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The Medical Aid Project is a charity organisation branch of Towards International Medical Equality at the University of Queensland. This is a not for profit entity, with a mission statement focused on creating and fostering ongoing relationships with hospitals in developing communities in an attempt to facilitate long-term improvements in the health of the people they serve.

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Mission Statement .............................................................................................................................. 2 Project Goals ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Orientation 2012 ................................................................................................................................. 2 Soft Drink Fundraiser .............................................................................................................................. 3 Concept ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Monetary ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Logistics ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Publicity ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Other Fundraisers ................................................................................................................................... 4 Hot Chocolate ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Bake Sale ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Zooper Doopers .................................................................................................................................. 5 Bubble Tea .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Hospital Relations ................................................................................................................................... 5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Contacts ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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As a part of Towards International Medical Equality (TIME) at the University of Queensland, the Medical Aid Project (MAP) seeks to raise funds and awareness in order to encourage ongoing relationships with third world hospitals in order to assist in long-term improvements in regional population health. The many UQ medical students undertaking placements in needy areas around the world identify communities for the Medical Aid Project to work with. Through liaising with these communities to understand their needs and health status, and through the sourcing and provision of medical supplies and health initiatives to these communities, students gain an appreciation of the importance of global health issues while simultaneously raising local awareness and addressing the immediate needs of many grateful communities worldwide.

MAP has clearly defined project goals, and they are to: 1. Engage with members of developing communities and assist them in breaking the cycle of poverty. 2. Provide a platform for students to engage with global health issues through facilitating access to medical equipment and supplies for the purposes of donating them to the hospitals and developing communities our Project supports. 3. Establish the Medical Aid Project as a reputable avenue for individuals and parties desiring to provide goods for the purposes of medical aid and relief. 4. Assess and maintain the ethics and responsibilities of the project to ensure its activities follow best practice in serving the health and welfare interests of the communities we aim to help.

Traditionally being powered by first year medical students with guidance from previous volunteers, this year was no different. At the orientation meeting on Friday 24 February 2012, a significant number of enthusiastic students were present interested in helping in this organisation. A comprehensive introduction was provided by the Convenor, Sam Edwards, outlining all relevant information to the Project. Members were then selected for different positions. These appointments can be found on page 6. Minutes of this meeting can be obtained by contacting Secretary Sam Yuan.

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The concept behind having a soft drink fundraiser is simple. The MAP team decided that such a venture would have a low risk yet high reward payoff structure. This is because of many reasons: Cans of soft drink are readily accessible These goods have extended expiry dates Thus any unsold goods may be sold at a later time Price is relatively low and quantity flexible Delivery of goods is streamlined Product is popular among student demographics Return on Investment is large

As a result of contemplating these issues, it was decided that selling soft drinks at the university would be able to raise needed funds for this project. The date of the inaugural event will be Friday 2 March 2012, and start fifteen minutes prior to the 2pm mandatory lecture outside Hawken Engineering Lecture Theatre.

One of the perceived benefits of this scheme is the low unit cost and relatively high return on investment. Using data accurate to 28 February 2012 and Woolworths as the supplier, the following calculations can be made. 72 cans of Coca Cola brand soda can be purchased for $45.00 (on special), resulting in a unit pricing of $0.625. At a projected sale price of $2.00 per can, which is the standard retail price at many retailers and food outlets, we can project to make a significant 220% profit on each can. This of course is assuming no external costs, and that all products are sold. Nonetheless, this indicates that this is not only a viable venture; it is a great fundraising concept. Additionally, if the Kirks brand of soft drink is purchased, they have a cost of $4.24 for 10 cans, which is a unit pricing of $0.424 per can. If these can be also sold at the projected price of $2.00 a can, we can expect to make an approximate 370% profit on the sale of each soda. Again equal assumptions are made, but addition of this brand of soft drink would not only boost our fundraising revenue, but product differentiation may promote sales. As aforementioned, additional costs are to be incurred, but they are relatively insignificant. Those would be transport of these goods along with eskies and ice. The latter does cost only a couple of dollars per bag, so any peripheral expenditure is at a minimum. It must be noted that prices quoted are not the regular prices advertised by the supermarkets, and were valid only to 28 February 2012. Obviously prices may change in the future, and this would alter the outcome. Thus due diligence to purchase goods when they are on sale should be undertaken, and bulk purchases made during these times.

