Text a message to your DHS supervisor. Describe in as much detail as possible what you see. Include the materials it is made of. Explain how you think it was made. List any scientific principles it is based on.



Accommodations: Repetitions, preferential seating, Large text, Allow extra response time Engagement:

Introduction: Today, scientists use a combination of biology and chemistry for their understanding of life and life processes. Thus, an understanding of some chemistry of living things is necessary. ....Show various photographs or (video clip) of a density tower Pre-assess student knowledge by discussion of focus question

Direct Instruction:

Accommodations: Repetitions, preferential seating, Large text, Allow extra response time Exploration: Review safety procedures for this activity. Put students in groups of 3 4 using grouping cards.

Students will build a density tower Emphasize safety, and inquiry concepts Accommodations: Repetitions, preferential seating, Large text, Allow extra response time Guided Practice:

Explanation: (Use SQ3R) for reading assignments Use web-based research and computer simulations to review density concepts. Present density powerpoint as an individual computer activity. TAKE notes on important information. Students choose to write or type notes. Checking for Understanding: POST - LAB
DISCUSSION . DISCUSS why the experiment works. Students should understand that the least dense liquid is the one that stays on top. ASK students what would have happened if they had poured the liquids into the jar in a different order. HAVE students give other examples of Density

Accommodations: Give instructions orally and writing, extra time Extension:

Independent Practice: Homeland Security Component Part II HOMELAND SECURITY COMPONENT Objectives: LIST ways DHS protects our Country DISCUSS three divisions and their missions LIST possible careers available with DHS Procedure Present information on Homeland security missions; Emergency Response and Chemical /Biology division.

Students are given 2 challenges related to DHS Student Activities/Student Projects: Students do computer research to complete the challenges. Counterfeit coins BP oil spill and clean-up Wrap-up-Student groups present their findings.

Accommodations: Give instructions orally and writing, extra time and pairing with a more proficient student

Students participation during discussion. Written answers in journal ANSWER . What is Homeland Security?
What key role did Homeland Security play in the BP oil spill? What would you have done IF you were head of the Homeland Security during this national crisis? What is Density? Write a formula for density. The most important thing I learned from this activity was ________________

Homework: Closure/Summary:

Accommodations: Prompting and Extra response time None Review

In your Journal WRITE a (0ne page) 120-word INVESTIGATIVE REPORT on how you solved your challenge.

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