Confidential: National University of Singapore (Nus) Health Screening Report

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Print Date: Friday, February 24, 2012 Our Ref: DMS/HS/G3533618X S/N:PD726B594 Mr. VU AN HOA Block 9A #08-144 Ghim Moh Road SINGAPORE 271009

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your participation in the health screening exercise conducted on Tue, 14 Feb 2012. We are pleased to enclose the results for your perusal. As advised in accordance with a Ministry of Health (MOH) advisory issued August 2011, any person undergoing general health screening is to be attended to by a medical practitioner when the screening results are available. Any follow-up where necessary, is to be arranged. You are advised to follow up within 1 month of receiving your results unless otherwise notified. A referral letter is attached for your use when consulting your doctor. If you had earlier opted to consult a Dayspring doctor, our staff will call or email to arrange for an appointment.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated as BMI (kg/m2) = Weight in kg /[Height in m]2. WHO Classification WHO BMI cut-off Cardiovascular Asian BMI cut-off 14/02/12
Your weight Your Height Body Mass Index

51.1 kg 1.68 m 18.11 kg/m2

Underweight Normal Overweight Pre-obese Obese Class I Obese Class II Obese Class III

points for definition <18.5 18.5 to 24.9 25 25 to 29.9 30 to 34.9 35 to 39.9 40

disease risk Low Moderate High Very High

points for action (kg/m2) <18.5 18.5 to 22.9 23 to 27.4 27.5 to 32.4 32.5 to 37.4 37.5

* Although the cut-points for action based on the risk of co-morbid diseases are lower among Asians, retention of the international WHO classification to define weight category in Asians has been recommended.


According to the WHO classification of adults BMI, your BMI reading places you in the UNDERWEIGHT category. Being underweight puts you at risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis. Do eat a balance of food from the basic food groups: 5-7 servings of rice and alternatives (eg noodles, bread, potato) for energy, and 2-3 servings of meat and alternatives (such as fish, milk, cheese, beans, bean products). For Asians, your ideal body weight range is 52.21 to 64.63 kg. For Non-Asians, your ideal body weight range is 52.21 to 70.28 kg.

Your blood pressure was recorded 115 / 63 mmHg.

Category Normal High Normal

Systolic BP Diastolic BP <130 <80 130 to 139 80 to 89


Page 1 of 4 Dayspring Health Screeners, 290 Orchard Road, #16-10, Paragon Tower Lobby 2, Singapore 238859. For Enquiries: 6339 9339 or email, Appointment Hotline: 6838 0123, Website:


Your blood pressure reading falls in the category of Normal.

Grade 1 Hypertension 140 to 159 Grade 2 Hypertension 160 Isolated Systolic Hypertension 140

90 to 99 100 <90

* Isolated systolic hypertension is graded according to the same level of systolic BP.


To continue maintaining a healthy blood pressure, continue to moderate the amount of salt and fat intake in your diet, maintain a healthy weight and have your blood pressure checked annually.

Your waist measurement is 62 cm. According to the WHO classification, your reading places you in the normal group. If you are an Asian, your reading places you in the normal group.
Cholesterol Profile Your results Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol

Guideline WHO Male 102cm Female 88cm

Asia Pacific Consensus 90cm 80cm


141 47 79 Total/HDL Ratio 3.0 Triglycerides 73 Your Total Cholesterol level falls within the Desirable range. Your HDL level falls within the Desirable range. Your LDL level falls within the Optimal range. Your Total/HDL ratio is Normal. Your Triglyceride level falls within the Optimal range.

Total Cholesterol Desirable Borderline High High HDL Low Desirable High LDL Optimal Desirable Borderline High High Very High Total / HDL Ratio Normal High Triglycerides Optimal Desirable High Very High

mmol/L mg/dL < 5.2 < 200 5.2 to 6.1 200 to 239 6.2 240 mmol/L mg/dL < 1.0 < 40 1.0 to 1.5 40 to 59 1.6 60 mmol/L mg/dL < 2.6 < 100 2.6 to 3.3 100 to 129 3.4 to 4.0 130 to 159 4.1 to 4.8 160 to 189 4.9 190 mmol/L < 4.5 4.5 mmol/L mg/dL < 1.7 < 150 1.7 to 2.2 150 to 199 2.3 to 4.4 200 to 399 4.5 400


Your cholesterol profile is acceptable. Whilst total cholesterol levels are important, we do look at the HDL and LDL components for assessment of cardiovascular risks. HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) helps to lower our risk of heart disease. Higher levels are desirable and are achieved through regular exercise. LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) deposits in vessel walls and worsen cardiac risk. We should always try to choose fish and skinless poultry over saturated fats, and aim to consume more fibre such as fruits and vegetables. Keeping to our recommended weight and exercising regularly will also go a long way towards good health. Blood Glucose Your blood glucose level is normal. There is no evidence of diabetes noted.