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Following purchase of the required products, they should be delivered and temporarily stored in the PBL rooms or alternatively in a staff members room. Provided that they are placed above the lockers in the PBL workrooms accompanied by a sign stating that they are for charity fundraising, the chance that they will be disrupted is negligible. Transport of the eskies and ice should occur on the day, with members who have access to their personal vehicle be encouraged to assist. Again, arrangements can be flexible and any risk is at a minimum. In terms of set up prior to the sale, only minimal infrastructure is required. There are flat surfaces provided by the seating adjacent to the entrances of the lecture theatre, and they can be used for all financial transactions. However, a money box and small change would be useful to have during this process.

The adept student liaison team should seek to promote this event in whatever avenue they deem most suitable. The conventional approach would include announcing this the day before at a lecture on Thursday, which is from 8am to 10am. Advertising should be neatly available at discretion.

Several other fundraisers have been proposed, and investigations are ongoing into the feasibility of such ventures. Some are from previous years, whereas others are original ideas that will hopefully be able to raise plenty of funds.

Initially suggested since this was done last year, but had limited success due to planning shortsightedness, this is a very possible venture this year. However, due to seasonal considerations, it has been decided to postpone any development towards later in the year when cooler climates would encourage purchase of this good. Nonetheless, it has been noted that it logistically more challenging, and needs more planning and this will be addressed.

A classic fundraising program, this had significant success in previous years, and this years team are strongly considering continuing this event. This would require significant time and planning, as well as the altruistic efforts and donations of others. Regardless, it is believed that by following the steps of success in previous years, those revenues can be replicated.

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Simple analysis shows that selling Zooper Dooper Ice Blocks (ZDs) would likely be very profitable. This is because pricing at Woolworths is $6.99 for a pack of 48 ice blocks, which translates to a unit pricing of $0.15 per treat. If we were to market these at $0.50 per ZD, then the profit percentage would be over 240%. This is similar to that of selling Coca Cola variety soft drinks. The logistics of this venture are similar, but transport of the goods themselves would be relatively easier. The tradeoff is these need to be frozen at least 24 hours before hand, although there are several refrigerators in Building 69 on campus available for use. Low risks of theft apply, although may be elevated due to a more public access, thus necessary precautions must be taken. This product may be seasonally limited to the warmer months, which should seek to hasten any plans to introduce this line into the fundraising arsenal.

As with ZDs, bubble tea hits a niche area since it is not available on campus despite well publicised high demand for the product in the student demographic. The closest alternative is Boost Juice, which retails at around $6.00 for large servings. This is the premise of bubble tea, which can be purchased for around $3.00 at Sunnybank stores, and if this was to be sold for $6.00, then a significant absolute profit can be made by the sale of each unit. However, the percentage profit is evidently lower than in other ventures, and this may be a detriment, as well as the higher cost for the product despite it offering the greatest value. Logistically would be challenging since there would be a pressure to sell them all for fear of expiry, thus under ordering of goods may occur. Transport would also be less flexible. This good tends to be more polarising than the others, having strong appeal in certain groups with limited upside to others. This may be exploited by adjusting the approach in many facets, but ultimately this is a higher risk venture with greater initial outlay.

Hospital Liaisons with the assistance of other team members will visit major hospitals, the Princess Alexandra Hospital along with Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital on 1 March 2012. Access to the inventory storage facilities will be provided by Inventory members.

The TIME MAP 2012 has had a tremendous beginning with a group of enthusiastic individuals motivated to work on this team to reach our mission objectives. Fundraising is well underway, and is catalysing the results of the group. Meetings are schedule regularly, with the next one yet to be announced.

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MEDICAL AID PROJECT CONTACTS Secretary Sam Yuan Hospital Liaison Zheyi Teoh Shipping Coordinator Hans Tseng

Treasurer Gowthri Ragunathan

Hospital Liaison Emily Shao

Inventory Charlotte Piesse

Student Liaison Tarryn Minto

Hospital Liaison Ridhwan Shams

Inventory Charlotte Rumin

Student Liaison Johnson Huang

Clinical Liaison Nadine Abov Eisha

Convenor Sam Edwards

Events Coordinator Cecilia Xu

Clinical Liaison Melissa Dietz

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