To effectively manage the problem of high cholesterol, doctors vary the treatment based on the
S/N:PD726B594 Page 2 of 4 Dayspring Health Screeners, 290 Orchard Road, #16-10, Paragon Tower Lobby 2, Singapore 238859. For Enquiries: 6339 9339 or email, Appointment Hotline: 6838 0123, Website:


person's risk profile. In general, a person is classified according to their risk of developing heart disease or heart attack in the next 10 years.This risk is assessed based on the presence of modifiable and non-modifiable factors as listed below:
Non-Modifiable Risk Factors Modifiable Risk Factors

Pre-existing heart disease Diabetes mellitus Stroke, artherosclorosis, peripheral arterial disease or abdominal aneurysm Age - Men above the age of 45 years, and women above the age of 55 years First degree relative in the family with heart disease (male developing heart disease at age below 55 years; female at age below 65 years) Indian race

High cholesterol (total and LDL) Low HDL Cigarette smoking High blood pressure, or already on hypertension medication

Accordingly, a person will be categorized under the high, intermediate or low risk group, and the target LDL levels are more stringent with increasing risk.

Table:Lipid goal levels in three risk group categories

Categories Low Risk Group Intermediate Risk Group High Risk Group 10yearCHDRisk LDLCholesterol mmol/L(mg/dL) Triglyceridemmol/L (mg/dL) HDLCholesterol mmol/L(mg/dL)

< 10% 10-20% > 20%

<4.1 (160) <3.4 (130) < 2.6 (100)

<2.3 (200) <2.3 (200) <2.3 (200)

>=1.0 (40) >=1.0 (40) >=1.0 (40)

Based on the results of the Lifestyle Survey and Health Screening parameters, you fall within the Low risk group. This means that your risk of developing myocardial infarction or coronary death in the next 10 years is less than 10%. Accordingly, your target cholesterol levels should be as follows: LDL <160 mg/dl (4.1 mmol/l) TG <200 mg/dl (2.3 mmol/l) HDL > 40 mg/dl (1.0 mmol/l) Whilst you may be unable to alter the non-modifiable ones, do take special effort to minimize your modifiable risk factors with healthy dietary, exercise and lifestyle habits. Once again, we thank you for your participation.
Note:The10YearCHDRiskScoreforChinese,MalayandIndianmalesandfemalesinSingaporearederivedfromtheFramingham basedNCEPATPIII10YearRiskScoreTableswhichhavebeenmodifiedtakingintoaccounttheSingaporecardiovascular epidemiologicaldata.ThismodificationwascarriedoutaspartofacollaborationbetweeninvestigatorsattheSingaporeMinistryof Health,SingaporeGeneralHospital,NationalUniversityofSingaporeandProf.RalphBD'AgostinofromtheFraminghamHeartStudy, USA. Sincethereareinsufficientdataforotherethnicminorities,itisrecommendedthatthe10YearCHDRiskScoreforthelowestriskgroup (i.e.Chinese)beusedfortheseindividuals.


We have enclosed the results and interpretation of your investigations for your retention. Should you have any queries, please refer to:
S/N:PD726B594 Page 3 of 4 Dayspring Health Screeners, 290 Orchard Road, #16-10, Paragon Tower Lobby 2, Singapore 238859. For Enquiries: 6339 9339 or email, Appointment Hotline: 6838 0123, Website:


Note: No definite diagnoses may be made from the test results alone. If there are abnormal findings, please consult your physician for follow-up. In addition, normal screening test results may not necessarily mean that you do not have a disease. You are advised to attend health checks on a regular basis.


Page 4 of 4 Dayspring Health Screeners, 290 Orchard Road, #16-10, Paragon Tower Lobby 2, Singapore 238859. For Enquiries: 6339 9339 or email, Appointment Hotline: 6838 0123, Website:

Dear Medical Practitioner, Our client, VU AN HOA, NRIC/FIN G3533618X, has just completed a health screening with us. This letter is issued to facilitate our client in follow-up arrangements required upon release of health screening results, in accordance with a MOH Advisory pertaining to this matter. Our client has opted to consult you on the screening results. We would appreciate your kind attendance to consultation of our client for the health screening results. Thank you. Please call us on 6339 9339 if you need further clarification.

Warmest regards,

Dayspring Corporate Wellness Pte Ltd (This letter is computer-generated. A signature is not required)

Quest Laboratories Pte Ltd

(Co.Reg.No: 199500124E)

Core Lab/Administration: 67 Ubi Ave 1, Nth Wing #0701 to 07, 09 & 10 Starhub Green Singapore 408942. Tel: 6275 5501 Fax: 62770220 Satellite Lab: 290 Orchard Road #1609, The Paragon Singapore 238859. Tel: 6737 2788 Fax: 6887 3249 LABORATORY REPORT



VU AN HOA I/C G3533618X 22 Years Male Ref No: PD726B594 PD726

Quest Ref: PD726

[ E10 ]

Request Date: 14/02/12 Print Date: 15/02/12 Lab No: 12-7122794 Run: 18412-4 Last Page


LIPID PROFILE Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol Cholesterol/HDL Ratio Triglycerides

RESULT 141 47 79 3.0 73

UNIT mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL

REF.RANGE (< 200) (> 40) (< 130) (< 4.51) (< 200)

( ) ( ) /



UNIT mmol/L

REF.RANGE (3.9 - 6.0)

This is a computer generated report. No signature required. All results should be correlated/interpreted with patients clinical findings.

Dr. Tan Hong Wui

Pathologist, Medical Director

Dr. Ivy Chew


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